Total War: ATTILA
117 คะแนน
Age of Martel Overhaul 2.0
แท็ก:  mod, Overhaul
36.000 B
7 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 4: 17pm
1 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

It is the year 716 AD, it is a time of Total War!

This mod is a complete overhaul of the Age of Charlemagne Campaign in order to change the time period from Charlemagne in 768 AD to the time of his grand father, Charles Martel and his war to unite Francia before the oncoming Umayyad Caliphate invasion.

A Short History Lesson:

Charles "The Hammer" Martel was the son of Pepin of Herstal, the Austrasian Mayor of the Palace for the Merovingian Kings, and his second wife Alpaida. However, he had several brothers from his father's other wives which naturally caused succession problems. In December 714, Pepin of Herstal died. Prior to his death, he had, at his wife Plectrude's urging, designated Theudoald, his grandson by their late son Grimoald, his heir in the entire realm. This was immediately opposed by the nobles because Theudoald was a child of only eight years of age. Plectrude immediately moved to prevent Charles from using this unrest to his own advantage and had him imprisoned in Cologne, the city which was destined to be her capital. This prevented an uprising on his behalf in Austrasia, but not in Neustria, that other realm of the Frankish Kingdom. In 715, the Neustrian nobles proclaimed Ragenfrid Mayor of their Palace on behalf of the Merovingian King, Chilperic, and began their attack on Austrasia.

The Austrasians were not to be left supporting a woman like Plectrude and a young child. Before the end of the year, Charles Martel had been liberated from prison and been acclaimed Mayor by the nobles of that kingdom.

In 716, Chilperic and Ragenfrid together led a Neustrian army into Austrasia. The Neustrians allied with another invading force under Radbod, King of the Frisians and met Charles Martel in battle near Cologne, which was still held by Plectrude. Charles had little time to gather men, or prepare, and the result was the only defeat of his life. The king and his mayor besieged Plectrude at Cologne, where she bought them off with a substantial portion of Pepin's treasure. Then they withdrew.

Charles retreated to the mountains of the Eifel to gather men, and train them. Now, having made the proper preparations, he is ready to strike back at his enemies and begin his ascent into the annals of history.


This mod will be a gameplay, startpos and reskin of the vanilla AOC campaign to make it take place in 716 AD instead of 768. This time period will focus on the rise of a young Charles Martel. Starting with his loyal band of noble retainers honoring his claim to the title of Mayor of the Palace, Charles is currently hiding out in the small town of Trier in the Eifel mountains. Enemies surround him and it will be up to the player to determine how to best execute his rise to fame. And to the south, coming on like a tidal wave are the legions of the Ummayad Caliphate. Having subdued the old Roman provinces of the Middle East, Africa and Spain they now wait at the gates of the Pyrenees with the fertile and rich lands of Francia calling to them as it has so many invaders before. Can Charles unite Francia in time to halt their advance?

- All vanilla units, generals and faction leaders have been reskinned according to what they most likely looked like at the time. I have used several very good sources, including contemporary descriptions and art, and come up with a very different look from what the vanilla game offered. Thanks to beautiful models from the 1212 team, FOTE team, Hadrien and Drama belli you will get a whole new look at how the warriors of this time period equipped themselves.
- All vanilla units have had their combat stats rebalanced to create a brand new combat system based on my historical research. Mid tier infantry now are very solid as defensive units but are not effective as attackers. Christian and muslim levies are basically farmers and city folk who will flee at the first opportunity while the more barbarian faction's lower tier troops are hardier woodsmen and hunters who put up a fight. The turning point comes when the christian and muslim factions build up their infrastructure and can train their professional and heavily armed soldiers. However, the historical pricing for paying for these troops was extremely expensive, almost 44 golden solidi per man ($85,800) or nearly $14 million to equip a 160 man armored cavalry squadron. Which takes us to the economic overhaul.
- The primary sources of income will now come from the Church and the farming system, this will recreate the basic pillars on which the european feudal system which was beginning to be developed during this time. Building monasteries, churches and estates will now offer major economic bonuses which help to pay for the extremely expensive tier 2 and 3 units which recreates how clergymen and landowners were relied on by Charles Martel to provide him with the full time professionals of his army. This gives an advantage to the christian factions but it is balanced by their lower tier units inability to fight.
- I have recreated the diverse cultural and ethnic nature of the Frankish army by adding units for each of the various neighboring kingdoms. Now you can recreate a real carolingian army by having contigents of lombards, gascons, aquitainians, provencals, septimanians, alemanians, bavarians, neustrians, bretons and burgundians.
- All factions, units and cities have been renamed to match the contemporary language and spelling of the time period.
- Thanks to the Ancient Empire team, Christmas Sandwich and Melcor the UI has been overhauled to provide a new feel that matches the historical setting's interesting mix of ancient rome developing into early medieval styles including new flags and faction banner colors.
- The campaign map has been edited to provide a more historically accurate starting situation. There are now 12 turns per year which really allows you to play the game at a pace more similar to how the lords at the time would live and fight. Now there is a civil war among the Frankish factions, the Umayyads are on the doorstep of France with a powerful cavalry army and the Lombards under Luitprand are fighting the encroaching Bavarian Agolfings while the Exarchate of Ravenna dominates the peninsula. The fortifications of the cities across europe that had maintained their roman walls have also been strengthened, which leads to the next update of the fortification models.
- Much of the settlement walls and tower models have been changed to make them look more historically accurate. Now you will see massive roman walls and towers guarding the old roman cities and the weird looking stone towers in lower tier settlements have been replaced with wooden watch towers.
- Also changed the archery element of the game, christian factions archer units now only have 50 men total. The massed archery they had in vanilla just simply didnt exist during this time period


You can check out the TWC Forum Page for more information:

Installation Instructions:
Download the mod from the Google Drive Link
Unpack the rar file
Get the Martel2.pack file and place it in your Attila Data Folder
Start the game and in the mod manager make sure Martel2.pack is the only mod selected

Disclaimer: This mod is in no way a political statement on Muslims or any other people. I personally respect and appreciate all ethnicities and peoples. This mod is a sincere attempt to portray a balanced depiction of the Age of Martel!
136 ความเห็น
Big Boss  [ผู้สร้าง] 3 ก.ค. 2023 @ 8: 38am 
Havent done anything for this mod in years, new AD projects are all much better
SaracenBear 3 ก.ค. 2023 @ 7: 55am 
Did you add new units?
sambbb 9 เม.ย. 2022 @ 1: 58am 
Hi, is it possible to play as the Exarchate of Ravenna?
Rider of Tang 20 เม.ย. 2020 @ 7: 55pm 
Hi, some levy skirmishers and bowmen only have 50 men per unit, which is really odd is this intentional?
SirCartonDeWiart 18 เม.ย. 2020 @ 8: 20am 
Why does Afturia have "religious aversion" to Austrasia? They are both Christian? Shouldn't that be simple to fix?
Big Boss  [ผู้สร้าง] 12 ก.พ. 2020 @ 10: 59am 
All you need to do is download the pack file and put it in your data folder
Arbiter Thel 11 ก.พ. 2020 @ 8: 33pm 
do you subscribe AND download the link? or just download the link?
Big Boss  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 ต.ค. 2019 @ 11: 48am 
I agreed with Naj95, I'm much more well read on the muslim factions of this time period now and in my short lived historical overhaul i actually made them into something much more closely resembling their actual military and society. As part of IB3 we will eventually be doing the invasion of spain in the early 8th century so we will depict them even more accurately in that mod.
Big Boss  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 ก.ค. 2019 @ 11: 42am 
I am now working with Invasio Barbarorum 3 modding team to create the most historically accurate mods for Attila. We are creating totally new models and textures to get every little detail right and eventually we will get to this era and make a mod for it too!
Politruk 8 ก.ค. 2019 @ 11: 38am 
hi! how is going that AoC historical overhaul?