Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Rotor Cannon
Type: Blueprint
684.832 KB
2017年12月14日 20時46分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Rotor Cannon

A prototype rotor cannon. i made it completely from scratch. use the programming block to fire it. very effective at medium and long range. uses Dagriefaa's rotor script. found here--->

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12 件のコメント
Perry Rhodan 2020年10月16日 15時35分 
script is lost
JockeyStrappers 2020年2月19日 14時48分 
@Alien 480

Tires my dude, even works against grave guns if you got the armor array angled
Alien 480  [作成者] 2020年2月18日 14時22分 
@Carl feel free this design is over a year and a half old so I'm sure there is a counter for it. But feel free to explain
JockeyStrappers 2020年2月16日 19時05分 
I already have a vanilla workaround to render this harmless and I am not sharing....yet ;)
Lysander 2018年11月28日 13時26分 
Ok. Thanks. I may do some modifications with a MART Script and structural changes to such as putting two of these on a turret so it is twin barreled and make some modifications to make the guns more structurally sound for combat.
Alien 480  [作成者] 2018年11月22日 12時25分 
@Grand Admiral go for it my dude! when youre done id love to see it
Lysander 2018年11月18日 14時38分 
Ok. I wass wondering if adding any more rotors to the might increase the velocity of the heads fired. But I still have my secondary question unanswered. May I use your design on my Siege Rover?
Alien 480  [作成者] 2018年11月15日 5時59分 
@Grand Admiral nope sorry, the rotors fly around 80mps so it works well and defences dont really shoot at them from what ive tested
Lysander 2018年11月8日 12時18分 
Is there a way to increase the muzzle velocity for the cannon? And may I use this design on my Siege Rover as a Primary Weapon?
Alien 480  [作成者] 2018年2月8日 10時22分 
@cth2004 No problem!