Killing Floor

Killing Floor

344 ratings
The Medic: How to, and more.
By Dimmondback
The Medic in Killing Floor is an underrated class that many people skip over. I'm here to show you that the Medic isn't the weak, boring, "always in the back" class that many people assume. Take a step inside this guide and see why the medic may actually be one of the easiest and possibly even most fun class for players to both learn and master.
Back in the old days of Killing Floor, Medics had only their basic healing syringe to heal others (and themselves). Nowadays, the Medic now has an arsenal of weapons to choose from, not to mention they no longer need to walk up to a teammate to heal them! Talk about relief!
I'm here to help you understand how the Medic works, both inside and out. The Medic functions much like medics in the original Starcraft games. Your squad is a group of marines and you are the medic. With someone to heal, the lifespan of everyone increases drastically. Don't think that Killing Floor's medics sacrifice power, however. This is where most people assume the wrong idea for medics, and I'm here to show you why...
Your Tools of the Trade!
Anyone who has played Killing Floor will instantly recognize this. To those of you who are new, this is the Medical Syringe. To new medics and veterans alike, this tool is your best friend, so you had best learn to love this because it will be with you for the rest of your healing career. The Medical Syringe is best used for healing yourself. Yes, you read that correctly. To medics of higher skill levels, the Medic will reserve the Medical Syringe for when the Medic needs it (unless it is an emergency). This is because the Medic's Healing Syringe and all other guns have separate healing dart charges. What this means is that, for each gun that the Medic has, they will be able to shoot healing darts and then switch to another gun (or the syringe) and continue healing. This allows the Medic to almost never be without healing capability as long as the medic has at least 1 gun (because the syringe cannot be dropped willingly). That said, it is best advised to use the Medical Syringe on yourself when needed and use the other guns' charges for healing teammates. This maximizes efficiency and helps keep everyone alive, including yourself!

This is your best friend. Every class loves Body Armor, but the Medic loves it even more! Medics have increased armor resistance to all attacks. A higher level Medic with Body Armor on can actually withstand repeated blows from Scrakes and even Fleshpounds (Yes that's plural for Fleshpounds!). This helps the Medic play a very crucial role that most people would be surprised to hear: Stand at the front lines. Most people would imagine the Medic to stay in the back and heal, but in fact, medics are just as effective at the front lines. With this massive boost in health recovery and significantly stronger Body Armor, the Medic can take up the blows from enemies and even makes the Medic's job easier by only having to heal one person instead of several. As a Medic, always buy Body Armor first (as you progress in levels it will become cheaper and stronger). Just be careful as the Siren's scream will ignore your Body Armor entirely. Please note that many brave medics have actually run up to a Siren to engage her in melee so she bites instead of screams.

The MP7 was the first Medic gun added to Killing Floor. Weighing in at only 3kg, the MP7 is a lightweight sub-machine gun that packs punch for its size. Word of advice, do not empty out an entire clip at once unless necessary. The MP7 works best in small bursts (usually just tapping the fire button works) because of the large recoil. Despite having a large rate of fire, the MP7 has a long reload time that can be really annoying (the clip size will increase with more levels from 20 up to 40). The iron sights red-dot for the MP7 help significantly when trying to heal teammates from farther distances or for getting headshots, so be sure to take advantage of that. It is recommended that this gun be used first despite its disadvantages.

The MP5 is the second Medic gun to be added to the Medic's arsenal. The MP5 is your bread and butter weapon until you can upgrade to the Schneidzekk. The MP5 also weighs in at just 3kg and is a force to be reckoned with! With a starting clip size of 32 bullets, the MP5 has a very fast firing rate, red-dot iron sights, and an increased healing dart recharge speed than the MP7. The reload speed is dreadfully slow but is a significant improvement to its predecessor. This gun is a favorite among higher level medics and with a clip size of 64 at max level, the MP5 shreds through many enemies before needing to reload. Many builds revolve around the MP5 or Schneidzekk and heavy-duty weapons such as the Crossbow or even AA12! Getting the MP5 is highly recommended for medics of all levels.

The M7A3 Medic gun hails from the IJC Weapon Pack that was added to the official Killing Floor game. This gun is more designed for the offensive Medic rather than focus on healing. The M7A3 starts off with a 15 bullet clip and ends with 30 at max benefit, turning it into an assault rifle with medic darts. The M7A3 has a reload speed significantly faster than the other medic guns and a healing dart recharge speed identical to the MP7 (Slower than the MP5.). This gun boasts offensive power when compared to some of the other Medic guns. This gun has an above average firing rate but its recoil is fairly high so holding down the trigger is not advised unless necessary. Firing in concentrated bursts at enemies' heads is highly recommended with this weapon. This gun does sport some interesting new features though, such as an on-gun indicator for bullet count and healing dart charge. The iron sights on the gun also help show when reloading is imminent with the scope lights turning from green to red when there are only a small number of shots remaining. This weapon is the second most expensive of the medic guns and weighs twice as much as all of the others at 6kg. The strength of this weapon lies with its reload speed and ammo efficiency allowing you to be able to keep the pressure on the zeds and be able to heal teammates instead of fidgeting with your gun. While this weapon cannot contend with the Scheidzekk's burst damage output, the M7A3's long-term damage output is to be commended.

The Schneidzekk Medic gun is the 2nd newest addition to the line of Medic guns. This heavy-duty sub-machine gun weighs 3 blocks, has the healing dart recharge speed the same as (if not faster than) the MP5. Starting at 25 bullets a clip, the Schneidzekk has a very fast firing rate that can easily plow through a ton of enemies and even lay waste to some of the tougher enemies as well. The Schneidzekk is the most expensive Medic gun but is worth every Pound! Lacking a red-dot iron sights, the Schneidzekk makes up for it with a slightly faster reload speed and significantly greater punching power. The Schneidzekk is often reserved for dealing with tougher enemies due to the increased clip size in conjunction with the large increase in power! This can make dealing with Scrakes a lot easier when you soften them up with other weapons only to finish them off in a flurry of bullets! The Schneidzekk is an excellent gun for any level of Medic and allows for nearly continuous ranged healing when used in conjunction with the MP5.

The newest addition to the medic family line, the Bile Blowerthrower imitates the bile done by Bloats which means zeds hit by it will target them (if they're nearby) instead. With low max ammo, fairly slow reload, high recoil, 6kg weight, DLC requirement, and low damage output the Thrower is useless compared to other guns the Medic can get.

This is a new feature for all medics. Your grenades are now different. They explode significantly faster and leave behind a gaseous green cloud instead of just detonate. That green gas heals teammates (including yourself), damages enemies, and even causes enemies to continually react to the gas as if they would to a grenade. Your grenades can now be used to keep enemies from coming through a door (most of the time... some enemies will be brave enough to venture through) and give you and your team time to reload, heal up, or run away! You can even toss a few grenades at your feet if a fleshpound is coming at you and it will help kill him while keep you alive! Please note, people have claimed the healing and damage from Medic Grenades stack, however, I haven't been able to personally confirm this.
Your strengths!
The Medic's best weapon is versatility and survivability!The Medic gains passive moment speed bonuses that isn't limited to only melee weapons unlike the Berserker. Why is this such a big deal? Because the Medic can fill in any role that the group lacks and has significantly increased survivability in otherwise deadly scenarios.

By pressing TAB (default) the Medic can bring up this screen and see who is low on health and who is jumping around aimlessly. Please note that it takes a second or two to update the player's health after being hit. This neat trick can help you tell if the group is wounded or if everything is peachy-keen. This feature is usable by all players and all classes.

The Patriarch. He's mean, he's angry, and he's out to get you and your friends. Good thing for your team that you're a Medic because medics (and the Berserker) have the unique ability to absorb most of the Patriarch's melee attacks, allowing your teammate to survive the fight for longer durations and allows your teammates to keep unloading their guns into the boss. Just make sure to not take any mini-gun bullets or rockets to the face as these are avoidable and will melt away your armor, leaving you highly vulnerable!

This is one of the best stregnths the Medic possesses. The Medic can outrun most mobs due to the Medic gaining a permanent speed boost (with all weapons) [Up to 25% bonus at max rank]. This allows the Medic to kite enemies around and even distract bigger enemies by leading them away from the rest of the group until the right time to deal with them. This speed boost also allows the Medic to have a big advantage against the Patriach, sometimes allowing lucky medics to just barely outrun the Patriarch's melee attack (Just be careful because more often than not, the Patriarch tends to use his mini-gun right after a melee attack!).

You will definitely make a ton of this! Healing gives a lot of money (and yes, greater amounts healed will result in more money) [and yes, other classes that heal do make money but not as much as someone who is a Medic]. This is especially true late-game because more people are getting hurt and more frequently, meaning that you'll be raking in the money just by healing. On top of that, you'll be making money while saving money. "How?" you ask? You don't have to fire bullets to make money. You don't have to spend money to make money. You're literally making 100% net gain by healing. Think about that for a second... you spend $2 from bullets to make $8 from the kill which gives you $6, right? When you heal someone, you get roughly the same amount as the kill but you don't spend any money! Not only that, but the Medic also makes significant income at the END of the round. The more healing done, the more income the Medic actually gets once the final enemy is dead. Sometimes, this actually results in the Medic being significantly richer than most other classes. Another tactic that people have done is to go the Medic class, get significant amounts of money and then switch to their other class.
Stealing the Thunder
One of the best perks about being the Medic is that you can pick from any other class' weapons in conjunction with the Medic guns and still be effective. Not only that, but you can level up other classes while still playing as a Medic.

Like being up close and personal? Grab yourself a shotgun and start letting the lead fly! The KSG can be used with both the MP5 and the Schneidzekk at the same time! The only problem is cycling through weapons can be a hassle because all guns are bound to 3. Other than that, the KSG helps clear through groups of enemies and deal considerable damage to tougher enemies as well.

But why stop at the KSG? You don't want a kiddie gun, you want the big stuff. Introducing the AA12. You can now turn yourself into a terror for the enemy. Not only can you use the MP5 (or Schneidzekk) with the AA12, but you also have 2 additional kg leftover for another pistol of our choice.

Still want more firepower? Get your manhood ready because it's time to get Grizzly like Adams! The Hunting Shotgun can give you immense firepower that you would otherwise lack. Perfect for Scrakes and even large groups of Zeds. While you may get a huge boost in firepower, don't expect to be as destructive as a Support Specialist, as you still lack their bullet penetration and damage bonuses.

Guns aren't your thing? You'd rather hack away at Zeds while screaming, "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"? The Katana and
Claymore will be your new best friends then! Speed or Strength will be the question you need to ask yourself on this one. With a Katana, you can zip around the battlefield remaining untouched while dishing out damage while with the Claymore, you can cleave off the heads of many opponents at once. The choice is yours.

Whether or not you use guns or knives or explosives, sometimes, the front lines scene isn't for everyone. Why put yourself in danger when you can simply kill things from a distance? Grab yourself a Crossbow and your big boy boots cause you're going hunting! With the Crossbow and the Schneidzekk, the Medic has a solution to every problem. Swarms? The Schneidzekk can handle that. Bigger enemies? Crossbow will make short work of them! You'll even have enough room leftover for another sidearm of your choice (2 kg or less). Just make sure to aim for the head!

Crossbow too heavy for you but you still love the long range shooting gallery? We got you covered! The Lever Action Rifle is the gun for you! Weighing in at 6kg and only $200, the LAR is an amazing gun perfect for you snipers out there. With a 6x headshot multiplier, this baby can deal insane amounts of damage even in the hands of a non-Sharpshooter. You can even stun Scrakes if you do enough damage to them when hitting them in the face with this gun (Easy and Normal only.)!

Some men just watch to watch the world burn. Others would rather blow it up instead. For those in the latter category, the M79 Grenade launcher is your new best friend. Weighing only 4kg, this baby can be included in many different builds and help with those pesky Crawlers that would otherwise prove a problem to you and your teammates. Help save a friend from a swarm and hope that friendly fire is turned off!

Everyone needs a good sidearm. The 9mm just doesn't cut it sometimes. The MK23 fills that gap up perfectly! This 2 kg terror is an excellent addition to many builds. Piercing the first target to strike the poor guy behind them, the MK23 has 3 less bullets than the 9mm but its power is somewhere in between the 9mm and the Handcannon (Deagle) making it very effective.

Speaking of Handcannons, in one of the more recent latest patches, the Handcannon now only weighs 2kg and can easily be included in many builds! With plenty of punch, this pistol will give you that much needed firepower to one shot Crawlers (On any difficulty!) or handle larger foes that'd otherwise be intimidating without stronger guns! Why reload when you can just switch to this baby and lay waste to your enemies!

Recently I've been experimenting with the KF guns and found that the ZedGunMKII is surprisingly useful! This hidden gem requires DLC in order to be bought but can be given by a teammate with the DLC. Costing $750 in game and weighing 6kg, this perk-less weapon has a few tricks up its sleeve that might surprise you. The primary fire of the ZGII is horrible. With a long flight-time and low damage, the primary fire should be only used in emergencies, not to mention that sirens can stop the projectiles mid-flight. This gun's true strength lies in the alternate-fire. The stasis ball launched from the gun consumes 15 rounds (2 shots from a full clip) but will envelop all lower-level zeds in a single shot, slowing them down and increasing the amount of damage they take. Scrakes can be enveloped in a single shot, provided they be hit directly by the ball or be near the location of impact. Fleshpounds take 2 direct hits to envelop. One very important key note is that scrakes and fleshpounds DO NOT ENRAGE under the effects of stasis regardless of damage taken during stasis or how much health they have (Fleshpounds can still enrage after the effects of stasis have worn off!). Not only that but forcing a fleshpound or scrake under stasis during a charge COULD EVEN PACIFY it and return it to normal walking speeds. When I discovered this beauty, I was no longer scared of what the sound of a chainsaw meant.

These are just some of the examples that make the Medic such a useful class. Don't like any of these examples? Grab an assault rifle then! Want to fry some enemies? Grab a flamethrower and try it out! Because the Medic doesn't have to solely focus on one collective group of weapons, this allows the player to expand and experiment to see what kind of playstyle they want to try out without any significant dedication or penalties!
Your Weaknesses!
Everyone has weaknesses. Sorry, but nobody is perfect, not even the Medic. Good news is, the Medic's weaknesses aren't unbearable and can be worked around at most times.

See this symbol to the right? This is who you are. You aren't a powerhouse of destruction. You are a Medic. You don't deal out punishment like other classes. Instead you have to rely on survival and working together with your teammates to survive. I know it sounds easy, but most people like going Rambo and running off and doing their own thing. As a Medic, going Rambo isn't a good idea unless you know what you're doing.

The image below perfectly describes many experiences medics have had in Killing Floor. People aren't going to hold still while you heal them, there are enemies around you and I doubt either of you wants to become lunch. When healing from a distance, be sure to lead the shot, as it takes time for the dart to reach the target as opposed to instantaneous bullets. But sometimes even leading the shot doesn't work as teammates can be sporadic and move in a different direction than you anticipate. Try to learn how your teammates react to certain situations and see if you can find a pattern. Learning to keep teammates healed from a distance is a very hard task but pays off well in the future.

Sometimes, the Medic will heal someone from afar and it will look like that person got healed (The green splatter will show up) but may not heal them, or the Medic may heal someone directly and it will have a grey splatter as if the Medic had just shot at a wall. Don't worry, these things happen, so just make sure to land another shot, but be prepared to know the signs of when your teammate gets healed successfully and when the game is being buggy. The easiest way to tell is by holding tab and seeing if your teammate's health is going up. Please keep in mind that healing isn't instantaneous and will take time. If a teammate takes damage while they are being healed, it will stop the healing proccess and you will need to heal them again to keep healing them.

This is what you really have to worry about. The Siren will make your life as a Medic a living hell. She ignores your advanced Body Armor and hits everyone that she is in range of. That means that you have to kill her quick or she will turn you to mush despite whatever you have survived so far and all of the survivors will be injured, meaning that you, as the Medic, have to actually work to heal them unless you want everyone to die. Watch out for her!

Giving Credit Where it's Due!
I would like to thank everyone that helped me on this guide. I would like to throw a special shoutout to the Killing Floor Wiki for all its help and for the images used (the images are theirs and not mine. I claim no ownership). I would like to thank Ayane-152 for their wonderful drawing of their experiences as a Medic. I am right there with you buddy! I would like to thank The Nocturnal Rambler for his photo of the Medic Grenade, you saved me the trouble of taking the screenshot myself. I would like to thank whoever made and hosted the Killing Floor comic I used, thank you very much! Thank you to whoever made and hosted the "Sirens. Sirens evereywhere." picture, it made me laugh and cry at the truths it speaks. And I would like to thank Tripwire Interactive for making Killing Floor. All of Killing Floor is owned by them and I do not (I repeat: I DO NOT) own Killing Floor in any way shape or form. I am merely a contributor to the game's community and wish to help people understand more about the Medic class.

If you have any concerns, complaints, or anything you'd like to say, please feel free to email me at If it is of legal matters, please inform me immediately and I will fix whatever issue there is ASAP (and I apologize beforehand if there is). Thank you everyone!

Shiro 4 Oct, 2021 @ 1:14pm 
forgot to mention you can have several medic guns at once - each having their own darts. Unload one, swap to another, unload it - can heal a lot at once
-=[ϟ]Shadow=- 29 Jan, 2015 @ 7:47am 
nothing i didnt know, but good guide!
LIøN 12 Jan, 2015 @ 7:15pm 
Medic is the best solo class with all factors considered, such as high survivability and movement speed. The ironic thing is that the entire point of a medic is to heal, not to be a solo wrecking machine.

The Sharpshooter is likely the best purely offensive class, although he isn't quite as useful to the team as a whole as a medic. He is only useful for FP's, and is pretty overkill for trash.

All factors considered, medic truly is the "best class", but you shouldn't use it unless there are at least 2 other people on your team, because of his lack of pure offensive power.

Regardless of my rambling, you made a great guide/review and I hope to see more in the future. Cheers mate. :Horzine:
Sam (Squire) 22 Sep, 2014 @ 4:40pm 
The medic now im going to play this class
Dimmondback  [author] 13 Jul, 2014 @ 3:03am 
Updated the guide to include the new TAB function, ZedGunMKII section, the brief BileBlowerThrower section, and updated M7A3 section (I finished testing and managed to finally find why it was good).
Haigen 15 Jun, 2014 @ 6:16am 
Very comprehesive and interesting guide. You not only explain the use of basic weapons classified for medic, but also off-perk weapons in combinations with the standard ones. This class is truly underrated. But people forget about his ability to take tons of damage due to his armor, plus he has very fast recharge rate of syringe and high move speed, what makes him survival expert in almost all situations. When you get overrun by large mob of all possible specimen (with exception of siren), as medic you can just drop off 2-4 grenades at one spot. Everything alied inside will be safe and the enemy crowd will die. Personaly, Medic is my favourite class and im using him for (yet short) solo HoE runs until the patriarch wave.
Can you update this guide and add information about new DLC weapons? Like The flare gun, it seems to be very use -and powerfull weapon, especially for shot and run situations and medics.
Farya 28 Jan, 2014 @ 7:36am 
Nice work! :Clot:
Pooshkin 17 Jan, 2014 @ 11:20pm 
I have some questions for you Dimmon. What do you think about the trench gun, is it good when it's used by a medic? Also which do you prefer, the Mp5 or The Schneidzekk? I was in love with the Mp5 , but i've used the Vector for a quite some time and i don't know which to use with another gun and i don't like using 2 medic guns at a time (until the team is dying too much) :C. I really would want to know should i keep using the trench gun, or should i choose another weapon, because some people say it's bad some say it's good,but i want your advice. Fun Fact: The Mk23 is better than the Handcannon. With the handcannon it takes 5 clips to kill a Fleshpound on normal with 6 players,but with the Mk23 it will take only 4 clips and 1 bullet, or if you are a 'Xxx'Mlg 360 NoScope HaXozzzxxX' It will take 3 clips and 9 bullets.
amelie 16 Jan, 2014 @ 7:35pm 
great guide, i am new to this and it was a bit help :D
Dimmondback  [author] 5 Jan, 2014 @ 2:57am 
Just updated the guide to include the new Handcannon update, included the LAR, finished experimenting with the M7A1, and included the Hunting shotgun, M79 Grenade Launcher, and Katana+Claymore. Also please note that these are only SOME examples that can be used! Sorry to you Firebugs out there, there was a limit to the size I can make a single section :C