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The Librarian
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2017년 10월 29일 오후 2시 04분
2024년 4월 7일 오후 10시 40분
변경 사항 64개 ( 보기 )

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The Librarian

The Librarian.

"Sir, terribly sorry, sir, but there seems to have been some kind of horrific beaurocratic error. Sir, I appear to have been assigned to a mission, sir, and, sir, sir, I'm really not built for it sir. I mean, sir, there's going to be all sorts of danger, sir, and heavy lifting..."

Having spent some time studying abroad the Librarian finally returns to the Hamlet. While she'd much rather settle down by the hearth with a good book she is often reluctantly dragged out adventuring by her friends and companions. At home among treatises, tales and legends, this humble student of knowledge seeks merely to cram as much valuable information into her skull as possible and keep it there. That being said her companions value her sage advice for all can benefit from the wisdom contained within old stories and folklore.

The book she bears is an evil tome full of forbidden lore. She keeps it close to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. When asked what kind of hands are "wrong" she will respond "the irresponsible ones".

Combat skills:

At home among treatises, tales and legends, this humble student of knowledge seeks merely to cram as much valuable information into her skull as possible and keep it there.

Beat Back: Sometimes she gets stuck in front. In this sort of emergency she'll hit someone with a heavy book! With the correct trinket she can even scurry back to safety.
* Know Thy enemy: Having practically memories anatomy charts of both animals and humans, the Librarian has a good idea where an enemy's weak points are. The Guidance she offers to the party allows them to take down foes more effectively.
Forbidden Chant: With great effort (And no small cost to her sanity) the Librarian unleashes a wave of evil force from the book. This passes over all foes reducing their offensive capacity and, with the right trinket, it can even inflict blight as well.
* Peace of Mind: A single target stress removal skill with a nice little added bonus as well (*).
* Improvise Tactics: Drawing upon her knowledge of military tactics the Librarian hastily advises her companions how best to handle the current situation. This skill has anumber of different variable effects based on the actual conditions at the time of use.
* Tonics and Tinctures: Herbal remedies and minor hedge magic make up for a powerful curative although they work slowly. Harmful conditions will also be cured.
Clingy and Needy: Sometimes she just needs someone big and strong to hide behind. And that someone had better know how to look after themself (and if they don't know how to do that then she'll tell them). This experience can get pretty stressful 'though.

* A number of the Librarian's skills (marked with an Asterisk (*) above) add a stacking 5% Resolve XP bonus to the entire party. Every time one of these skills is used the bonus XP granted by the Librarian will increase by 5%. This is sadly removed by camping so, when taking along a Librarian, the player has to decide whether they want to benefit from her camping skills or go without sleep for the extra XP.

Camping Skills:
Even those accustomed to soft feather beds must learn to survive in the wilds. In fact this gentle librarian appreciates the opportunity to settle down and focus, once more, on her studies. Although if truth be told she'll be grumbling about the rough cobbles or sleeping with a root in the small of her back come the morning.

Encourage, Pep Talk & Wound Care (everyone gets those).
A Good Story: A nice story helps the party to sleep safe and sound. It also keeps them in good spirits the morning afterwards.
Knowledge is Power: Forbidden knowledge grants her companions enhanced combat abilities but they pay the price for this unnerving lore in stress taken.
Soothing Chatter: Sitting down with one companion the Librarian plays "the Truth Room game". This is actually remarkably beneficial for the recipient and the little bookworm gets to benefit slightly as well.
A Riddle to Solve: Everyone loves riddels around the campfire. Those who solve them too quickly get some light relief. Those who take longer to come up with a solution benefit the most and those who fail grow frustrated and anxious.

Known issues
-Due to a rewrite, all librarians in the game currently need their skills to be obtained again.

The Librarian is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.

Balgin for doing most of the stuff other people didn't do, putting it all together, localisation, keeping people in touch with each other and numerous small fixes.
Acero Steel for the character art.
Muscarine for fx & animation. You can find all of his mods on the nexus (https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/users/330348/?tb=mods&pUp=1)
or on the steam workshop (http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561197984892423/myworkshopfiles/?appid=262060).
Moon slime for coding, scripting, skill icons, equipment icons, the acidic book trinket art.
Exaelus for more coding, scripting and generally fixing things that were broken. Big thanks man.
The 100 trinket art pack for the Puzzle Box. You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14426563
인기 토론 모두 보기(10)
2020년 12월 8일 오전 7시 46분
Balance Discussion
Moon/Void Slime
2022년 1월 3일 오전 8시 12분
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2023년 5월 10일 오후 2시 00분
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댓글 802
WildHunt 2024년 6월 22일 오전 8시 47분 
thanks. this mod is working great. still experimenting with the trinket
Sadlysius 2024년 5월 22일 오전 12시 48분 
None of the "set buffs/debuffs" ("Furious Facts", "Knowledge Overwhelming") from trinkets seem to work for me? For example, A "Bravery" Potion gives -15% DMG Received, +5% CRIT, etc. but it doesn't make Beat Back any more powerful, nor it makes Beat Back self-push you
Erazil 2024년 4월 6일 오전 10시 04분 
nice new page ;)
Balgin Stondraeg  [작성자] 2024년 4월 6일 오전 9시 43분 
Today's update contains improved French translation by Erazil. Let the French players rejoice :).
SASUKEEEEEEEEEEEE! 2024년 3월 18일 오전 1시 01분 
Thank you kindly, that's what I imagined.
ravenz 2024년 3월 16일 오후 7시 46분 
she is just a support, but can be made into a into a antiquarian equivalent through the optional patch.
SASUKEEEEEEEEEEEE! 2024년 3월 13일 오후 11시 08분 
Not going to lie, been using this mod religiously for every playthrough without realizing: what is she meant to be played as? She's just a support, right? Not an antiquarian equivalent?
RustyDios 2024년 3월 8일 오후 6시 46분 
Part of her backstory is she got bitten by dogs I think ... it adds some extra flavour to the character and some extra thinking to the player
ravenz 2024년 3월 8일 오후 5시 50분 
I get it now, also why make her afraid of dogs?
Balgin Stondraeg  [작성자] 2024년 3월 8일 오후 5시 29분 
The reason we changed the way the xp system worked is because the old system rounded up to the next multiple of 100% (so 101% was being counted as 200%). The new system has it built into her camp skills which create consumable items that grant an xp multiplier. That way you get to choose to use her xp boosting abilities or not. It's optional instead of forced.