All day all the time / Nothing more than a lonely / Insignificance...
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Last ned
"#189 +(213)- [X]<chernobyl> flash isn't going down. flash is putting java out of business

<chernobyl> how long has XML been around, and no one's moving to it
#359 +(102)- [X]<nou> See, I can give women orgasms just by talking to them.

<Art> Hmm. It generally helps if you plug in *both* ends of an ethernet cable.
#531 +(940)- [X]<Fustard> i should take a picture of my penis like orion, and give it away as a present

<w3nis> maybe you shouldnt

<DigDug> yeah, maybe you shouldn't

<Fustard> yeah maybe i shouldnt
#1941 +(236)- [X]<Bahamut0> who cares about albany? stupid europeans
#2339 +(1146)- [X]<[noam]> you know, i just came to a conclusion

<ryo-ohki> Really? I just came to some porno.
#3229 +(850)- [X]* WestBeach pretends hes an earthquake and flies around the room

<WestBeach> oops

<WestBeach> i meant to type...

<WestBeach> uhhh

<WestBeach> airplane
#5718 +(333)- [X][OutLore  ] OMFG

[Lord-Data] OutLore: OYFG!
#7432 +(784)- [X]<Orz> How old are you jennjenn?

<Orz> 12 right?

<jennjenn> 12??

<Orz> Yeah, comes after 13.

<Orz> Idiot.
#7832 +(438)- [X]* rob` pokes richard.. do an ls `yes`.  I dare you

[five minutes pass]

<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.

<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.

<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.

<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.

* rob` .. snickers madly

<Zibblsnrt> Ooh, neat

<phenyx> real funny.

<rob`> I didn't think anyone'd actually _do_ it.

<phenyx> I have enough money to drive to vancouver and kick your ass.
#8111 +(223)- [X]<@IS2> play it again, dugy

<@Dugy> oooooooo ah ooooo da da de da dooo

<@Dugy> oooooooo ah ooooo daaaaa da daaa

<@Dugy> oooooooo ah ooooo da da de da dooo

<@IS2> ahhh, what a classic

* IS2 saves it to his mp3 collection

<@Dugy> :(
#10606 +(478)- [X]<Gr1nR> I tell girls...\"I need a file - but its stuck in this archive named PANTS.ZIP - what should I do???\"
#14229 +(41)- [X]<lid> so what did i miss

<dustyX> oh, the secret of life, nothing big.

<lid> did ya decide what it is

<lid> im kinda curious

<dustyX> doncha know, the secret of life is 42?

<lid> lid fixes a beer and clam, and passes it to tasha:)

<lid> well im 50 so i missed that secret:)
#14696 +(130)- [X]<Psychic-A> if i move its vancouver

<Psychic-A> unless i can get in the usa...but its hard no?

<James> are you muslim?
#14753 +(187)- [X]<morbid> I had this plan

<morbid> i was going to join the band

<morbid> and kill myself, and leave my tuba there.

<morbid> it would explain it all
#15181 +(265)- [X]<red> just because something makes you briefly nauseous doesn't mean it's wrong

<mute> red, that's what i tell my woman
#18484 +(137)- [X]<Murdock> r2d2 isnt a robot.. it's a droif

<Murdock> er.. droid

<jitspoe> r2d2 isn't a robot, it's a midget in a tin can!
#21838 +(932)- [X]<supers> race

<supers> goto

<supers> http:// So, HOT CHICKS with HUGE ♥♥♥♥♥ turn you on

<supers> You want to see BOYS ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by REAL SHEMALES ?

<supers> er


<supers> damnit

<supers> ..
#26659 +(137)- [X]<Gartuff|VivaLasVegas> so far my record is like 10+ trips to vegas, without ever getting married
#31025 +(603)- [X]<The_Enigmatic_Lemur> Hmm whats a nice sophisticated term to put on a resumé for fast food cook.

<Drain> ...

<ZS|GTA3> ...

<Geno|Morrowind> Hamburger Helper

<ZS|GTA3> Ahahah.

<Drain> ahaha
#34276 +(303)- [X]<D3KK0N> i am in such a good mood today!

<JudasX> lose your virginity?

<D3KK0N> many times

<JudasX> your hand doesn't count

<D3KK0N> even your left?
#36541 +(45)- [X]<DiamonDie> dutch people can't be named ben.

<bool> DiamonDie, why not?

<DiamonDie> because they can't!

<bool> they did!

<bool> even a mobile phone company is called Ben

<DiamonDie> so you're a mobile phone, too?

<DiamonDie> it would be quite odd to be a mobile phone. you'd get fingered all the time.
#36914 +(219)- [X]<@Juste> noooo

<@Juste> shut down pc box was checked

Juste «» has Quit iRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
#37109 +(55)- [X]* time stamps have been retained to aid in the understanding and comedy of the quote...

[18:23:03] *** NoneX (Harry@ has joined channel #php

[18:23:05] <greg_oc> Channel Warning: NoneX detected in #kiddiesex

[18:23:10] *** NoneX has left #php
#37967 +(98)- [X]<Sean> haha you don't like the finns

<Skywalker> i have the finns

<ed|work> in a small box?

<Skywalker> hate*
#38336 +(762)- [X]<dudeXIII> you guys hear about that sniper in washington?

<dudeXIII> camping ♥♥♥♥♥ D:
#38516 +(164)- [X]<strego> sweet the hot girl just came to visit

<strego> and I was all like "hey, baby! I've got Pez" and she was all like "Aw Yeah"

<kingBooze> so did you guys do it?

<strego> well she "ate my Pez", if you know what I mean
#46954 +(1041)- [X]<Usual> i'd convert to catholicism if i could have my book back

<Usual> oh here it is

<Usual> ♥♥♥♥

<Usual> you think god saw that?
#47329 +(656)- [X]( is the worlds first cyberbank u can access using IRC bot commands)

*** Now talking in #yodel

<r0bb0r> right this is

<r0bb0r> a stick up

<yodel> hi r0bb0r

<r0bb0r> gimme all ur money

<r0bb0r> and no one gets hurt

* r0bb0r waves gun at all

<r0bb0r> come on then i am not joking

<yodel> here take it!

<yodel> DRAN_100.00_20031119_ShcjkX/CTzeExE0icgZColDatsQ_F+CldGJPOQO4VKMxSnPdH6SaER w

<r0bb0r> thank u

<r0bb0r> is this your first robbery?

<yodel> yes

<r0bb0r> excellent i can claim the first IRC robbery in history

* r0bb0r runs off
#52193 +(581)- [X]<KoaL> smuggling drugs into Jamaica is like smuggling slimfast into Ethiopia
#56558 +(1895)- [X]<Pyroman> NEW RULE 

<Pyroman> No one may have a name that starts with 'No'  

<Pyroman> It ♥♥♥♥♥ up my nick completion  

*** Yukari is now known as NotYukari 

*** GigaClonWantstoKickNickServ is now known as NotGigaron 

*** NMR is now known as NotNMR 

*** DJ_Bytes is now known as NotAlsoDJBY 

<emphaticallyumopepisdn> You guys are sheep 

<NotYukari> baa 

<NotAlsoDJBY> Baaa 

<NotGigaron> baaa 

<NotNMR> baaaa
#60568 +(-48)- [X]<decay`> wanna know whats good about 12 year olds, you put them in a shower and slck there hair.. it makes them look 8
#71922 +(166)- [X]<fallenMeSsIAH> damn cops, they piss me off, SHE Wanted to have sex infront of the police station not me, i am an unwilling participant, charge her for rape if it will get me out of a indecent exposure charge

<BenZor> fallenMeSsIAH: you got laid... consider it a miracle
#75229 +(190)- [X]<Josh> Fenix, what program are you using to connect to IRC

<Fenix> program?

<Josh> yees

<Fenix> im not using one
#88627 +(839)- [X]( @Kaygo ) Arguing with the ops is like shaking your fist at God. There's nobody there; and if there is, he's not listening. And if he's listening, all you're doing is pissing him off.
#99036 +(113)- [X]* kate coughs on Telepath

* kate sodes mode +SARS Telepath

<kate> SUFFFER
#104893 +(64)- [X]<ChemicalBurn> ah i have an erection and i dont know why

<ChemicalBurn> scarey!

* ChemicalBurn is now known as Chem`shower
#107324 +(479)- [X]<dragondyne> doritos are just as good though

<dragondyne> but the residue on your hands SUCKS ASS

<Mog116> yeah

<dragondyne> you need gloves to eat them

<AvaLance204> Yes doritos mess up your hands

<shadow> I d"