Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

633 betyg
Customizing DLC Armor Sets
Av IronYoumu
Have you got an armor set and would want it to look different or use a piece from it? This guide will teach you a glitch that can be used to alter the normally locked armor sets.
How to modify armor sets
Space Marine Examples (click for full picture)

Chaos Examples

Normally, armor sets are locked and can't be customized. However, with the use of this glitch, you can use/replace their parts, giving you more options to customize your Marines.

This glitch is very simple and easy to do. Once you've mastered it, you can do it in less than 5 seconds.

There are limits to what you can change, see the Notes section!

Additionally, you can use this glitch to copy your armors to other slots, see "Copying armors to other slots"

This glitch also works on PS3 and 360!
Step 1
Open Multiplayer, go to Customizer and open the Space Marine/Chaos page.

Step 2
Hover over Chapter/Warband Armor Sets and make it your active appearence.
Keep the button highlighted.

Now move your cursor to the right side of the game screen, away from the menus so it doesn't touch anything.

Step 3
Press ESC to go back to the main customizer page, then press Q and then ENTER to go back to the Space Marine/Chaos page.

Step 4
You should see Armor Sets still highlighted and active.
Now press Q. The yellow dot should move to Appearance 1 but the Armor Sets button is still highlighted. Press ENTER. This should open the Armor Sets list. Select any set that you own.

You should see this happen.

Step 5
The armor is now in Appearance 1. You can open it and start changing it.
See "Notes" for limitations!

See "Copying armors to other slots" on how to move the armor to another slot.

Set armor sets as active, ESC, Q, ENTER, Q, ENTER.

Set armor sets as active with X, press B, X, A, X, A.

You must have done something wrong. Carefully read the instructions again and make sure you're doing things exactly as said.
Copying armors to other slots
This same glitch can be used to move your armors to other slots. This will allow you to use up to 5 armor sets.

This glitch will move the armor from Appearance 1 to Apparence 2-5.

To do this, instead of selecting armor sets, select the appearance slot between 2-5 you want to move the armor to and then do the glitch as usual.

The armor isn't immediatly copied, you will have to change something on the armor. The easiest way is to change your shoulder badge and changing it back.

if done correctly, you will see a copy of the armor in the slot you selected. You can then replace the armor in slot 1 and repeat.
1. You cannot use parts from multiple armor sets, as the armor is overwritten by any selected set.

2. You cannot modify the colors on any unique DLC armor parts as they use unique textures rather than colorable parts.

Trying to apply burnished gold to all parts, no effect

3. The Ultramarines champion set includes unique chestplate, shoulderp ads and backpack. Their primary color can be changed, however the pattern doesn't work. The gold parts cannot be modified.

The Chosen of Nemeroth set includes unique shoulder pads, arms and chestplate, they can be fully colored.

As seen here (using Angels Sanguine colors), the backpack and chestplate are colored red, the trim remains unchanged and the black pattern doesn't work

Shown here, the chestplate, arms and shoulders are fully colored. Blue is primary, Yellow is detail and red is pattern.

4. Changing the armor colors on unique parts allows you to use other colors for parts that are replaced by the game: Devastator/Assault backpacks and Raptor legs and helmet

Using the Space Wolves backpack, the primary and detail colors have been modified (primary set red and detail set green) and can be seen on the Devastator and Assault backpacks.
125 kommentarer
poelvoordelouis343 15 maj @ 14:45 
nothing when i press Q
Bababooy 5 maj @ 18:26 
thanks man always wanted to know how people did this on the ps3 thanks for the help
Krammondo ✠ 28 jan @ 0:06 
"I thought this is a story of those who wish to get the relic drip armors on their common slots but by the Golden throne or his miracle of the light. I can't believe it, it actually work."

:spacemarineskull: Thank you :spacemarineskull:
• 𝔱𝔢𝔪 • 13 maj, 2023 @ 9:58 
Fly Me To The Moon your doing it wrong then it worked for me on 2nd try
ԾՐɿԾՌ 23 apr, 2023 @ 4:23 
No, doesn't appear to work.
Rimanah 6 okt, 2022 @ 9:49 
@brother works
Brother of Investigation [VII] 9 sep, 2022 @ 4:13 
It seems they patched this out
Z-MK Gaming 23 jun, 2022 @ 4:13 
Ignore me, I had forgot to change something, which was why it didnt properly copy.
Z-MK Gaming 23 jun, 2022 @ 4:11 
Whenever I try to copy it, it works but the second I click off onto a different one it resets back to default.
Prophet of the 8th Legion 2 jun, 2022 @ 20:38 
Thanks this has helped alot. I just wish the UI was more breakable and I could change certain colors