Оцінок: 40
PUBG Latest FPS Tweaks 「DEC/2017」「PC 1.0 LAUNCH」
Автор: RWND
Helpful instructions to increase FPS significantly. This guide will get updated everytime i come across a new way to increase fps. *UPDATED* 30/12!
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Nvidia Control Panel Settings
Let's start! sadly i don't use an AMD gpu so i can't help you here.

1. Open your Nvidia control panel by right clicking in your desktop

2.Click on Manage 3D Settings then open the Program settings. Choose PUBG (Add Tslgame.exe)

3. Afterwards,change the exact same settings colored in bold black just like in the image below.

You're done!For details about each setting changed use this Link. []
In-game settings 「30/12」
The game settings i use fit my gameplay style and they don't cause stuttering,you can see what each setting does below. If you want a smooth game experience use these. I've tested multiple settings and these are the ones giving me the best game performance. [

• Anti-Aliasing : If you can play with flickering edges turn this to Very Low ( not recommended, almost minimal fps loss at ultra. )

• Post-Processing : Setting it to low will increase visibility since there will be no more saturation and bloom.

• Shadows : Setting it to very low will cause some weird blocky shadows inside buildings.

• Texture : You can test this setting by yourself and see the results. Since i have 1GB VRAM and not an ssd setting it to very low doesn't cause me stuttering/melting buildings.

• Effects : This is your gun shots/explosions. Having it in a higher setting causes extreme stuttering when you see an explosion/getting shot at even in a high tier computer.

• Foliage : Setting this to Very Low will remove a lot of bushes and grass. Setting this to higher than very low will fill the map with more grass making the enemy harder to detect.

• View Distance : I have this on Medium because i love using x4 scope. If you're not using any scopes lower this setting to Low/Very low.

• Motion Blur : Never have this checked in ANY game. No questions asked.
↓ Small Tweaks ↓
Further down the guide you will find plenty of tweaks that may or may not increase your In game FPS.

These will get updated everytime a new tweak has been found that increases FPS.

Sources and Update Dates are Provided.
Override High DPI Scaling Behavior
1. Head to your PUBG folder > TslGame > Binaries > Win64

2. Right click on the "TslGame.exe" > Properties

3. Head to the compatibility tab and tick the "Override High DPI scaling behavior" box afterwards hit Apply. ( Application )

What does the Override High DPI Scaling Behavior setting explained Here.[]

Set Inventory Screen Character Render to Off
Setting Inventory Screen Character Render to Off will make your inventory experience a lot smoother since it will stop rendering your character model in the inventory. Some people claim they got a small FPS boost aswell but i didn't.

This one is simple to change. Open your game head to your settings click on the gameplay tab and set Inventory Screen Character Render to Off.

Turning Off Steam Overlay「 26/12 」
Turning off Steam Overlay stopped small stuters i've had during my playtime PUBG.

To turn off the steam overlay ONLY in PUBG head to your Steam Library > Right Click on PUBG > Properties

Afterwards a new window will open. Untick the box near "Enable the Steam Overlay While In-Game." Option.

Source! Thanks for the tip!
Launch Options
The only launch option you will need is -sm4. Almost every launch option you see in guides threads for example : -NOMANSKY, -HIGH, -USEALLAVAILABLECORES, -malloc etc. Do Not Work In PUBG!

To set a launch option Head to your Steam Library > Right click on PUBG > Properties.

After you've done that Click on the button with the name "Set Launch Options" Amd simply write -sm4.

The -sm4 Launch Option will downgrade to shader model 4. This will greatly improve your FPS.

Information about the UE4 Launch Options (PUBG's Engine) Here.[]

Memory Leak
EVERY Early Access Title has memory leak issues! To avoid this in PUBG simply Restart the game After 3 to 5 games.
Nvidia Drivers 「 26/12 」
Nvidia released a new driver specifically designed for PUBG's 1.0 build. If you want to maximize your game performance i Highly reccomend you to update them. Personally after i installed the new NV driver any stutter i had before is now gone without any issues whatsoever.

Nvidia drivers < []

More info/benchmarks <

Thats it!
Thank you for reading through the entire guide! If you find this guide helpful please make sure to rate and favorite! For any questions please let me know in the comments below. Thats it! Have a wonderful 2018 everyone!

Коментарів: 26
antIm4tt3r 27 берез. 2018 о 19:41 
Thanks a lot dude.
Appreciated much.
Peace ! :steamhappy:
kara 5 берез. 2018 о 13:13 
you forgot to turn on 'Disable Fullscreen Optimization' on the proprties of the game .exe file
Sunny Senpai 5 лют. 2018 о 10:07 
post processing on low costs 10 fps
MatroVska 1 лют. 2018 о 15:23 
this memory leaks is annoying af
PΔtrick.... 5 січ. 2018 о 2:35 
@nobødyknows+ already did that, but the game still looks like a lower shader.
inJu$Tic3 4 січ. 2018 о 16:17 
@nobødyknows+, so this is alchemy not a science, right? :) Thanks for sharing a comprehencive guide though! Most of the topics covered have a solid base. Keep posting! gg and gl
RWND  [автор] 4 січ. 2018 о 16:10 
@Sc4R13y Like i said in the previous comment: "Before i made this guide i tried every single setting for better fps." I was simply testing screen scale for any difference.
inJu$Tic3 4 січ. 2018 о 15:49 
@nobødyknows+, so why did you decrease the default value of 100? 100 value will tell your GPU to render a picture exactly the size of ur screen, e.g. 1920x1080, while setting it lower will render a lower resolution picture and stretch it on ur screen. this will blur the image and distort pixels of the picture, they will not match pixels on ur screen.
RWND  [автор] 4 січ. 2018 о 15:43 
@Sc4R13y, Before i made this guide i tried every single setting for better fps. This setting didn't do anything different regarding my game performance unless i had it set to like 70-80 which made the game visually unplayable.
inJu$Tic3 4 січ. 2018 о 15:40 
On the first screenshot you have "Screen Scale" set to 96. Could you please comment on this setting? I am sure this setting will lead to less detailed (thus incomlete) picture while giving you small (if any) increase in fps.