The Apotheosis Project

The Apotheosis Project

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The Apotheosis Project walkthrougth
By Max Power
Full walkthrougth
Game Control
Move the cursor to the bottom of your screen and the inventory clicks open.
All items you collect are stored here.
To use them, click on it. They then stick to your cursor. Then click on the active place where you want to use the item. This can also be another item in your inventory.

To the left of your inventory see you a question mark icon (?).
Click to get a hint.

Active places on the screen have a nameplate if you cross the cursor.
Right click to look at it.
Link click to execute an action such as packing or using.

With the ESC key you go to the menu.
Here you can save (save), load (load) and exit (quit).
In the Savemenu, type in the name of your save at the bottom. Then click ENTER or save to save.

For many actions you get points, up to a total of 1000. There are also actions that are not immediately needed to play the game.

Pandora Global Corporation
Penelope and Aaron are in the office of Pandora Parlow, the director of Pandora Global Corporation. They get their next assignment.
Pandora says they are close to the completion of the first part of the Apotheosis Project. One of their contacts has the penultimate part of a card, and both agents get a briefcase of money and can retrieve the item.
For the moment, they do not get any further details about the project.
Aaron notes that the firm resolves the "problems" of the CIA.

Just before they leave, Pandora says: "The Serpent Is In The Nest" and Aaron and Penelope get a blackout and a dizzy feeling. Pandora claims that it is because the office is so high and that it is vibrations of flying aircraft.

Meeting place
Aaron and Penelope drive to the meeting place.
It appears that the suitcase contains false money.
The two agents are arrested and taken to a prison on a remote island.

Aaron - cell
Aaron has been in a cell for two days now, and now wants to know where Penelope is.
The long-standing guard does not respond to anything. Time to escape!

Look around if there is anything you can use.
In the corner at the right railing window you will see a lot of dust and a broom. There is also a wooden spoon (spoon) between the fabric . Click to pick it up. He automatically goes to your inventory at the bottom of the screen.

There is something written on the wall under the right railing window. Right click on it to read and you get 10 points. (+10)
NB: This is one of those actions that are not necessarily required to play the game.
Tip:Always look (right click) an item for you. Not for any points, but also because you can get information that can help you further.

Aaron can not do anything from his cell.
Move your cursor to the bottom of your screen and the inventory clicks open.
On the right side you will see a portrait of Penelope.
Click to switch to her.

Penelope - cell
Two of the people who abducted them await the return of the Grand Master and the other brothers. In the meanwhile, they want to run an experiment with a machine left behind after the Cold War. Penelope is told that their organization knows Pandora's Secret Apotheosis Project and that they may be one of those "custom" people with paranormal powers. They want Penelope to manipulate the machine with its thoughts and burn lights.

Penelope protests.
You will now see four options, for Penelope's response.
First click on option 1 and 2. Penelope concentrates on the lamps, but only gets a headache of it.
Then choose option three. Penelope says that this can not work (this is just silly).
She is told that she just has to continue focusing on the lamps.
Say you head is about to explode on the point (my head feels like it's going to explode). The man has no compassion and instructs the soldier to put her in the shoulder to convince her that she has to work with.

He could not do that better. Penelope, in fact, has special powers.
After the men disappear, Penelope decides she's going to search Aaron.

Look around you.
On the left side you will see the red light on the elevator door.
Click on it, the door opens and Penelope steps into the elevator.
Push the lift button in the elevator to leave the underground space.

The elevator stops in an office.
Look around you.
Behind the painting is a safe hidden. You need a code to open it.
The desk drawer is clamp-tight.
Next to the paper basket is a empty lighter on the ground. Pick him up. Keys

are located on the desk . Pick them up Move your cursor to the bottom of your screen. Click on the keys, they will stick to your cursor. Then click on the door on the left side of the room and Penelope opens it. Leave the office space. Hangar Outside, a soldier walks back and forth for another building.

Penelope'm not sure if its forces act on command, so they would rather avoid soldaar or off in a different way.

Enter the hangar, left of the office space.
You'll see a machine with a big green and red button.
Left of the buttons is a strange electrical component . Pick it up.

Push the red button.
At the entrance, a hatch closes down and there are many lights burning.
The soldier hears noise and looks.
If turned off, push the green button to close the hatch again.
Then leave the hangar.

Aaron and Penelope - Unlocking
Penelope uses the keys to release Aaron.
She explains what she heard about Pandora's experiments and her paranormal power.
Then Penelope wants to look for their mobile phones. (+10).

Open your inventory.
Click next to Aaron portrait on the dolls icon and where does one person will follow the other automatically.
Walk into the office spaces.

Switch to Aaron.
He is slightly stronger, so let him open the clamped tray (+10).
Look through the drawer and take out a piece of paper .
Take the piece of paper from your inventory and give it to Penelope.

Then switch to Penelope.
Look (right click) the piece of paper in your inventory. She sees that numbers are on, the combination of the safe! (+30).
Click the piece of paper on the safe and Penelope opens him.
Search the safe and relieve the relics that Pandora asked them to buy.
Give the relic to Aaron.

Switch to Aaron.
Check out the relics in your inventory.
Aaron gets headache and his paranormal powers are triggered! (+10).
Aaron and Penelope arrive in a shop with a very strange creature behind the counter, which is welcome to them in Infraworld. The essence is called Howard Philips and thinks they are friends of the Creator (creator). He advises them not to find any problems with the Watchers.

Switch to Penelope and talk extensively with Howard.
According to him, Infraworld is a planet and at the same time a city. They can not leave the city because the Chancellor does not allow that.
The Creator appeared as unexpectedly in his store as Aaron and Penelope and told him that he had made this world. The Creator, called Polidori, has a secret office somewhere in the city. He does not interfere with the city anymore.
The Watchers are robots made by the Chancellor to maintain the law in the city. The Chancellor rules over the city.
On the left of the doorway is a metal cabinet. Here is a plastic apple . Pick him up, you get him free from Howard.

Switch to Aaron and talk extensively with Howard.
Now you are told that there are dissidents in the city who demand the legalization of K-Powder. According to Howard, K-powder is the only way to eradicate the Cockroaches, which threaten the city. But the stuff is very expensive and is forbidden because it is also a drug.
The Exterminators, who are appointed to fight the cockroaches, act illegally in the powder.
Ask for the Watchers and Aaron decide that they are looking for Polidori (+10).
Leave the store.

On the street for the store
See all around you.
Check the pamphlet that hangs to the right of the door opening of the shop (+10).

Left behind you will see a billboard for the Polidori Pub and Restaurant on the facade.
This is a waste bin and some garbage bags.
Search as Aaron the garbage bags and you will find a toy soldier .
Search as Penelope the garbage bags and you'll find a doll (doll) .
Walk right into Polidori's Club on the street (street).

For the nightclub
See all around you.
You are now in front of the entrance to the Polidori Night Club. The door is closed.
On the right is a truck. On the sidewalk, behind the truck, is an empty can . Pick it up.
Walk past the truck to a square (square).

Plein / intersection
At this intersection, one of the Watchers warned Howard.
On the other side you will see a blocked street. Below you can see just the dome of a replica Capitol. At the tip of the dome is a watersprayer. Check him out (+10).
Walk to the left.

Subway Station
You arrive at the entrance of the subway station.
Above the entrance is a TV screen with a news broadcast. Look at it. The reporter talks about the set night clock and some murders. Aaron thinks she should talk to the Watchers to find out more (+10).
Before you go down, you pick a moment the rubber gloves (rubber glove) , which is right at the top of the stairs on the street (+10).

Enter the station.
You see a watcher scanning a body. The area is deposited with police tape. These robots do not want to disturb them in his work.
On the platform behind the Watcher, a booklet (leaflet) is on the ground. Check it out and pick it up. It is a booklet with information about Infraworld.

Continue to the left and you will see a red door and a blue door.
On the red door is a sticker that warns of danger. The door is closed.
Open the blue door. There is a corpse out! The Watcher will immediately watch (+10).

Walk back to the first body. Search him.
You'll find a metal spider (metal spider) . On the back of the spider is a test panel.
Walk back to the left. Remove the spider from your inventory and put it on the red door. The thing is magnetic and sticks to the door!
Look him up close. You see keys, but you do not have a code.
Leave the station.

Spider key
Return to the store and talk to Howard about the spider.
He tells you that it's a keystroke and that you need a code.
One of the Exterminators broke his key regularly and brought him to Howard for repair. He tells Aaron the code 2-7-5-8.
Leave the store.

Look outside the store to the white neon lights of the store. It appears that this is the only place that does not name Polidori (+30).

Go back to the station.
Walk to the red door and see the spin lock again close. You will see keys with numbers 1 through 8. The button next to 7 is empty and 8 is stuck on the next key as if it does not belong.
Enter: 2 7 5 and then press the empty key next to 7. The door will open (+50).

Enter and you arrive in the office of a talking typewriter with paws.
Mr. Keys says he is waiting for an Exterminator with a package.
Talk to the unfriendly typewriter. He says he is Polidori's secretary. But he also says that no one gets permission to see Polidoro, at least no people without a special package.

Mr Keys has already had a shelter with an exterminator who then took one of his trains.
If Aaron returns the razor he may go to Polidori, but the Exterminators are hard to find. They are or die or hide somewhere since they are hunted for them. Aaron could have a look at the Polidori Nightclub.

Inform the Watchers and the K-powder.
The typewriter is excited about the Watchers, who purge the streets and suppress the population, but he does not want to tell if the Watchers use the K-powder to eradicate the cockroaches.
Leave Mr Keys and leave the station.

Polidori Night Club
Walk to the Polidori nightclub. The doors are still closed.
Let Aaron try the door and he's right.
A voice says he does not want to be disturbed, he has no powder anymore.
If Aaron offers to deliver powder, the door will open (+10).

Go inside and you'll find an exterminator in his orange overall. Talk to him.
He tells you that you can find K-powder in one of the nearby storage cans. He no longer dares the street himself.
The man takes his subject seriously and is not a junkie. If he has K-powder, he can kill the cockroach, which slides behind in the club behind a door.

Ask him if he accidentally has a gearbox for an old typewriter. This man indeed appears to be the one who overpowered the typewriter. He wants to give you the toothrad in exchange for some K-powder.

You can walk past the man to the stage. Here you can also see the double door behind which is a cockroach, to hear the sound.
Look at the top left the double door to the machine gun that hangs here (+10). The club is well guarded.

Let Penelope look at the stage (internship).
She finds a top quality sticker (+30) on a floor .

Walk from the crossroads with the Watcher to the right.
At the end of the street you will see a warehouse. Click on the doorway and a large, wide guard with a chain saw will appear. He does not want to let you through.
Look at him You have to think of something to get him out of there.

Go back to the intersection.
Talk to the Watcher and Aaron tells him that the killer of the dead is in the station, at the warehouse. The robot looks straight and you see a light flash (+50), after which the robot returns.

Walk back to the right, to the warehouse and you see that the big, wide guard is gone.
Go inside.

K powder
In the store is a large machine for the production of K-powder.
At the center of the machine you will see a small white piece of paper (piece of paper). Let Aaron get the letter, it's the instruction (instructions) for using the machine.
Read the note in your inventory.
First take off the cogwheel brake, then set the control panel levers according to instructions, then stop K-flowers in the bin and finally push the button (+10).
So look for K-flowers.

Grocery Howard and the Exterminator in the club can not help you with the flowers.
Go to the subway station.
Walk to the pink and blue door. The Guardian who scans the body here is no longer and has also killed a giant cockroach. Look for the dead man's body at the cockroach and you will findpetals (flower petals) . Check them in your inventory. Since they were in possession of an exterminator, these are probably the K-flower petals.

Go back to the alley and the big machine.

1. Click on the gears to remove the brake.
2. Click the control panel with the handles.
You can see four levers, which you can click on in 3 modes: top, middle and bottom. A red light is lit in the middle.
In your inventory, right-click the instructions and study them.
The arrows on the colored boxes indicate where to put the lever on.

In accordance with the schedule, set all handles in red mode (bottom, top, middle, bottom).
If you did it correctly, the levers move automatically and the light in the middle turns orange.
Then put all the levers in the orange position (center, bottom, bottom, center).
The light will turn on yellow.
Then put all the levers in the yellow position (top, bottom, bottom, bottom) and the light turns green.
Finally, put all the levers in the green position (center, middle, top, middle) and a flower on the green light will appear. The machine is set correctly.

3. Throw the petals in the bin on the right side of the machine.
4. Then push the red button and the machine will make some powder (+50).

Pick up the package of powder (package) . It is located on the conveyor belt under the center of the machine.

Check the package in your inventory. Aaron hopes it's K-powder.
Penelope previously found a sticker on the floor of the nightclub. Give Aaron the sticker.
Paste the sticker on the package and you definitely have a good quality K-pack .

Above the red button is a funnel (funnel) . Pick him up.
Leave the space.

Go to the nightclub and talk to the exterminator.
Ask if you can exchange the gearbox for high quality K powder (can I trade some powder for the gear) and the Exterminator goes to agreement (+50).
Tell him that the powder is too good to use only the cockroaches (this K powder or exceptional quality ...) and you get (+50) extra points for playing your role as a drug dealer.
Aaron then automatically takes the gearbar (gear) .

Go to the subway station and walk in at the talking typewriter.
Talk to him and tell him you have his razor (I bring you the gear).
The typewriter is then willing to bring both to Polidori.
Penelope excavation site recognizes the area where they suddenly flashed.
Prior to joining Pandora Global Corp, she worked with a man who worked for Parlow for a couple of years. He was an expert in archeology and investigated obsessed with all the extraordinary findings that did not fit into the familiar history and, according to many, were dated to the oldest.
He often told Penelope about the excavation sites he visited, including these: Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, twelve thousand years old.

Perci Polidori
Aaron and Penelope enter the hole through Penelope, where Penelope meets her old friend John, to her stupid surprise. She thought he was dead and has months of trouble.
John says that he is actually Percy Polidori, the son of Pandora Parlow.
He flew for national security reasons after discovering his mother's real plans.
Penelope finally wants to know what Project Apotheosis is and how it works with Infraworld and the special forces that Aaron and they have.

Percy explains that his mother collects relics to make an old 'stele'. The fragments of this ancient stone plate were scattered throughout the world. The plate is actually a card made by alien creatures. Pandora wanted to hand over all the earth to these aliens.
Infraworld is a new dimension, made by Percy, which is also genetically modified by Pandore. She wanted to use Infraworld, but wondered because she discovered that the genetically modified people could have a lot more than this.

Percy clogged in Infraworld, but eventually appeared to stop his mother. He discovered the Stable Card Activator here on the oldest excavation site in the world.
Percy now stands at a wall of inscriptions, which he believes is a 'gate'. It has not yet been possible to open the port.

Percy also tells Aaron and Penelope, just like all genetically altered, under the control of his mother. She can command them to kill someone or commit suicide without being able to resist. But she can only speak directly with a spoken order.
The special forces of the agents are activated with a type of password.
If their powers have been eliminated for a very long time, their lives are at risk.

Aaron proposes to destroy the relics they possess, so that the stele can not be completed, but Percy does not feel like it. The Activator can rotate certain pieces of the stele, even if it is not complete.
Fortunately, Pandora has no knowledge of this excavation site, because Percy kept up with those things and did not report when he discovered the gate.
He suspects that on the other side of that gate is a temple and the Activator
Percy's conversation
Percy goes on to study the inscriptions on the wall.
Talk to him if you want to get more background information.
Ask Aaron if you are indeed at risk (going to that) and Percy explains that they can only be reset on Global Corp, under the control of a computer and Pandora voice. Percy says he can also serve that computer and he wants to help them after they have found the activator (+10).

In Infraworld, drug users change in their own hallucination (+10).
Traveling through dimensions goes on Pandora's order. But if they are not reset, the forces become uncontrollably strong. Percy hopes Aaron was sent to Infraworld as a basis for further travel. He hopes Pandora still thinks he's dead (+10).
Pandora is powerful and has influence over the world. She is a member of the Order of the Serpent, the oldest organization in the world with influence in churches, banks and governments (+10).

Let Penelope talk to Percy.
Percy says he never needs to be reset, Penelope has taken care of that. He also has more special powers than the other agents (+10).
Percy explains that Penelope more or less automatically uses her power to defend herself. He also says he followed his deceased father. Then he asks for the relic. Aaron handed him the relic, they fully trust Percy (+10). Percy thinks the solution lies in the symbols on the wall. The wall itself can not be destroyed, even with dynamite.
Percy explains that his mother has contact with only one of the many races that populate the universe (+10).
Secret Entrance
Secret Entrance
Pay attention to the thoughts expressed by Percy. He says something about the big weight on the right and the small on the left. Then he says something about the door with two pressure plates.

Look around you.
On the floor you will see two square plates.
Let Aaron stand on the right plate.
Leave Penelope on the left plate.
Percy reads a strange text and the earth vibrates. Stand still.

Penelope has fallen into a hole.
Percy says that the gate is now open and that the dark corridor is likely to lead to a temple. He wants to meet her there.
Switch to Aaron.

Aaron got a little less fortunate, but still very well.
He wants to look for Penelope.
Look around you.
For the rock in the foreground is a metal tube and on the right there is a dark passage.
On the right is an illuminated corridor.

Enter the illuminated corridor and you will find a very futuristic device that definitely does not belong in a 12,000-year-old temple.
Check the machine and console with the three symbols. It looks like it's three hand prints for a hand with three fingers.
Click on the prints. They make sound. Low noise if you do it wrong and high noise if you do well.
Click right-to-left on the hand-shaped buttons and move into the machine.

Walk back to the place where you fell through the puffin.
The metal tube appears to be a lamp that works with the generator.
Walk along the lamp to the right.
Aaron's memories
Aaron arrives in his grandmother's kitchen.
She asks Aaron to grab the jam she needs for her cake.
Open the refrigerator.
Look in the fridge and Aaron finds that there are also bricks in (+10).
Remove the jam (jam) jar , close the refrigerator door and give the grandmother the jam.

Aaron is now receiving the request for drinking glasses from the living room.
Open the door of Grandmother's left and go outside.

Aaron lands on a snowy cemetery. Here he sees himself as a little boy for a tombstone.
Talk to the boy. He stands at the grave of grandmother. He finds it sad that there are no flowers on the grandmother's grave. He misses her and does not want to go inside.
Give the young Aaron the toy soldier you found in Infraworld in the bin (+50).

Look around you.
In the background you will see a candle with candles. Aaron says there's a sweet air coming from.
At the foot of the extreme right-hand tomb, you'll see a little snowy head, if you look good. Wipe him away and Aaron sees a vase of flowers hidden under it. Pick up the flowers (vase of flowers) .
Give the flowers to the young Aaron. He puts them at the tombstone and disappears suddenly.

Dying man
Aaron flies to another scene. He sees a dying man sitting on the ground, surrounded by eyeballs striking him.
See the sitting man. Aaron has hit this drug dealer earlier and forced him to eat the drugs he sold in London.
Link click on the seated man and Aaron raises the brick , which he once hit the man.
Above the man's head you will see a light-colored plane in the column. It is an opening where a weey sweet smell rises. Place the brick in the opening.

It gets darker and Aaron hears Penelope's voice, telling him that he is having trouble with MI5.
Penelope comes forward and takes Aaron to work for Pandora.

Then Aaron returns to sentences.
Gas came out of the column. Now that he has blocked the opening, the operation of this hallucinating gas disappears. Probably he has activated the gas with the light. He is still in the underground space.
Continue to the right.
Large cave with doors
Large cave with doors
Aaron now arrives in a high cave. In the middle is a large grid where hot air rises and a blue light is visible.
However, you will see two doors (portal) that will not open.
Left and right of those doors is a slope to the upper floor, where there are three doors. The middle door is closed. The other two are open (passage)
On the ground floor, at the back of the left slope, it is still vague to see a closed door. Behind the right slope you will see another closed door next to the light pipe.

Go up the slope and then enter a room through the open left door.
Here's a four-panel panel. The left button is illuminated. Leave the room.
Enter a room through the open right door.
Here you will also see a four-panel panel. The right button is lit.
The buttons in these rooms allow you to open other doors, provided that you activate / light the correct combination buttons. The nameplate 'portal' is then changed to 'passage'.

In the left room, activate the 2nd left button.
In the right room, activate the 3rd button from the left.
Walk outside and you see that the middle door is open on the top floor.

Enter the middle room. Here lies a dead soldier on the ground. Look at him
Then look at the stone wall on which a solar system is displayed (+10).
Study the plate. You see a sun in the middle. Eronder is a planet with a ring depicted. The other three planets are increasing in size; small upper, right middle and left the biggest.
Search (left click) the soldier Aaron finds a gun , a mobile phone and a ringed sphere .
In your inventory, check the gun. It's uncharged. The soldier probably shot. There is danger in the temple? (+10).
Leave the room again.

In the left room, activate the 2nd left button.
In the right room, activate the 2nd left button.
Walk outside and you see that the left door is open below you.
Enter here.
In this room is a well filled with mucus.
Leave the room again.

In the left room, activate the 3rd button from the left.
In the right room, activate the 1st left button.
Walk outside and you see that the right door is open to you.
Enter here.
Also in this room is a well filled with mucus. But here you will also find a metal sphere (sphere) on the ground, to the right of the well . Pick it up and leave the room again.

In the left room, activate the 4th left button.
In the right room, activate the 3rd button from the left.
Walk outside and go down the right slope. You see now that the door is at the back of the light tube. Enter here.
Also in this room is a well. But above this well floats a metal sphere (sphere) Grab the sphere and leave the room again.
Walk all the way to the right, where you see a weakly lit doorway.
Walk down a long staircase through the opening.
Aaron gets a vision in which Pandora recommends returning to Global Corp.

Walk further to the right, up to a waterfall. Aaron does not want to dive into it.
Walk back a little bit and you will see a relief of a wild boar on the wall. In the upper right corner of the relief there is a round hole.
It looks like you can not go on here anymore.
Switch to Penelope.

Penelope altar
After Aaron turned on the generator, Penelope also entered the lighting.
Continue to the right, the stairs, the temple.

Go down the stairs to the left.
Penelope also gets a vision in which Pandora says she will die within a few hours if she does not return to Global Corp.

Continue to the left into a room.
Around a stone altar are four statues bearing a globe in their hand. Penelope is amazed at the strange faces of the images.
On the side of the altar is a metal sphere (sphere) . Pick him up.
Then suddenly a kind of spirit appears. Penelope feels threatened and uses her powers.

If the mind is gone, look again at the statues. Their face looks exactly like that of the mind. Was it an alien or a hologram? (+30).

Leave the room and walk back to the stairs. Continue to the right and Penelope arrives in a large, high cave with many doorways and a gate protected by energy rays.
On both sides of the gate are similar statues as in the room with the altar.

Go left of the gate through the doorway.
Penelope is on a short walk. At the end are two metal statues.
Look into the hole. Penelope concludes that she is in a metal tube. At the top she sees a closed window. This clearly does not belong in a twelve-thousand-year-old temple.
Leave the space.

Continue through the three doorways to the left and right of the gate. They all lead to the same space with a walkway and metal statues. Look everywhere in the hole.
Then look at the energy gate again and Penelope is wondering if it's a landing for aliens (+50).

Walk into the high cave all the way to the right and go through the doorway that you see here. Penelpe arrives in a room with bookcases where all similar ornaments are in place. It seems like something in a library.
Unpack a random ornament (object) from a cabinet.
If you've picked up all the worthless items in the game, you'll get (50) points.

At the center you see a relief of a wild boar on the wall. Also in this relief there is a round hole in the top right corner.
Remove the metal ball from your inventory and put it in the hole. Penelope hears the ball rolling and wondering why she did this.

Walk all the way to the right and Penelope hears a click. A lighted stand rises from the floor. Touch the illuminated screen (+30). Penelope hears a sound, but does not know what effect her action had.
Aaron - mind
Switch to Aaron.
After Penelope touched the illuminated screen, Aaron, on the right side of the relief, appeared a weakly illuminated, transparent cube. A kind of hologram.

On the ground under the swine relief lies the metal sphere that spilled Penelope into the hole. Pick him up.
Now Aaron's strange spirit also appears. He also feels threatened and uses his powers. He transports himself to the store in Infraworld and requests help.
But for Howard to do something, that spirit appears again and Aaron transports himself back to the temple.

Hologram cube
Click on the hologram cube and Aaron looks into it.
You see a grid. Remember the relief of the solar system, in the room with the dead soldier. Leave the cube close-up.

Remove the metal spheres from your inventory and throw them all in the transparent cube.
Then click on the cube again to look into it.
Click on a sphere and he moves according to a fixed route.
Pretend the little lit spot is the sun.
Group all the bulbs than around the sun as you saw it on the relief: the smallest sphere above, the one with the ring below and the other two on the sides, the smaller right.

Aaron should move a mechanism in the space above his head.
Walk left and go up the stairs.

Sunrise relief
Walk up the slope to the rooms with the buttons to control the doors.
In the left room, activate the 2nd left button.
In the right room, activate the 3rd button from the left.
Walk outside and you see that the middle door is open.

Go inside.
On the relief of the solar system, a zigzag edge now glows. Touch it (+50).
Aaron hears something moving again, but now at the waterfall.

Waterfall So
leave the room and go to the waterfall.
Watch the waterfall and Aaron thinks he sees a passage behind the water. Walk a cave behind the waterfall.
In the middle of the cave is a stone pillar.
Exit the space.

Go back to the rooms with the buttons to control the doors.
In the left room, activate the 4th left button.
In the right room, activate the 1st left button.
Aaron hears that rattling sound and the buttons stay on to light up turns. Aaron thinks he has done something important.

Go back to the room behind the waterfall.
The pillar has fallen into the floor, you only see a square plate.
Stand on top of the plate.

Penelope altar
Switch to Penelope.
Aaron has also changed things in her part of the temple.
Go to the room with the stone altar and Penelope sees that the altar has been shifted. A staircase is visible. Go down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs is a small space with a square stone plate in the floor.
Stand on the plate.

Lift pads
If Aaron is on the plate, both plates appear to be a linked lift. The columns rise and Penelope and Aaron can leave the underground temple.
Global Corp
Penelope and Aaron meet Percy in a room with different pyramid models. They inform him of Pandora's vision and the alien spirit. Percy says that he also had a visit to the mind.

Talk as Penelope with Percy.
Request information about Apotheosis project.
Percy reiterates that only his mother knows the total plan. He only knew that it was important to find an object made by the Indian tribe, the Abenaki. His father found the object, deciphered it and pass it on to Pandora. It took him his life. Percy finds out that he already saw them in Infraworld.
Tell him you want to know what he means (Do not mess me about again).
Percy then says that he has the power to make things look different if they are. He tested them at Infraworld to see if they were fit. He was Mr. Keys.
Penelope and Aaron think they were used, but Percy maintains that he has good intentions and wants to help them (+50).

Look around like Aaron and Penelope.
In the foreground is a hole, which Penelope looks like a kettle or chimney.
You will see three models of pyramids: an Egyptian model, a Mayan model and an unknown model. There are no handles or buttons on the models. When you click on, neither does not know what to do with them.

Make sure both Aaron and Penelope clicked on each pyramid.
Ask Percy what Penilope is meant for those pyramids. He does not know either.
Aaron stood for the left pyramid during the conversation.
Let Penelope next to Aaron stand for the left pyramid and Percy gets an idea. (This may take a while.)
He asks Penelope to stand for the Mayan pyramid and Aaron for the Ziggurat.
He himself goes for the Egyptian stand and something is happening now.

A generator is rising from the airshaft.
Percy says they can leave now. This room is also an illusion, they are on a spaceship!

After a flash, the three appear in Percy's bedroom in the cellar of Global Corp. Percy says the central computer in the room is opposite. He will solve a small problem first before he can save the lives of Penelope and Aaron. They can follow him in a second or ten, he says.
Percy then wants to destroy everything and kill his mother.

Aaron and Penelope still argue about Percy and then leave the bedroom.
As they enter the computer space, they see that Percy has not survived solving its small problem. He was killed by a Watcher from Infraworld.
Aaron and Penelope wonder if they will die now.
Aaron wants to try to destroy Pandora's map before that time. Finally, the future of the planet depends on that map.

Search Percy's body.
Aaron takes back his relic (relic) and also Polidori's part (relic) and his temple key . He also finds Polidori's key card (card key) .
Leave the room.

Switch to Penelope.
In the hallway you'll see, on the wall between the room with Percy's body and the elevator, a large built-in square speaker where music comes out.
Let Penelope look at it. She recognizes classical music (+10).
Then switch to Aaron again.

Percy's room
Walk a bit to the left.
You can go back to Percy's bedroom between the two houseplants at the bottom of your screen.
Inside you see a TV on the right side of the doorway. Let Aaron click on it. He feels good, but no time to watch his TV alone. Penelope does not find his description so attractive (+10).
Leave the room.

Pandora's room
On the left side of the hallway you will see a door with a red force field.
Use the Polidori key card at the lock next to the door. The force field disappears.
Go inside.

Pandora's room has a beautiful ceiling.
On the table with the vase flowers lies Pandora's key card (key card). Pick him up.
Penelope has the idea that Pandora's shadow appeared in the room.

On the floor for the bed is an old photo (photo) . Pick him up.
It is a picture of Pandora and Lewis Higgins (from Doc Apocalyps) for the Eifel Tower. There is a stamp with the text "Order of the Serpent - Case 14543 - Exhibit 542". (+10).
Leave the room.

Stele room
Go to the right of the hallway. Here you will see such a door with a force field.
Get the key card you found in Pandora's room and use it on the card reader. The lock recognizes the card, but nothing happens.

Use the control panel above the lock (numeric keypad). In the close-up you will see that on the high glossy panel there is only one spot: on the 7 (P). Then click on the 7 until the code starts flashing.
Leave the close-up and retrieve the Pandora key card by the card reader. Now the door is open! Go inside.

The room is guarded by two guards.
Then Pandora will also appear. She knows that Percy is dead, but does not make it difficult. Like Percy's father Perseus, he is also a victim of the plan.
Pandora says she is right with Penelope and Aaron and to prove that, she deprives them of the magic powers. Their life is no longer at risk.
Pandora wants all the found items and is willing to answer any questions.

Look around for a moment.
Pandora stands for the stone cylinder (stele) with the inscriptions. There is a hole in the center of the cylinder.
To the right, you can see the map that Pandora made of the stele, divided into the fragments they collected.

Let Penelope talk to Pandora.
Say you're sorry for Percy and you did not know who he was when you went with him.
Also say that it might be wrong for you to doubt (maybe I was wrong to doubt you). Pandora does not bother you. She has always seen Penelope as a daughter, she claims (+10).

Let Aaron talk to Pandora.
Ask her for Project Apotheosis and she explains that it was originally Project Modified, because they made genetically engineered super soldiers. Already, she discovered that there was much more possible and that she could awaken special forces with the people. Pandora itself possesses all discovered powers. Her agents for safety reasons only a few.

Pandora also explains that every 12 thousand years the relics must be brought together by the chosen one. The stele is the Activator to bring the Council of Ouden (coucil of ancients) back together. The earthly race will then be judged and may be part of the reality.
Pandora thinks they are ready for it. Penelope recalls the legend of Atlantis.
Quit the call.

Combine the two pieces of relic in your inventory.
Insert the temple key and you have a relic with key (relic with key) .

Stop the combined relic in the hole in the stole.
Aaron and Penelope try to turn the key part together (+30).

Spaceships come to earth.
Aaron, Penelope and Pandora are transported to one of the spaceships, where Vril is called them.
Vril tells us that the Earth is not ready yet. He shows images of pollution, war and famine. The earth will be flooded by a new flood.
But he wants to give the 'Adam and Eve' who are now standing for him a new chance. They will be taken to a safe place.

Aaron wants to restore the mistakes made by the earthquakes (sort all the mistakes out), but Vril does not think he's capable of it.
Aaron admits that the earth's inhabitants have not really learned anything about the past twelve thousand years. (we have not evolved). Vril says this is their chance to learn from their mistakes (+50).

Accept your destiny (accept my destiny) ................................. The end
A note for achievement hunters worried about the annoying "Finish with less than 900 points
A note for achievement hunters worried about the annoying "Finish with less than 900 points" one: Assuming you've got all the points and items in the game before then, the last chance for it is when you rejoin Percy in the temple front of the 3 small pyramids. Save the MOMENT you're all in that room and you have control of the characters again. By AVOIDING Penelope saying "Don't mess me about" to him, not looking at the music panel or tv at Pandora Corp, and telling Vril to trust Pandora at the end, you will finish with 880 or 890 and get the achievement. Then just reload to the pyramids, it just takes a few minutes to get to the end making the right choices (written in the guide above) to finish again with 1000

Thank Mtext for this info
Ran 13 Feb, 2021 @ 5:36am 
I actually got tired of the puzzles, the temple part got very obscure.. So I followed your guide carefully since that point. Thanks :)
Max Power  [author] 9 Apr, 2020 @ 12:10am 
@lentz09 Glad to hear it was a help
Rocka3030 9 Apr, 2020 @ 12:08am 
Thank you, this game had some challenging situations and puzzles
Max Power  [author] 16 Mar, 2020 @ 3:56pm 
That suck it was the very first item :steamfacepalm:
1stCheater 16 Mar, 2020 @ 2:34pm 
Sadly I've found what I did miss... the fkn spoon lol
Goodbye cruel world
Max Power  [author] 16 Mar, 2020 @ 2:31pm 
@ 1stCheater U have a good point there that i didnt think about thanks for that i will do something with the guild when i'm out of isolation as i have limited net atm because of it but as soon as i do i will update it and thanks again for your input :ccHappy:
1stCheater 16 Mar, 2020 @ 2:22pm 
I mean I just beat the game and I don't even know what exactly I did miss. Now I have to read whole text from beginning to find that item i don't have
1stCheater 16 Mar, 2020 @ 2:15pm 
Its good and helpful. But when someone plays on his own just visiting this place from time to time there is a big chance that he will miss an useless pickable item. And that means that he has to start over again and follow this guide step by step. I think you could state how many items in every part. Or at least to highlight them in text with underline or anything else to be easy to find em without stroy/gameplay spoilers
Max Power  [author] 23 Dec, 2019 @ 10:11am 