XCOM: Enemy Unknown
119 คะแนน
Ruining the AI's day: Exploits and other Dirty Tricks
โดย Least Trans Software Engineer
This is simply a list of various unfair tactics you may wish to employ in your playthroughs. Some are exploits, some are legitimate tactics, all are useful to know. Feel free to tell me any more you know.

Overwatching with Sniper Rifles after moving
Overwatching with sniper rifles after moving:
Take Snap Shot
This will NOT work if your sniper is the only soldier with actions left
Move your sniper, then pistol overwatch. When the camera changes to another soldier, click on your sniper again. Then, manually reselect the sniper rifle by clicking on it or pressing the hotkey (X by default). This causes the soldier to take out their sniper rifle, but they remain on overwatch.
Warden Tanking (EW Only)
(EW Only) Warden Tanking
For this trick you will need EW and a colonel with 6hp (A sniper on impossible or anyone with Not Created Equally). First, build a MEC-1 Warden (either subsystem) , and ideally complete SHIV Repair in the foundry. Next, augment your colonel, making sure to pick Damage Control, Repair Servos and Absorbtion Fields . The result is a MEC that can never take more than 4 damage per hit, which is decreased to 2 for the next few turns. Combined with Repair Servos, this MEC is able to 1v1 a Sectopod (provided it uses a Particle Cannon). When your MEC is badly damaged, one Savior + Improved Medikit use will heal it back up to full hp. When fighting Sectopods with it, make sure to kill the drones, as their awful damage means they are unaffected by the abilties, meaning they deal as much damage to your MEC as the 'pod.
Door Blocking
Door blocking
When stacking up in front of a non-UFO door, place one soldier in front of it. Enemies can only kick down these doors, meaning that they cannot move through it, because the game does not allow movement through units in any situations, even if they are unspotted (you can find unspotted or cloaked enemies by moving your mouse over their location because of this, too.)
(EU Only) Locking Down The AI
(EU Only) Locking down an enemy
For whatever reason, in EU, the AI almost never moves if it sees your soldier overwatch. If they have no AoE Abilities, and a low chance to hit, they will simply end turn. You can abuse this by moving soldiers into flanking positions and overwatching others, locking down the AI and letting you crit them into oblivion. This can work in EW, but not if the enemy is flanked.
Mimetic Skin and Pod Triggering
(EW Only) Mimetic Skin and Pod Triggering
Soldiers concealed with mimetic skin that have an untriggered pod within line of sight will NOT trigger that pod when they are revealed. Instead the pod will trigger with the next action any soldier takes, revealing them also if they have mimetic skin active. What this means is that, you can perform one revealing action using your scout, even on the pod, provided you don't fulfil another criteria for triggering the pod (hitting them with any damaging attack), and then shoot them with someone else (eg a Squadsight sniper). For example, you can MC with your scout, then shoot with a sniper, triggering the pod. This leaves an MC'ed enemy standing in the open, the perfect bait for the remaining enemies, letting you move up and engage without fear. Warning: Enemies that usually ignore cover ( Sectoid Commanders and Ethereals) will instead attack your troops, because the AI prioritises XCOM Soldiers over MC'ed allies.
(EW Only) Getting Melee unit AI stuck in an infinite loop
(EW Only) Getting melee enemies stuck in an infinite loop
To understand how this one works, I will have to explain how exactly Mimetic Skin works. When active, it does NOT hide you from the AI, it simply does not trigger pods and prevents the use of "Fire" or AoE attacks on the soldier. The AI will only ignore the soldier when it looks at firing chances and Mimetic Skin tells it to ignore the soldier. As each enemy is handled separately, they do not relay this info to each other. Melee enemies do the check when they reach melee range, and so will target the soldier until they reach them, then they will go after another soldier, until they "forget" this information on their next turn, running back to the concealed soldier if they are closer. What this means is that, if you have a MS soldier further ahead of your team, spotted melee aliens will charge the soldier with their first move, realise they have to ignore them, and move towards another with their second. However, if the concealed soldier is the closest target to this second position, they will run back and forth between these two points endlessly, letting you kill them at will.
Thanks for Reading
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading, and if you have any more tricks you know, please tell everyone.
17 ความเห็น
Radec898 5 ต.ค. 2023 @ 11: 54am 
Ah thank you :lunar2019crylaughingpig:
Least Trans Software Engineer  [ผู้สร้าง] 5 ต.ค. 2023 @ 10: 31am 
Mind Control
Radec898 4 ต.ค. 2023 @ 5: 45am 
What is MC?
minniefinnie 2 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 11: 53am 
build shivs they are actually op af
indevenom 8 มี.ค. 2023 @ 7: 04pm 
Sergeant Fellow 6 พ.ย. 2022 @ 2: 53am 
0-0-7: (EW) If you can lead to a situation where trooper under effect of ghost grenade panicks and hunkers down, the stealth effect will not be removed by following turn: invisible until end of the mission (I managed to replicate this glitch only once though, extremely circumstancial).

Run around, and keep shooting
Walsingham 31 ต.ค. 2022 @ 12: 02pm 
@cjryck1 You don't say what your problem actually is?
mltnschroeder 10 ต.ค. 2021 @ 7: 11am 
EXALT Weapons: Exalt eventually upgrades to laser weapons during Covert Ops, and you capture quite a few of these with time as you successfully complete those missions. After the mission, arm all your soldiers waiting in the Barracks with captured Exalt weapons (and make sure all newly recruited fresh rookies have them too). That way, when the XCOM base-defense mission happens, your soldiers will be armed w/ lasers rather than pea-shooters.
mltnschroeder 9 ต.ค. 2021 @ 10: 24pm 
Cryssalid's Worst Nightmare: In maps will small raised platforms only 4-tiles large, you can fill all 4 tiles w/ soldiers so the Cryssalids have no where to jump up to, and then they run around helplessly below while you shoot them.
mltnschroeder 9 ต.ค. 2021 @ 10: 14pm 
Ladder Camping: If there are only Berserkers running around and there are any ladders leading to higher levels, station a soldier at the top of the ladder and the Berserkers can't use it.

Sectopods Stuck in Doors: They are too big to fit through the normal-sized doors of the XCOM base, but they still try to get through anyways. Use this during the XCOM base-defense battle to defend the Mission Control room and take them out safely from afar using squadsight snipers while a scout (either an Assault w/ Lightning Reflexes moving up and back each turn or any soldier w/ Mimetic Skin) spots for them.