Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

251 ratings
New Chapter Idea - The Night of Voodoo
By Leonisis
A new chapter idea with a unique killer and survivor. SPENT TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS
Killer Bio
The Voodoo Queen

There was a time where magicks were rife and used to bring wonders into the world. However, there was a time before magicks, a time when ancestors were respected and feared, an era where voodoo was the solution to disease, infertility and even death. So much has been forgotten yet from Guinee itself a woman of colour beheld the connection to the Divine Cosmorama, which lent her powers to control the fabrics of death and weave strife and life between her stained fingers at her will… Her command over the loas let her become a highly influential woman despite her Creole roots. Common and high folk sought out the Voodoo Queen for a remedy for yellow fever, for help in finding a lost relic or for darker purposes. Such requests were not taken lightly and had to be performed in the dead of night in the graveyard where lost souls would gather to lend strength to the Voodoo Queen’s incantations. To those of you who do not know the graveyard is essential to the practices of voodoo magicks, the connection to the Cosmorama is the strongest when surrounded by nether energies. Under her thrall the spirits would seek the target in the night and ensure that they would never wake again as their life was snuffed out. How was the Voodoo Queen able to stay in power for so long, despite her being so dangerous? It is simple. With a doll. By tying a man’s life force to something so fragile… so easily torn and destroyed... few could escape the Voodoo Queen’s grip and even fewer dared to defy her. If with a single prick a pain so profound could rupture the centre of your soul… what would a dagger to the heart do? Thus the Voodoo Queen lived and died becoming a legend and a folk tale. Stories about her life greatly exaggerated and worshipped. Yet one fact remains that voodoo has much influence over death and although the Voodoo Queen never had any intention of remaining on this plane of existence a soul is so easy to pluck from the rivers of Acheron, especially if you are the Entity. It corrupted her very loa, losing her benevolent powers and manifesting a stronger affinity with the darker, forbidden sect of voodoo worship… Thus the Voodoo Queen herself has now become a puppet and the price for her freedom, you ask? You don’t even want to find out…

Killer Ability
Weapon: Sacrificial Dagger

Mori Animation: The Voodoo Queen lifts up the Voodoo Puppet of the survivor in the air. The survivor follows suit. She then rips off the arms of the puppet. The survivor has the same thing done to them. Then the legs. And finally the head. After which she drops the dismembered puppet on the dismembered corpse of the survivor.

Ability: Voodoo Puppet

The Voodoo Queen starts the round with 4 voodoo puppets, one for each survivor. Each puppet can hold up to 5 hairs and the Voodoo Queen starts with one hair from each survivor. The Voodoo Queen can gather more hairs from survivors and stitch them onto their respective dolls to empower her next incantation. She may gather hairs from landing a successful strike on a survivor, breaking a pallet used by a survivor to vault over and breaking/checking (checking a generator when it is completed) a generator. Each of these actions will yield one hair from the survivor (changes with add-ons). The Voodoo Queen may scroll through the puppets and then can hold the M2 button to begin the incantation. When holding a particular voodoo doll the respective survivor is highlighted. Holding the button down for longer will burn more hairs, changing the incantation. Whilst casting the incantation the Voodoo Queen begins to cackle with the sound growing louder as more hairs are burnt. Whilst casting she is disarmed but moves at the same speed. After the incantation is finished she is disarmed for a further 1 second.

1 hair burnt – The Voodoo Queen pierces the puppet causing the respective survivor to scream in pain and fail a skill check if they are in the process of healing or repairing a generator. There is no range limit to this incantation.
2 hairs burnt – The Voodoo Queen pierces the eyes of the puppet blinding the survivor for 3 seconds. The survivor may still take actions if they are blinded. Has a 20 meter casting range limit.
3 hairs burnt – The Voodoo Queen pierces the puppet in the heart. The survivor is immediately put in the injured state. Has a 20 meter casting range limit
4 hairs burnt – The Voodoo Queen pulls the heart of the puppet. The survivor blinks up to 20 meters towards the Voodoo Queen. Has no range limit.
5 hairs burnt – The Voodoo Queen uses her dagger to stab the puppet in the heart. The survivor falls into the dying state. Has a 15 meter casting range limit.

Killer Add-Ons


Ashen gris-gris
Increase the casting range of all incantations by 3 meters

Generators that have hairs are highlighted


Solemn gris-gris
Increase the casting range of the third level of the voodoo puppet power by 15 meters
Decrease the casting range limit of the second level of the voodoo puppet power by 5 meters

Blood of Lapin
Pallets that contain hairs are highlighted


Cosmic Engravings
Moderately increase the chance of an additional hair from the weapon attack. (25%)

Many Tongues
Increase the incantation speed by 0.25 seconds per level
Slightly reduce movement speed when casting (Trapper speed to Hag speed)

Very Rare

The Third Eye
When you break a generator from the side that was worked on by a survivor get 2 hairs instead

Burdock Seed
When dropping a pallet there is a 50% chance that a hair will fall on the pallet
Pallets are highlighted when they have a survivor hair

The Arthana
Sacrificial dagger attacks will have a 50% chance to yield a bonus hair

Ultra Rare

A Great Sacrifice
When breaking/checking generators and pallets gather hairs from ALL survivors that have used them
You no longer get hairs from the sacrificial dagger

The Final Sacrifice

Increase the number of maximum hairs to 10
At 10 hairs the Voodoo Queen will teleport the survivor to her and kill them
Killer Perks

(I thought giving her a theme like with the other killers for perks would be nice. So her theme is manipulating the map to her favour.)

Voodood Wood

The match begins with 2/3/4 pallets that break immediately when dropped by the survivor.
“The world bends to her will” - Vigo

Hex Death Fog

Whilst the totem is active generate a moderately/considerably/tremendously dense fog that only affects survivors. Whilst running through the fog there is a 50/70/90% chance that the killer’s terror radius is played.
“And out of the fog she comes bearing the wicked blade…” – Vigo

Mistress of Hexes

At the beginning of the round all survivors are blinded, disarmed, frozen and hidden from view of the killer for 10/15/20 seconds. The killer takes on the aspect of the Entity which moves at a faster speed (wraith cloaked speed). During this time the killer has a terror radius of 15/10/5 meters. After the time runs out, depending where the Entity last stood the killer’s hex totem will spawn at the location. Priority is given to the leftmost (first) hex perk that is used and only 1 hex totem may be moved in that way. The killer along with the survivors will start the match in their original places.

Survivor – Mark Murray – An intrepid explorer

A path unexplored is a path that is wasted. That is his motto, or at least it was when he made the foolish choice to awaken the evil buried in St. Louis’ cemetery. Mark Murray had everything that he could wish for. A relatively loyal wife, a trusty Mustang and most importantly a tacky but lovable ghost hunter show. Having explored many of the world’s greatest ghostly sights and mysteries and made documentaries such as the “Hallow Screams of the Crotus Penn Asylum”, or the classic the “Shocking Truth Behind Lery’s Memorial Institute” Mark had amounted a small fortune. People were always willing to believe in the supernatural, especially when you mix in a bit of gore and horror into the pot then it really becomes an attraction. However as with every ghost hunter show he ran into the inevitable issue of… lack of ideas. Having aimed for the biggest blockbuster opportunities it seems that Mark had run into a massive creative block. He offered a challenge to his waning viewer base to challenge him to explore the most horror stricken place on Earth. From the thousands of letters he got only one looked promising – the graveyard of St. Louis, more specifically Marie Laveaux’s resting place. Many rumours of her ghost, murmuring demonic incantations plagued the surrounding area. Although he felt unease at the stories of voodoo that he read and witnessed during his tour of the African tribes he felt a duty both to his viewers and his dying show. As suspected the crypt to her resting place was locked so in the dead of the night where no one would suspect any intrusions Mark broke down the door, desecrating this sacred place. A loud groan emitted from the nether of her grave. As he cracked open the lid of her rotting coffin he looked inside. There was nothing there, a black void that seemed to beckon him. Startled he snapped upright. His crew was gone. Gingerly he left the crumbling crypt and crouched low as he heard a distant cackle. The sky was filled with crows and moon gave a wicked smile.
Survivor Perks


Breaking totems yields 1/2/3 bones that may be picked by any survivor that has this perk. Picked up bones take priority over other survivor items that they may be carrying. The survivor may throw the bone up to a 32 meter radius (holding down the button extends the range). Upon landing it will make a loud sound alerting the killer if they are within a 40 meter radius of impact.
“Alright you vile creature, let’s see if you will fall for this one”

Fear of Capture

Initiating sprinting when on a generator when within the terror radius of a killer gives a 150% movement speed boost for 4 seconds. Completing the generator when within the killer’s terror radius gives the movement speed boost for 6 seconds instead. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

The Good Fates

There is a 30/50/70% chance that a killer’s ability will not work on you*. Has a 90 second cooldown.
"You ask me how I haven't angered any supernatural entity in my life? Good looks and charm."

How it affects different killers –
Voodoo Queen - The incantation will fail and use up one hair
Hillbilly/Leatherface – The chainsaw will not insta down you but still injure you.
Michael Myers – The attack in Evil Within III will not insta down you but still injure you.
Trapper – The trap will activate AND INJURE but not trap you.
Hag – The trap will be destroyed as if by a flashlight.
Doctor – You will not be affected by a Shock Therapy attack.
Huntress – You will still be injured but if the Huntress is using an Iridescent Axe Head it will not insta down you.
Freddy – At the end of the dream world transition you will not fall asleep.
Nurse- After striking the survivor successfully after a blink doubles the fatigue time.
Wraith- If uncloaking within a 10 meter radius to the survivor he is light - burned.

Thanks For Reading!
Spent too much time on this... Send help. Or even better... send me a life. Oh yeah and the map should be St Louis' cemetery or some graveyard. Would be neat to have a 2 - level map with underground catacombs and the main building being Marie Laveuax's tomb.

Please leave a comment. Would make my day xD
Hyperion 29 May, 2023 @ 6:34pm 
If you +rep me on my profile and say something like good Dead By Daylight player, really good killer etc... I will do the same for you :)
herbgrace 14 Dec, 2019 @ 1:28am 
new chapter leaked...?
Leonisis  [author] 7 Dec, 2018 @ 10:50am 
Yeah. You will have to put them to sleep twice
FDHappy𒉭 1 Dec, 2018 @ 11:22am 
Wait Freddy isn´t able to put you in dream world? xD
Vini 3 Nov, 2018 @ 11:21am 
R!ch 24 Jul, 2018 @ 1:15am 
the time you spent on this was worth it
Fractalfruit89 24 Mar, 2018 @ 8:20pm 
The whole thing is suuuuper ambitious, but hey, if they could do it, i'd buy this. Plus the whole totem spawning perk? Yeeeeaaah, i'd rather just have a feature where all hexes are inactive at the start of the game, but you can activate them, (giving left most perk priority, then so on.) by causing an action where, idk, you wave your hand over the totem, and they become lit. Much better and not as easily screwed by hex placement.
Tefoloponopinous 22 Jan, 2018 @ 10:48am 
I like the survivor perk ideas, but I'm not as optimistic about the killer ones. They all seem either OverPowered or simply odd to work with.
Crimson Joker 12 Dec, 2017 @ 5:10am 
probably awesome i guess!
KSG-Kasuga 4 Dec, 2017 @ 7:14pm 
Nice ideas compadre. The perks are a little... much in terms of gameplay, but still very good.