Metro 2033
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Ranger Achievement Guide
Bởi Scientist
This is a guide to finding the hidden ranger stashes in Dead City 1 and 2.
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Hey everyone, welcome to the guide for getting all the ranger stashes in the Dead City level. Like my hidden ammo guide let me know if clarification needs to be added to any of these and I'll make the changes and as always, if it helped you get the Ranger Achievment rate it up! This achievement can be done just by selecting Dead City from the main menu load screen, you don't have to play through the entire game. Let's get started.
Dead City 1
1. (1)

The first one is a hard one to miss, follow Bourbon to a dead ranger at the beginning of the level, work your way around the crate he's leaning against to loot his backpack for the first stash.

2. (2)

To the right of Bourbon and where we started the level there's a little ticket booth of some sorts, head around to the open door to find a dead ranger on the ground and loot his ammo.

3. (3)

Now to reorient you can go back to where we started and head left this time, Bourbon is probably still in the middle talking about that first dead ranger. You'll see windows on this side for reference.

Head in the door, watch out for the tripwire and make your way upstairs.

Once upstairs look to the right and you'll see an ammo box you can open next to a wood pile.

4. (4)

This next one is a little while in the level, right after you split up with Bourbon you'll enter in a building like this:

You'll see a dead ranger right in the path you're heading, loot him for some more ammo.

5. (5)

Continue past that last ranger we just looted from and you'll be in a hallway, at the end of the hallway look over to the left instead of going right and loot the next ranger in the corner.

6. (6)

Now heading right from the hallway you'll come across some stairs. Before going up go around them and look underneath for your next ammo stash.

7. (7)

This one is upstairs when you go around a corner you'll see a Dark One shift by all creepy-like. Don't follow him but head over to the broken elevator he shifted by and slip underneath and you'll find a hidden ammo stash. Finding this stash also gives you a +1 moral point.

8. (8)

You'll be outside next after going through the level longer and come across this open building.

When you head in you'll be attacked by an enemy, after that scene keep moving forward and you'll see the next dead ranger on the corner of this room. He's in your path so it's hard to pass up.

9. (9)

Once back outside again you'll see an open white truck, hop in the back for a good loot stash full of ammo and a gasmask.

10. (10)

Right after the truck continuing on you'll have a slo-mo vision part and come to see this building infront of you. Head in that open window for another stash, this building is right before the playground scene and vision.

11. (11)

After the playground scene you'll be heading back inside again, but don't go in there quite yet! Look over to the right to see another white truck tipped over. Head inside to see a dead guy and loot his corpse.

12. (12)

Now once you head into that buillding you'll have another slo-mo scene on the stairs and you'll see another ranger in your way. Loot him up for some free bullets.

13. (13)

These next couple are good to grab before you have to fight the big wave of enemies so you'll have a good amount of ammunition. I didn't get a good pic of this room but it's basically the room right after that last dead ranger and it has a bunch of windows in it that you'll be heading through later. Anyway, head to the right as you enter this room to find a hidden back room with a pile of supplies.

14. (14)

Leaving this room head ALL the way to the left of this room now and you'll see downed piece of the ceiling. I didn't get a good shot of the stash but look around the rubble in the back and you'll see the stash, also works as a good funneling spot when you get attacked by the wave of enemies.

Dead City 1.5
(Sorry, had to split this up, I hit some sort of writing limit, didn't know there was! Let's continue.)

15. (15)

Before continuing on the level head out one of the windows where the enemies poured in from and look to the right. Hug the wall around and you'll see a dead ranger on a lower piece of the land, hop down there and loot his ammo.

16. (16)

Now continue on and you'll see a lower portion with some sort of toxic waste on the ground.

Before jumping in the waste head down and around hugging that left dirt wall and you'll see a dead ranger just outside of the waste, loot his corpse.

17. (17)

This one can be a bit tricky because you have to run in the waste, loot the corpse and run back. Turn around from where that last ranger was. You'll see some pipes coming out of the waste, basically you have to work your way from pipe to pipe. Rest a bit on the pipe before going to the next.

Before you make a run for it you can kind of see him poking out of the waste, just run over there as fast as you can, loot it and head back to the pipe to rest for safety.

18. (18)

After you get out of the waste continue on the level and you'll see a path down a subway tunnel. Head down and you'll see a dead ranger lying there at the edge.

19. (19)

This next guy you'll come across when he was getting eaten by a Demon, shoo him away with some bullets and loot the poor guy.

20. (20)

Walk past the last guy and down and you'll see a blue tiled wall kind of crumbling away. Look over it to the right, hop over it for another dead ranger at the back of this small area.

21. (21)

Not sure if this next one counts but basically after that last one and continuing on the level you'll come across a hallway full of traps. Disarm the traps and you'll come across a back room with a table and a lot of weapons and ammo, loot it for the last stash of this part in the Dead City.

Dead City 2
1. (22)

Right at the start of the level you'll see a dead ranger leaning up against the wall, loot him for the first "hidden" stash for this part 2.

2. (23)

Turn 180 degrees from the last guy and you'll see a hole in the wall, crouch through the wall and you'll come across another dead ranger with more ammo to loot.

3. (24)

Continuing in the level you'll come across some shotgun bullets on the ground. Don't continue after picking these up, check out the stairs to the left for more loot on a dead corpse up the stairs.

4. (25)

This next one is hidden pretty well, after the stairs you'll come across an area that looks like this:

Turn to the left before moving forward and you'll see a crack in the wall that you can crouch down into. In the back of this small room is a supply box you can loot.

5. (26)

This next one is in the path you'll be going anyway, after you head over some planks you'll see a dead ranger leaning on the wall.

6. (27)

Right after the last guy you'll head up on dry land but don't go too far. Stay on the left edge of the land and you'll see a car and a dead ranger hanging over a lower edge. Hop down and loot the ranger for the next stash. Then work your way around, might have to hop in the toxic waste again to get back up to the land.

7. (28)

A little while longer you'll pass over a fence and come across this area:

Follow the right wall around to a back alley, there's a dead ranger for your next stash at the end.

8. (29)

You'll reunite with Bourbon around the next corner and there will be a dead ranger behind him (actually 2) loot the body

9. (30)

Now, like I said there's a second dead ranger behind Bourbon but he's further down the alley, run down there and loot the ammo before Bourbon runs off without you.

10. (31)

This next one, I picked up and got the achievement here, hopefully it does for you too, we only have this one and one more left but hey, it's nice to get an achievement early. Bourbon will run to the left at the split but you want to run to the right.

You'll see a stairwell that looks like it leads down to a subway. At the bottom will be your (possibly last) next stash.

11. (32)

The last one you'll want to do before you get chased away by the Demons that will start swooping at you. Before the battle starts look past the tree infront of you and you'll see a far wall in the distance with a ranger and the last stash to loot.

You did it! I hope this guide helped you get the Ranger achievement, let me know in the comments if anything needs to be adjusted and rate it up. Thanks guys and gals.
96 bình luận
Markoska 1 Thg07 @ 9:02pm 
Thanks for the concise guide! My game gave me the achievement on Dead City 2 #9 (30).
IV:XX 2 Thg04 @ 7:48am 
I don’t know, maybe the previous playthrough counted for me, but the achievement was given to me on the 7th corpse from the second map, that is, earlier. Thanks for the guidance.
LoGaS 4 Thg10, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
Really nice, easy and fast guide for this achievement... thank you very much.
Castigames69 31 Thg08, 2023 @ 3:09am 
Got the achievement early as for you, very nice guide and easy to follow. Thanks
Goat 14 Thg01, 2023 @ 11:52pm 
Great guide, thanks for making it. Got the achievement looting the second body behind Bourbon in the alleyway.
JediWithADragon 4 Thg11, 2022 @ 5:51am 
thanks for this, and yes I got the achievment early
.Angel❌Hope. 16 Thg10, 2022 @ 12:37pm 
ty to the author of this guide it really helped me with this challenge :3
Scientist  [tác giả] 13 Thg07, 2022 @ 12:04pm 
Glad this is still helping people out :bonfire2:
vav1x. 12 Thg07, 2022 @ 3:26pm 
thanks for the guide, dude
Player 22 Thg06, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
Thanks for the guide, I've got the achievement at the same moment as you did