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Haydee Walkthrough: #2 - Red Zone and Magnum/SMG
By Vanessa
The walkthrough continues through the Red Zone, picking up both Red Keycards from the zone, as well as grabbing the Magnum, SMG and a ton of other stuff.
Power Node
Next up on the list is the Red Zone - and now that we have the items from the Green Zone, we can make some serious progress.
In the Red Zone there are two Red Keycards. In the Black Zone there are also two Red Keycards. Once we have all four Red Keycards we can use them to get one of the two Blue Keycards needed to tackle the final zone.

Let's start from the Bridge.

From the vent out, pass the crate and turn the corner to climb back up to the bridge. We can open up this gate and cross to the other side. On the right are platforms to drop back down to the lower level opposite the vent you entered from.

The door down here is gated off, though. Instead, crouch to hang from the ledge in front of it, and shimmy around the corner to your left.

Drop from the ledge and grab the vent shown. Crawl through, and you're in the Red Zone.

Bridge-Entry Room

Just head forwards.

Save Hub

On the upper floor is the room that connects the Red Zone, Black Zone and Bridge. First, take a detour to your right to enter another vent.

Room Z-1

This gate is locked, but we can just crawl over it so we don't care.

However, if we climb onto the very top of the platform above, turn, jump and grab the ledge above the entrance, we can shimmy around to find a very well hidden 20 Pistol Rounds.

Room Z-2

On the above platform is a dead Haydee with a Medkit on her, but that's it for here. Head on back to the Save Hub.

Save Hub

Crawl in under your pipes to your right to the far wall and up to your left.

To your immediate left is 10 Pistol Rounds.

Further along is a locked gate with a crawlspace - hop up into it and turn to your right...

... and you'll see the platforms necessary to enter the main floor of the Save Hub.

First, you can open your way back to the Bridge by shoulder-peeking this gate and pressing the button.

Surrounded by doors - from here we can access the Black Zone, Red Zone proper, or return directly to the Bridge. There's also a convenient Save Point. For now, take the right door into the Red Zone.

A-B-C Connector

Starting us off in the Red Zone is a room with three hostiles. There's a Slasher underneath you and to the left, at the bottom of the stairs, a Walker around the corner to your right, and a second Walker guarding the door below you.

Hug the left railing, aim and slowly walk forwards - you want to trigger the Slasher to attack you as soon as possible so you have plenty of time to react.

Then dispose of the two Walkers.

Once handled, enter the door at the bottom of the stairs, next to where the Slasher was.

Room A-1

On your left as you enter, climb up the ledge and crawl to the right across the pipes.

Then work your way carefully down to a door on the lower floor.

Room A-2

Another locked gate that completely fails to stop you from climbing over it.

In between the two gates is a box of 20 Pistol Rounds.

Turn to your right after passing the gate to find a little crawlspace you can climb into.

On her is a box of 30 SMG Rounds - ammunition for a weapon we don't have yet. We'll be getting it in this part, however.
Turn around and take the left path from the gate instead.

Our flagrant disrespect of locked gates continues.

Room A-3

This room is rough. It's a dark hallway with three branching pathways, each leading to a door. There's quite a few hostiles. Walk to the first right but don't head down it yet!

There's a Walker around the corner to your left. No big deal, but when you get about halfway between here and the corner - the danger zone highlighted in the image, a Slasher will spawn behind you, a little further down the hallway.
Walk towards the corner while facing backwards and stop when you hear the Slasher drop in behind you. With a little skill, you'll stagger it before it can reach you. Then, you can turn around and dispose of the Walker.

Further down the hallway, another Walker stands guard to your left.
Finally, turn the last right corner and head through to the next room.

Power Node Room

Around the corner you'll see some sort of node in the wall and a dead Haydee. On the corpse you can find 10 Magnum Rounds - more ammo for another weapon we don't have.

If you're hurting for inventory space, we'll be returning to the Item Box at the Save Point soon. We'll have a fair bit of Magnum ammo by the time we get it, so don't worry if you have to leave the ammunition here.
When you take the Power Node from the wall, the lights will turn off and a Walker will spawn at the door behind you. Equip your Night Visor, and then take the Power Node.

Gas Mask and Crowbar
Room A-3
Returning to the dark hallway, head back to the first branch off, where the first Walker was standing. Head inside.

Gas Mask Room

Four buttons on the wall, and a Slasher inside the cell to your right. Hitting a button will switch the light above it, and the lights above the buttons to its immediate left and right, between an on/off state. Once all four lights are on, the cage opens.

Fortunately, this couldn't be simpler - be ready to fight:

All you need to do is hit the first three buttons once each. When you hit the third button, the cage will open and the Slasher will attack.

Stand a good distance to the left and ready your weapon so you can stagger it before it hits you. Once down, enter the cage and grab your loot.

Sometimes, you can loot the corpses of dead robots as well as Haydees - the Slasher slumped in the corner has on it 5 Diskettes. The Haydee on the floor is holding 20 Pistol Rounds. Finally, pick up the Gas Mask - this item lets us traverse the Yellow Zone later without rapidly dying.
With our inventory chock-full of gains, it's high time we head back to the Save Point to unload some of our crap. Exit the room, but keep your Pistol at the ready, because there's another Slasher in the next room.

Room A-3

Take a right - to your immediate left a Slasher has spawned, at the door you originally entered this area from. You should have ample time to strafe the corner and headshot it.

Once handled, move to the left-branching pathway in the middle and through the door.

A-Save Hub Connector

Pull yourself up on the boxes to your right and jump to grab the ledge. Hit the button and stroll through.

Save Hub

We're back here. Climb up to your right and back to the upper floor, then head into the Save Room.
Chances are that by now you're running low on inventory space, so it's time to put the Item
Box to good use.

The Green Keycard, Gas Mask and Power Node aren't of any use to us until later, so you should put those into the box.
Save Points almost always have an Item Box nearby, so you don't really need to carry your Diskettes around with you. Store 'em.
Your SMG Rounds and Magnum Rounds are serving no purpose considering we don't have those weapons yet, so we may as well put the ammo in here.
Finally, Medkits have a maximum stack size of 3. If you've got more than 3 Medkits, it's probably wise to chuck your excess into the box.

Here's what we should have on us:
The Pistol (with ammo to spare, hopefully)
The Body Armour and Medkits, for survivability.
The Screwdriver, Night Visor and Wi-Fi Remote; three necessary items for progressing through the Red Zone.

You can drag single items off stacks by holding Shift and click+dragging them, in case you wanted a specific number of an item.

Save your game if need be and exit the Save Point room.

Our next order of business is to get the Magnum and SMG, giving us the necessary firepower to tackle getting our first Wi-Fi Receiver, and then start getting Red Keycards.

To get the Magnum, we need the Crowbar. This means we're going to need to take a brief detour to head into the Black Zone. It's about to get dark.

The Black Zone entrance is through this door on the left after exiting the Save Point room.

Black Zone

Time to hit up the Night Visor. I'm not going to bother labelling brightened screenshots in here - they're all brightened, because the Black Zone...

Floor A

... is pitch-black.
The Black Zone operates on a series of floors. We just entered into Floor A. The Crowbar is below us, on Floor G. From the entrance, head directly forwards until you reach a door.

To the right of the door is a vent - crawl through it.

Stairway Vent
Follow the left wall around to the opposite corner of this room. You'll find a dead Haydee with another 10 Magnum Rounds on her.

Return to the previous room, and head straight into the door on your right.


Head down the left side down to the bottom floor and enter Floor G.

Floor G
Make your way forwards until you see a branching path to the left. There's a Walker down there, but it should prove easy to kill. Both hostile bots have a glowing red light on their head - in the dark, sometimes that's all you can see. With the Night Visor on, it appears smaller and in blue - as it is, it gives you a handy target to aim for.

Don't bother going down where the Walker was - you'll find 10 Pistol Rounds, but also have to deal with a rather nasty Slasher ambush. If you have the ammo to spare, there's no reason to waste your bullets anyway.

Crowbar Room
A Walker stands directly in front of you, with its back turned. Shoot it in the back of the head to let it know you're here, and then lay some headshots into it when it turns around.

Now you can loot the Crowbar from the Haydee corpse in this corner. With this, we can get a hefty upgrade to our weapon - back in the Green Zone. Time for a bit of a walk.

Floor G
No more hostiles will spawn, so you're free to walk in a straight line back to the Stairway.

Simply walk back up the steps into Floor A.

Floor A
Walk in a straight line back to the entrance of the Black Zone, and enter the Red Zone.

With any luck, our brief journey into the Black Zone rewarded you with the Crowbar and some Magnum ammo. Let's put it to good use.
From the Black Zone entrance, walk through the door on the opposite side of the room to return towards the Bridge. Be ready to fight.

Bridge-Entry Room

A Walker guards the entrance to the bridge. Should be no problem. Be careful exiting out from this room, because the door ahead leads right to a ledge over a pit.


Turn left and up to the bridge, heading back into the confines of the Green Zone. Drop down onto the crate, and into the vent.
Head through the Bridge Entry Room, across to the other side of the Platform Hub and into the vent. You know, this one.

Enter Room B-1 and climb up the dark shaft back towards Room D-1 - this door here.

In Room D-1, we opened up a gate with a button forever ago, just above where you entered from.

On a Haydee inside the little cell on the right, you can snatch a Yellow Keycard - now, we loop back around.

Head back into the previous room, enter the door to the right, then head around the corner to your left through to next room. Head straight through to the next, loop right around to the other side, and here we are!

E-Platform Hub Connector
At the bottom of the stairs, plug the Yellow Keycard in and open the gate. On the two dead Haydees you'll find 10 Pistol Rounds and 2 Diskettes. Use the Crowbar to open up the locked crate and you'll find the Magnum.

Looks like we have a new toy!

The Magnum is far more efficient than our Pistol, dealing over double the damage per-shot.

Against Walkers, the Magnum will kill in just two headshots. Even a headshot and a bodyshot will suffice. Otherwise, it takes three bodyshots to kill a Walker.

Against Slashers, the Magnum will one-hit kill them if you headshot them. Bodyshotting them is a mere two hit kill - and even better, a bodyshot will stagger them just like a Pistol headshot would.

Now, you probably see why we came all this way just to pick up a gun. What say we give it a try?

As shown before, hitting the button opens up the gate next to it and releases a Slasher and Walker. I would suggest hitting the button from the staircase rather than the gate.

Now that you can stagger with a bodyshot, a close-range Slasher being unleashed at you from a few feet away isn't nearly as threatening. If you can one-tap it, all the better, otherwise just bodyshot it to stop it in its tracks and finish it off.

Beyond the gate is a locked crate you can Crowbar open, and a dead Haydee on the floor, respectively holding 20 SMG Rounds, and 10 Magnum Rounds.

Next up, we'll head back into Red with our newfound handcannon.
Crowbar Crates in the Green Zone
Here's a quick rundown on some locked crates in the Green Zone if you want some more supplies. These are all optional, but you can't go wrong with more loot. If you don't care, just skip ahead to the next section.

In Room A-3 - where you originally found the Wi-Fi Remote, there's a crate next to the door with 10 Magnum Rounds.

In Room D-1 - where you just picked up the Yellow Keycard - there's a crate just under the crawlspace that has a Medkit.

In Room C-1, the 'Maze', ahead of you is a vertical crate containing 2 Diskettes.

In the Night Visor Room, directly to the right as you enter you can find a crate at the bottom of a stack containing 10 SMG Rounds.

Finally, in Room E-1, where you killed three Slashers and picked up the Green Keycard, there's a horizontal crate holdinga further 20 SMG Rounds.
That wraps up the crates in the Green Zone.

Time to head back to the Red Zone and keep progressing, then. I hope you know your way back.
First Red Keycard
Duck into the save point and store some of your loot. You'll want a few free inventory spaces for this. If you need to drop your Pistol into the box to make some room, that's fine. You need at least 3 inventory spaces.

A-B-C Connector

Back in the Red Zone proper, head down the stairs and through the door directly in front and underneath where you entered from.

Room B-1

In this room, a Slasher is to your right and a Walker is just in front you, slightly to the left. Strafe out and shoulder-peek the Slasher first, and then turn to kill the Walker.

Once handled, head through the door where the Slasher was.

B-Keycard Connector

In this room, you find a variety of locked gates with labelled numbers next to them. Just to your right is a series of buttons with a light above each one.

You can turn these lights on and off at your will, and certain combinations will open the labelled gates in this room. Here's the key:

0 : Allows you to exit the room where you came in.
2 : Already open - this is the cell with the light-buttons.
3 : Opens the next gate along, to a cell containing 10 Pistol Rounds.
5 : Opens another gate inside Cell 6, which has the button you need to progress.
6 : Opens the gate across and to the right, unleashing a Walker to attack.
7 : Opens the gate directly across, unleashing a Slasher and containing 2 Diskettes.

If you care to, unlock Cell 3 to take the Pistol ammo, be ready to fight and unlock Cell 6.

Kill the Walker that came from Cell 6, and then unlock Cell 5. Head through Cell 6 to reach a button. Hitting this button will allow you to progress, and also release the Slasher behind you. Hit it, turn around and dispose of the attacker.

In Cell 7, where the Slasher spawned, there are 2 Diskettes leaning against the wall right next to the door.

With both bots deaded and the next room unlocked, you can continue.

B-Keycard Room

In we go. Jump straight across to the railing, shimmy around to the side and pull yourself up.

There's a mine above you, just above a button. Shoot it.

Climb up onto the crate and onto the next platform. Hit the button there and then grab the ledge above you.

If you keep shimmying to the right around the corner, you can find a little crawlspace that leads to a dead Haydee holding a Medkit.

Head back to the ledge and shimmy along to the corner, where a second crawlspace leads around to the opposite side of the room.

Drop down on the platform and hit the button to open the gate below you.
Grab the Red Keycard - this is the first of two in the Red Zone. Grab the ledge to your right to shimmy back to the door. Be ready to fight - grabbing the keycard will spawn two Slashers in the previous room.

B-Keycard Connector

The first Slasher will drop down directly in front of you - you should have ample time to drop it.

The second is waiting in Cell 6, the first door on the right. Strafe back and to the left and you'll be okay. The exit door has since locked, as well - turn off all three lights in Cell 2 to unlock it and leave. Keep your weapon ready, though - there's two more hostiles in the next room.
Wi-Fi Receiver
Room B-1

A Slasher lies in wait down to the left as you walk in. Once killed, head down the step to the right - a Walker guards a vent behind the crates. You don't have a lot of room, so try to quickly double-tap it with the Magnum. Crawl through the vent.

Room B-2

Around the corner is a gate you can open with a button, and a Walker with its back turned. Give it a friendly hello and headshot it when it turns around.

A Slasher is around the next left for you to kill.

Room B-3

This is a room you need to climb vertically.

Climb up the platform to your left, turn 180 and jump to the ledge directly across. Turn to your right, jump to the ledge just under the pipe, shimmy to the right and drop onto the pipes below. Then, turn again, back up the next platform, and turn again to jump to the ledge just underneath the door.
Once you reach the door, instead of going through it, turn yet again to see a crawlspace. Jump over to the ledge and crawl into it.

B-3 'Mine Shaft'

Make your way from the pipes down two platforms towards the bottom of this room. But don't jump here:

Don't jump from the ledge you're standing on, or try to drop by hanging from it - you'll take fall damage. Instead, just sprint from it down to the lower platform without pressing the jump key.
At the very bottom of the room, loot the Haydee corpse for a Mine and start making your way back up the shaft.

Room B-3

In the previous room, drop to this railing to make the jump back across to the door, and head through it.

Room B-4

Enjoy the exceptionally brief change in music and head through the corridor to the door.

Room B-5
This one's kind of tricky. In this room, there are two Slashers.

As soon as one sees you, both will attack. The one around the right corner is actually closer than the one around the left. Quickly strafe around the corner, kill it quick and turn around to stagger the Slasher rushing you from behind. This is the kind of room that makes having a Magnum super handy.

Once you've neutralized them, head down the path where the second Slasher came from and into the room on your right.

B-Save Point
This room is safe, and it has a Save Point and Item Box if you need to save and resupply. The hardest room yet is coming up, so it's probably worth a Diskette to save now.

First, though, climb up onto the crate and jump to the ledge - the crates on the ledge have 10 Pistol Rounds atop them, if you really need Pistol ammo.
In either case, jump from the gap in the railing across to the other side of the room and start making your way through the crawlspace maze of crates.

Halfway through, you'll find a locked crate you can Crowbar open for 20 SMG Rounds.

Finally, you'll drop down into a little cell with your Save Point, Item Box, and a button to open your way back out. Bring as much Magnum ammo as you can carry, but leave your Red Keycard in the box and have at least two or three inventory spaces free - we're about to amass even more loot.
When ready, exit out of the room and, into Room B-5 and straight through the door ahead of you.

Room B-6
We'll be backtracking back and forth around this square room and hitting a bunch of buttons in here. Start off by walking around to the other side, climbing up to the button and hitting it.

This will pop up a red platform next to you - climb up to it and make a long jump over to the next button. Be sure to not jump too early, this is a difficult jump. Hit the button, then turn 180 degrees and sprint off the platform back down to the red one.

Hit the lower button again to pop another red platform to the right, and make another long jump to it. Hit the third button next to this platform.

Backtrack once more - hit the lower button again to make yourself a platform, jump up to the next and climb onto the highest red platform. From here you can grab the ledge of the middle spire, hoist yourself on top of it and jump over to the door. Whew! Head on through.

Room B-6; The Elevator
In this room is an elevator, which can take you down to, of all things, the White Zone - the tutorial level. Aside from as a shortcut, however, there isn't a lot of reason to. Head around your pipes to the left and back towards the entrance to find a dead Haydee in the shadows holding a Medkit.

Our next order of business is just through this door. Head inside.

Wi-Fi Receiver (continued) and SMG
Receiver Room
...Oh boy.

Across from you is the Wi-Fi Receiver, the other device that lets you activate buttons remotely. There are six cages in the room, and every single one of them contains a Slasher.

Place a mine on the floor - personally, I like to put it in front of the middle cage on your right as you walk in, but anywhere will do.
Then, run into the cell and grab the Wi-Fi Receiver. The gate will lock behind you. Naturally, be ready to fight - you're about to get gangbanged by half a dozen hostile Slashers.

When you hit the button, the gate will open and all six Slashers will be released - but, only two will attack immediately.

The two highlighted with are the two that will attack immediately. Quickly kill them both, and very slowly make your way forwards.

One of the four remaining Slashers is to your right as you exit the cell. When it sees you, both it and a second Slasher to the left will attack!

You'll need to quickly strafe and headshot the first Slasher as soon as you're able to, and then immediately turn your sights on the one charging at you from the left. If you placed the Mine in front of the second Slasher's cage, this is less worrying.

The final two Slashers are directly opposite each other, furthest from the Receiver cage. If you use the cage on your left to get the sharpest angle on the right Slasher, you can headshot it and have a good couple of seconds to eliminate the sixth and final one.

You should have come out of this with a Wi-Fi Receiver, six dead Slashers, and hopefully not have taken too much damage; or at least been able to heal what you did suffer.
Exit the Receiver Room - it's high time we got ourselves another weapon.

Room B-6; The Elevator

Hit the button to open up the elevator. Inside, place the Receiver on the button in the elevator shaft and move back out of it. Then, click the Remote.

The elevator will vanish. Hang from the ledge in the elevator shaft and you'll see a well-hidden vent underneath you.

Drop down to grab it and crawl inside it into the next room.

Red-White Connector

Come to Haydee.

The SMG deals roughly the same amount of damage as the Pistol - just slightly lower - but with a 30-round magazine and nearly double the fire-rate.
Against Walkers, it'll take four headshots to kill, just like the Pistol. It'll take eight bodyshots to down them instead of the Pistol's seven, but hopefully you have the hang of headshots by now anyway.
Against Slashers, your damage profile with the SMG is identical to the Pistol - two headshots, or four bodyshots. Just like the Pistol, a headshot will also stagger them. This combined with its rapid-fire output makes it much more forgiving than the Pistol - a worthy weapon to compliment the Magnum's slow, high-damage characteristics.

On the Haydee corpse you can find 20 SMG Rounds.

Now that we've gotten another gun, we can hit the button and exit the little cage into the dark passage beyond.

This passage, as the name suggests, connects the White Zone directly with the Red Zone. Remember that double-gate in the tutorial that had a button but only opened up half? The other half is at the bottom of this shaft. Since the elevator is at the bottom, that's where we need to head.
So continue down and to the right and work your way back into the White Zone.

White Zone

Open your way back with the button in the dark to the right of the gate.

Oh right, this bozo's still here - or at least it is if you didn't waste your ammo on it in the tutorial. You could always test out your new weapon on it - or let it live, after all, it's really easy to avoid and it'll save ammo.


There's a button in the corner that opens the locked door in this room, giving us a quick shortcut back. Head through it, but be ready to fight.

A total non-threat stands between you and your path forward. Kill it and enter the next room, the bottom of the elevator.

Hey, this button finally does something! We left our Receiver upstairs, so hit the button inside to take the elevator up, snatch it, and head straight back down.

It's a little faster to get back through the White Zone, so head into the next room, through the vent, back to the Bridge, and into the Save Hub of the Red Zone.

Second Red Keycard
Save Hub

It's high time we took stock of our inventory - now we have three weapons, and it's gone from impractical to completely impossible to carry around all of our weapons and ammunition for them at once.

SMG and Magnum ammo stack to 60 and 20, respectively, and we're going to find a full stack of both before we fight any hostiles, so a good idea is to bring both weapons and make sure they're loaded, but leave ammo here in the Box.

Here's what we need to bring, though:
At least one weapon
The Screwdriver
The Wi-Fi Remote
The Wi-Fi Receiver
The Night Visor
The Crowbar, to loot more ammo ahead.
While not strictly necessary, the Body Armour and a Medkit or two are always good for your survivability.

Leave at least a few free inventory spaces.

Once you're happy with the sorting, head into the A-B-C Connector - we have one more path to take - right here.

C-D-E Connector

Make your way up this jumble of platforms until you can grab the ledge and shimmy along underneath the railing.

You can drop down the left side to find a Haydee corpse clutching a Medkit. Then, make your way back around, up to the ledge again and hoist yourself onto it.

You'll find a button next to a gate. The button opens a completely different gate, behind you. Turn around and head through it.

Safely drop down the right side of the newly-opened gate to see a vent - crawl on through it.

Room C-1
To your immediate right as you walk in, safely drop down to the floor of this room, and then climb over a crate into a crawlspace.

Room C-2
This room is as dark as the Black Zone and kind of confusing in its layout. I'll try to be as comprehensive as possible. All of these screenshots have been brightened.

Take the first left and up a ledge until you reach a second left turn.

The path will branch out to the left and continue forwards - take the left branch.

You'll find a room littered with over a dozen dead Haydees. Going left around the room, you can pocket a ton of loot:
10 Magnum Rounds
20 SMG Rounds
5 Diskettes

A Medkit
20 Pistol Rounds

Once you're loaded up on whatever you need, head back into the crawlspace behind you.

Keep heading forwards, at the next corner there will be a ledge you can climb onto. Climb it, turn around, and jump to the next ledge. Once up, jump up to another ledge to the left and hit the button there.

Head your way back down two levels, and at the bottom you'll see a crawlspace leading further directly underneath the lower ledge.

Go straight and just down a ledge you'll find a locked crate containing 10 Magnum Rounds. Climb back up the ledge and then hang straight to the right.

Climb up the ledge and you'll find two crawlspaces above you - one to the left, and one to the right. Take the right crawlspace to find a button you can hit.

This will open a locked crate on the ledge back and up from this spot, containing 20 SMG Rounds, if you need it. If you pick it up, return to the spot with two crawlspaces, and this time take the left one.

You'll know you're heading the right way if you see a vent on your right. Pass it for now and climb up the vent to finally exit this room.

Back into the light.

C-D Keycard Room
There's a keycard in here, but it's inaccessible from this side.

What we can reach is a button that opens up the keycard's cell. But pressing it closes the door behind you and locks you in.

Looks like a job for our Wi-Fi Receiver! Make sure the door behind you is unlocked, and then place the Receiver onto the button. Return to the previous room.

Room C-2

Back in the darkness we go.

Drop down the ledge in the darkness and enter the vent to your left for a quick shortuct back to the previous room, saving you some time and saving me about six brightened screenshots.

Room C-1

Climb over the crate to shimmy along a ledge. Pull yourself onto it to loot a Haydee holding a Medkit, and then turn around to jump to the corner.

Continue to the next corner by dropping down onto some pipes and climbing back up, and then crawl along the pipes to return to the vent. There's a dead Haydee down a ledge holding 20 Pistol Rounds, if those are at all relevant to you.

Enter the vent and return back to the C-D-E Connector.

C-D-E Connector

Climb back up the middle of the room and enter the door just above the initial entrance.
Second Red Keycard (continued)
Room D-1s

Immediately to your left as you walk in is a locked crate containing 20 SMG Rounds. Then, jump the gap and enter the door across from you. Be ready to fight.

D-Keycard Connector
There are two Walkers in this room. One directly ahead of you, and one around the corner to the right. Shooting the first will cause the second to attack, so simply be patient and let it come to you.

Once you've handled business, hit the button behind the second Walker to lock the door behind you and open up the door ahead.

C-D Keycard Room

There is a Slasher just around the right corner here. No problem for someone as armed as you. Once disposed of, give your Wi-Fi Remote a click.

From all that, we've finally picked up two Red Keycards, making a pretty sizeable dent in progress. Grab it and leave the cell - click the Wi-Fi Remote a second time so you can re-enter it from the other side, and exit into the last room.

D-Keycard Connector

A Slasher has spawned in front of the button - kill it, hit the button again, and continue.

Room D-2

So... we have the Magnum, the SMG, supplies for days, and we've gotten the two Red Keycards from the Red Zone. Now, return through the C Rooms (that's the super dark maze with all the loot) and re-collect your Wi-Fi Receiver from the other side of the Keycard room. A bit tedious, but kind of necessary - hopefully it won't take you too long.

Back down into the vent.

And back into the dark maze. Two left turns, straight ahead, under the crawlspace...

Up to the left, past the vent, over a ledge and into the light. Enter the keycard room, and grab your Wi-Fi Receiver again. Yoink!

Back into the dark, over the ledge, through the vent, into the previous room, up into the corner, across the pipes, yep yep yep, back into the last room. Whew!

Head around back through the two connectors and finally return to the Save Point.

Save Point
Okay, so we've gotten both of the Red Keycards, the Magnum, the SMG, and a Wi-Fi Receiver. Are we finally done with the Red Zone?


There's one more item in the Red Zone to pick up - the Pliers. These let you disarm and collect armed mines instead of shooting them and potentially causing damage to yourself.
They are optional - getting them is quite tricky, and there's really only one or two points in the game where the Pliers come in useful. However, the room with the Pliers contains a whopping five Mines, which can be extremely handy in the upcoming Black Zone.

Save your game if need be and store your Diskettes, Red Keycard, and any excess ammo or Medkits taking up multiple spaces you might have.

If you really don't care about the Pliers, we're done! Just skip the following section.

Good job on making it this far. Next up is the Black Zone, and if you thought the dark maze was confusing in this part, just imagine it being twenty times as long and filled with hostile bots.

If you want to grab the Pliers and the five Mines, read on.
Pliers and Mines
Save Hub

Make sure you have at least three inventory spaces - the Pliers room has enough Mines to take up two spaces and a fair bit of ammo as well.

What you should bring is a weapon, ammo, the Crowbar and probably at least a Medkit or two.

Once you're ready, return once more through the A-B-C Connector to the C-D-E Connector, and up to room D-1, the room with the little gap you had to hop over.

Room D-1

As you enter, this time climb up the boxes to your right and safely drop into the gap. Down there is another door to head through.

Room D-2

Slasher on your right. Kill it. Just above and to the left of the Slasher you can find a locked crate containg 10 Magnum Rounds. Directly across from it is a dead Haydee clutching a Medkit.

Continue into the next room.

Room D-3, the Crate Stack

In this room is a giant stack of crates. Beneath you, on the lower floor, is a room connecting the D rooms with the B rooms. Above you is the Pliers room.

Get climbing, then. Jump to the crates in front of you, and climb up twice until you're standing on the second-highest platform upon the tower of crates. From there, you can jump back across to the topmost door. This is a long jump with a short run-up, so back yourself as far as possible and time it right!
None of these crates contain items, by the way. I checked.

Pliers Room
There's two cells, one around to your left and one around to your right.
If you look to your right, you'll see a Slasher in the dark in front of the right cell...

...and a Walker immediately around the left corner. The Walker's closer, but Slashers run faster. They will reach you about the same time, and shooting the Walker will trigger the Slasher's sprint.
What I would suggest is quickly strafing out and two-tapping the Walker with your Magnum, and then spinning 180 degrees to stagger or headshot the Slasher rushing behind you.

Okay, once done, carefully start walking down where the Slasher came from - the cell has armed mines.

The Pliers are on a Dead Haydee slumped slightly to the left, with two armed mines in front of her.
Crouch and hang to the left. Inch forward, very slowly, with your crosshairs at the shoe of the Haydee with the pliers.

You should be able to interact with her foot and loot the Pliers on her without stepping in range of the Mines.

With your new tool, show an equal amount of care and patience getting your crosshairs on the Mines. Disarm both and pick them up for 2 Mines.

Also in this cell you can find 10 Magnum Rounds and 20 SMG Rounds.
Moving carefully towards the other cell - just around the corner where the Walker stood is a third armed Mine.

Aim just below the red light and crouch-walk slowly towards it until you're within range. Disarm and pick up the Mine.

In the cell proper you can find, thankfully unarmed, 2 Mines, for a total of 5 Mines from this room.

Oh, and this Haydee here in the middle has 10 Pistol Rounds or whatever, I guess.
So now are we finally done with the Red Zone? Yes. Now we just need to make it back to the Save Point so we can enter the Black Zone. If you know the way back, go ahead. Otherwise, leave the Pliers room.

Room D-3, the Crate Stack

Scale down the crates and drop down the left side of them to reach the bottom floor without any broken ankles. Head through the bottom door.

B-D Connector

This room shouldn't have spawned any hostiles just yet, so we're free to stroll through it. Hit the button on the other side and exit through to Room B-1.

And from here just head straight through the door on the right and return through the A-B-C Connector to the Save Hub.
Taking Stock

Good hustle out there. This long triapse through the Red Zone should have scored us with the following list of loot:

The Magnum
The Gas Mask for the Yellow Zone
The Power Node for the Black Zone
The Crowbar
A Wi-Fi Receiver
The Pliers and 5 Mines (optionally)
And most importantly, two Red Keycards.

Whew! That's a lot of stuff, and all of it together just barely fits in our inventory. Inventory management will be a real problem in the future, so careful consideration of the Item Box will become a necessity.

We've handled the Red Zone entirely, at least. Our next zone to tackle is the Black Zone - for you, it'll be a tedious exercise in running around, fighting in pitch-black darkness and switching Power Nodes about. For me, it'll be a tedious exercise in brightening screenshots and using the phrase 'Get ready to fight' a lot.

I hope you're ready for it. When you are, head into the Black Zone.
DanXf 8 Dec, 2022 @ 11:31am 
:knighthead1::steamthumbsup: thanks 10/10 :happysmile13:
ByLeon 26 Aug, 2022 @ 4:20pm 
Gracias, me sirvió.
Paul_Wacker 16 Jul, 2022 @ 9:18pm 
Thanks mate, never would have beaten this game without ya:dexter:
Darkrai 27 Sep, 2021 @ 9:52am 
Big props to the effort and preciseness of all ur guides, even tho this is a tricky game. Carries me to this date through the most darkest of times while playing. You're doing an important service to the Haydee community! thx :D :steamthumbsup:
Yeahimthatguyyouknowwhatimean. 24 Apr, 2021 @ 8:23pm 
really Helpful.
Hypnos 17 Feb, 2021 @ 7:10am 
I can confirm the comment below, Haydee corpse in Room C-1 has 2 diskettes. Maybe something they changed for some reason after this guide was made, and just a minor detail anyway. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful guide!
Seasons118 27 Jun, 2020 @ 11:28pm 
Hey, I noticed for the section "Second Red Keycard" in "Room C-1", you mentioned the Haydee corpse clutching a medkit, she is actually holding 2 diskettes last time I checked.
Vanessa  [author] 16 Oct, 2019 @ 2:45pm 
You were never able to stun Walkers.
Vanessa  [author] 16 Oct, 2019 @ 11:57am 
Walkers cannot be stunned like Slashers can. You just want to pump damage into their head to kill them quickly.

The Slasher/Walker stats and info can be found on the first walkthrough chapter, Green Zone.
Vanessa  [author] 18 Aug, 2019 @ 2:43am 
@Soar You need to open it from both sides - from the Tutorial/White Zone side, and the Red Zone side.