Star Wars the NFG Crew
"This was a screenshot made from me and Alabud ( ). This was to show or present the loyal members of NFG( Nuclear Fusion Gaming )
a gmod rp community and a small one in fact. We owned a halo server but that died and then we went to make a star wars server. Soon the server died due to no donations and lack of members just like the other attempts of our rp servers, but we still hang out this day and be the legitimate definition of cancer.

I'll list the members from left to right.

Kyber ( The Dankest of Memes)
Apex ( That's me the wierd purple guy )
Wyatt ( The Cancerous Admiral, litterally was pked due to cancer)
Shep ( The Arc )
Raptor ( The christian man )
Agent ( My Dad/Mom )
Berry (The annoying Doggo)
Beast ( The medic/ edgelord wanna be)
Mattefury ( The man that doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ plus the purple man's husband lol )
and Alabud ( The Dank Pilot)"