Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Understanding the Nekyro
Da Afterstormer
Here at the Valve Animal Research lab, we have found an entirely new species of Pyro! We hope to breed these and let them flourish into the TF2 universe.
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What is a 'Nekyro'?
A Nekyro (Neko + Pyro) is a new type of Pyro that has recently been discovered. Unlike the Pyroshark, these species are completely docile and will get along with any people that cross its path, unless they're another Nekyro, in which case they will brawl with each other to see who is the leader.

If a Nekyro has found a person that they share a close bond with, they will stay by their side all the time and act as their bodyguard. If their 'owner' gets attacked, they will lash out at the assaulter. On uncommon occasions, they will tend to get along with other Nekyro's, only if they're with an owner as well.
How does one become a Nekyro?
Becoming a Nekyro is fairly easy, since you only need 1 cosmetic and 2 weapons.

The cosmetic you will need is the newly released 'Cat's Pajamas' which is a hood for the Pyro that resembles a cat's head.

The weapons you will need are:

1.) Any flamethrower. (Since you won't really be using it. I mean, have you ever seen a cat use fire? And no, games, movies and books don't count, smartass)

2.) The Thermal Thruster. (Cats are known for jumping quite high in the air and get themselves trapped in high places, such as trees.)

3.) The Back Scratcher. (This is the closest melee weapon that resembles claws. Cats also don't tend to rely on people, hence the reduced Medigun healing. They also love to hunt, which is why the medipacks scattered around the map increase their health more.)

If you got all the items, your Nekyro should look a little something like this:
What to do if you encounter a Nekyro.
If you're wandering through 2fort and you encounter one of these, DON'T harm them, or they will attack. Instead, either leave them be, or give them something to eat, such as a Sandvich. They will start to trust you and eventually, may follow you. This signals that you are their 'owner' and they will put their lives on the line to protect you.

If you find someone else who has a Nekyro following them, don't risk harming them, as the Nekyro will lash out at you along with the person you attacked. Instead compliment them on having a cute Nekyro and, if you have one, introduce one another, they may get along or start a fight.
What if I'm a Nekyro?
If you magically turn into a Nekyro due to Section 2, then you just need to follow this Section to become an official new species and help us with further research on these fascinating creatures!

Firstly, don't attack anyone unless they provoke, scare, or attack your owner. Remember that most Nekyro's don't like water, so avoid it at all costs, unless you're a special snowflake that can tolerate it.

If you find another Nekyro that is being taunted at by that one lime Scout, you can go and help by attacking the harasser and saving your fellow species.

Nekyro's also like to hunt in groups, that is, if they get along. So find some Nekyro's and form a pack together, as one Nekyro is not enough to defeat every pink Soldier main in existence.
Last little bit
Well, that's all from me, and I hope that you contribute in mass producing these species so they become successful and be able to meet the more common friendlies, such as the Hoovy and Spycrab.

Remember: If you help a Nekyro, they will help you in return!
10 commenti
MadeLobster_YT 9 giu 2018, ore 15:47 
and i am late:steamhappy::steamfacepalm::steamfacepalm:
MadeLobster_YT 9 giu 2018, ore 15:19 
for the other slots i sudgest the pyro vishon goggles [cant spell] so you have blue eyes
then the jingle belt bc it looks like the coller have fun

Afterstormer  [autore] 30 dic 2017, ore 5:49 
We're still researching about these species, and we may find more information on them sooner or later.

Who knows? Maybe they'll evolve and gain new features later on!
LiGhT's Bird 30 dic 2017, ore 4:01 
Probably that's the only cosmetic enough to be a Nekyro for now. Just be wild with the remaining 2 slots.
des_solatius 29 dic 2017, ore 22:13 
I like this, would there be any more cosmetics to add or just the Cat's Pajamas and leave it at that?
Lassie 28 dic 2017, ore 14:18 
That's true, but I'm still too poor for it, so I'm just half-Nekyro
Afterstormer  [autore] 28 dic 2017, ore 13:55 
Not as expensive as becoming a Pootis Bird though.
Lassie 28 dic 2017, ore 7:49 
That cosmetic is so damn expensive
LiGhT's Bird 25 dic 2017, ore 5:48 
What if I am a Nekyro the Catdeer?
Ligmatron Sexosul 24 dic 2017, ore 14:26 
so they're hentai fuel