243 평점
Enhanced Beginning
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24.504 KB
2017년 12월 21일 오후 10시 05분
2018년 1월 1일 오전 2시 40분
변경 사항 10개 ( 보기 )

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Enhanced Beginning

Sick of mining aimlessly for hours on your first planet? Frustrated after starving to death for the fiftieth time? Tired of relying on chests for weapons that aren't terrible? This mod is dedicated to making your first planet less of a grind, while retaining a similar challenge level. You shouldn't have to play six hours to get to the good bits!

1.1 Update
Pickaxes won the vote by 56% to 44%, so as of Version 1.1, your matter manipulator is back to normal--but you can now craft improvised pickaxes at the foraging table with 20 cobblestone and 20 timber. These break very quickly, so be sure to have a good stock of timber and cobblestone on you!

- No more rushing on the first day - start with a sleeping bag, salves and seeds in your ship locker
- Quicker mining - craft low-durability pickaxes with cobblestone and timber
- Craft a flintlock with iron bars, timber and volatile powder at the anvil
- Craft a weak hoe from cobblestone, timber and plant fibre at the foraging table
- Have a fighting chance against nighttime mobs - broken broadsword is slightly sharper
- Build faster - logs are broken down to 8 timber blocks instead of 5
- Volatile powder can be crafted from flares

This is my first mod, so all feedback on balance, bugs etc. is deeply appreciated!
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2017년 12월 28일 오후 8시 17분
[Poll] 50% Matter Manipulator boost or pickaxe crafting recipe?
댓글 79
King of dying comedically 2021년 11월 15일 오전 4시 58분 
you sir, are a gamer.
Somecraft 2021년 5월 12일 오전 2시 01분 
huh cut's the grind and makes life better over all many thanks
CG573 2019년 9월 7일 오전 1시 42분 
Does my save break if I import it to an already existing save?
ZyStardust 2019년 6월 4일 오후 12시 46분 
I subscribed religously.
Syrett 2018년 7월 8일 오후 3시 57분 
cool and good
Super Brasilis 2018년 3월 18일 오전 10시 33분 
God bless who made this mod
Super Brasilis 2018년 3월 18일 오전 10시 32분 
Pengoot 2018년 3월 10일 오후 8시 12분 
Hm... Where have i had this problem before
"Could you plese get me 10 silver bars?"
Me: OK
1 hour later*
This. Is. awful.
God sent that man to kill me. I actually died trying to find stuff.
pine sol 2018년 2월 6일 오후 1시 07분 
crashes my game. I dont get any error log. i dont care to get this fixed, just thought i should inform my shitty computer friends that this might crash your game:)
Acidicnut 2018년 1월 26일 오전 5시 46분 
frackin universe compatible or naw