Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

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Full achievements guide ('chronologically' / by location)
Vytvořil: kris.aalst
There are plenty of achievements guides out there but they all list the achievements in alphabetical order or in no particular order. I needed a more practical overview of the achievements, sorted chronologically as much as possible and otherwise at least grouped by location. Piecing together that information, a full-fledged guide started to grow so I decided to share it. The guide also contains elaborate hints on how to get the more difficult achievements.

All the achievements are missable, except for the one granted for completing the game at any difficulty.
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Overview of locations and missions
I refer to the following guide for an overview of the missions, which includes all the info you need to:
  • make sure you don't miss any side mission (all side missions have an achievement attached to them, except for Side Mission 03)
  • make sure you take the necessary prerequisite actions during some missions to ensure you'll be able to unlock certain achievements later on
  • make sure you take the necessary prerequisite actions during some side missions to ensure you'll be able to start a follow-up side mission later on
All of the prerequisites are mentioned in this guide too, but it may be good to have a list of the missions handy, as a complimentary guide to this one.
A Heated Combination
Enter a classic numerical code in the game's first keypad.

When you reach the first locked door in the game, restore power to the door's keypad and enter the combination 0451 into the keypad to unlock the door and the achievement. You find this code written on a table in the previous room.

Adept of the Metaverse
Engage in all Tutorials in Adam's first mission in Dubai.

During the Dubai mission, the game will throw three tutorials your way. You need to complete all three in one playthrough, so each time you need to get to all the hologram positions and only then continue the 'real' mission. In the end, you need to have each tutorial in your quest log as a 'finished quest' to unlock the achievement:
  • TUTORIAL MODE: Stealth

Singh No Swan Song
Have Singh's back when it matters most.

At the end of the mission, after the cutscene that leaves you at an elevator and the mission to "Stop the chopper from escaping", save your game.

Enter the elevator and ride it down. In the meantime, pop as many biocells as the game will allow. When the elevator doors open, activate Glass-Shield Cloaking and run towards the chopper, avoiding and ignoring the enemies. When you're facing the chopper, go to its left-hand side and find a panel there. Open it and remove the battery. If you did it fast enough, Singh will not have left his cover and will be alive, causing the achievement to unlock.
Prague I (special): Time Traveler
You need to do this achievement BEFORE doing Mission 3 (so before going to see Koller)!

Time Traveler
You managed to bring Koller the Neuroplasticity Calibrator before he even asked you for it.

When you find yourself ready to go to Koller in the bookstore for Mission 3: Getting in Top Shape Again, don't. Instead save your game and don't touch that save file until you're done with this achievement (and maybe the augmentation-related achievements that are best done right after this one, see the following three sections for those achievements).

Go to the subway station and travel to Palisade Station. Leave the station, look to your right, and enter the street to the right of 'Tubehouse'.

After a few seconds, you'll see an alley to your left. Enter that alley, climb the wall that's blocking your way and jump over it to the other side.

Ahead of you is a manhole that allows you to enter the sewers. Go down.

Turn right. You'll see a door with a casino chip painted on it.

Above this door, you see some pipes. Face away from the door, you'll see a ledge you can jump on.

Jump up on the ledge and then jump on top of the pipes. Now, continue towards the vent cover you see a bit further on.

Open it and go through. Open the next vent cover, a bit further on. Exit into a restroom.

Open the door and crouch behind the machine right in front of you.

At the far end of the walkway is a patrolling guard. You need to wait until he stops looking in your direction and starts to walk away. Then sneak forward towards the corner where the patrolling guard was.

At the corner, pop as many biocells as you can and activate Glass-Shield Cloaking. Sneak into the room you see in front of you.

There's a thug here. Sneak behind him (pop another biocell if your energy's depleted from the cloak) and take him down.

Go towards the safe and the panel on the wall on the other side of the room.

Quicksave. Hack the panel and unlock the safe.

Take the Neuroplasticity Calibrator from the safe.

Turn around and exit the casino the same way you came.

Tip: when you're back on top of the pipes, look down and you'll see a guard in a small space in between two doors. Drop down and take out this guard. Then open the door towards the exit from the sewers (the door the guard was closest to) and leave the sewers.

Take the subway back to Southern Prague. Leave the station. Go towards the area labeled 'Police Checkpoint' on your map.

When you're facing the checkpoint, you see a cherry picker to your left.

Jump on top of the cherry picker and jump forward onto the ledge.

Continue forward by walking the ledges, towards the balcony you see in front of you in the distance.

When you've reached the balcony, enter the building through the door or the window. There's a vent cover inside.

Open the vent cover, enter the vent and follow the path.

When you exit on the other side, you'll be warned you're trespassing. Turn left and sneak across towards the bridge.

Cross the bridge and jump on top of the small roof here.

Across the street you see a building with dark red windows. That's your target. We'll take the sneaky way around, though.

Slightly below you, you'll see some more ledges. Drop down to those ledges.

At the end of the ledges, drop down to the ground. There is a patrolling guard down here so you may have to wait for him to walk away or take him down without being seen.

Turn right and climb the scaffold (labeled 'Ladder').

Don't forget to go back to crouching. Jump up and you'll find yourself on a ledge again.

Continue on a bit and enter the second red window here.

Pop as many biocells as you can. Wait until the patrolling guards are in the back of this room. Then sneak towards the bookcase a bit further on.

Activate Glass-Shield Cloaking and continue sneaking forward a bit, until you see a toppled bookcase to your left.

Sneak underneath the toppled bookcase and then jump over the fallen bookcase after that. To your right is a door, open it and enter the next room. You're safe to stop cloaking and crouching here. Koller will contact you.

Go towards the bookcase on the other side of the room and interact with the red book here.

You'll meet Koller. After a lot of dialogue and cutscenes, you'll hand him the Neuroplasticity Calibrator, which pops the achievement. By doing this, you bypassed quite a chunk of the game and you even skipped two achievements you can't trigger anymore. So you'll want to reload the save you made at the start of this part of the guide.

But before doing that, you may want to keep playing this temporary state of the game a while longer and unlock a couple more achievements. You'll find all you need to know in the following sections.
Combat aug-related achievements easily done in Southern Prague
A number of achievements require you to have certain augmentations and use them on opponents. So you can do these at any time after Mission 3 when your augmentations are reset. Since it's a breeze to go and do all of these achievements right after completing Mission 3, I list them here.

After meeting Koller, therefore completing Mission 3, and after completing the tutorial about unlocking and locking augmentations, you'll have about a dozen praxis points to spend. First, we're going to get two achievements done in the southern Prague area.

So save your game in a new file and don't touch that save until you're done with all of the following achievements.

If you haven't already, go and buy the Biocells and Hypostim Injectors from Tars, the trader in Jensen's apartment complex.

Ground Mail Was a Better Option
Flawlessly disable a Drone via Remote Hacking.

Unlock and fully upgrade the Remote Hacking augmentation. Note: this will trigger the And Embrace What You've Become achievement. Then bind Remote Hacking to a quickslot key through the augmentations wheel.

Now go to the area around Jensen's apartment complex. Quicksave. Find a drone and target it. Use Remote Hacking on the drone. You'll see a sort of minigame. A slider moves back and forth on a bar that has two target marks on it. You need to click the mouse button exactly when the slider is on top of one of the target marks. This will remove the target mark. A succesful hack means removing all the target marks. A flawless hack means removing all the target marks without making any mistakes. Practice a bit and then reload the quicksave. Now remote-hack the drone without making any mistakes. This will unlock the achievement. Reload the 'master save' you made earlier.

Express Elevator to Hell, Going Down
Land an Icarus Landing & Strike on foes and clear out the pack with the Typhoon. Just to make sure.

As this is the only achievement that doesn't require any experimental augmentations, some people prefer to get this achievement out of the way during the first mission in Dubai. I think it's more practical to do it in Prague. Near Jensen's apartment complex you see a red area labeled 'Konicky & Hracky'.

Go there. Climb the ladder to your right.

Jump to the balcony in front of you. Continue forward across the ledges until you're in the 'red' zone.

Unlock and fully upgrade the following augmentations:
  • Icarus Landing
  • Typhoon --> Assign to a quickslot
  • Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis --> Note: this will trigger the Humanity + achievement.
  • Glass-Shield Cloaking

Pop a biocell, enable Leg Silencers and Glass-Shield Cloaking, jump down and then jump up the barrels in front of you to get to the roof.

Hide behind the chimney and quicksave. On the roof, wait until the two thugs below are somewhat close to each other. Jump towards one of them (actually jump, don't just walk off the roof) so the Icarus engages, and press the prompted key to perform an Icarus Landing Strike, knocking down one of the thugs. Then quickly press the quickslot key to trigger Typhoon, taking down the second thug. It may take a bit of practice to get it right but when you're succesful, the achievement will pop up.

I'm not the biggest fan of embedding YouTube movies in a Steam guide as most people either look for a guide on Steam or they look for a guide on YouTube, but how to unlock Express Elevator to Hell, Going Down is shown perfectly in the following movie (not mine, all credit to its maker):
Combat aug-related achievements easily done in Northern Prague
Now for the rest of this series of combat augmentations-related achievements we're going to the northern part of Prague. Reload the 'master save' you made earlier so you have all of your praxis points to spend again. Go to the subway station and travel to Palisade Station. Leave the station, look to your right, and enter the street to the right of 'Tubehouse'.

After a few seconds, you'll see an alley to your left. Climb the wall here and jump over it.

Ahead of you is a manhole that allows you to enter the sewers. Go down.

Turn right. You'll see a door with a casino chip painted on it. That's the place we're going to do the remaining achievements of this section. If you completed the Time Traveler achievement, you remember this place from before. If you took my advice and opened the door leading to the casino, you'll save a couple of Praxis points that may come in handy later on, and you can continue below the next two screenshots (where it says "Save the game in a new slot. You'll delete this save file after you've finished all of the achievements below."). If you didn't open the door earlier, you need to unlock the Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis to be able to jump onto the ledge.

From here, jump on top of the pipes and drop down to the place in between two doors where you see one guard you need to take out. Open the door leading back to the exit from the sewers.

Save the game in a new slot. You'll delete this save file after you've finished all of the achievements below.

Now, here's the plan. For each achievement, you'll unlock the required augmentations, quicksave, step into the casino to aggro the thugs (*) and then do your thing to get the achievement. If it fails, reload the quicksave and try again. If it worked and you got the achievement, reload the normal save file and repeat for the next achievement.

(*) In order to trigger the achievements, you need to use the augmentations on hostiles, meaning you need to aggro the thugs in the casino first (this happens after a few seconds of trespassing) so they start shooting at you. If it wasn't for this requirement, you could just perform your tricks on any civilian in the street, which would make getting these achievements way too easy.

Since there are a lot of casino thugs that will be shooting at you and you'll need some time to do your thing for each achievement, you'll want to max out Rhino Dermal Armor on top of the necessary achievements each time. If you have points left after that, take the two torso augementations that increase your hit points, as well. Also, pop as much biocells and hypostim injectors as you're allowed before each attempt.

****! Taser Fist!
Lock-On and deploy the Quad Arc upgrade of the Tesla Knuckle on four enemies at once.

Unlock and fully upgrade the Tesla augmentation, and bind it to a quickslot key through the augmentations wheel. You'll also want to max out Rhino Dermal Armor and if you have points left, take the two torso augmentations that increase your hit points, too. Also, pop as much biocells and hypostim injectors as you're allowed.

Quicksave. Enter the casino. When the thugs go hostile, press the quickslot key for Tesla and hold it while slowly looking around. You'll see red squares targeting one thug, then two, then three... then, when a fourth thug is targeted, quickly release the key and watch the four thugs get downed, popping the achievement. If it fails, that means one of the thugs walked out of range by the time you released the key (so you had less than 4 thugs targeted) and you'll need to try again.

Ramming Speed!!
Ram Dash into an enemy NPC with a fully charged Icarus Dash.

Unlock and fully upgrade the Icarus Dash augmentation, and bind it to a quickslot key through the augmentations wheel. You'll also want to max out Rhino Dermal Armor and if you have points left, take the two torso augmentations that increase your hit points, too. Also, pop as much biocells and hypostim injectors as you're allowed.

Aggro the thugs and back off into the corridor from where you came. CROUCH. When you see a thug appear into the corridor, press the quickslot key for Icarus Dash and hold it. Aim at your target and make sure you see a 'fist' above his head, then release the key. Jensen will knock over the target and the achievement will pop. If it doesn't and Jensen just ran over to the target, you either weren't crouched or you didn't have the 'fist' above the target's head, so reload and try again.

Slow & Sharp
Land an Explosive Nanoblade Shot on three enemies at once while the Focus Augmentation is active.

Unlock and fully upgrade the Nanoblade and Focus Enhancement augmentations. Bind both of them to a quickslot through the augmentations wheel. You'll also want to max out Rhino Dermal Armor and if you have points left, take the two torso augmentations that increase your hit points, too. Also, pop as much biocells and hypostim injectors as you're allowed.

Enter the casino, aggro the thugs and activate Focus Enhancement. Now target a thug who's more or less in the middle of the room with Nanoblade. He'll get hit and the Nanoblade will explode, hopefully killing two more thugs, which will pop the achievement. If the thugs weren't in an ideal position to kill three of them with one Nanoblade, reload and try again.

The Invincible Body, Fighting an Iron Devil
Block an incoming enemy explosive with the Titan Shield.

Unlock and fully upgrade the Titan augmentation, and bind it to a quickslot key through the augmentations wheel. You'll also want to max out Rhino Dermal Armor and if you have points left, take the two torso augmentations that increase your hit points, too. Also, pop as much biocells and hypostim injectors as you're allowed.

Aggro the thugs and take cover somewhere to avoid taking tons of damage from getting shot at. You can crouch behind one of the tables or you can go back into the corridor from where you came. Wait for a grenade to be thrown towards you. Then activate Titan Armor. This will absorb the damage and pop the achievement. If it doesn't, reload and try again. You probably were too far away to absorb the damage from the grenade.

This Is Great For Spring Cleaning
Use both Knockback & Precision functions of the P.E.P.S. Arm Cannon at least once.

Unlock and fully upgrade the P.E.P.S. augmentation, and bind it to a quickslot key through the augmentations wheel. You'll also want to max out Rhino Dermal Armor and if you have points left, take the two torso augmentations that increase your hit points, too. Also, pop as much biocells and hypostim injectors as you're allowed.

Go into the casino and aggro the thugs. Now you just need to knock down two thugs, one by facing him and pressing the quickslot key for P.E.P.S. (Knockback) and the other by facing him and pressing and holding the quickslot key for P.E.P.S. (Precision).
Non-combat aug-related achievements that can be done at any time after Mission 3
If you followed the previous sections, you've automatically unlocked these two achievements as well. If not, just perform these two simple tasks to trigger the achievements.

And Embrace What You've Become
Install at least one experimental augmentation.

Unlock one of the seven experimental augmentations.

Humanity +
Fully upgrade a branch of your Augmentation Tree.

Unlock all of the upgrades for one body part. The easiest one is the leg, as it only takes 3 Praxis Points to fully upgrade the leg.
Prague I's mission-related achievements
Neon Nights
You halted the production of Neon in the city.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 00: Neon Nights.

The Golden Ticket
You made a tough decision as to whether Irenka Bauer or Edward Brod would get to stay in Prague.

This achievement is awarded for validating either permit before the timer runs out at the end of Side Mission 01: The Golden Ticket.

Cult of Personality
By uncovering the key to Richard's persuasive powers, you broke his control and freed his followers.

This achievement is awarded for exposing Richard during Side Mission 02: Cult of Personality. This means you can't complete the quest by simply climbing the ladder and taking down Richard. Instead, you need to examine a crumbled poster in the corner of the large room where the cultists are.

This will trigger a mission objective to go to 'Negozio di Magia' in Northern Prague. From here on out, just follow the mission objectives to complete the quest the 'right' way in order to get the achievement.

Honor Holds Us All Together
You completed the debate with Otar Botkoveli.

This achievement is awarded for debating with Otar Botkoveli when you enter his Underground Casino for Side Mission 04: The Calibrator. To win the debate, select 'straight talk' three times and then 'accept'.

Note: for the Honor Holds Us All Together achievement, it doesn't matter if you win the debate or not. You just need to talk with Otar as opposed to going in guns blazing. But you do need to make a deal with Otar if you want to be able to do Side Mission 09: All in the Family later on.

You opted to work with the Samizdat group & spread their news throughout Picus media streams.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 05: Samizdat by exposing Picus, as opposed to simply silencing Samizdat by taking out its members.

Note: completing this Side Mission is a prerequisite for being able to start Side Mission 12: K is for Každý later on.
Golem City
The Golden Rookery
Find the missing Gold Penguin and return him back to his colony.

  • You need the Punch Through Wall augmentation to get this achievement.

  • If you completed Side Mission 04: The Calibrator by making a deal with Otar, he will contact you shortly. To be able to do Side Mission 09: All in the Family later on and unlock its achievement, you need to "deal with Gallois" by either killing him (don't do that if you want the Pacifist achievement) or warning him about Otar through conversation.

At the start of Mission 7: The Rucker Extraction, you're scanned by a police drone. After that, go up the ladder to your left.

In the distance you see another ladder. Go there and climb that one, too.

You're on level 7 right now.

In front of you is a door.

Open it and enter. Here, you'll find the Penguin Prince.

You need to pick him up and deliver him to a place in this complex that's far away. I just put him down somewhere below and went to pick him up after I found out where I was going. It's up to you if you prefer carrying him with you every step of the way, of course.

After you went through The Throat and arrive in RVAC Row, you're in a large area with a lot of ARC Soldiers. Again, I suggest putting down the Penguin Prince somewhere at the start of this area and coming back for him when you've cleared out this whole area, which will take a while.

The goal isn't too far from the start, though. You want the stairway that's right in front of the lift and the lasers that block the way to Ridit Station.

Go down the stairs to find the 'Weakness' in the wall you need to punch through.

You need to cross an area with electricity, but the breaker is only a short distance away so it shouldn't be a problem.

A bit further on, you'll see a bunch of penguins. Place the Penguin Prince on his throne and a hatch will open behind him, revealing a Praxis Kit and awarding you the achievement.

Between Technology and the Divine
Complete & win the debate with Talos Rucker.

At the end of Mission 7 you will meet Talos Rucker. In order to unlock this achievement, you need to convince him to come with you willingly. To do so, choose the following dialogue options:
  • Turn Tables
  • Patronize
  • Justify
  • Turn Tables

So Many Cucumbers
Deus Ex Is All About Cucumbers…

At the end of Mission 7, after meeting Talos Rucker, you'll pass through ARC's greenhouses. There are a lot of crates that contain cucumbers here. Save your game, go stand near a bunch of cucumbers and have the enemy fire at you. The achievement will unlock when an enemy's gunfire hits a cucumber.
Prague II (nighttime)
You pieced together the mysterious contact and aided Helle in remembering who she really is.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 06: 01011000.

The Harvester
You convinced Detective Montag that neither Gunn nor Radko could be the murderer.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 10: The Harvester successfully. That means finding out that neither Gunn nor Radko could have been the murderer and reporting this to detective Montag, so nobody gets arrested.

Next to just following the mission goals to gather clues and evidence, you need to perform these essential steps to be able to tell detective Montag that there are two suspects but neither of them could have been the murderer:
  • When investigating the crime scene, talk to Scandalmonger. He's one of the onlookers and will suggest another suspect, Radko Perry.

  • Go to Radko Perry. Enter his basement (when facing him, there's a vent to the basement to your left, behind a container). You may want to wait for his bodyguard to patrol down into the basement and take him down, so you can do the next part without getting disturbed and fired at. Use the computer and select 'Messenger'. Pretend you're Perry (bluff) and be cooperative to the blackmail (you can ask if it was really 24 hours, though) to find out he couldn't have been the murderer.

  • In Johnny Gunn's apartment, take the file on his bed to find out he couldn't have been the murderer. If you have the CASIE aug, you can learn the same by asking him about Belltower and, when the options pop up, selecting 'sympathize' and then 'alloy hands'.

All in the Family
You aided Otar when he sought help with a family matter.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 09: All in the Family.

There are two prerequisites that must be met before this side mission can be started during your second visit to Prague (after returning from Golem City):
  • Complete Side Mission 4: The Calibrator peacefully and agree to owe Otar a favor.
  • During Mission 7: The Rucker Extraction, 'deal with Gallois' by speaking with him about Otar (whether you kill him or let him go in the end doesn't matter).

The Net Is Vast and Infinite
Using Jim's keycard, you infiltrated the NSN and viewed a recording without triggering any alarms.

This achievement is awarded for completing Mission 9: Checking Out the Men in Charge without triggering any alarms.

Handle with Care
You helped Olivie escape Prague.

This achievement is awarded for competing Side Mission 07: Fade to Black by succesfully helping Olivie escape Prague. This can be achieved in two ways:

1. By selecting appropriate dialogue options when first meeting Olivie Devos

When you first meet Olivie Devos during the side mission, Vlasta will show up. In the conversation that ensues, first select 'Negotiate passage' and then 'Bribe' (*).

(*) Note: if you have the CASIE Social Enhancer augmentation, you can avoid paying the bribe of 1800 credits by clicking 'Persuade' (it's right above the 'Bribe' option) and then 'Press' twice.

2. During Side Mission 12: K is for Každý

If you didn't choose the 'perfect' conversation options in the conversation with Vlasta (see above), you'll encounter Olivie again during Side Mission 12: K is for Každý. Successfully escort Olivie to the same rendezvous point as K and Bones, and you'll be awarded the achievement.

God Killer
You completed the debate with Allison Stanek.

This achievement is earned in Mission 11: Confronting the Bomb-Maker.

After M10, you need to choose to either take on M11 OR M12. So a couple of achievements are mutually exclusive. Completionists will want to save the game after M10 and first take on M11 to get the God Killer achievement, then reload the game and do M12. The reasons being:
  • M12 doesn't only award an achievement at the end, but you'll also have found an item during M12 that's needed for another achievement near the end of the game.
  • There's an eBook that's only accessible during M12 so you need to pick M12 if you want the Tablet Collector achievement.

You Know What To Do.

This achievement can be unlocked during Mission 11: Confronting the Bomb-Maker or after Mission 12: The Heist.

Go to the Church of the Machine God. Enter the church and make your way to the courtyard in the back. You'll find several basketballs and a hoop attached to the nearby wall on your right-hand side. Pick up a basketball and throw it into the hoop to unlock this achievement.

Fresh Out of the Package
With Koller's help and the Neuroplasticity Calibrator, eliminate overclocking for experimental augs.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 08: The Fix, which will start at the end of M11/M12 if you completed Side Mission 04: The Calibrator during your first visit to Prague.
G.A.R.M. Facility
Core Driller
Use the Ice Drill to bypass a large section of the GARM facility.

At the start of this mission, make your way to the ice drill control room on level 3. If you have the remote hacking augmentation and entered the facility through the fan, it's the first room you'll arrive in when entering the facility. If you entered through the double doors, it's the room to your right when you're in the corridor with the camera to your right (just after the second set of double doors).

Place a Biocell into the drill console and press the arrow keys on the console to move the drill. You'll want to press the left arrow (labeled 'Rear') once (*), then the top arrow (labeled 'Left') twice and finally the right arrow (labeled 'Forward') once. The button to activate the drill will now be enabled, so press it to actually drill the hole and unlock the achievement.

(*) Pressing the first key on the console will trigger a conversation over the loudspeaker. Select the "Scold" option. If you select any other option, a guard will enter the room you're in, which counts as an alarm so it will void the Foxiest of the Hounds achievement (see below).

Invisible War (first chance)
Incapacitate a cloaked enemy while still remaining cloaked yourself.

Note: you need the Cloak Takedown Support upgrade from the Glass-Shield Cloak augmentation.

Everyone claims the best way to get this achievement is during Mission 17: Protecting the Future) near the end of the game (see 'London' section), which may be true, but I unlocked the achievement in G.A.R.M. with little effort. In Hangar 1, there are four small shacks. The first one you encounter has a sniper on the roof. This guy will cloak when he spots you, offering you a chance to unlock the achievement. Here are the details.

In Hangar 1, go to the first shack you encounter.

If you look up, you see the edge of the roof of the shack, which you can easily jump up to.

Jump up and immediately crouch. The sniper won't spot you, or at least not right away.

When he does spot you, he will cloak.

You need to be fast and take him down in the second it takes him to activate his cloak, or in the second it takes him to de-cloak. In other words, you need to take him down when he's cloaking or de-cloaking, because you can't perform a takedown on an opponent who is fully cloaked (*). This may take some trial and error and maybe some luck but I managed to do it on my second try so it can't be that hard. If you really can't seem to unlock the achievement here, maybe you're better off waiting for the second opportunity during Mission 17: Protecting the Future near the end of the game (see 'London' section).

(*) Note: come to think of it, if you activate Smart Vision you can see cloaked enemies, so maybe you can use Smart Vision to take down a fully cloaked opponent? I didn't think about that at the time, so I didn't try it out.

>>> Mortýr tested it and confirms it works: you can use Smart Vision to take down a fully cloaked opponent. Thanks, Mortýr! <<<
Prague III (curfew)
The Last Harvest
Using the CASIE and Dr. Cipra's keyword, you convinced Daria she isn't who she thinks she is.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 11: The Last Harvest by getting a keyphrase from doctor Cipra and then winning a debate with Daria at the end of the mission by means of the CASIE augmentation.

  • This side mission can only be triggered if you have exonerated both suspects during Side Mission 10: The Harvester (so if you unlocked the The Harvester achievement).

  • You need the CASIE augmentation to get this achievement.

You need to do the optional mission target 'Seek out Dr. Cipra' and get a keyphrase from him. You can get the keyphrase from him in two ways:
1. If you have the CASIE augmentation, when talking to him select the 'Other way' dialogue option and then select 'Contradict' as soon as it pops up.
2. Go upstairs into the doctor's apartment, move the fridge (requires the Optimized Musculature augmentation) and read the eBook that's behind the fridge. Then go talk to the doctor again.

After having obtained the keyword from the doctor, travel back to Southern Prague and enter the sewers near your apartment complex to find Daria. During the ensuing conversation, select 'Use keyword' when the option comes up, then select the correct keyphrase 'Ad hominem 2026'. Next, you need to select the CASIE option 'Persuade'. To succesfully persuade Daria, either go with 'Humanize' twice or 'Humanize' first and then 'Differentiate'. After that, you can select 'Approach' and the achievement will unlock.

K is for Každý
You freed K and Bones from the prison cell and escorted them to safety.

This achievement is awarded for completing Side Mission 12: K is for Každý.

Note: this side mission will only become available during your third visit to Prague (after Mission 13) if you completed Side Mission 05: Samizdat peacefully, in other words if you triggered the Samizdat achievement.[/b]
Spokes in Two Wheels
You managed to stop both the bombing & the Orchid poisoning. You're a living legend!

This achievement is awarded for successfully completing all of the objectives in Mission 16: Stopping Marchenko and Mission 17: Protecting the Future in a single playthrough.

After meeting with Miller at the end of Mission 15, you'll have to choose to either stop Marchenko or save the delegates. The truth is, you can do both. Just keep in mind that after completing either target (Mission 16 or Mission 17), you'll have 10 minutes to complete the other target.

He's [Not] Dead, Jim
By using the Antidote, you saved the life of Jim Miller.

This achievement is awarded for giving Jim Miller the antidote after Mission 15: Securing the Convention Centre.

To be able to give him the antidote, you need to have picked it up during Mission 12: The Heist, which means you need to have chosen Mission 12 instead of Mission 11 when given the choice after Mission 10.

Laputan Machine
You used Marchenko's Kill Switch to defeat him, proving that some things can cut deeper than steel.

This achievement is awarded for using the kill switch during Mission 16: Stopping Marchenko.

After Mission 15: Securing the Convention Centre, leave the kitchen the way you came in but take the right corridor. You will find a security room that has a briefcase underneath a desk. This briefcase contains the kill switch. When confronting Marchenko, use the kill switch to get this achievement. If you want the Pacifist achievement (see below), you'll need to reload and take down Marchenko non-lethally.

Invisible War (second chance)
Incapacitate a cloaked enemy while still remaining cloaked yourself.

Note: you need the Cloak Takedown Support upgrade from the Glass-Shield Cloak augmentation.

During Mission 17: Protecting the Future, you'll come across a lobby with two patrolling guards and a turret in the back. Both guards will cloak themselves every now and then. You need to activate your Glass-Shield Cloak, sneak up behind one of them and take him down in the second it takes him to activate his cloak, or in the second it takes him to de-cloak. In other words, you need to take him down when he's cloaking or de-cloaking, because you can't perform a takedown on an opponent who is fully cloaked (*).

(*) Note: come to think of it, if you activate Smart Vision you can see cloaked enemies, so maybe you can use Smart Vision to take down a fully cloaked opponent? I didn't think about that at the time, so I didn't try it out.

>>> Mortýr tested it and confirms it works: you can use Smart Vision to take down a fully cloaked opponent. Thanks, Mortýr! <<<
Missable achievements that can be done during (almost) any mission
Cross enemy territory like a ghost, raising no hostile reaction from anyone.

This achievement is awarded for completing one of the mission targets without being detected. There are dozens of opportunities for unlocking this achievement. You can even trigger the achievement during the first mission in Dubai e.g. for deactivating the signal booster without being detected, or for disabling the chopper without being seen.

I Can Only Fight Enemies I Can See
Complete one Hacking Challenge with Fog Security without using a Reveal Software.

When hacking devices, some will have 'fog security', meaning not all the nodes and routes between the nodes are shown unless you use a Reveal Software. So just hack one of those devices without using a Reveal software and you'll have unlocked the achievement.

Ruthless Efficiency
Fully upgrade a weapon of your choice.

Pretty self-explanatory. The Stun Gun takes the least effort and resources to upgrade fully. Upgrade its ammo capacity, which takes only about 550 crafting materials, and attach a laser sight, of which you'll find plenty or you can buy one from the merchant in Jensen's apartment complex. You can choose to receive a Stun Gun at the very start of the game, or you can get one from the weapons locker at TF29.
Missable achievements granted at the end of the game
The Supreme Enlightened
You watched the End Credits and found the surprise inside.

After you've completed the game, let the credits roll until this achievement pops.

You completed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ without killing a single soul. Bosses are people, too.

You need to play the game from start to finish without killing anyone. Note that you can also kill someone by indirect actions. For example, when you take down an opponent and then trigger an explosive trap a bit further on, the blast may kill the unconscious opponent. Since you triggered the explosion, the game will register this as a kill and void the achievement.

There are plenty of ways to deal with your opponents in a non-lethal way e.g. Tranquilizer Rifle, Stun Gun, Gas Grenade and most importantly, the non-lethal melee takedown.

If you're not sure whether a downed opponent got killed or not, target him. If he shows 'Zzz' above his head, he's unconscious. If he has a red skull above his head, he's really very dead.

Unavoidable, story-related deaths don't count towards the achievement. For example, the unavoidable death during Mission 7: The Rucker Extraction. Note that the achievement's description says that bosses also count, so contrary to Deus Ex: Human Revolution, if you want the Pacifist achievement, you need to take down bosses without killing them. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, there's only one real boss fight, though, the boss at the end of the game. There are plenty of ways to take him down non-lethally but I think the easiest way is to hide behind the second plant trough on your left after the fight starts, and wait for him while you keep popping biocells to keep your energy and your cloak up. He'll walk towards you and he'll drop his defenses when he's almost at your position. The second he's past you, shoot him with the stun gun and immediately click the button to perform a non-lethal takedown.

Foxiest of the Hounds
You triggered zero alarms during an entire playthrough.

You need to play the game from start to finish without ever setting off an alarm. The following actions set off an alarm:
  • An NPC activates an alarm panel
  • An NPC finds a downed opponent (unconscious or dead) and therefore triggers an alarm
  • A security camera spots a downed opponent (unconscious or dead)
  • A security camera spots you and goes into full red alert
  • A turret goes into full red alert (i.e. when it starts shooting at you)
  • You run into an active laser
  • You shoot a security camera or a security robot
  • You fail a hack by letting the timer reach zero or by having the system reach your access point

An NPC or a camera going into 'suspicious' or 'search' mode is no problem for the achievement. When a camera, turret or robot goes into 'red alert mode' (hostile) they will automatically trigger an alarm. A human opponent going into hostile mode isn't an alarm by itself but he will both try to activate an alarm and alert all other NPCs and robots in the vicinity.

You may want to keep an eye out for the tutorial on alarms: if that tutorial pops, you've triggered an alarm. The problem is, there are other occurences that trigger an alarm but don't pop the alarm tutorial. You need to be careful with the following events in the game:

  • During Side Mission 00: Neon Nights, make sure to disable the smart home's security before it can raise an alarm (which causes a cop to come check out the house).

  • During Side Mission 01: The Golden Ticket, you'll have the option to have some police officers "deal with Drahomir". This means they go and shoot him, causing all the citizens in the area to go into a panic. As long as you don't intervene yourself, there shouldn't be any consequences for the Pacifist and the Foxiest of the Hounds achievements, but by the process of elimination, a lot of players (including myself) believe that the whole panic frenzy that ensues from Drahomir getting killed may cause someone somewhere to raise an alarm, voiding the achievement. So to be absolutely sure, either find a creative, sneaky way to deal with Drahomir, or skip that part altogether. You can bypass Drahomir by jumping on top of the cherry picker to the left of his checkpoint.

  • In the sewers of Prague, you may encounter a large room with some drones who attack and kill some citizens. Even though these drones aren't hostile towards you (unless you interfere, of course), it is speculated this event may trigger an alarm that voids the achievement. So it's highly recommended to avoid this area (reload should you stumble upon it). There isn't anything of interest here anyway.

  • Failing the debate with Talos Rucker at the end of Mission 7: The Rucker Extraction will cause a silent alarm.

  • At the end of M10: Facing the Enigma you need to escape a place filled with drones. You must escape through the elevator shaft. If you take the other way, down into the sewers, you will have triggered an alarm. Also, these drones are very sensitive to sound, probably because they're at such a low altitude. So when you jump down from the vent into the room below, use the Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis' Leg Silencers. After that, when sneaking towards the elevator shaft while cloaked and with the leg silencers enabled, stand absolutely still when one of the drones is immediately near you. Use biocells to maintain the cloak and keep using the Leg Silencers when you continue sneaking towards the exit.

  • At the start of Mission 13: G.A.R.M. you need to decide whether you'll contact Alex Vega or Jim Miller. Contacting Miller will raise an alarm later on. Although the consensus is that this scripted alarm doesn't count towards the Foxiest of the Hounds achievement, just for peace of mind you want to take the Alex Vega option.

  • If you use the ice drill during Mission 13: G.A.R.M., you need to select the 'Scold' conversation option or an alarm will be raised (causing a guard to come check out the drill's control room).

  • During the "Quietly Neutralize All the Guards (secondary)" objective of Mission 15: Securing the Convention Centre, it's imperative that you neutralize all the guards with objective markers. Failing to do so will result in an alarm being sounded later on.

  • During the fight with Marchenko, either use the kill switch or stay cloaked and immediately recloak after he's down.

Tablet Collector
Collect and read every unique eBook.

There are a total of 75 eBooks to find in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. For a list of these eBooks, I refer to the following guide. All credit for this guide goes to its author:
You need to 'read' (i.e. click on) all the eBooks in one playthrough. To access all of them, you'll need certain augmentations and you'll need to make certain choices during a couple of missions.

  • Decent hacking skills
  • Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis: Optimized Musculature & Punch Through Wall
  • Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis: Klipspringer Jump Mod

Mission choices
  • At the end of Mission 7: The Rucker Extraction you need to win the debate with Talos Rucker (Turn Tables, Patronize, Justify, Turn Tables) to get to the eBook in his secret room.

  • After Mission 10: Facing the Enigma, you're asked to choose to either take on M11 OR M12. There's an eBook that's only accessible during M12 so you need to pick M12 if you want the Tablet Collector achievement.

  • You need to complete Side Mission 10: The Harvester by exonerating both suspects (see above) in order to have access to Side Mission 11: The Last Harvest, during which you'll come across an eBook that's otherwise not accessible.
Unmissable achievement granted at the end of the game
We Are Human Beings
You completed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ on any difficulty.
Achievements that require a second playthrough
I Never Asked For This
You completed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ on the highest possible difficulty. Hats off.

The highest difficulty is called 'I never asked for this' and it unlocks after finishing the game on either of the three basic difficulties. So if you want this achievement, you need to finish the game and then start a new game in the newly unlocked difficulty. Note that 'I never asked for this' is a perma-death mode: one little mistake that results in Jensen's death will have your save data erased and you'll need to start over.

The Jack of All Augments
Invest in at least one augmentation in every branch of the Aug Tree.

You need to have at least one point in each of the augmentations tree's branches, meaning you need at least one point in each of the 'buttons' you see when you look at the augmentations screen. In other words, you can't have any 'button' that's greyed out but instead, you need to have all the 'buttons' in yellow or green.

While it's certainly possible to unlock this achievement on your first playthrough, it's clearly meant to unlock it during a New Game Plus (*) playthrough so I felt I had to post this achievement here. But halfway through the game I had unlocked all the augmentations I was going to use, so not much later I had enough unspent Praxis points to save the game, unlock The Jack of All Augments and reload.

(*) Note: someone already posted a great guide explaining what New Game Plus means, so I'll refer to it here and stress that all credit for that guide goes to its author:
Počet komentářů: 41
Nickwilli 22. pro. 2024 v 14.58 
If anyone gets confused as to what specific achievement gets voided if you continue playing the 'Time Traveler' achievement save, it's the 'All in the Family' achievement that gets voided because you wouldn't have spoken to Otar to accept some side missions later.
LongJohn 3. čvn. 2023 v 8.56 
You can check if you have broken pacifist/foxiest of the hounds via in game overlay with this mod

This was helpful to learn that civilians panicking,car alarms and even street police going hostile don't break fox.
Noob Herder 19. lis. 2022 v 10.36 
For SM01 its the alarm panel that voids the achievement not the panic. I learned that the hard way.
Hemp 28. říj. 2022 v 1.22 
Thank you. Did this in 2 play-throughs.

First Play-Through: All achievements except 'I Never Asked for This' and 'Foxiest of the Hounds'.
Second Play-Through: 'I Never Asked for This' and 'Foxiest of the Hounds'.

I found this way the best for me as the difficulty setting and permadeath mode made me extra careful, resulting in me naturally playing in a 'foxiest' style.

Appreciate your time in putting this together.
SCL 31. bře. 2022 v 0.59 
"Panic" does not raise the alarm, unless they attract a hostile to run over there and see you and either start shooting or run to an alarm panel.
Drahomir was slaughtered by the corrupt police., half the block panicked.Had multiple times civilians panicked throughout game.
I ALWAYS DISABLE alarm panels as soon as i can, just in case.

I went through the sewer during M10, didnt escape through and elevator or shaft, and just never let the drones headlight turn hostile(red) after seeing me, hardly used the cloak, just run to cover and crouch
Still got foxiest of the hounds.
Was easy, just a pain in the ass reloading
Wow, pacifist and foxiest of the hounds on same play through was REALLY BORING
hazardic 10. lis. 2021 v 8.36 
tbh i really didn't get this one "By doing this, you bypassed quite a chunk of the game and you even skipped two achievements you can't trigger anymore" - which ones 2 achives i can't get in case i will earn "traveler"? i did read the whole guide and couldn't detect which i will miss in that case
Fogmoz 24. bře. 2021 v 15.23 
@Chromeo Try not to get discouraged. I think I did it in a NG+ run. Since everything carries over, it's incredibly easy to speed through the game. With all the stealthy augments unlocked and a hefty supply of biocells carried over, it's not so bad. Check the wiki for problem areas (the place Leegh mentions is one, but there's a few other areas where your decision could trigger an alarm).

Don't give up! Grinding the Breach is so much worse than Foxiest, lol, even with exploits.
Leegh al Gaib 24. bře. 2021 v 3.07 
@Chromeo It is broken, but still possible to attain. This guide doesn't mention it, but there's a bug where if you go into the sewers in Prague and come even close to the room with the security drones that shoot civilians living down there you trigger a silent alarm.

To prevent this, just don't enter the sewers at all the whole game. Mind you it took me roughly 5 attempts before finding out this worked (on top of all the other tips).
Chromeo 23. bře. 2021 v 17.47 
Foxiest of the Hounds is trash and broken, don't even bother to try it, just play the game to have fun.
SaintCorps 10. úno. 2021 v 6.46 
Nano blade blast achievement counts your own death if you die from its blast. I think, cause that's how I got mine.