who shot J R / oh you weren't even born then huh / that's quite a bummer
"#636 +(1144)- [X]<Anagon> IT'S UP! I GOT IT UP!

<Anagon> (no, not like that)
#1637 +(412)- [X]<_Delirium> "Perl is awk with skin cancer.  And it's ugly too." -my cs professor
#2014 +(564)- [X]<BonGoaT> i think Bush played counterstrike too much
#2514 +(197)- [X]<steve|zzz> i had this dream

<steve|zzz> i was beating off

<steve|zzz> and my penis was circumsised

<steve|zzz> and it was so big i could use 2 hands

<steve|zzz> best dream i ever had
#2987 +(221)- [X](Matt^^^) fenrir's gf is a quad processor solaris box
#3857 +(255)- [X]<Hiko> "all the people in #bemani are child molesters"

<nitrifik_> I'm not.

<mightyflo> not according to swedish law, anyway

<nitrifik_> exactly.

<nitrifik_> I have never sexed anyone below 15, so I'm all legal.
#4233 +(296)- [X]<JoeyB> what would be better of a car to modify, a honda accord, or a toyota


<Focus2001> oh man'

<pagan> which is better, dog poop or cat poop?

<pagan> ;p

<coug_> LOL
#7273 +(539)- [X]( CraNDaWG  ) i just watched like 6 ddr videos and i must say

( CraNDaWG  ) that is the _gayest_ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i have ever seen

( Lev       ) you know, real men who rustle cows and weld stuff prolly think us playing computer games and giggling at each others gayness on irc is the _gayest_ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#7606 +(364)- [X]<oof> so did you get together with your family for easter?

<_p> no, my family hates god.
#8447 +(186)- [X]<Ryk> one of my favourite pastimes spotting boobjob scars.

<Ryk> nothing sexual about it. just like to beat the airbrush.
#13746 +(319)- [X]<Blondebeard> Sumez: Why are you always confusing me with Blood? :)

<Sumez> Blondebeard: Nick completer

<Ben Whatsisname> Blondebeard486 It's called typing "blo" and hitting [tab]

<Ben Whatsisname> Sumez just isn't watching who he's "blo"ing. :)
#14454 +(285)- [X]<gweeds> wow

<gweeds> i am now completely out of credit card debt

<gweeds> time to dive back in
#15450 +(296)- [X]<merl> in the UK things are generally pretty wet

<merl> we've adapted

<merl> webbed feet n ♥♥♥♥
#16764 +(112)- [X]* ETP runs away like a one legged trialathete in the special olympics of your mind
#24748 +(218)- [X]Marnen: you'd think he'd take a second to check spelling, though

Brodie: Mr. Wheaton is a busy man.

Marnen: They have machines to do that now.

sol-D: they also have machines that'll breathe for you. how cool is that>

Brodie: He's reminding people in a grocery store that he used to be famous.

Marnen: Besides, Wesley Crusher is too intelligent to make spelling mistakes in documents that the whole Federation's gonna read...*SLAP*...did I really say that?

spinn: you did, plus the *SLAP* and the part after it, which frankly I'd be more embarrassed about
#29276 +(923)- [X]<slappy> I leave punk on for my cats so they'll get more hardcore while I'm out
#34668 +(147)- [X]* Erve remembers a certain bi person saying WhiteyFord was teh goods

<Rik> was he a kitchen storage product?

<WhiteyFord> no, it was Revenge's wife

<DDsD_EsaY> *chuckle*

<DDsD_EsaY> you sex up Revenges wife?

<WhiteyFord> id hit it

<DDsD_EsaY> but you didnt.. why?

<WhiteyFord> Revenge
#38418 +(206)- [X]Finque: at least that young black fellow will live

Finque: black people can't die virgins

Finque: it's physically and sexually impossible

Finque: god is still apologizing for burning them

Finque: so he gave them horse ♥♥♥♥♥

Finque: and now they always get laid

tom: except DE

Finque: true

Finque: but DE is canadian

Finque: that's god's "oops" pile
#43968 +(214)- [X]<MinD> i'm not a newbie

<MinD> i like 2 run in root

<ivan> MinD: ever heard of su?

<MinD> ivan: what is su
#50809 +(343)- [X]#natfans on GamesNET, 01 December 2002

<dzee> want to try again sara

<sara_sig> no

<sara_sig> gay thing

<sara_sig> too pissed off with it

<dzee> why does it crash?

<sara_sig> .

<sara_sig> ^ see that?

<sara_sig> That is a concentrated ball of rage

<sara_sig> Refined hatred poured into one small dot

<sara_sig> "why does it crash" is possibly the only question that can merit an outpouring like that

<sara_sig> I simply cannot even be sarcastic about it

<sara_sig> It goes way beyond that
#51052 +(437)- [X]<@LinkinEp> brb

<@LinkinEp> in 15

<@motherb|tch> dont come back

<@motherb|tch> itz all good

<@kmad> ,lol

<@motherb|tch> peace

<@kmad> hes masturbating

<@LinkinEp> evil

<@kmad> u said brb

<@kmad> go brb

<@motherb|tch> thats right

<@LinkinEp> i dont need to go

<@LinkinEp> my bro is handling it
#59336 +(337)- [X]<|404notfound> My friend, who was new to online gaming, complained to me about a 30 ping.

<donotdisturb> LOL

<|404notfound> But that's not all. His question to me was:

<|404notfound> "Why won't it go any higher?"
#72117 +(49)- [X]<citizenh8> bubb rubb jacked my GC game

<citizenh8> its been held up in Oakland for 4 days now
#76044 +(191)- [X]<Sean> i'm addicted to just feeling my iPod, holding it and twiddling the buttons

<Mike> omfg

<Sean> such a neat little thing

<Mike> You know you're a nerd when you have a fetish for your mp3 player
#83769 +(268)- [X]<grimrat> oh.. migod

<grimrat> I just reviewed a Usenet post of mine... I wrote "must of"...

<grimrat> I feel faint

<grimrat> this will be associated with me for the rest of time

<grimrat> how much does it cost to change your name?
#86371 +(851)- [X]<Afbc0m> my 3 yr old bro is here

<Afbc0m> he was listening to eminem and started swearing

<Afbc0m> my mom was pissed

<Afbc0m> in the middle of dinner, he was like, "♥♥♥♥♥ please, get down on yo knees"
#86848 +(1716)- [X]<cali310> I heard the most ridiculous comment ever made by a newscaster last night on fox........

<cali310> He said, "the Iraqis have hundreds of seasoned suicide bombers"

<cali310> How in the ♥♥♥♥ does one become a seasoned suicide bomber?
#89048 +(19)- [X]<Wolf> hmm, later on I should go out and get my paintball CO2 canister filled

<[Ramrod]> Then you need to go and get your head examined, and your Paintballs checked....for leaking paint....and then.....heh

<Wolf> very funny

* Wolf unleashes a rapid fire, painting Peter pink all over

<Peter> Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

<[Ramrod]> Seems to be an awfull lot of Porn though

<[Ramrod]> Ooops...wrong window
#93856 +(1196)- [X]( PuffinFreshWog ) I gOT a NeW wINAmP Vis, it MAKEs my KeYbOaRd liGHTS FLaSH IN bEAt WIth tHe MUsIc... TOo Bad IT ActUAllY effecTs tHe CapS LoCk :O(
#103964 +(27)- [X]<+Comanche> is OST any good

<+Comanche> band apparently..
#137775 +(1028)- [X]<Fusion> My cat tried to eat a praying mantis. I told him it was a bad idea.

<Mitsugi> what was his response?

<Fusion> Uh... "meow"

<Mitsugi> figures

<Fusion> Yeah. What a ♥♥♥♥♥.
#145954 +(976)- [X]<bigbear> ♥♥♥♥

<bigbear> my ears are ringing

<Pebble> answer it then
#146984 +(125)- [X]<dsf> WHY DOSNT UNDO EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD ?

<dsf> or cut or paste or copy

<|M|R|> well that was my Question when my mom brought me to this world :D
#180081 +(11184)- [X]<kylev> BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

<kylev> hahahahaha

<kylev> some girl just came onto our floor

<kylev> and was yelling "sexual favors for anyone who does my sociology paper"

<kylev> i just asked her what the paper was about

<kylev> and she said the accomplishments and growth of feminism

<`Neo> bahahahaha
#219577 +(1700)- [X]<Ich> Why are you hosting on port 666?

<Texasdex> just for the hell of it
#269275 +(525)- [X]<CoryS> You know it's a bad sign when you call ISP support to change some dns servers around and they ask if the ip address you just gave them was a phon"