Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

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How ship damage works
Por Blood_Red_Hunter
An explanation of how damage works in game.
Ship Layers
Each ship has two layers that involve the "health"/"damage" of the ship.


The "bot layer"(bottom layer) contains the information of the interior modules and shape of the ship, and is what you essentially "see" in the interior view.

The "top layer" contains the design of the ship(the colours) and acts as a standard layer of additional health for each pixel tile, and protects the bot layer.

each pixel thus has 255x2=510 HP

When ships get damaged in combat, the top layer will be damaged first, and any damage that goes through will then damage the bot layer.

Collisions with asteroids will damage both layers, but existance of the top layer will reduce the damage, thus if your top layer is damaged, you will suffer more from asteroid collisions.

When the top layer is removed/destroyed, but the bottom layer is still present, the area will look golden circuit esque, which represents the bot layer.

The pixel tiles will only be completely destroyed and disappear when both layers are completely damaged.
Damage Calculations
When a bullet hits a ship, the damage is then applied to the tiles as a map.

Damage maps are essentially a grid with varying numbers to represent how much damage will be applied to which pixel

Damage can thus be applied in different shapes to simulate different detonation patterns/armour piercing/shaped charges, etc.

For damage applied to a specific tile:

Unit damage = {damage modifier of bullet} x {Damage that would be applied to that pixel (from damage map)}

Then, if the bot layer has an armor tile in that specific pixel:
The damage = Unit damage/2
Since armour also has its own resistance, it will nullifiy 40 damage, but will minimally do damage of 4.
(Eg, 50 becomes 10, 48 becomes 8,40 becomes 4, 25 becomes 4, 2 becomes 2)

For tiles with no armor, the direct damage will be applied, without any nullification.(Except when certain talents are applied)

The resultant damage, after the armour calculations would then be applied to the "top" layer pixel first, and if it manages to deplete the HP of the top layer (>255 damage), the top layer will be destroyed it will proceed to apply that damage to the "bot" layer.
If the bot layer's HP is also depleated (>255 damage, >509 damage in total), the entire pixel will be destroyed.
Material types
Shields exist on the bot layer, and have half the health of a conventional pixel, thus their max HP is 255
They will recieve 1/4 the damage compared to normal damage to take this into account.
Talent modifiers

Unibody will first take the incoming Unit damage, and mitigate it by multipling by a modifier of 0.7
but the trade off is reduced damage nullified by armour

If the pixel has armour, the damage is halved as usual, but it will mitigate 10 damage, but will only do so until 16 damage remains
(Eg, 50 becomes 40, 28 becomes 18,25 becomes 16, 10 becomes 10, 7 becomes 7)
Then the damage will be applied to the pixel.


Fortified does not have a mitigation bonus, but has nullification bonuses.

Unit damage is applied as usual.

If the pixel has armour, the damage is halved as usual, but it will mitigate 80 damage, but will only do so until 2 damage remains
(Eg, 100 becomes 20, 85 becomes 5,80 becomes 2, 10 becomes 2, 1 becomes 1)
Then the damage will be applied to the pixel.
Gun damage modifier = 5
Damage Map for that specific pixel = 20

Unarmored tile receives 5*20 = 100 damage
Unarmored tile with Unibody talent recieves 5*20*0.7 = 70 damage

Armored tile receives (5*20)/2 = 50
50 is greater than 43 50-40=10 Damage
Armored tile with Unibody talent receives (5*20*0.7)/2
35 is greater than 25 35-10=25 Damage
Armored tile with Fortified talent receives (5*20)/2
50 is lesser than 81 = 2 Damage

Shield tile receives (5*20)/4 = 25 damage

Gun damage modifier = 20
Damage Map for that specific pixel = 3

Unarmored tile receives 20*3 = 60 damage
Unarmored tile with Unibody talent recieves 20*3*0.7 = 42 damage

Armored tile receives (20*3)/2 = 30
30 is lesser than 43 =4 Damage
Armored tile with Unibody talent receives (20*3*0.7)/2
42 is greater than 25 42-10=32 Damage
Armored tile with Fortified talent receives (20*3)/2
30 is lesser than 81 = 2 Damage

Shield tile receives (20*3)/4 = 15 damage

Gun damage modifier = 10
Damage Map for that specific pixel = 40

Unarmored tile receives 10*40 = 400 damage
Unarmored tile with Unibody talent recieves 10*40*0.7 = 280 damage

Armored tile receives (10*40)/2 = 200
200 is greater than 43 200-40=160 Damage
Armored tile with Unibody talent receives (10*40*0.7)/2
140 is greater than 25 140-10=130 Damage
Armored tile with Fortified talent receives (10*40)/2
200 is greater than 81 = 120 Damage

Shield tile receives (10*40)/4 = 100 damage

Gun damage modifier = 25
Damage Map for that specific pixel = 55

Unarmored tile receives 25*55 = 1375 damage
Unarmored tile with Unibody talent recieves 25*55*0.7 = 962.5 damage

Armored tile receives (25*55)/2 = 687.5
687.5 is greater than 43 687.5-40=640.5 Damage
Armored tile with Unibody talent receives (25*55*0.7)/2
481.25 is greater than 25 481.25-10=471.25 Damage
Armored tile with Fortified talent receives (25*55)/2
687.5 is greater than 81 = 607.5 Damage

Shield tile receives (25*55)/4 = 343.75 damage
  • Ships have two layers
  • - Top is protective asthethic layer
  • - Bot is modules layer
  • Each pixel tile has 255 HP per layer.
  • - Incoming damage takes talents, then armour into account to mitigae/nullify/modify the damage.
  • - Damage is applied to top first, then bottom.
  • - When hp for both layers is depleted, pixel tile is destroyed.
3 comentarios
Tholis 22 MAR 2019 a las 20:22 
Any chance you can explain how thermal and explosive damage types are different? if at the moment they are. I was thinking about playing around with energy mounts.
Strings 29 OCT 2018 a las 23:55 
yes it is... but the tl,dr maybe should be at the top cause i only read it after reading everything else...
or is that the nefarious intent?
vindicator 22 DIC 2017 a las 4:32 
Thanks - this is very helpful.