War Thunder

War Thunder

482 ratings
What Each Nation is good at.
By Pixelshady and 2 collaborators
Extremely fast aircraft that are fantasitc boom and zoomers, dont even try to zoom climb with them

Pros :
  • Extremely fast at all tiers
  • Great energy retention
  • High ammo count allows for some spraying
  • Most fighters can carry huge ordanance
  • Forgiving repair cost
  • Best Bombers ingame
  • Best or second best attackers ingame
  • Great at higher altitudes
  • Forgiving matchmaker
  • 50 cals set most things on fire easily and are tied with the germans for the best guns top tier jets
  • 50 cals allows spray and pray, due to unrealistic single bullet damage,high ammo and high firerate, great for beginners
  • Very durable planes
  • Great Top Tier jets
  • Great Early Tier jets
  • 50 cals can destroy light pillboxes, light tanks from most angles and can destroy medium tanks from the top
  • Good cockpit visibility
  • Easy to fly in sim mode due to having alot of trim and low-ish torque

    Cons :
  • Poor burst mass which may require you to hold down the trigger for a while
  • Bad Turn Rate
  • Bad Climb rate before tier 4
  • Most fighter aircraft are strictly Boom and Zoom
  • Bad acceleration at low-mid alts
  • Bad low altitude performance
  • Second worst tier six jet ahead of GB

    Overall : Exceptional
Fantasic Energy fighters with superb energy retention and speed along with fantastic guns, never headon or atleast dont commit

Pros :
  • Have the most powerful gun 20mms and 30mms in the game
  • Fantastic Climb rate
  • BF-109 series can turn with most aircraft(except spitfires) and are extremely fast with great energy retention and acceleration
  • FW 190 series can sometimes outdive certain jets and have fantastic energy retention,roll rate and top speed
  • Durable aircraft
  • Best if not second best attackers in game
  • Great at Higher altitudes
  • Good Early Tier Jets
  • Best Tier 5 Jet
  • Best Tier 6 Jet
  • Mk 103s with HVAP can kill top tier tanks
  • Relatively stable in sim

    Cons :
  • Fighters don't generally get to carry much ordnance
  • Low ammo count requires some skill to manage but due to they're high damage it can be negated
  • Bad Bombers
  • No 6.0-6.3, and high tier 4 suffers
  • Repair costs are a bit higher than average at tier 4
  • Harsh Matchmaker
  • Hard to grind at low tiers
  • Late tier Bf-109s have garbage manueverability and fall off in higher tiers
  • Guns are hard to lead but if you do hit(and not spark) it's practically a guaranteed kill
  • Bad cockpit visibility for the bf109s
  • Most german aircraft are really hard to fly in sim due to having alot of torque and only elevator trim
  • Doesn't fly well in sim after taking damage

    Overall : Exceptional
The most overhyped nation in the game

Pros :
  • Decent Climb rate
  • Fantastic Acceleration at low alt
  • Great performance at low alt
  • Good turn rate at low
  • Good low alt Climb rate
  • Good Bombers with good defensive armament
  • Great Jets overall
  • Good roll rates for the Yaks
  • Good cockpit visibility
  • Decent Attackers

    Cons :

  • Bad Early Attackers
  • Low ammo count with low velocity and damage compared to the mg151
  • Rips easily and has low top speeds for most aircraft especially the yaks
  • Bad ordanace
  • Loses an insane amount of performance over 3500m
  • Pre tier 4 aircraft aren't very durable since they're mostly made of wood
  • Most Yaks dont have WEP
  • Hard to takeoff in sim as they have an insane amount of right leaning torque which also forces them to roll to to the right 9/10 if you don't pay attention your right wing will have more than a few holes in it. if its still there that is.
  • Unstable in sim flight
  • Mediocre 20mms in comparison to the germans and the british
  • Yaks only have landing flaps
  • Russian 37mm and 45mm are gimmicky at best and unreliable at worst

    Overall : Unexceptional Props
United Kingdom(Aircraft)
Second best turnfighters in the game but bad energy retention in comparison to germans and americans, always try to have more energy than them
Pros :
  • Great Climb rates
  • Fantastic turntimes for the spitfire
  • Good energy retention
  • Good speed and acceleration
  • Great dive speeds for the typhoon/tempest line
  • Second Best guns in the game
  • Easy to aim guns
  • Second best bombers in the game
  • Fighters can carry good ordnance
  • Best tier 4 aircraft (spit mk22 and mk24)
  • Good early tier jets
  • Very good cockpit visibility
  • Extremely easy and stable to fly in sim
  • Hispanos are easiest 20mms to aim due to good single-bullet damage and high velocity
  • Worst Tier 6 in the game

    Cons :
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 aircraft have poor guns for the most part(7.7mm)
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 aircraft loses engine power while upside down or doing negative Gs
  • Typhoon and Tempests tend to overheat
  • Spitfires tend to rip at high-ish speeds(except griffon spits)
  • Bombers have bad defensive armament
  • Spitfire has low ammo count for the 20mms but enough ammo if you're decent
Best turnfighters ingame but are extremely slow with low velocity guns, best way to evade something like an a6m is to fly in a straight line

Pros :
  • Best turnfighters ingame
  • Decent climb rate
  • Great at mid alts
  • Good acceleration
  • Can handle a good amount of G's even though they're made out of wood for the most part
  • J2M are good boom and zoomers
  • A7M are amazing turnfighter and boom and zoomers and are one of the best planes in the game
  • Ki 61s are like bf 109s that turn better
  • A6m series turn better than biplanes
  • Good Bombers
  • Easy and stable to fly in sim

    Cons :
  • Hard to Grind
  • Unforgiving matchmaker
  • Extremely high repair cost
  • Aircraft are slow in a straight line
  • Pretty bad jets until 9.0
  • Bad ground attackers
  • Guns are hard to use
  • Aircraft rip easily
  • Susceptible to fires as they're mostly made out of wood and don't have self sealing fuel tanks until tier 4 and late tier 3
  • Very bad cockpit visibility
Ravioli Ravioli whats in the Cannonoli, their fighters are practically undertiered german Bf-109 - Spitfire hybrids with more guns.

Pros :
  • Same guns as the germans
  • Good climb rate
  • Good Matchmaker
  • Great turning capabilities similar and maybe even better than a Spitfire
  • Good at mid-low alt
  • Really Low stall speeds(comparable to biplanes)
  • Lots of ammo
  • G91s have amazing acceeleration

    Cons :
  • Worst bombers ingame
  • Worst attackers ingame
  • Early tier guns are horendous
  • Bad Energy retention
  • Engines tend to overheat
Pros :
  • Gets monoplanes as reserves
  • Gets 20mm hispanos as early as br 1.3
  • Most tier 2-4 are american aircraft
  • Best Jet Bomber/Attacker in game that can also serve as an amazing heavy fighter

    Cons :
  • Low ammo count for 20mms
  • Low fire rate
  • Guns jam quickly
  • Most tier 2-4 are american aircraft
  • Lacks actual unique aircraft and overall unless you plan to play tanks don't play this air tree
  • Bad jets
USA (Tanks)
Don't fight these guys at close range, just don't.
Pros :

  • Most American tanks are very 'jack of all trades' esque until late tier 3(Shermans being an
    example) which combined with their speed and performance at close range makes them
    optimal beginner tanks
  • Easy to grind low tier
  • Best low tier light tanks in the game(Stuart and M22)
  • Most American tanks are very mobile
  • Exceptional Gun Traverse
  • Exceptional Gun Depression
  • Stuarts and Shermans have gun stabilizers
  • Late tier 3 you start getting the M1 gun which is a substiantial upgrade from the M3 main gun on
    the lower tier American tanks and can one shot most tanks
  • Some of the best tank destroyers in the game(Especially the m18)
  • Light tanks at tier 4- tier 6 have exceptional guns with a low profile and SABOT rounds
  • Sheridan is a faster KV2 with ATGMs that outclass most ATGMs in-game
  • American Medium tanks are very versatile
  • Best 9.0 tank ingame, MBT-70 is the master of all trades at it's tier
  • American t34 and t29 have fantastic turret armour and front armour
  • M103 is a combo of the m60 and t29
  • Their tanks acquire .50 caliber machine guns as early as tier I (though they start appearing on
    everything at tier 2), thus giving them limited but effective Anti-Air capability.
  • American tanks get the infamous HESH shell, something only high-Rank
    German/American/British/Japanese (NATO basically) tanks get.

    Cons :

  • Mediocre Armour
  • Poor Shell Velocity and Penetration at low tiers(Until you get the m1)
  • Gun stabilizers in the stuart and sherman require you to be at low speeds for them to actually work
  • They don't quite specialize in anything except maybe speed until late tier 3
  • Early tier AAA only have 50 cals which may turn off some people
  • Some late tier tanks can be a bit gimmicky
  • No True heavy tanks throughout most of the tiers and even the proper heavy tanks don't have that much armour except for the turret
  • T95 is extremely slow and the commanders cupola is extremely vulnerable
Germany (Tanks)
"Oh Hans, look at all ze poor Allied Panzers, zey look like toys through our gunsight."

NOTE : German tanks ingame and historically were classified via Gun size and not the tank hull/chassis. For instance, the Germans consider the Panther a Medium tank as anything with a gun caliber of 75mm's and under was considered a Medium tank whereas the Russians considered the Panther a Heavy tank.

Pros :

  • Relatively fast and agile at low tiers.
  • Arguably has the best tank destroyers in the game when it comes to durability.
  • Panzerjager tank destroyer line uses excellent guns.
  • Jagdpanzer tank destroyer line is a bit slow but very tanky after Rank III with an excellent hull
    traverse and again, fantastic guns.
  • Gets HEAT shells early-on in the tech tree that compensate for underwhelming (but not useless)
    AP shells.
  • German tanks get the infamous HESH shell, something only high-Rank
    German/American/British/Japanese (NATO basically) tanks get.
  • Early Panzer IV's get the short-barreled KwK37 75mm gun with an insane rate of fire and HEAT
    shells (NOTE: Tier 1 panzer IVs have shorter range guns that prefer HEAT Over AP, but tier 2
    and 3 Panzer IVs are better at long range and prefer APCBC over HEAT).
  • Tiger tanks have superb armour (AS LONG AS THEY'RE USED PROPERLY) with guns that are
    fantastic for long-ranged fire.
  • Panther series has an extremely accurate 75mm gun along with fantastic penetration which
    makes it superb at long range. They also have fantastic front armour along with fast speed
    and neutral turning.
  • At tier 5, the PanzerJager line shifts from open-top and mediocre speed to closed-top and
    extremely high speed
  • At tier 5, the Panther line turns into the leopard line by exchanging armour for speed
    and firepower.
  • By tier 5 the PanzerJager line turns into the JagdPanzer line, thus leading to the
    RaketenJagdpanzer II HOT which is arguably one of the best ATGM vehicles in the game.
  • The Germans get the Kpz-70 which is essentially a clone of the MBT-70.
  • German Anti-Air never goes under 20mm's in caliber, and along with that they have a fantastic
    Rate of Fire.
  • Excellent gun depression.
  • Low-Tier Germans have access to the Panzer 38(t), one of the most reliably entertaining Light
    Tanks in the game.
  • The Maus (as a heavily armored and well-armed assault vehicle).

    Cons :

  • Low-tier germans have terrible gun traverse with the exception of the Panzer IV's and Panzer
  • Low-tier germans have absolutely terrible armour.
  • Low-tier germans also have poor ammunition until you get the HEAT Shells when it comes to
    the Panzer IV line. The Panzer III's have to suffer through poor ammunition performance all the
    way until the end of Rank I.
  • Low-tier germans are a chore to grind through with Panzer III's. Panzer IV's are fine after you
    get HEAT though.
  • German tanks are very susceptible to flanking.
  • German tanks except the Leopard aren't very good in mid-to-short-ranged combat.
  • The Panther D (the first Panther) has a hand-cranked turret, thus forcing it exclusively into long-
    ranged combat.
  • All the Panthers except the Panther II have terrible reverse speeds.
  • Tigers perform poorly at close range.
  • Early PanzerJagers are a sluggish and open-topped, thus susceptable to air attack and
    machine gun fire.
  • Armour is generally flat and thin, thus making it easy to penetrate.
  • The Maus (as a slow, massive vehicle that's nothing but target practice for aircraft and ATGM-
    armed tanks).
  • German tanks get stabilizers far later than the allies
USSR (Tanks)
Cheeki Breeki Iv Damke!

Pros :

  • Good sloped armour
  • Guns are good at short-mid range
  • Best APHE
  • Very mobile
  • Good tank destroyers
  • KV-2
  • Guns are usually very high caliber
  • The ASU-57 is a very respectable Tank Destroyer to say the least
  • Gets 85mm guns at tier 3 which is superb at close-mid range along with fantastic APHE ammo
  • Great light tanks when they appear

    Cons :
  • Terrible long range performance
  • Sloped armour gets negated later on in the tiers
  • Poor accuracy especially at low tiers
  • Guns have slow muzzle velocity
  • Early guns have terrible pen
  • Horrendously bad gun depression
  • Early guns are bad against sloped armour
  • Most ammo is bad until Tier 5
  • Very few light tanks
  • T64 isnt as good as the mbt70
  • No HESH.
United Kingdom (Tanks)
Anyone else think it's awesome that the British have tea-making facilities in their tanks?

Pros :

  • Medium Tanks have exceptional speed and maneuverability until Rank IV.
  • Guns are, for the most part, rapid-fire and decent-to-exceptional in penetration.
  • Crusader Light Tanks are among the best Light Tanks in the game.
  • Heavy Tanks are big, slow bricks with excellent, if blocky, armor.
  • Heavy Tanks sometimes have excellent guns in lower Ranks.
  • Tank Destroyers get the 17-Pounder from the start.
  • Tank Destroyers tend to be more mobile, with a couple of exceptions.
  • Tank Destroyer line gets the FV4005 in Rank IV, with HESH.
  • Tend to get SABOT shot MUCH earlier than other nations.
  • British tanks get the infamous HESH shell, something only high-Rank
    German/American/British/Japanese (NATO basically) tanks get.
  • Anti-Air goes below cannon caliber only once.
  • ATGM armed vehicles have periscopes like German ATGM vehicles, as well as "over the top"
    launch style that allows them to fire over cover.
  • British Solid AP Shot is an extremely accurate, high-velocity, and high-penetration shot that spalls nicely on penetration
  • Overwhelming majority of Armor-Piercing ammunition is solid shot.

    Cons :
  • Vast majority of tanks until Rank IV have protection that makes low-Rank German tanks look
  • Heavy Tanks have inconsistent gun calibers that tend to trade armor protection for decent
  • Tank Destroyers follow American design ideals in that they have little-to-no armor to speak of.
  • Majority of early gun calibers typically aren't large enough to do serious damage on penetration.
  • OTHER majority of early gun calibers have barely enough penetration to do anything past 800
  • Abysmal reverse speed until Rank IV for the most part.
  • Heavy and Medium Tank lines essentially become two shades of grey after Rank III.
  • ATGM vehicle "over the top" launch style leaves them open to attack at point-blank range.
  • Solid shot may not always one shot
  • No APHE
Japan (Tanks)
Cherry blossoms swirl.
Gunsmoke curls about the barrel.
Armor burns in front of it.

Pros :

  • Most Armor-Piercing ammunition has exceptional killing power (lots of HE filler).
  • Good Light Tanks (thanks to lend-lease later on, but also in Rank I).
  • The Ha-Go Rank I Light Tank is fantastic at hull-down combat, as well as fire-and-maneuver.
  • Anti-air never goes below cannon caliber.
  • Japanese essentially get a KV-2 at practically reserve (1.7) rank with the Ho-Ro. The armor's decent too.
  • Late Rank II sees Japanese tanks improve dramatically with ammunition penetration and velocity.
  • Japanese long-barreled 75mm guns don't have great normalization, but instead have explosive filler equal to American ammunition. Expect a lot of one-shot kills with Japanese guns.
  • Japanese get access to three of some of the best American tanks they could have as lend-lease vehicles.
  • The Type 60 SPRG (HEAT and HESH make for a happy boy).
  • The ST-A1, ST-A2, and Type 61 have fantastic optics and the same gun/ammunition as the American M46 Medium Tank in addition to (with the ST-A1/A2 at least) a small turret that allows for exceptional hull-down performance.
  • Japanese get the Chi-Ri II, which has a 3-shot autoloader and a 37mm, hull-mounted gun for self-defense.
  • Japanese tanks have fantastic gun depression on average.
  • Type 60 ATM's slow ATGM's give the player plenty of time to adjust course and pack a whallop when they hit.
  • The STB-1 and Type 74 both have low profiles
  • The STB-1 and Type 74 both have hydropneumatic suspension that allows them to change hull orientation (you ever want your tank to crouch? Now it can. The MBT-70 has this too).
  • The STB-1 and Type 74 both get the same L7A3 gun as on the German Leopard I and A1A1.

    Cons :

  • Tend to adopt a lot of Rank I-III German design principles (flat, thin armor) from Rank II to Rank IV.
  • Overwhelming majority of Rank I guns have abysmal muzzle velocity (shot-put guns).
  • Overwhelming majority of Rank I guns have abysmal ammunition characteristics.
  • You'll be lucky to reliably penetrate anything with majority of Rank I guns/ammunition.
  • Hand-cranked turrets until Rank III.
  • No co-axial machine guns until Rank III/IV.
  • Japanese Tank Destroyer tree is bare-bones, but with two great Tank Destroyers.
  • The Chi-Ri II is as large as a Tiger I with comparatively thin armor and a long reload when all shots are expended.
  • Type 60 ATM's ATGM's are the slowest in the game.
  • Armor protection is typically average-to-poor, do not expect to survive hits in Japanese tanks.
France (Tanks)
*Enter tired white flag joke here*


  • Rank I/II vehicles tend to be heavily armored for their BR
  • Relatively few lend-lease vehicles that are all excellent picks from American tech tree
  • Exceptional Solid Shot ammunition choices, typically get best ammunition right from the get-go, no having to research it
  • Vehicles Rank IV and beyond tend to be speed demon death machines with little armor and fast-action assisted loading
  • Anti-Air Rank III and beyond ranges from adequate to amazing
  • Has access to what amounts to a KV-2 with rocket boosters and an Anti-Air autocannon in the Lorraine 155 Mle.50 premium "Tank Destroyer" at Rank III, BR 4.3
  • Has access to one of the most terrifying variants of the M4A1 Sherman in the autoloading M4A1 (FL10) premium Medium Tank at Rank III, BR 4.7
  • Has access to the Lorraine 40t, an exceptionally strong contender for the position of "Destroyer of Worlds" along with the M18 Hellcat
  • Has access to a fantastic reconnaissance tankette that puts the Italian L3/33 CC to shame in the AMR.35 ZT3
  • Entire design philosophy changes in the transitional period of Rank III from slow, heavily armored (relatively speaking) mobile bunkers to embracing the concept of the German Blitzkrieg in all forms
  • The AMX-50 Surbaissé has access to a devastating 120mm autoloading gun that reloads in 6 seconds and the mobility to use it effectively
  • Virtually never uses Armor Piercing ammunition with an HE load except with certain lend-lease vehicles


  • Rank I/II vehicles have armor, but are largely impotent thanks to disappointingly bad armament.
  • Rank I/II vehicles are very slow, often feeling underpowered and overweight
  • Rank I can be taxing for many who want good vehicle choices from the get-go
  • Rank II isn't much better, but it does have the B1 bis and two good lend-lease vehicles
  • Sacrifices a great deal of armor protection for high speed/acceleration and powerful main armament past Rank III
  • Stabilized guns are not used until Rank VI and VII due to oscillating turret design
  • Rank VII Anti-Air is purely missile armed with no backup guns and only 10 reserve missiles
  • The AMX-50 Surbaissé is thinly armored and tall as a house
  • Virtually never uses Armor Piercing ammunition with an HE load except with certain lend-lease vehicles
Not Jiggs 20 Jun @ 6:58pm 
you forgot to mention the fact that in tier 3-5 in the US tank tree youll be stuck with the m42 duster until like 7.7 or some shit
Kazuya (AU) 2 Jun @ 5:59am 
nikid1980 27 May @ 8:45am 
MortalWombat 5 May @ 12:39pm 
Russians = rush in. Just one of those things that does what it says on the tin.
SickBoyy 14 Mar @ 1:14am 
Ide take the T64B over the MBT-70 anyday
Enzo 13 Mar @ 4:03pm 
this isnt all the nations
Gromx 1 Sep, 2023 @ 7:29am 
Whats about ships >:(
Tanimal 14 Jul, 2023 @ 1:16pm 
do italian tanks
clhhunter1 8 Jun, 2023 @ 10:59am 
No sweden?
DrunkAsf 6 Jun, 2023 @ 11:53am 
t 64 better :steamhappy: