Blueprint Tycoon

Blueprint Tycoon

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[HowTo] BT's Scenario Editor explained (WIP)
By Chaos234
This Guide will guide you through the Scenario Editor (SE) from Blueprint Tycoon (BT).
I decided to make it, because the SE is a bit hard to understand and things can go wrong fastly.

I hope that this will help you :)
Hello together,

in this guide I'll explain how the Scenario Editor (short: SE) works.

Now you have two options:
  • Follow the written Guide
  • Watch my YouTube Tutorial Series (will follow soon/planned)*

To not confuse you, I'll split the written Guide exactly like the YouTube Guide which means that there will be the following sections:

  • BT's Scenario Editor, Part I: First look; The GUI explained
  • BT's Scenario Editor, Part II: Creating our first Island(s), Objectivs, Missions and Contracts
  • BT's Scenario Editor, Part III: Making your own recipe or editing an existing one and Goods Types
  • BT's Scenario Editor, Part IV: Mostly done, last six points to go
  • BT's Scenario Editor, Part V: Only five buttons left
  • BT's Scenario Editor, Part VI: Final! Our first Scenario!

Parts I - V covering all visable buttons and what you can do with them. Part VI will then the creation of the first playable Scenario which I'll also upload to the games Workshop.

I hope that I can help many of you and if so I wish you luck and fun creating nice Scenarios. :)

*) The problem here is, that it could be possible that you don't understand me since I am from germany but I'll give it a try and my best and if things are going horrible wrong please send me a message or smth. similar so that I can release a fixed version of it.

Hint: I'll release this Guide even if it isn't finished yet. Why? Because it contains first informations with which you already can work. Part I is finished, Part II will follow after I am back from work. I hope to finish this Guide (written version) before X-Mas.
BT's Scenario Editor, Part I: First look; The GUI explained
In this Part I'll explain you how you access the SE, what you can see and for what each symbol stands.

At first you should either save your current game (if you are curently playing one) and go back to the games menu or you should start Blueprint Tycoon and in the main menu select then "Scenario Editor":

Now you can choose to create a new scenario or edit an existing one:

If you choos "New Scenario" you have to define a name for that Scenario and hit "Ok" and then your Screen looks like the following images:

If you choose "Edit Scenario" you can edit an existing Scenario which includes all six default Scenarios, like you can see in the next screens (I have choosen the last Scenario to edit):

Now you are directly in the SE and could do what ever you wanted to ... do ... ... ... but how?
How can I change things? What can I change? And what are all of those icons?

Don't get shocked because it isn't hard if you read the hover texts when you hover with your mouse over a button. But to not let you do this to have even more questions left, here is an screen with letters and a short description to each letter:

A) This button is for editing the hole map which includes all islands which you have created.
B) Those are Objectives which you can add.
C) Here you can define Missions (don't assume much from them).
D) Button to edit/add Contracts which means in general Goods which you can sell for profit.
E) The imigae for this does not fit (my opinion) but it stands for all available recipes, incl. there Blueprints which you can edit. You can also remove them, or create new ones.
F) At this place you define all available Goods. Note, that default Goodscan not be removed but you can add the same Goods twice only with different settings. Don't forget to select later the correct Good and not the default one if not wanted. ;)
G) Ever wanted that you must research wood before you can get and use it? Whith this option it is possibe because it controlls all Researches which you want to have in your Scenario.
H) The Workers option window where you can only edit a few things.
I) I smeel expensive costs to build a Marketplace. ^^ - Here you can edit the costs of non-editable building, like the Marketplaces, Houses, Ships and so on. Don't make it to expensive :P
J) Besides a few required buildings you can define here much more buildings which the player should have at the beginning of the scenario.
K) This symbol should be selfexplained as it is used in the game to setup Routes. Means that you can predefine Routes if wanted.
L) A nice feature comes here. You can define Popups and/or Sidemessages which are triggered e. g. when a Mission is available/resolved (or much more). This could give your Scenario a nice life touch. ;)
M) Here you can define your Islands which should be available in your Scenario. At this point you should now that each new island is generated as a square which does noct realy looks like an island. You have to use the A) again to make changes on it.
N) General, editable informations about your Scenario.
O) ESC Menu to e. g. leave the editor.
P) Upload your finished Sceanrio. Please read also the message on the window before you upload your Scenario because it can not be updated after it is published (maybe you can delete and reupload it).
Q) Saves all your changes which you made.
R & S) With the cross at the R) you can move your Island at any position which suits you. With the arrow at S) you can resize your island until it suits you.

Now you have a first look into the SE and what it provides for you.
The next part will be released a bit later due to work. After I am back I'll continue with this Guide but I hope that this first pice helps you a bit. ;)
BT's Scenario Editor, Part II: Creating our first Island(s), Objectivs, Missions and Contracts
BT's Scenario Editor, Part III: Making your own recipe or editing an existing one and Goods Types
BT's Scenario Editor, Part IV: Mostly done, last six points to go
BT's Scenario Editor, Part V: Only five buttons left
BT's Scenario Editor, Part VI: Final! Our first Scenario!
wath eryhwe werghl;l; 17 Apr, 2019 @ 9:13am 
wath eryhwe werghl;l; 17 Apr, 2019 @ 7:24am 
wath eryhwe werghl;l; 17 Apr, 2019 @ 7:24am 
How do you Edit Fertility?
La Kato 1 Dec, 2018 @ 6:44pm 
Take as long as you want man
Chaos234  [author] 30 Nov, 2018 @ 7:36pm 
Hey La Kato,

I am back and sorry for the missing How To ... my pump from my water cooling system was broken so I did a re-purchcase which has taken a while.

Also I have work today so it will be available a bit later.
La Kato 25 Nov, 2018 @ 2:08pm 
Alright, thanks
Chaos234  [author] 25 Nov, 2018 @ 1:49pm 
Hey La Kato,

sorry that I haven't had the time to finish this How To. Haven't had time for it ... sadly.

I'll finish Part II, which is the next one you are looking for, until the end of 26th Nov.
Hope, that it will help you ;)
La Kato 24 Nov, 2018 @ 10:10pm 
How do I design Islands, help as soon as possible please