Ripe avocados / spectacular in omlettes / with cheese and mushrooms
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"#51 +(1030)- [X]<UncleJed> the government should split up efnet

<UncleJed> not that efnet doesn't split enough as it is
#100 +(181)- [X]<Kayem> Don't tell anyone, but... I'M the one who gave Stella her groove back
#1155 +(214)- [X]<|Chris> that geek issues logo looks like you're advertising a soft rock radio station
#1555 +(348)- [X]<ckx> i'm not gay

<ckx> i just like to see people ♥♥♥♥

<ckx> even if they're guys
#3067 +(256)- [X]<LuMpY> i got an OC48 and 32 linux servers doing nothing on 1000Mb lan

<putnam> oh yeah ♥♥♥♥♥, well i got OC49 and 33 linux servers doing everything on a 5000Mb lan
#3302 +(190)- [X]<nitrifik_> I ROFL:ed :|

<nitrifik_> I need to get off IRC.
#4255 +(228)- [X]<brock101> whats speeds should i get over a lan, with a 10/100 connection ?

<@WheelOr> 10 to 100 Mbits/sec.

<brock101> -_-

<brock101> thanks, i knew that

<brock101> i walked into that one didn`t i

<@WheelOr> I suppose so.
#5274 +(424)- [X]<Gnuspice> ♥♥♥♥, you know you've been doing too much SQL when you're at a prompt and do SELECT * FROM /bin;
#5741 +(240)- [X](nexxai) chali: can I flood your port?  maybe brute force my worm through your backdoor....sniff some packets perhaps?
#6200 +(707)- [X]<barkode:#916> playing tribes for last 5 hours

<Pesto:#916> wow, you're still at work?

<barkode:#916> yeah.
#6480 +(1197)- [X]<axel026> i need help please

<^cell^> do you have an appointment?

<axel026> im french

<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
#6850 +(275)- [X]<@unlord> yah I've gotten good at typing in the past few dasy
#7794 +(808)- [X]<RighteousSuicide> I was running around today like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥

<RighteousSuicide> and I hear a BANG

<RighteousSuicide> i couldn't figure out what it was

<RighteousSuicide> then I noticed I had run into a dumpster
#8251 +(380)- [X]<AnneRobinson^> Do Canadians really like fart jokes for entertainment???

<shagman> fart jokes rock

<shagman> take this classic canadian joke for example

* shagman farts on IEatChildren
#13664 +(650)- [X]<Mack_Salmon> do you ever listen to Meat Loaf?

<Flirbnic> No.

<Mack_Salmon> he's food....

<Mack_Salmon> er!

<Mack_Salmon> he's good

<Mack_Salmon> whoops
#16589 +(192)- [X]<azrael69> <----retarded

<madman`> true---^

<FlipMo> azrael69: pics plz
#29046 +(1583)- [X]<zamros> My names Nickie.Im a 17 year old mommie to a beautiful 13 month old little girl(born July 21,2001).Im also 19 weeks pregnant with what is believed to be a boy..and our last child! Our meaning my husband.He's 19 years old and in the army.We've been together 3 years and married for almost 1. We're currently stationed in Fort Bragg,NC. Look forward to reading all your posts!

<zamros> DEAR NICKIE

<zamros> YOU'VE RUINED YOUR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIFE

<zamros> SINCERELY,

<zamros> GOD
#35905 +(131)- [X]<b0at> <------------ FireHeart

<SeXaH> <------------------- Doesnt care

<pr0t0> <-- bonehead

<SeXaH> indeed ---^
#36445 +(878)- [X]<BADGER> I wonder what Shakespeare would say if he ever was transported to our time and discovered goatse. "HIS ASS! This beige monstrosity mocketh me at every turn. Woe is my eyes. I owe apologies to my retinas, for such a curse have I endured on them. Woe! Woe!"
#36797 +(140)- [X]<psyk0mantis> ick . . . gotta reload windows ME on a comp i'm fixing

<psyk0mantis> i'd rather jump into a bowl of tacks from a diving board
#42402 +(300)- [X]<Enderski> redheads are nuts

<Badtz> I like my girls nuts
#42663 +(74)- [X]<@JE> Hosting: $5 per month. Domain name: $15, your site being down twice a week: Priceless.
#44536 +(312)- [X]<Daishi> ...

<Daishi> there should really be a "-" like there is a "+" on irc

<Daishi> too let people know they suck
#45966 +(268)- [X]<DarthSemiAway> man, I passed a church the other day who had something like "Not Christian?" on the top line of their board outside, and on the line below it, it said "Dude, you're going to Hell!" Seriously.
#46179 +(181)- [X]<GBD> I like you, I like you a lot.

<Judge> dude, we have never meant, how can you like me?

<GBD> I don't know.  I just have no real friends, so I thought maybe you and I could be friends.
#48016 +(915)- [X]<Konsole> did your video card come in yet?

<pushit> nope.

<Konsole> those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

<pushit> my mother got a mop in the mail today though.

<Konsole> ah.

<Konsole> that should make up for it.

<pushit> yeah.

<pushit> it's a sweet-ass mop.

<Konsole> yeah.
#48290 +(177)- [X]<UFGailorJupiter> i'm going to go cleanse myself.

<UFGailorJupiter> i'll be bathing in the sacred hentai waters.

<UFGailorJupiter> well

<UFGailorJupiter> hentai game music waters.

<Bob_McBob> So what you mean is, you're going to download some porn and masturbate?

<UFGailorJupiter> Bob: YES!
#62293 +(235)- [X]01/06/03] [01:52:39 AM] <Gh0sTly-deth> ...

<Gh0sTly-deth> how do i kick my own nick, cause i wanna use it, mirc crashed and left Gh0sTly logged in

<Lutarez`> ghost

<Gh0sTly-deth> ?

<Duker900> ghost

<Gh0sTly-deth> yes?

<Lutarez`> heh

<Duker900> no command ghost
#72271 +(21)- [X]<WookieJHWH> tA-Kane to fixe IE on mac, add the line U$3R=1d10t in the default HTML file.
#74749 +(229)- [X]< st2> I'm sure if you're posting naked pictures of yourself, there will be a lot of people around to help you.

* drusillia glares at st2

* st2 pulls out the anti-glare screen.
#78679 +(85)- [X]<cmdrfunk> i have a picture around here somewhere where she looks totally hot in her silks guard uniform

<mike> flag squad?

<cmdrfunk> yah

<mike> the chicks who are too fat to make it to cheerleading

<lyfeAsaurus-REX> the bottom of the pyramid
#78690 +(259)- [X]<HOT_SAUCE> generals?

<HOT_SAUCE> yeah i have it

<HOT_SAUCE> i dunno if generals is DX9

<HOT_SAUCE> but somehow, turning up EVERYTHING to super-high detail makes my game run faster than putting it on just high/medium

<HOT_SAUCE> i think my video card is autistic

<HOT_SAUCE> like that kid from mercury rising
#79786 +(45)- [X]<randolph> damn .. those girls wont stop me from msging @ face-pic

* randolph ignored

<randolph> hehehehehehe

* wickedgurl21 slaps randolph around a bit with a large trout
#82082 +(211)- [X]james: wouldnt it be cool to live in a giant oval room

james: when ppl come over, u can be like, sit in the corner plz, and they'll get confused
#89181 +(1334)- [X]<@MCJ> there was a little piece of soap left in the shower

<@MCJ> about the size of a credit card

<@MCJ> so i ran it through my butt crack making beep beep noises
#97931 +(111)- [X]<RugNug> naw......just reboot

<crak_pipe> that works

<RugNug> and fantasize about keeping the inventer of popups in my basement for a coupla years

<crak_pipe> hell yah

<crak_pipe> lemme beat on him for a bit as well

<RugNug> heheheh......i could make millions......with a cover charge
#103371 +(850)- [X]<acaos> why does bread come in one shape, meat in another, and cheese in a third so when you want to make a sandwich you have to cut and fold and contort to get it right? =)

<leile> hahaha.

<leile> its like food-origami.

<acaos> my thought exactly =)

<acaos> but I have balanced the meat-yin and the cheese-yang and the bread-fu now.

<acaos> the ancient, mystical art of Sandwich-Do.

<leile> hahaha

<leile> HAHAHAHA.
#162635 +(286)- [X]xstar: i saw a license plate that said :


xstar: i wanted to hit him
