Achievement Hunter: Darkness 2

Achievement Hunter: Darkness 2

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100% Completion in Achievement Hunter Games
By swordbladez
This guide will help those not getting 5000/5000 in this and in other Achevement Hunter Releases
How to Complete these games!
First let's talk about how these games track achievements in general. From when you start on the game for the first time... a counter begins granting you 1 achevement per second no matter what you do. I advise you to walk away from keyboard :) As it takes approximately 2.6 hours for the game to count these seconds. It does not line up in real time... So there's the forst problem for people claiming this particular game does not grant the 5000... IF you STOP, the counter will reset and when you hit start again... the counter starts at 0:01 and will have to count up to wherever you quit out to catch back up to the achievements you have yet to unlock! so if you quit at 1:01... You will have to wait 1:01 with nothing happening until the game counter catches up and starts unlocking again. I have confirmed this myself!

Now for the real reason to buy this game 1st! as far as I know... This is the ONLY one of these games to have been coded correctly to unlock all 5000 achievements! This is good as it holds the key to 100% all the other games! What you need to do is go to the actual files (whever you installed STEAM) and do exacly this: open the files in this order -> Steam -> Steamapps -> common _> Achievement Hunter Darkness 2 -> AchievementHunter_Darkness2_data -> Managed -> and copy the Assembly-CSharp.dll file by right clicking... It's best to do this before you play the next achievement Hunter game but will work eventually it you have stuck achevements in other ones. What you want to do is repeat the file find above on any other Achevement Hunter games and replace the broken assembly-CSharp.dll with this complete one from darkness 2! This is the only one that I know of with all the achevement address proplerly written with no skips! After that, launch the other games and enjoy getting all the achievements! this fix was from the actual creator yet they have no plans in implementing it themselves and was okayed by XA! I have no idea why such a simple thing is not being done by the developer! I have only bought 3 of these but I have 100% all 3 using this method! Enjoy and I hope I was clear enough! It's really simple! There's a method that involves coding the dll file... But this is so much simpler!