December Fifteenth / Is the day of our party / Please come one and all
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"#325 +(708)- [X]*** Signoff: meredith- (Random number generation is too important to be left to chance)
#411 +(336)- [X]<Wooben> someone find me archie hentai
#628 +(107)- [X]<wild> 8ball is madhatter gay?

<Alice1> It says 'Obviously,' wild
#921 +(229)- [X]<Guilty> See that kid should have AWPed bush through the house, with a wall cheat
#925 +(253)- [X]<lele> hypr is something of a "tragic" funny
#1527 +(291)- [X]<Geothermal> Jesus, I can only say so many things about fat people before they become redundant.  I think it would help if they all flew to their own personal little island made of gumdrops and then ate themselves to the bottom of the sea like some kind of Atlantis.  You know, only really fat.
#2662 +(879)- [X](CitizenC) You know what I don't understand? Why my bank requires me to have a hardcore, uber-encrypted password so I can see how much I have left to pay on my MasterCard. ♥♥♥♥... if somebody else wants to access my account and pay it off, be my guest.
#2708 +(1030)- [X](ashke) id like to take someone from the 1950s

(ashke) like some 15 year old kid

(ashke) and show him the internet

#3132 +(320)- [X]<sQuEeDeN> so much homework

<Joshua> shoot yourself in the shoulder and tell them you had to go FIGHT THE WAR ON TERRORISM! instead of doing useless homework

<shift> ass
#4349 +(260)- [X]<Sharkey> I've been told I should be a phone sex operator.

<Sharkey> Which gender hasn't been specified.

<Xerox> I've been told I should be a phone sex caller.

<Sharkey> Keep reaching for that rainbow.

<Kashan> he's waiting for your call
#5304 +(3005)- [X]<pdksh> jesus h christ

<pdksh> 'i got tired of that screensaver on that other computer so i turned it off'

<pdksh> my sister hard-shutdown my bsd box.

<pdksh> in the middle of a kernel compile.

<pdksh> not to mention that the little blinky light on the hub was annoying her

<pdksh> so she pulled out that wire too

<pdksh> ...

<pdksh> and she managed to rip a wire pair out of the wire.

<pdksh> yet she wants to be a cs major in college.

<dmaster-> I would beat her into a coma

<pdksh> dmaster-: im about to. either that or change her aim password so she jumps off a bridge.

<bob354> pdksh: haha a cs major?

<pdksh> bob354: yeah... 'i like to surf the internet and chat on aim to all my friends all the time so im good with computers and im good at that microsoft wordart. mom said i should go to computer school like you!'
#6000 +(178)- [X]<Milp> its the next hot thing

<bogueWRC> if your ass was the next hot thing, do you think I'd want to get in and drive it?
#6788 +(687)- [X]<drdink> hey

<drdink> who's good at graphics and logos and crap?

<xanatos> drdink; I'm pretty good at crap (I make my own)
#7831 +(391)- [X]<Oberon-> So does anyone have any projection on how cheap Pentium III

chips are going to get in the next few weeks?

<TeeCee> Cheep enough to be able to use them for floor tiles.  :)

<Oberon-> TeeCee: Wow, cool thought!  Massively parallel floor tiles -

a kitchen floor you can count on!
#8540 +(142)- [X]<helminthes> does anyone else ever notice when you're sex0ring a fat chic it seems like a good idea at the time, but when your done you feel an overwhelming emptiness?

<helminthes> no one?

<hakan> ...

<helminthes> :p
#11004 +(413)- [X]<blue-elf> IRC Weather: Partly laggy with an 80% chance of netsplits.Expect some afternoon smurf attacks coupled with windbags from the east.
#15668 +(184)- [X]<amm> I blew up a $590,000 spectrometer today

<amm> xney: yeah, but its covered under insurance

<amm> I quenched an NMR 700mhz magnet which caused an explosion in the

  computer room destroying all the sparcs in there :D
#17861 +(44)- [X]<ouija666> this gay guy was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about only being with guys with small ♥♥♥♥♥

<ouija666> which is pointless if you have a gaping queer anus

<ouija666> so i say like

<ouija666> he needs a tattoo on his ass that reads 'you must be this tall (arrow) to ride this ride'
#18317 +(879)- [X]<nzc> actually

<nzc> i need to msg quat

<nzc> there we go

<nzc> and

<nzc> i have to eat

<cj_> and

<cj_> you have

<cj_> to take off

<cj_> your return key

<cj_> and only

<cj_> use it for

<cj_> special occasions

<cj_> like

<cj_> when you finish

<cj_> a sentence
#20347 +(409)- [X]<claybats|work> yay, now it says wb to everyone on my users list :)

* placido|working has left #MTFN

* placido|working has joined #MTFN

<claybats|work> wb placido|working

<placido|working> wb placido|working

<claybats|work> see?

<placido|working> Thanks claybats.... didn't know you cared. :D

<Cancel_Man> he doesn't- that's why he made a script that does
#24001 +(377)- [X]<bubbleboo> i think 0's and 1's in binary should be replaced with 6's and 9's

<bubbleboo> would be much more entertaining
#26639 +(-19)- [X]<gozu> it was an image, and expression, a metaphot
#29284 +(444)- [X]<enajyram> support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have.
#32508 +(462)- [X]<Uncle_Istavan> I had some friends once but they keep leaving me

<Uncle_Istavan>You there?
#38825 +(282)- [X]<revc> asphinctersayswhat?

<Daedalus> what?

<revc> heehee

<Daedalus> ?

<revc> asphinctersayswhat?

<Daedalus> what the hell are you saying

<Daedalus> whats an asphincter
#39143 +(170)- [X]<Beoulve> Some women insert cups with razor blades in them into their vaginas.

<Beoulve> Would you want to ♥♥♥♥ one of those women?


<Tarl> ...

<Tarl> Adam.

<Tarl> That only happens with women *you've* slept with before.
#41652 +(341)- [X]<skwerrel> sigh...sometimes i really wish i could just ignore my brain and become a christian
#41822 +(164)- [X]<gate> you're working on a degree in politics, dont call other people retarded =P
#42597 +(-87)- [X]<Supachikn> i'm on

<Supachikn> FAMOURS

<Supachikn> err

<Supachikn> famous

<Supachikn> ILLITERATE
#44775 +(159)- [X]<-- Samah has quit (Quit: public boolean hasALife() return false;)
#46927 +(384)- [X]<niglet3> my "father" sent me a mail with an image (joke about florida's voting procedure, has a picture of some fisher-price toy) -- the source? ...
#51313 +(470)- [X]<upper-> it fears change

<upper-> just like grandmas that refuse to use microwave ovens

<vlMbh> my grandmother used to warm up her microwave oven!

<vlMbh> i went over for dinner one day and she turned it on for 4 mins on


<vlMbh> with nothing in it

<vlMbh> i was like.. uhh what ARE you doing

<vlMbh> " warming it up "
#54237 +(89)- [X]<Soul`is`away> I was ashamed of the latest KMart catalogue

<Soul`is`away> Flipped to the games bit...

<Soul`is`away> Xbox and PS2, but no cube AT ALL

<risq> there are no gamecubes in ANY catalogues

<Soul`is`away> WHY NOT!>

<Onikage> maybe after they put in the xbox, there was no room for the cube
#55937 +(151)- [X]<geth> everyday is your birthday when the candles are lodged in your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#58801 +(25)- [X]<jre> WHAT?  They pulled the teeth out POST-MORTEM?

<jre> What losers

<jre> The Nazis have just lost so much respect from me
#60271 +(424)- [X]<@Pimp-Jojo> mc... i saw a guy in a wheelchair begging for money and playing a flute

<@Pimp-Jojo> couple of hours later i saw him gettng chased by the police on foot

<@Pimp-Jojo> i mean wtf

<+_Mc_> still doesnt beat my tramp with the cardboard cutout banjo
#75483 +(525)- [X]***Shark has logged in

Shark: >_>

***Shark has logged out

Mystic: omg the shifty-eye hit and run
#75570 +(-21)- ["
3 opmerkingen
Yuni ✰ 2 jan 2022 om 8:02 
Dreamatix⁧⁧⁧VDI⁧⁧💜 11 jun 2020 om 21:31 
safe 10 mrt 2019 om 9:31 