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How to not be worse than me at multiplayer: basic tips
By ScottOfCanes
I'm not the best player at Doom 2016. I don't hit every single shot and at times I miss extremely easy shots. I don't always make the right decisions in game. At the same time, I notice that some players don't know how to play at all.
Aim Damn You
Move your mouse and move your character so that the enemy you want to kill is in the center of your crosshair.

If you have trouble keeping an enemy centered for more than a moment, use weapons like the Combat Shotgun and Super Shotgun, as you can deal more damage by taking the time to aim and clicking mouse 1 every few seconds than by spraying a Heavy Assault Rifle or Plasma Rifle and missing most of the shots.

If you are willing to lead shots as well, the Rocket Launcher is a great choice too.
Move Damn You
Always be in motion since people have a harder time aiming at moving players. If you don't move somewhere constantly you're going to die much more often. You'll probably dislike playing the game when you die that often.

You can also lessen explosive damage if you're farther away from the impact.

Weapon Swap and use Alt Fire when Possible Damn You
Alternating non-automatic weapons like the Static Rifle and Combat Shotgun or Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher is an easy way to increase the damage you throw out.

An easy combo is:
  • Aim and shoot with fully charged Static Rifle
  • Swap to Combat Shotgun
  • Aim and shoot with Combat Shotgun
  • Prepare Alt Fire of Combat Shotgun
  • Aim and shoot Alt Fire of Combat Shotgun
  • If enemy is not dead yet, but is not in range of the Combat Shotgun, swap to Static Rifle and try to take a quick shot. If they are in range for the Combat Shotgun, aim and shoot.
  • Repeat

Avoid Shooting at Enemies when you can't Possibly Hit them Damn You
If someone is about to turn a corner, please don't start shooting at them with something like the Plasma Rifle, Chaingun, Reaper base fire, or Heavy Assault Rifle. They'll have likely survived the one or two shots that you hit, they'll know that you're there, and they can turn around to react to your attack.

If you want to distract an enemy from an objective/power-up/power-weapon/demon rune, you can try to, though if they're smart and aware they may just decide to ignore you and attempt to grab whatever happened to spawn.

It can be worth taking a quick shot if you're using a high damage single-shot weapon like the Combat Shotgun, Super Shotgun, charged Static Rifle, Vortex Rifle, Reaper alt fire, or the charged EMG Pistol alt fire.

If you have an area of effect weapon like the Rocket Launcher alt fire, Grenade Launcher, or Lightning Gun alt fire, it may be worth attacking them from around the corner.

It can be useful to wait until you can deal enough damage to score a kill or it may also be useful to damage an enemy as much as possible with no guarantee of you scoring the kill. It all depends on the situation, but please avoid shooting at enemies you can't possibly hit, especially if they're turning a corner.

Attempting to shoot enemies at long range can be difficult, but it's useful to try to hit one or two pot shots at enemies who are so far away that you can get out of their line of sight easily. On the other hand, avoid spraying rapid fire weapons for more than a moment at long ranges as they may be able to hit you hard with a longer ranged weapon. Avoid standing still and avoid staying in the exact same vantage point without moving between lines of sight first.
Resource Management
Always pick up health, armor, and ammo: every bit adds up to you winning an evenly matched 1v1 or 2v2 fight and if lucky, a 1v2 fight.

Whenever you respawn always try to pick up the nearest armor pieces. If possible, roam the outskirts of the map and collect at least 20 armor before trying to fight enemies. Gathering more armor is always better.

Always pick up power-ups and power-weapons: Regeneration/Haste/Invisibility/Quad Damage will greatly increase your chances of winning an otherwise even fight and the Gauss/BFG/Chainsaw can result in a quick and fun killstreak. It's really fun. It also leads to winning.
Loadouts and Weapons
All equipment options are valid, though be sure to match it to the intended playstyle of your custom classes.

Most of the weapons are perfectly viable if you play with what it offers so I'll catagorize them quickly.

Close Range: Super Shotgun, melee attack
Close-Mid Range: Combat Shotgun, Chaingun, Plasma Rifle, Burst Rifle, EMG Pistol, Lightning Gun, Rocket Launcher, Reaper
*Mid Range: Hellshot, Heavy Assault Rifle, Grenade Launcher
Mid-Long Range: Static Rifle
Long Range: Vortex Rifle (though it is entirely possible to use at closer ranges)

*I don't like the Heavy Assault Rifle. I have acceptable aim but I can't make every single shot a headshot so it just accomplishes less for me when compared to most every other weapon. I also see less skilled players struggle to aim with it. I do like the Hellshot, but like the Heavy Assault Rifle, without headshots the weapon doesn't shine in my hands either.

It's probably best to have one custom class include one of the Close-Mid Range weapons and either the Static Rifle or Vortex Rifle.

Aside from that, just about any combination can work:
Combat Shotgun + Super Shotgun + Personal Teleporter = Very close range burst damage.
Rocket Launcher + Super Shotgun + Lateral Thrusters = Burst damage with movement options for either aggression or escape.
Static Rifle + Combat Shotgun + Tesla Rocket = Burst damage with almost no way for an enemy to escape other than killing you (assuming you aim well).
Vortex Rifle + Burst Rifle or Heavy Assault Rifle or Plasma Rifle = Sniping playstyle with secondary weapon to finish off weakened enemies that survived a charged Vortex Rifle shot.

Et cetera because most loadouts can work.
Runes and enemy Demons
Always have a Scout rune as one of your three runes: if an enemy team has players laying mines when they spawn, you'll probably end up giving them free kills at no inconvenience to them.

Always have a Demon Tracker rune as one of your three runes: an enemy Spectre existing due to it not being shot at enough is the difference between a close game and a completely lost game. You like winning don't you? Please switch to a Demon Tracker rune if an invisible demon spawns!

If you have the Demon Tracker rune equipped, you can avoid the enemy demon (almost) entirely or damage it while using the layout of the map to get yourself safe. Watch the demon through walls and try to guess where you should go to deal safe damage to it.

Lower health demons like the Revenant, Harvester, or Prowler can be dealt with fairly easily at long range with a Vortex Rifle or Static Rifle. If multiple people are trying to snipe the demon and hit their shots, it will go down within a team volley or two.

If you don't have a long range way to attack the demon, try to avoid it until you die another way. If the situation calls for it, manuever yourself in a way to deal as much damage as possible so either you or another team member can kill it soon after.
Game Mode Basics
In game modes where killing enemies is the goal, avoid dying without accomplishing something: try to get at least one kill before dying or preferably fight with your team to overwhelm a smaller group of the enemy team.

In game modes where Demon runes spawn, keep the competency of the enemy team in mind: if the enemy team is stacked, avoid choosing the slower/bigger/shorter-ranged demons. Some of the more consistent demons against strong players are the Harvester and Spectre. Against a weaker enemy team almost any demon can be useful, though be aware that the Mancubus probably won't be traveling across the map in your time allotted.
Game Mode Basics: Play the objective
Any game mode: Focus on getting power-ups, power weapons and Demon runes. They will help you win and winning is good. You're always on the blue team.

Team Deathmatch: Get kills and don't die. Try to fight alongside your team and try to assist or avenge team members.

Soul Harvest: It's Kill Confirmed from CoD a completely unique game mode. Get kills and pick up their dog tags souls. The first person to die spawns a demon rune and the resulting demon doesn't have a time limit. You can get away with not using a Demon Tracker rune for most of the demons that can get chosen, but you'll want it against Prowlers and especially against Spectres.

Warpath: There's a moving zone going around the map in a set path that you must be in control of. Kill the enemy if they're in it, capture it, then try to control the map and deny the other team from getting close to it. While you don't need to be inside the zone to gain points, it's still smart to stay around it.

Domination: Three zones can score your team points. Your team should control two of the zones for as long as possible. Three zones being controlled is possible, though you should focus on holding two. It's also better to defend one of your two zones than attempting to trade zones as it's a safer way to gain points to win.

Sector: Two zones exist at any point. Once captured, the zone takes 15 seconds to be extracted, gaining your team a point. Try to avoid losing a zone rather than attempting to take another if possible.

When the other team has 6 exactions and is one point away from winning, you MUST prevent any zone from being extracted by them. Your team MUST send as many players as is needed to prevent an extraction even if you need to allow the enemy to capture the other zone. Which you then must prevent from being extracted :p

Freeze Tag: A variant of TDM. Players only respawn if friendlies fill up a bar by standing next to you or if your frozen corpse gets pushed into a bottomless pit/instakill enirvonment effect. Since there are no demon runes in this game mode, you really should use Scout to avoid Kinetic Mines.

If you're the last person alive you should try to revive thaw as many teammates as possible. If it looks like you're about to die, but have nearly thawed a teammate, just accept that you're gonna die and thaw your teammate. You probably wouldn't survive and if you attempt to fight normaly you're going to leave the thaw range, die soon after, and then the round will be lost. If on the other hand, you thaw your teammate at the cost of your own life, there's still some hope.

Infernal Run: It's like Capture the Flag with an eye(?). You can see the carrier through walls and the carrier can see everyone else through walls. Don't let the carrier get past the halfway point of the map. Hunt them down if they do. Avoid going too deep into the enemy half of the map if your team isn't even past the middle of the map.

Be careful about throwing the ball into the goal, as what the game counts as a goal is a little questionable at times. You may want to try to jump into the goal if you aren't in danger to guarantee a score. Also: please don't confuse your own goal with the other team's goal. It's like sportsball: you put the thing into their goal, they put the thing into your goal.

Clan Arena: Everyone starts at max Armor/Health and there is one life per round. Support your team as best as you can and avoid jumping into the middle of the entire team. There are no power-ups, power-weapons, Demon runes, or player runes.

AoE weapons like the Grenade Launcher can be infuriating and effective if you can bounce nades around corners and into multiple enemies. On the opposite end, the Vortex Rifle can do a high amount of damage to one person fairly quickly: 3 charged body shots, 1 charged headshot and charged bodyshot, or 1 charged headshot and swap to another weapon to get a kill.

Winning or tying by time is an option a lot of players seem to neglect. If your team has two players left alive and the other team has three, your team needs to kill one enemy at least to tie. Otherwise you just lose. Likewise, if your team has three players alive and the other team has two, don't let your team die and stay in the general area of each other because the enemy team MUST come to attack you or they will lose. Avoid getting multiple players hit by enemy splash damage.

I have nothing for the Free for All game modes. I dislike TDM and Free for All generally and I prefer to have any objective to work towards.
Rip and Tear
I don't know if anyone who needs a guide like this will actually read it. I'm probably echoing common knowledge to DoomSlayers who already know all of the specifics of the game. Still, I wanted to do something more than just typing into chat "pls use scout rune they are all usng mines" or "pls dont spawn as rev. you dont get kllls and they kill you fast cuz they see you thru walls"
Dilet 24 Nov, 2020 @ 2:22pm 
HAR+CS+siphon works well for me.
DEATHSTROKE 4 Dec, 2019 @ 3:15am 
multiplayer is too hard and i wish there was a multiplayer to verse the satons would be fun
Tincan 30 Sep, 2018 @ 12:46am 
I would do all of this if I could just find a match damnit!
Mom's Wi-Fi 27 Sep, 2018 @ 5:26pm 
"Move Damn You"

Or, if you wanna be fancy:

"Hell devours the indolent"
Milk_Shaykh 10 Sep, 2018 @ 10:42am 
Damn you! this is really good
CorrectoMandiando 13 Jul, 2018 @ 10:11am 
This is a good guide, damn you!
ScottOfCanes  [author] 6 May, 2018 @ 5:13pm 
yamaharaider, you disapprove of what demons I suggested? It's fine, but if you're going against a team of people who really understand the game, you'll get murdered if you choose something like the Baron, who is not especially fast, is gigantic to hit, and has mostly short range attacks.

I didn't mention it specifically in the guide, but the Cacaodemon is amazing with it's close range instant kill on parts of the map that allow it to hide above a few doorways.

Still, I personallly find that the Spectre and Harvester are the best against strong enemy teams. They'll still destroy you, but you'll get a decent killstreak before dying.
yamaharider2142 6 May, 2018 @ 4:37pm 
and always get the runes regardless , because your arogant.not like the other guy is gonna say ladies first jk but who cares pick a demon thats hard to shoot or invisible?

yamaharider2142 6 May, 2018 @ 4:34pm 
i rock this on console, heres to giving the mouse a go m its been a while, nice guide actualy short to the point, and definatley always have a series of attacks preped like grenade / whatever you like, then fire of one weapon sswap faster than reload reblast , bitch slap , and jump n run like hell? to grab health
-DREIDARA-Tzu- 28 Apr, 2018 @ 6:17pm 
InB4 DoomMarine13, Random Camper, Yaps4Eternity, and GetsRocked420 call you a hacker.

Seriously though, this is how to play DOOM 2016 MP. It's a mix of Quake (Map and Resource Control) and COD/Halo (Loadout/Fast Weapon Switching). Very fun game.

Also, #MagnetRune=Cancer