Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

627 ratings
Epic & Legendary Gear Gallery (Builds coming soon!)
By JKthree
A Basic Guide on all Epic and Legendary gear pieces (including DLC) that also showcases all known possible outcomes for each gear via pictures (@ max upgradable level) to help craft the build or builds of your dreams
So to put it simply, I was using Cheats to make any Orc Legendary to add some extra replayability for me (The Legit ways at the time were too boring for me. Encountering and fighting them out in the field is very fun for me)

When I decided to keep a collection to see all the possibilities that legendaries can be so I made this little guide as a sort of gallery to show everyone all the possibiltiies to help them out. (Using snippets of screenshots so I don't have hundreds of these uploaded)

As the developers patched the issues and made things better like Re-rolling, and as this guide grew in popularity, I wound up keeping track of Epics as well to help with people planning builds (and I will one day list some of the good ones in this guide). Granted I still use the All Legendary cheat for myself because All-Legendary vs All-Legendary Siege battles are just too damn fun for me

With careful observing on the Secondary Stat of the gear, the only thing I can see that has some influence for it is the Enraged and Immunity traits of the killed Orc, and even then there is still some RNG getting random results not related.
There's much more I haven't encountered so its unknown whether all of an equipment type may actually have all the same possible Secondary stats.

I kept the Stats of everything at Lv80 since that is the highest they can be upgraded.
It is possible to get higher than 80 for Legendaries, but only very rarely from Lv81+ Orcs (Not counting Broken Swords) which is why i didn't go higher

Despite me using cheats, everything is obtainable for legit players given time, effort, and luck (with the exception of the Sword of Dominion). The method i used for cheating merely sped up the process of collecting
Epics vs Legendaries

Despite Legendaries being considered a tier up from Epics, they really aren't all that different.
They both have their pros and cons and their fair share of bad and good gear. Builds also wind up being varied as well, some being all Epics or All Legendaries or a healthy mix.

So here's a quick summary on the differences.


  • Obtaining Epic gear may be a bit easier compared to Legendaries with Revenge, Death Threats and Skill Augments, however you have no control over what kind of Epic gear you may get. It is almost entirely up to chance (The target Orcs Weaknesses and Enrages may improve the odds of getting what you want but they are still very low and too much to go through). So build making with Epics can be much harder to do.
  • Epics only have one Challenge upgrade so they are much easier to keep up to your level during the course of the main campaign
  • Epics have lower base stats compared to Legendaries of the same Level but Epics' upgrade Challenge isn't level restricted so its easier to have gear over your Level compared to Legendaries


  • Legendaries require effort to obtain regardless on the method but you have a lot more control over it because it depends on the Class and Tribe of the Orc that determines the gear. So getting that exact kind you want is a lot easier compared to an Epic
  • Legendaries can have up to 3 Level restricted Upgrade Challenges at 20 Level differences making them obsolete at various times during the course of the main campaign. Because of this, it's usually best to wait until endgame before attempting to obtain these to eliminate the need for Upgrade Challenges
  • Legendaries have a higher base stat compared to Epics of the same Level, so even with the Epic upgrades and extreme rarity of Gear being over the Level Cap, it is still possible. So in the super hardcore end, a Legendary will beat an Epic in regards to base stats.
  • Themes and Set bonuses: At least half of a Legendary set will go under a certain theme and having several equipped provide additional bonuses. Some could be insignificant, some will make these sets shine, or others are a necessity to make them good (and may mean sacrifices in something better that's available).
  • Legendary categories. It may be something simple but it's worth mentioning. It's easier to go through your inventory to find Legendaries grouped via sets and change your build or setup compared to having to search through everything else for your Epics. No matter how hard you try, no build will ever be perfect and you'll eventually have to change up on occasion.

Epics' looks are always random while a Legendaries' looks are set in stone and look better when upgraded
Bows vs Longbows vs Hammers

Lv 80 Epic Comparison


Bow's only advantage is extra ammo. The extra ammo becomes greater in comparison to Longbows and Hammers earlygame but endgame it is only a measly 2 difference. And while one Epic Bow will give a higher bonus damage per shot under Ammo capacity, a Longbow will still beat it in damage. Its only really worth using one that only has this option for certain Legendary sets like Mystic


Longbow's all about damage. It's piercing shot can do wonders but its very tough to pull off with its extra time it takes to charge a shot. However, Ranged Damage becomes a bit lacking to endgame Captains and Longbow's shine starts to fade.


Hammer's specialty is all about side effects at the cost of power and in some cases for Legendaries, Ammo capacity. It is also the fastest to charge.
The default AoE explosion effect is rather small and its damage isn't that great, so you won't be killing grunts effectively. But its added knockdown effect is where it shines, capabable of stunning several captains and leaving them open to executions, your followers, or any other devious setups you have up your sleeve. Several Legendaries also change the AoE Explosion to additional effects like Fire and Frost Explosions at bigger radiuses.
So when it comes to endgame and captains being more resistant to Ranged Damage, Hammers become the best choice with leaving them vulnerable.
About Secondary Bonuses and Re-rolling
Secondary bonuses are chosen almost randomly. There is some influence to what you get based on the killed orc's immunity and enraged traits but there is still some RNG in there and the more powerful ones are very very rare. After an incredible amount of testing with cheats (that i got tired of trying prior to the added re-rolling feature cause it was so bad). I can finally 100% confirm they are the same across all eligible gear of the same type, including Epic gear and the Bonuses found in Rares

Now with the re-rolling feature, the secondary bonus is chosen at complete random, NO INFLUENCE. As in If i cheated 50 different Legendary Warmonger Tanks and killed them versus rerolling Warmonger Armor(s) 50 times. I would have far far better outcomes from rerolling.
I have tried to group them based on their odds below

Gear must be fully upgraded to be eligible for rerolling which means Legendary Gear must be at Lv60 or higher.
Rerolling costs one Perfect Gem depending on the gear type.

Sword - Red
Dagger - Green
Bow/Hammer - White
Armor - Red
Cloak - Green
Ring - White

Now there are some exceptions where some gear cannot be re-rolled and are stuck with that bonus. Mostly because that Secondary Bonus is exclusive to it and cannot be gotten again if re-rolls were possible.
These are...

Ringwraith Cloak
Ringwraith Ring
All Ringwaith Nazgul Masks
Vendetta Dagger and any other Daggers with "Quick Throw gains Might every 35 seconds" obtained prior to v1.18 - This is due to a current glitch breaking its secondary bonus and will hopefully be resolved in a future fix.. This has been fixed in v1.19

Also something minor worth mentioning is the Pre-Order Epic Sword of Dominion can be re-rolled and upgraded past 45 however the Re-rolls are chosen from the the possible Secondary possbilities of Rings NOT Swords
Sword Secondary Bonus List



Very Rare

Dagger Secondary Bonus List



Very Rare

Bow/Hammer Secondary Bonus List



Very Rare

Armor Secondary Bonus List



Very Rare

Cloak Secondary Bonus List



Very Rare

Rune Secondary Bonus List



Very Rare

JK3's Top Epic Picks
Can't see which Epics really stick out from the Legendaries? Here are my Top 3 picks for each piece of gear.


3. Executioner: Chance for Full Might on Execute
With 25% at the higher levels, this makes a nice gambler-style build for those that love to execute, especially if you have chain execution. The downside is relying too much on it for the times you need the other Might-consuming attacks or when a Captain is Immune to Executions.

2. Amaranthine: Extra Might on Any Melee Attack
This really adds up, especially if you are using Fatal Might. And you can stack a smaller version as its secondary, having a Max of +8 more Might per hit. Even if you hate Fatal Might, having +8 more Might per hit without Fatal Might is almost as much as a Fatal Might without any bonuses.

1. Mightdrinker: 50 Might on Ground Execution
A half of a Bar per Execution. Need I say more? Goes great with Fury or any Explosions or Hammers that knock everyone down

Honorable Mention: Sword of Dominion
Previously, this pre-order Sword didn't have much use late-game but as of the new patch, you not only can upgrade it to Lv80 like any other gear, but re-rolling is chosen from Ring Secondary Bonuses NOT Swords. So you can get the really good Ring Bonuses on this Sword and stack them to even higher levels like Follower Defense

2nd Honorable Mention: Increased Melee Damage to Burning/Frozen/Poisoned/Cursed/Dazed Enemies.
Great for Elemental Builds but you are always up to chance with Immunities and Enrages of Captains


3. Beastlurker: Wrath per Stealth Kill while Mounted
A good substitute for Wrath builds and can stack with the rare Wrath on Stealth Kill Secondary. The only problem is its dependancy on Caragors

2. Corpsemonger: Stealth Damage Boost if a Stealth attack has been performed recently
While the decription does not list an exact duration, setups that frequently cause Grunts to flee can utilize this to chain Stealth attack them to a Captain. Just makes sure to have enough focus to do more than one Chain Attack. Such Example Setups include Curse, Legendary Terror gear, or Freeze Pinning with Brutal Cold (The easiest and my favorite one)

1. Shadowtraitor: 100+ Might when Stealth Attacking a Captain
Pretty much a better version of #2 as you have more control on what to do next after your Stealth Attack and you don't have to rely on so much Focus to do 2 Chain Stealths to Captains.

Honorable Mention: Stealth Damage Boost when the Enemy is Burned/Frozen/Poisoned/Curse
It takes a bit of effort or luck to pull this off, whether its stealth chaining grunts under you ailments or sneaking up on the captain. But this works good with any specific elemental builds. Keep in mind Immunities are Common on Orcs and can render your build useless. Personally i think you are better off with the Legendary Outlaw Dagger for Enraged Orcs


3. Pinchfist: Increased Range Damage per shot below Max Capacity
If you ignore ammo pickups and only restore ammo in small amounts like Rain of Arrows of Quiver of Souls. You'll always have a constant Range Damage boost. The downside to this is starting missions, sieges or fast travel will always fully restore your ammo and endgame Ranged Damage is just lacking on Lv60+ Enemies, even if you use Longbows.

2. Mindmender: Focus Recovery per Ranged Attack Hit
This restores a really large amount of focus and can stack with other focus restoring things. Letting you shoot out arrows with ease for long periods or Shadow Strike all over the place with the Chain of Shadows upgrade.

1. Mightmender: Might per Ranged Attack Hit
Ranged shooting with this almost doubles your might gain compared to regular melee attacks with no might boosts. And there are a lot of other Might gain bonuses to stack with this and they are mostly crit related. Since Headshots are always a Crit, adding all of these together can add up to ridiculous amounts (about 50 max)

Honorable Mention. Silvanstalker: Might gain per Shadow Strike
A variant of my #2 pick. This version lets you take less grunts down via Shadow Strike with Chain of Shadows but leaves you with enough Might to use an Execution or other Might based attacks. Perfect for when you are in dangerous crowds like Sieges. You may need a Focus Recovery per kill secondary bonus or Fatal Might to ensure you get enough.


3. Vindicator: Chance for Full Might when you are hit
Capable of making just about any fight eligible for the Top 10 Anime comebacks as some scratches you take turn the tides

2. Ragekeeper: HP regen when Wrath is Full
While this doesn't seem like much. Several very powerful builds either cause HP loss in some way or require full health to trigger.
Legendary Slaughter's 2 piece bonus is a prime example. Having this Epic Armor will out-heal the constant health loss AND still trigger Max Health required related boosts.
This setup's big downside however is relying on holding on to your wrath so getting cursed can really screw you over.

1. Heartwarden: Damage taken reduced when your Might is Full
This boosts your defense massively and helps a lot in Brutal and Gravewalker. Grim Resolve will keep your might up too as you get hit. Just be wary of things like Stun Attacks, Poison, and you can't use Fatal Might so building it up will take some time

Honorable mention: Critical Rate up when under on Fire/Poisoned/Cursed
The Fire version is really good for Legendary Warmonger builds but like all element/ailment builds they are really situational.


3. Shadestalker: Become undetectable if motionless for 6 seconds
Also known as the Chameleon. Its a fan favorite for the stealthy since you go invisible giving breathing room to set yourself up anywhere. However most pro stealth players just rely on speed, obstacles or fear or curse for stealth attacks.

2. Lifelurker: Full HP on a Stealth Kill
Easy way for healing so you can keep Domination or without needing a Double Stealth Drain or Bright Lord's Wrath. But like #3, you have better options available for healing

1. Beastcaller: Caragor's Restore HP when Howling
This was pracitcally made for Beastial Rage so you can summon a beast Army without sacrificing all of one's health

Honorable mentions: Increased Ailment Duration on Enemies
Very good for Poison (Legendary Dark builds) or Frost for supportive roles. Of course like all my honorable mentions, they cater to one type of element/ailment and don't work on everything


3. Lifeleecher: Drain grunts faster
While Draining grunts in combat is in general a nooby tactic, having this along with no Dominate can turn this situation into a quick easy fleeing grunt for stealth chaining without the need for fear or curse tactics

2. Heartstriker: Increased Melee Damage when Health is Full
One of the many stackable types of damage to achieve godhood. There's nothing else to say about it.

1. Darkbanner: Damage Reduction to Undead Followers
Undead Followers become a viable source for your army post-game. And this stacks to the many other damage reduction to followers that are available. This stacking can go up to such ridiculous levels that even your grunts can take as much hits as an enemy captain.
Just keep your zombies away from fire of course

Honorable Mention: 15% Chance to inflict Fire/Frost/Curse/Poison when your Wrath is full.
A very great way to inflict Ailments without having to rely on Crits or Might, but this you have to conserve your Wrath and avoid getting Curse and you can only have 1 ailment.
If you really want a better way to do things like this, go with Legendary Outlaw gear.
Epic Sword List Stats
Sword of Dominion
How to obtain
Automatically for those that pre-ordered Shadow of War

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled, Rolls from Ring Secondary Bonuses NOT Swords)






















Epic Dagger List Stats



















Epic Ranged Weapon List Stats

Bow Stats (Lv 80)

Longbow Stats (Lv 80)

Hammer Stats (Lv80)




















Epic Armor List Stats

















Epic Cloak List Stats














Epic Rune List Stats















Version history of changes to Legendaries
I have added this section to keep old information of things that have been changed in patches to the game for those running on old versions or in case they are reverted back in the future

v1.15 (Desolation of Mordor Expansion)
Because you can't keep the Legendaries of Desolation of Mordor, the randomness on obtaining them, that they aren't really gear, and me just plain hating rouge-likes I have decided NOT to add these to the guide

Bright Lord Bow and Hammer's Frost Explosions no longer freeze your own orcs making these so much more better

v1.0.16 (Blade of Galadriel Expansion)

All Hammers have received a Boost in Ranged Damage. For Legendaries at Lv60, it went from 223 to 251

Bright Lord's Sword effect of gaining Wrath on Ice Storm Finishers has restored to its original amount (20 @Lv60)

Outlaw's Dagger effect of increased % stealth damage to Enraged enemies has been greatly nerfed. At Lv 60 it went from 200% to 80% (Originally 55)

Bright Lord's Cape has gotten a recolor. I added a new pic for it

Mystic Cape has also gotten a recolor. I added a new pic for it

Slaughter's 4 set bonus now works on nearby Allied Beasts


All Daggers have received a boost in stealth damage. For Legendaries at Lv60, it went from 556 to 890

Outlaw's Dagger effect of increased % stealth damage to Enraged enemies has been massively buffed. At Lv 60 it went from 55% to 200%

Outlaw's 4 set bonus effect of follower % chance to inflict ailments has been buffed from 5% to 20%

Terror's 4 set bonus effect of Health Restoration for Killing Fleeing enemies has increased from 100HP to 200

Bright Lord's Sword effect of gaining Wrath on Ice Storm Finishers has been lowered. At Lv60 it went from 20 to 10

Bright Lord's Dagger effect of gaining Wrath on Frozen Stealth Kills has been lowered. At Lv60 it went from 30 to 20

Outlaw's Armor effect of reduced % damage from Enraged enemies has been lowered. At Lv60 it went from 75 to 55

Outlaw's Ring effect has now been properly introduced of a 100% Follower damage increase to Enraged enemies

All Outlaw gear has received a brand new look. Thus, I have added a section containing pics of the original looks
JK3's Top 5 Legendary Set Picks
Can't decide on what to get?
Here's some commentary on my Favorite 5 Sets.

5. Machine

Immunity to explosions on orcs doesn't exist and explosions tend to cause stun. Some explosions of the Machine gear may also set orcs on Fire as well
So Machine gear is really good at creating openings on even the toughest enemies so long as they aren't immune to that gear's basic attack (like stealth-proof or arrow proof on bows and daggers for example). Enraged by burns if the explosions cause burns could also be a problem.
The 4 set bonus can be paired with the Poison augment for Elven Light for instant Balefire since the explosions will ignite.

The set's big downside, and why its #5, is most of these explosions can hurt you or set you on fire.
So you need to be distant or moving to avoid damage.
Since these explosions will also set you on fire, Warmonger's Armor pieces can help restore the lost health but the overall interupptions of getting hit by your own explosions can still be annoying

4. Ringwraith

One of Ringwraith's specialties is ease of access. You get the entire set automatically after Act 3 and most of the Ringwraith's Secondary Bonuses are good and incredibly rare to get on other gear.
The other is these pieces' bonuses go well with some of the other sets like Bright Lord for wrath and Mystic for followers.

Where this set flaws is something can make each piece obsolete if you get just the right piece with just the right combination of very hard to get bonuses. So only the hardcore or lottery-winning lucky players will find fault here.

As of the Final Content patch i would actually consider raising this set possibly to my #1 pick due to the New Ringwraith Masks and Black Armor added as they are extremely good

3. Bright Lord

Wrath, Frost and Focus Recovery. These are the 3 things that describe the Bright Lord set.

A Full Wrath can turn the tide on the toughest of battles and getting it quicker makes a big difference.
Frost can be situational but the Bow and Hammer are capable of freezing groups, great for allowing openings for your followers.
As of the Desolation of Modor patch your own orcs are also immune to these frost explosions making these much better
A hidden feature, and why this gets #3, is its even possible to get Flurries on Frost-proof captains if you freeze and quickly melee attack them at very close range (Bow requires head shots and so won't work on arrow-proof captains). Extremely good at 1 on 1.
The Focus Recovery does help for any Chain attacks and the Cloak is the only end-tier Cloak to have one, but the Mystic weapons do a better job for Chain attacks.

The 50% Rage duration for the 2 Set bonus may sound really bad at first but after Act III your new Rage is better used in Quick bursts for its Super Ressurection Finisher. So The Bright Lord set starts sticking out endgame as you quickly fill up and deplete Wrath to fill the battlefield with buffed troops.

2. Outlaw

Outlaw is a special case of risk-reward. Outlaw pieces give a major damage boost to Enraged enemies, especially the dagger & ring. Making even the OP Epic Rage Beserkers and hacked easily enraged orcs much easier to kill (Some cases can even allow one hit kills).
So sometimes it'll be better to pick on the foe's enrages than its weaknesses

And The set bonuses make things chaotic yet fun with inflicting random ailments, making it easier to enrage captains as well as making interesting and odd results like fighting and mounting Ologs or Shadow Mounting (Nearby orcs may get inflicted with random ailments during the Shadow Mount).
An underrated set that may be worth purchasing the DLC or Season Pass for you

1. Mystic

Reduced Focus Consumption for Chain Attacks is just the icing on the cake for this set (which goes well with certain bonuses or other sets)

Buffing your followers is where this set shines at #1. Just the 2 set bonus does wonders and it does stack with other Follower defensive bonus, and yes these do apply and stack with undead followers and their bonuses making even your grunts super tanky.
And if you decide to go with the 4 set bonus, you got easy Cursing to make the enemy grunts flee for easy stealth chaining

Honorable mentions: Warmonger and Dark
Both of these sets give great bonuses to Fire and Poison but sticking with one element is too situational so in the end these 2 are just to go with other sets like Restoring health when on Fire or burning enemies for the Machine set.
List of all Legendary Set Bonuses
Bright Lord
Dark Set Stats

Dark Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Slayer or Dark Destroyer.

Dark Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Assassin

Dark Longbow
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Marksman or Dark Tracker

Dark Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Tank

Dark Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Beastmaster or Dark Beserker

Dark Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Commander or Dark Trickster
Dark Set Gallery

Feral Set Stats
Feral Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Feral Slayer or Feral Destroyer

Feral Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Dark Assassin

Feral Bow
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Feral Marksman or Feral Tracker

Feral Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Feral Tank

Feral Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Feral Beastmaster

Feral Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Feral Commander or Feral Trickster
Feral Set Gallery

Machine Set Stats

Machine Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Machine Slayer or Machine Beserker

Machine Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Machine Assassin or Machine Tracker

Machine Hammer
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Machine Marksman

Machine Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Machine Tank or Machine Destroyer

Machine Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Machine Beastmaster or Machine Trickster

Machine Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Machine Commander
Machine Set Gallery

Marauder Set Stats

Marauder Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Marauder Slayer or Marauder Beserker

Marauder Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Marauder Assassin or Marauder Tracker

Marauder Hammer
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Marauder Marksman

Marauder Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Marauder Tank or Marauder Destroyer

Marauder Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Marauder Beastmaster or Marauder Trickster

Marauder Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Marauder Commander
Marauder Set Gallery

Mystic Set Stats

Mystic Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Mystic Slayer

Mystic Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Mystic Assassin or Mystic Beserker

Mystic Bow
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Mystic Marksman or Mystic Tracker

Mystic Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Mystic Tank or Mystic Destroyer

Mystic Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Mystic Beastmaster

Mystic Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Mystic Commander or Mystic Trickster
Mystic Set Gallery

Terror Set Stats

Terror Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Terror Slayer or Terror Destroyer

Terror Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Terror Assassin

Terror Longbow
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Terror Marksman or Terror Tracker

Terror Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Terror Tank

Terror Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Terror Beastmaster or Terror Beserker

Terror Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Terror Commander or Terror Trickster
Terror Set Gallery

Warmonger Set Stats
Warmonger Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Warmonger Slayer

Warmonger Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Warmonger Assassin or Warmonger Tracker

Warmonger Hammer
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Warmonger Marksman

Warmonger Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Warmonger Tank or Warmonger Destroyer

Warmonger Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Warmonger Beastmaster or Warmonger Beserker

Warmonger Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Warmonger Commander or Warmonger Trickster
Warmonger Set Gallery

Vendetta Set Stats

Vendetta Sword
How to obtain
Complete any Online Vendetta

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Vendetta Dagger
How to obtain
Use a Stealth Attack on an Online Vendetta Target

Secondary Stat (Currently Can NOT be re-rolled due to glitch)

Vendetta LongBow
How to obtain
Hit a Headshot on an Online Vendetta target

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Vendetta Armor
How to obtain
Defeat an Online Vendetta Target while your health is above 80%

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Vendetta Cloak
How to obtain
Use a Mounted Execution on an Online Vendetta Target

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Vendetta Rune
How to obtain
Dominate an Online Vendetta Target

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)
Vendetta Set Gallery

Bright Lord Set Stats

Bright Lord Sword
How to obtain
Solve the Ithildin Door Puzzle in Gorgoroth's Barrows

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Bright Lord Dagger
How to obtain
Solve the Ithildin Door Puzzle in Seregost's Barrows

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Bright Lord Bow
How to obtain
Solve the Ithildin Door Puzzle in Nurnen's Barrows

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Bright Lord Hammer
How to obtain
Complete all Shadows of the Past sidemissions with a Gold Rank (Lithlad DLC's is not required)

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Bright Lord Armor
How to obtain
Solve the Ithildin Door Puzzle in Minas Ithil/Morgul's Barrows

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Bright Lord Cloak
How to obtain
Solve the Ithildin Door Puzzle in Cirith Ungol's Barrows

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Bright Lord Rune
How to obtain
Complete all Shadows of the Past sidemissions (any rank) (Lithlad DLC's is not required)

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)
Bright Lord Set Gallery

Ringwraith Gear Upgrading Tips.
Focus on Orcs without Beast-proof, then when they are high enough level, get them on the map. Like summoning them as a body guard or sending them on a nemesis mission and meet up with them. Then kill them while mounted on any Beast (Drakes are hardest as they may counterattack to kill it).
They will not betray you and there's no risk of decapitation so you can ressurect him easily
Ringwraith Set Stats
Ringwraith Sword
How to obtain
Complete Act III: Shadow and Flame

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Dagger
How to obtain
Complete Act III: Shadow and Flame

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Hammer
How to obtain
Complete Act III: Shadow and Flame

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Armor
How to obtain
Complete Act III: Shadow and Flame

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Cloak
How to obtain
Complete Act III: Shadow and Flame

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Rune
How to obtain
Complete Act III: Shadow and Flame

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)
Ringwrarith Set Gallery

Ringwraith Set Stats (Shadow Wars additions)

Ringwraith Mask (Generic)
How to obtain
Complete Stage 1 of Act IV: The Shadow Wars

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Mask (Helm Hammerhand)
How to obtain
Complete Stage 2 of Act IV: The Shadow Wars

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Mask (Suladan)
How to obtain
Complete Stage 3 of Act IV: The Shadow Wars

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Mask (Isildur)
How to obtain
Complete Stage 3 of Act IV: The Shadow Wars

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Mask (Sisters)
How to obtain
Complete Stage 3 of Act IV: The Shadow Wars

Permanent Secondary Stat (Can NOT be re-rolled)

Ringwraith Black Armor
How to obtain
Complete Stage 3 of Act IV: The Shadow Wars

Starting Secondary Stat (Can be re-rolled)
Ringwraith Set Gallery (Shadow Wars additions)
All Masks have the same capes

Slaughter Set Stats (Tribe DLC)

Slaughter Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Slaughter Slayer or Slaughter Beserker (DLC: Slaughter Tribe)

Slaughter Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Slaughter Assassin (DLC: Slaughter Tribe)

Slaughter Longbow
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Slaughter Marksman or Slaughter Tracker (DLC: Slaughter Tribe)

Slaughter Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Slaughter Tank or Slaughter Destroyer (DLC: Slaughter Tribe)

Slaughter Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Slaughter Beastmaster or Slaughter Trickster (DLC: Slaughter Tribe)

Slaughter Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Slaughter Commander (DLC: Slaughter Tribe)
Slaughter Set Gallery (Tribe DLC)

Outlaw Set Stats (Tribe DLC)

Outlaw Sword
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Outlaw Slayer (DLC: Outlaw Tribe)

Outlaw Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Outlaw Assassin or Outlaw Beserker (DLC: Outlaw Tribe)

Outlaw Bow
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Outlaw Marksman or Outlaw Tracker (DLC: Outlaw Tribe)

Outlaw Armor
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Outlaw Tank or Outlaw Destroyer (DLC: Outlaw Tribe)

Outlaw Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Outlaw Beastmaster (DLC: Outlaw Tribe)

Outlaw Rune
How to obtain
Defeat a Legendary Outlaw Commander or Outlaw Trickster (DLC: Outlaw Tribe)
Outlaw Set Gallery (Tribe DLC)

Original Outlaw Set Gallery
Because of the change in v1.06 giving the Outlaw set a complete new look. I have moved the original pictures here (And i really liked how they looked even if it was a reskin)

Blade of Galadriel Expansion Info
For the Blade of Galadriel Expansion, Legendaries are special once obtained ones like the Bright Lord, Vendetta and Ringwraith sets. These are gotten by defeating the Legendary Orcs in Fallen Blades Sidequests (Defeating Legendaries Orcs outside of these sidequests do NOT drop Legendaries). These Legendaries can only be upgraded once and will have a max level of 35 (Except Light Bringer set which caps at 40)

See near the end of this guide for their info
List of Set Bonuses (Blade of Galadriel)
Beast Hunter
Ice Stalker
Serpent Tamer
Fire Chaser
Light Bringer
Blade of Galadriel Gear Upgrading Tips
For upgrading the hardest gear in the Blade of Galadriel I have 2 tips that can make these a cake walk

Enemy Fortress

Having the alarm go off there will easily get groups together. Nurnen and Seregost will only be filled with Enemies temporarily, Gorgoroth's will always be an enemy fortress in the Expansion

Fast Travel Respawn abuse for Rare Beasts

Using Fast Travel will cause the area to regenerate and give another chance at spawning Rare Beasts such as Drakes and Elemental Graugs. The Elemental Graugs will make the 10 Second challenges very easy, especially the Ice Stalker Armor. (Try to have Beast Equipment on to improve its damage and defense)

So scan an area where they spawn. If they aren't there warp to the nearest Fast Travel Point and go back to look again. Repeat until successful.

Common Spawn points: (Will get some screenshots later)

  • Ice Graug - Southeastern side of the Lake you killed Tar Goroth in Seregost (Western Haedir Tower)
  • Poison Graug -Area Just North of Nurnen's Fortress
  • Fire Graug - Northeast of Fight Pit NOT in the fortress ( in an open Cavern)
JK3's Top Set Picks (Blade of Galadriel)
Since there are only 5 Legendary Sets in the Blade of Galadriel Expansion, I'll keep this brief.

Light Bringer and Fire Chaser are the 2 Best Armor sets. The bonuses for Light and Fire are much easier to trigger and encounter than the other 3 sets. Light Bringer's 4 set bonus is rather meh since Captain's attacks are very rarely counterable. If I had to give an Honorable mention is Beast's Cloak due to it having Beastial Rage and More Defense to Beasts

The Light Bringer Dagger is BY FAR the best equipment piece in the game. (And the hardest to get as you obtain this and the Sword after obtaining all other Legendaries then Defeat the Lawless Orc, the final sidequest that opens up). Anything that isn't immune to stealth attacks is pretty much dead in an instant.
Beast Hunter Set Stats (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Beast Hunter Blade
How to obtain
Defeat the Deep Delver in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Cirith Ungol.

Secondary Stat

Beast Hunter Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat the Web-Breaker in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Cirith Ungol.

Secondary Stat

Beast Hunter Bow
How to obtain
Defeat the Spider Hawk in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Cirith Ungol.

Secondary Stat

Beast Hunter Armor
How to obtain
Defeat the Exterminator in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Cirith Ungol.

Secondary Stat

Beast Hunter Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat the of the Caves in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Cirith Ungol.

Secondary Stat

Beast Hunter Rune
How to obtain
Defeat the Wasp in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Cirith Ungol.

Secondary Stat
Beast Hunter Set Gallery (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Ice Stalker Set Stats (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Ice Stalker Blade
How to obtain
Defeat the Ice-Mountain in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Seregost.

Secondary Stat

Ice Stalker Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat the Chill in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Seregost.

Secondary Stat

Ice Stalker Bow
How to obtain
Defeat the Shiver in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Seregost.

Secondary Stat

Ice Stalker Armor
How to obtain
Defeat the Avalanche in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Seregost.

Secondary Stat

Ice Stalker Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat the Blizzard in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Seregost.

Secondary Stat

Ice Stalker Rune
How to obtain
Defeat the Snowflake in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Seregost.

Secondary Stat
Ice Stalker Set Gallery (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Serpent Tamer Set Stats (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Serpent Tamer Blade
How to obtain
Defeat the Jungle-Rot in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Nurnen.

Secondary Stat

Serpent Tamer Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat the Desolation in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Nurnen.

Secondary Stat

Serpent Tamer Bow
How to obtain
Defeat the Earth-Salter in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Nurnen.

Secondary Stat

Serpent Tamer Armor
How to obtain
Defeat the Dirt Feeder in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Nurnen.

Secondary Stat

Serpent Tamer Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat the Black Elm in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Nurnen

Secondary Stat

Serpent Tamer Rune
How to obtain
Defeat the Wasteful Hunter in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Nurnen.

Secondary Stat
Serpent Tamer Set Gallery (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Fire Chaser Set Stats (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Fire Chaser Blade
How to obtain
Defeat the Scar-Hide in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.

Secondary Stat

Fire Chaser Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat the Forge-Claw in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.

Secondary Stat

Fire Chaser Bow
How to obtain
Defeat the Stone-Hive in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.

Secondary Stat

Fire Chaser Armor
How to obtain
Defeat the Flame-Eater in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.

Secondary Stat

Fire Chaser Cloak
How to obtain
Defeat the Burning Wings in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.

Secondary Stat

Fire Chaser Rune
How to obtain
Defeat the Earth-Scorcher in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.

Secondary Stat
Fire Chaser Set Gallery (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Light Bringer Set Stats (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

Light Bringer Blade
How to obtain
Defeat the Lawless in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.
(Complete all other Fallen Blade Sidequests)

Secondary Stat

Light Bringer Dagger
How to obtain
Defeat the Lawless in his Fallen Blade Sidequest in Gorgoroth.
(Complete all other Fallen Blade Sidequests)

Secondary Stat

Light Bringer Bow
How to obtain
Collect the entire Ice Stalker Legendary Set in Seregost

Secondary Stat

Light Bringer Armor
How to obtain
Collect the entire Serpent Tamer Legendary Set in Nurnen

Secondary Stat

Light Bringer Cloak
How to obtain
Collect the entire Fire Chase Legendary Set in Gorgoroth

Secondary Stat

Light Bringer Rune
How to obtain
Collect the entire Beast Hunter Legendary Set in Cirith Ungol

Secondary Stat
Light Bringer Set Gallery (Blade of Galadriel DLC Expansion)

ragen311 7 Sep, 2024 @ 4:05pm 
I have been waiting in anticipation for the "builds that are coming soon." This wait has been similar to waiting for the dragons and zombies in GoT.

Just messin with you JKThree...this guide is amazing and extremely satisfying to peruse from one OCD person to what I assume has to be another. I felt like I have forgotten as much as I will for ME:SoM and ME:SoW for that like new experience; since there is no other game that satisfies the need created so many years ago.

Best part about this...I actually recalled your guide as soon as I started scrolling through. I remember being interested in the builds created by the author of one of the most thorough and well layed out guides I have come across. Even crazier....that statement still holds true...about this guide being a standard setter, not waiting for builds. JKThree you have certainly shown your quality.
BigFatJuicyMonkeys 26 May, 2023 @ 11:02am 
No guide on how to obtain the epic gear?
XerxesThePirate 17 Mar, 2023 @ 3:46pm 
Not my choice of end game build, but amazing job on this insanely indepth guide
Bolvar 13 Feb, 2023 @ 9:55pm 
Instantly added to favorites, thank you
shisui 13 May, 2022 @ 4:24am 
crazy work u done here big props to you but as someone said its too damn long C=
The Wudarian 24 Jul, 2021 @ 11:24am 
what an insanely long guide for something not necessary :/ you can just read the equipment you have and use that. not to mention the game is so god damn easy you will never need to min max anything .
James Sunderland 26 Jun, 2021 @ 3:26pm 
as a fan of the game and making this one of my favorite games of all time i ENCOURAGE YOU to make this guide for newer and older players itll help alot as this game honestly has showed me so much love throughout its 2 years of its life cycle and throughoout its 10+ playthroughs i have done
defendingfaithx 12 Jun, 2021 @ 11:03pm 
Is 80 really the max. level for legendary gear? I know that all swords (except Urfael, Bright Lord's Sword and a few others) can go to lvl 90 with sword breaking. How about legendary daggers, bows/hammers, armor, and runes? What is the max. level for them?
Sparda 12 Jun, 2021 @ 12:25pm 
A question about Urfael: I've been trying to get 'Critical hits have a 50% chance to Freeze enemies' as its secondary, but even though it's listed as a common rarity here, I've had no luck at all. Is it possible that the Ringwraith set has limits on which secondaries they can have?
Ausar The Vile (Россия) 7 Jun, 2021 @ 11:50pm 
For Vendetta Set cloak, you just need to do mounted attack on the target, not mounted execution.