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Tannenberg Server Commands and Custom Match Administration
By Thomas
This guide provides general information about custom matches and describes especially all available server commands.
In Tannenberg, you generally play on public servers. If you want to stay undisturbed, because you want to test something or you want to hold a match with specific players and custom mechanics, you will need a private server.

Don't worry. You don't have to rent a server from a third-party supplier. In Tannenberg, you can create a custom match for every game mode at any time. A custom match will still be hosted on the public servers of Tannenberg, but the administration is done by its private creator.

To create a custom match you click on "Play" in the main menu. After that, you click on "Custom" in the bottom right corner. Then you are able to configure your custom match:

Choose your desired gamemode and your desired map on the left. On the top right you have five input fields, all have to be filled with at least five characters. The match title defines the server name and helps other players to find this match. The password ensures that only specific players can join this match. You have to provide this password to all players that shall be allowed to participate in this match. You can also leave this empty, to create a custom public match where everyone can join without a password. If you set one, it must contain at least five characters. The admin password can be used by other players to gain administrative privileges on your server in addition to you. You should not provide the admin password to every player.

On the bottom right, you can adjust some game mechanics. All these settings - and even more - can also be set later during the match by using the commands explained below.
Inside a custom match there are several commands available to the administrator, that help to control the server and to apply extra configuration. The commands have to be written into the chat. They are invisible to other players. It does not matter whether you use the global chat or the team chat. You can display all available commands at any time by typing /help into the chat:

That are all available commands. Some of them are also available to every player even on public servers:

The following overview describes all server commands in more detail (alphabetical order):

/addsquadtype faction squadtype
faction ∈ {Central, Entente}, squadtype ∈ {KukTrupp, Infanterie, Bulgarian} | {Frontovik, Cossack, Roumanian}
Adds a squadtype to the allowed squadtypes list for a faction.
private, admin
/admin password
Knowing the admin password, any player can gain administrative privileges with this command.
private, everyone
/ban playername
Bans a player from a server permanently. He cannot rejoin the match.
private, admin
The contested trench will be instantly captured by the attacking team.
private, admin
/changeadminpassword password
Sets a new admin password for the server.
private, admin
/changepassword password
Sets a new password for the server.
private, admin
Changes the sides for all players. This is helpful when you hold a match where you want to play it a second time but with a side switch. The squad types will be translated to their equivalents.
private, admin
/clearsquadtypes faction
Central | Entente
Clears the list of allowed squadtypes for a faction. So all squadtypes are allowed again.
private, admin
Ends a match early, as if the timer has expired. Points will be counted.
private, admin
/friendlyfire option
on | off
Activates Friendlyfire with "on". Deactivates it with every other value. With active Friendlyfire it is possible to hurt and kill players of the own team, too.
private, admin
on | off
Activates a points penalty for friendly fire. Default: on
private, admin
Displays an overview containing all available commands.
public & private, everyone
/kick playername
Kicks a player from the server. He can rejoin the match.
private, admin
Displays a list of all spectators.
public & private, everyone
/mute playername
Mutes the given player, so you won't read and hear anything from him anymore. This is not a global configuration. Everybody has to mute other players on his own. This function is also available in the graphical user interface.
public & private, everyone
/openmap option
true | false
Enables or disables forbidden sectors on the map. Set to true, you can enter all trenches (friendly and enemy).
private, admin
/outlines faction option
faction ∈ {Central, Entente, Dead}, option ∈ {on, off}
Enables or disables the outlines of bodies.
/perfocc option
on | off
This command is deprecated and will be removed soon. Activates Occlusion culling with "on". Deactivates it with any other value.
public & private, everyone
/removesquadtype faction squadtype
faction ∈ {Central, Entente}, squadtype ∈ {KukTrupp, Infanterie, Bulgarian} | {Frontovik, Cossack, Roumanian}
Removes a squadtype from the allowed squadtypes list for a faction.
private, admin
/reportbug message
You can report bugs with this command. You can also use the steam forums to report bugs and give feedback.
public & private, everyone
Reports your position on the map. It will be displayed in the chat.
public & private, everyone
/restart {option}
c | e
Restarts a match. If you do not provide an option, there will be a random assignment of which team attacks or defends. If you use option "c", Central Powers will attack first. If you use option "e", Entente will attack first. The current match will be aborted and there won't be any evaluation.
private, admin
/setabilitycooldownmodifier number
]0, 50[]
The cooldown timer of the NCO abilities will be multiplied with this value. Smaller values will decrease the timer. Default: 2.0
private, admin
/screenmessage message
Displays a red colored message permanently in the top center of the screen. It acts like a banner.
private, admin
/setbotaccuracy number
[0, infinite]
The accuracy of the bots will be multiplied with this value. The smaller the value, the better their accuracy. Default: 1.0
private, admin
/setbotdamage number
[0, infinite]
The damage done by bots will be multiplied with this value. The smaller the value, the less damage done. Default: 1.0
private, admin
/setbotdifficulty difficulty
difficulty ∈ {easy, medium, hard}
Sets the difficulty of the bots. Default: hard
private, admin
/setbotshootrange number
[1, infinite]
Sets the range in which the bots will shoot at enemies. Default: 100m.
private, admin
Commands (continuation)
/setbotsightrange number
[1, infinite]
Sets the range in which the bots will see enemies. Default: 150m.
private, admin
/setfactionspawntimemodifier number faction
number ∈ [0, infinite], faction ∈ {Central, Entente}
Modifies the multiplicator for the respawn timer for a faction. Set to 0, respawns will happen instantly.
private, admin
/setfillbots number
[0, 512]
Sets the amount of slots that will be filled by bots if they are not filled by human players. It will increase the roomsize if the roomsize is smaller than this value. Although, a smaller value than the roomsize will not decrease the roomsize.
private, admin
/sethqcaponly option
true | false
Removes point drain and allows the game to be won only by HQ capture.
private, admin
/setnextmap mapname
East Prussia | Poland | Galicia | Carpathians | Roumania | Dobrudja
Sets the map for the next match. The current map cannot be set as the next map. If you want to play on the same map again, use the command /restart instead. Vauquois will only work for the game modes Rifle Deathmatch and Attrition.
private, admin
/setroomsize number
[1, 128]
Sets the amount of available slots for players on this server. The old value will still be shown in the player overview until another player joins. No restart required.
private, admin
/setscorecentral number
[0, ?]
Sets the resource points of the Central Powers in Maneuver game mode.
private, admin
/setscoreentente number
[0, ?]
Sets the resource points of the Entente team in Maneuver game mode.
private, admin
/setscorefrance number
[0, 60]
Sets the score of the Entente team in Attrition game mode.
private, admin
/setscoregermany number
[0, 60]
Sets the score of the Central Powers team in Attrition game mode.
private, admin
This command does not work anymore since there is only one sector preset at the moment.
private, admin
/setsquadlevel level
[0, 100]
Sets a mutual squadlevel for all squads. 1-100 define the desired squadlevel. A value less or equal to 0 will reset the squadlevels to their original values.
private, admin
/setteambalance option
on | off
Allows enabling/disabling team balance. Without team balance you can have more than half of the players on one team and will not get any balancing notifications. It is disabled by default.
private, admin
/settimelimit minutes
[1, infinite]
Sets the duration of a match in minutes. Are there already some minutes gone, they will be taken into account. Example given: If a match is already active for 5 minutes and you set the duration to 50 minutes, there will be 45 minutes left to play.
private, admin
/setweapons option
normal, melee, weaponname ∈ {G98}
Only available in Rifle Deathmatch. "Normal" allows only rifles. "Melee" alows only melee weapons. You can also restrict it to one single weapon by providing a weaponname. A new option will be deployed after each respawn individually. Reset the match to make sure everyone has equipped the chosen option.
private, admin
/setweather number
[0, 7]
Sets the weather to the given value. The possible values depend on the map. For Carpathians, East Prussia and Galicia they are: 0=cloudy, 1=dawn, 2=foggy, 3=night, 4=overcast, 5=snowy, 6=sunny. For Poland they are: 0=cloudy, 1=dawn, 2=foggy, 3=night_dark, 4=night_snowy, 5=overcast, 6=snowy, 7=sunny
private, admin
/setyear year
year ∈ {1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, unspecified}
Sets the year. It affects the uniforms the soldiers are wearing. Default: unspecified (which means soldiers will wear uniforms according to their squad level)
private, admin
/shootdebug option
on | off
Activates Shootdebug with "on". Deactivates it with any other value. Active Shootdebug displays information about the distance and the quality of hits.
public & private, everyone
/showmessage message
Displays a red colored message in global chat.
private, admin
/textchat option
on | off
Turns the text chat on or off (just for you).
public & private, everyone
/unmute playername
Unmutes the given player, so you can read and hear from him again. This is not a global configuration. Everybody has to unmute other players on his own. This function is also available in the graphical user interface.
public & private, everyone
/voicechat option
on | off
Turns the voice chat on or off (just for you).
public & private, everyone
I just joined as a spectator. How can I leave spectator mode and actually play?
As a spectator, there is no possibility to join the active match directly. You have to rejoin the match.

512 Bots. Wait, what?
There are two commands that affect the player and bot count. A normal match has 64 slots. They can be filled by players. If slots remain empty, they will be filled by bots. The total bot count will grow and shrink dynamically.
With /setroomsize you can set the maximum amount of slots that can be filled by players. It is currently 1-64. Default is 64.
With /setfillbots you can set the maximum amount of slots that will be filled by bots (0-512). Default is 64. This amount can be lower than, equal to or greater than the maximum amount of player slots. So it is possible to have more than 64 "soldiers" in a match! You can have at most 64 players and additionally 448 bots. It is not recommended to use that big numbers at the moment as it will decrease your FPS to absolute zero.

Some examples:
Given: /setroomsize 64 | /setfillbots 64 | Players: 64
Result: 64 players and 0 bots.

Given: /setroomsize 64 | /setfillbots 128 | Players: 64
Result: 64 players and 64 bots.

Given: /setroomsize 64 | /setfillbots 128 | Players: 32
Result: 32 players and 96 bots.

Given: /setroomsize 20 | /setfillbots 0 | Players: 10
Result: 10 players and 0 bots.

Given: /setroomsize 64 | /setfillbots 512 | Players: 10
Result: 10 players and 502 bots. + Game Freeze ;-)

How do I provide administrative privileges to a player?
Other players can gain administrative privileges only by themselves. Therefor they have to join the custom match first like every other player. Then they need the admin password. They gain administrative privileges by typing in the command /admin in conjunction with the admin password. It is not possible to login to a server directly using the admin password.

Can I create a custom match without a password?
Yes, just leave the password field empty. Your match will be listed as a public match and everyone will be able to join without being asked for a password.
NotTodayWillJ 19 Mar, 2022 @ 3:51pm 
Set the bots fill to 128, and the game disconnected by client timeout, my PC is good enough to handle double to bots, wth is going on here?
Thomas  [author] 4 Sep, 2020 @ 3:52am 
You need an admin password, but you do not necessarily need a password for the match.
Stikk 30 Aug, 2020 @ 10:34pm 
Can I create a custom match without a password? No I don't seem to be able to.
Build 31221390 and my custom game page looks different to the one displayed above,
https://imgur.com/a/sY0OEjs Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
YAMI[YES AH-1] 5 Jun, 2020 @ 2:55am 
Airadio doesn't follow players. It's stupid to run around. Players have to go after airadio:steamsad:
YAMI[YES AH-1] 5 Jun, 2020 @ 2:53am 
Can Let NCO use fire support without radio?
LV|Ironstorm767 4 Jun, 2020 @ 9:07pm 
@YAMI[system]: Bots aren't available for the other game modes.
YAMI[YES AH-1] 4 Jun, 2020 @ 7:49pm 
How to add BOT in other modes?
makximakimov 24 May, 2020 @ 6:01am 
Скажите, почему когда я захожу в игру, я постоянно в ней один, нет ни партнеров ни соперников, бегают по карте один? И пишет на всех картах, что нет игр.
Thomas  [author] 17 Apr, 2020 @ 10:07am 
Up to date according to V311.19980 - 15-04-2020. Thanks for your comments!
SlenderKnirpZ 16 Apr, 2020 @ 1:52pm 
Okay thanks anyway.