as i crossed the miles / the sumac was red too soon / winter: on the way
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"#687 +(377)- [X]<DaveMann> i know the millitary has a program that could see ur msg and dcc

> you mean the NSA not the military

<DaveMann> no the military

<DaveMann> what is nsa

<DaveMann> dont u mean

<DaveMann> nasa
#731 +(440)- [X]<reptile-> My friend and I took a bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up CDs

<reptile-> and labeled them with various things

<reptile-> like

<reptile-> "PRE-TEEN SEX"

<reptile-> "GAY PORN"


<reptile-> etc, etc.

<reptile-> and like stuck the "PRE-TEEN SEX" one in the window of the kindergarten.

<reptile-> and stuck one that said "CHILD SEX" under the bigtoy at primary school

<reptile-> I wish I could have seen the reactions from the people that found the CDs. :|
#1704 +(1011)- [X]<tress> I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
#2051 +(265)- [X]<Julia_M> Arthur C. Clarke:

<Julia_M> "There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum."

<Julia_M> you

<Jeff_R> ya

<Julia_M> there can be no nations that can conquer space! aww yea it's great

<Jeff_R> I don't believe the whole vacuum thing...I mean...that would be one big ass Dirt Devil dirt bag to hold all that stuff in space
#3623 +(182)- [X]<fai|ure> pearl must have some cavern ♥♥♥♥♥ if she's wanting it in the ass everytime

<pearl> i didnt say everytime

<pearl> occasionally is nice :)

<pearl> jd has the nicest thing to say about me usually

<fai|ure> i'm that sensitive type of guy

<fai|ure> ya' know what i'm sayin'

<Ginger> cavernous is not good

<Ginger> cept

<Ginger> for the esophageal capacity
#4236 +(412)- [X]<SaeNoDa> but I wont

<SaeNoDa> i mean, whats the point in cheating, right?

<mightyflo> winning?
#5515 +(281)- [X]<DAL9000> vanilla coke tastes like ass

<mov> i'd like to taste it..
#6438 +(211)- [X]<shev> Efnet needs to get mIRC to include an air raid siren wav file, and play it when there's a server hack

<rabbitfood> not for your brains fods, just your arse. :)
#10052 +(1065)- [X]<Kiz`> a semi decent looking girl can get laid whenever she wants

<Kiz`> just go up to a guy

<Kiz`> "sex?"

<Kiz`> a guy can't do such things

<Yuffie> Maybe you haven't gone up to the right guy?
#10490 +(166)- [X]<Encapsulate> I spent the last few minutes going over Liberache's online


<Encapsulate> I won't be having sex for a while.

<+darkmind> Report him :x

<+darkmind> Or try to flood him off
#11693 +(266)- [X]<theastro> my exchange student has cool hair.

<Yogurt> Your exchange student?

<theastro> And he can spin his pen between his fingers with great skill.

<Yogurt> Is he indentured?
#15663 +(404)- [X]<WintrHawk> you know... 100hz is the resonance freq of a chicken head

<WintrHawk> a power company found that out the hard way
#16544 +(58)- [X]<Cole`> I think there might have been a guy at my ptq who crapped his pants. During round 5 I had a bunch of people watching my match and all of a sudden I caught the scent of crap. I yelled out "Who in God's name ♥♥♥♥ their pants?!" A few people laughed, but I didn't catch the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. So round 6 I am playing this guy and he ♥♥♥♥. I did in fact recall him saying he wanted to go home and take a bath. I felt really horrible for this.
#20193 +(139)- [X]<UncleJed> LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Drop the

<UncleJed> Chihuahua!

<UncleJed> In a surprise announcement Tuesday,

<UncleJed> Taco Bell Corp. said it has decided to

<UncleJed> replace its top executive and the

<UncleJed> advertising agency that introduced the

<UncleJed> chalupa-loving talking pup in

<UncleJed> commercials.

<_duncan> the dog found new employment as taco meat sources reported
#22518 +(50)- [X]<psyk> Axl Rose is an idiot with the voice of a ten-year-old girl choking to death on a brillo pad
#34426 +(442)- [X]<Yawgatog> You haven't lived until you've chugged a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

<Yawgatog> You probably haven't died until then, either.
#36675 +(1251)- [X]<synthie> one of my cats was licking her butt like cats do...

<synthie> farted in her own face and fell off the bed

<Sheri> thats why i hate animals

<synthie> knocked herself out
#39419 +(284)- [X]*** BlitzVector2 has joined #rpgfan

* BlitzVector2 is in the house

*** BlitzVector2 was kicked by KeeperX (no. the door is locked.)
#40271 +(410)- [X]<luva_bd> i want a ♥♥♥♥ in my ♥♥♥♥♥

<luva_bd> oh and a puppy
#40513 +(322)- [X]*** Maquiavelo changes the topic to 'If you don't want to have kids, have sex with your sister in law and you'll have nephews'
#41201 +(120)- [X]<mike||afk> does anyone here have princess tutu?

<Callick> ...

<Callick> I sure hope not.
#49528 +(106)- [X]<@Skute> so what is elf doing going out with a 14 year old??

<+Rebs|busy> having a good time it seems
#49725 +(309)- [X]<trollusk> lol, theres this girl at my school who is always obsessing about being fat even though she's pretty damn skinny

<trollusk> and one day, she goes up to this buddy of mine

<trollusk> and she's like "pull up your saggy pants"

<trollusk> he was like "i don't like your shirt and you should lose some weight"

<trollusk> she cried for hours
#61809 +(441)- [X]<+me0w> the guy arrested for being involved with cutting up those bodies in london is wearing a cyberdog tshirt in that pic!

<+me0w> there was a serial killer, forget which one, he used to chop up kids and cook them

<+me0w> but he said he tried a kid's ♥♥♥♥

<+me0w> and it was too chewy

<+me0w> so he tossed it into the toilet

Tresnar ( has joined.

<Aniki> thats what the guy here said too. first they wanted to eat the penis raw, but it was too chewy, so they had to cook it

<Tresnar> ... What the heck did I wander into?
#62102 +(334)- [X]<allistar> deleting stuff out of my registry made it bigger!

<Griz> ah, the magic of windows
#65672 +(126)- [X]<Shinji>  You get martin luther king day off because it's symbolic of black people not working
#77198 +(308)- [X]<Cody> where'd you two meet again?

<Derian> a mud.

<Cody> ahh

<Derian> Yah. I'm just glad he wasn't an axe murderer.

<Cody> heh, yeah

<Derian> but he swears he's never murdered a single axe so.....

<Cody> well that's good to know

<Derian> If you're an axe.
#79895 +(436)- [X]* Nordling 's sexual history changes constantly, depending on how much alcohol is imbibed. One drink: yeah, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ four girls at once! Three drinks: Hot sex with a model. 7 drinks: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ a fat chick. 11 drinks: pathetically masturbated to the chicks in HOT ROD magazine. 15+ drinks: replace said magazine with CAT FANCY.
#82080 +(22)- [X]* @RxR|SkaAntiFlag slaps TheCardboardTubeSamurai around a bit with a large trout

<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> your fish smells like ♥♥♥♥♥
#82124 +(31)- [X][] we may be at war within the next 48 hours

[] theres a meeting tomorrow

[] wooo...i may masturbate twice in the next 3 hours
#82200 +(6)- [X]<goat^2> man, i just queefed

<goat^2> and htats weird, because i dont have a vagina

<paintray|PissedAtEverything> your penis farted?

<goat^2> yeah

<paintray|PissedAtEverything> thats....gross

<goat^2> stinked pretty bad

<paintray|PissedAtEverything> you sure it just isn't rancid pus from a veneral disease you have?

<goat^2> normally the past tense of stink is stunk, but when a male queef, grammar rules go to hell

<goat^2> no man, it wasnt anything physical, just my e"
1 commentaires
SE FOI 21 déc. 2017 à 2h30 