crap, what time is it? / I forgot to take my pills! / Now I'm growing gills.
+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
"#437 +(538)- [X]<lamont-> spanish kids can speak better english than most kids on aol

<lamont-> when they're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ three years old!
#599 +(1453)- [X][16:56] <van|go`eagles> btw

[16:56] <van|go`eagles> your gf sucks at cs

[16:57] <en4cer> lol

[16:57] <en4cer> shes better at other things

[16:57] <Grifter-> like quake?

[16:57] <en4cer> lol
#1046 +(343)- [X]<tokage> i have emotional states: apathy and irritation, which would you like me to direct at you?

? tokage/#kuro5hin smirks

<ragabr> tokage: irritation if it leads to spankings and nipple clamps

<vsync> which one comes with a free beer?

<tokage> hmm..both probably
#1141 +(425)- [X][D1] wait, vinyl players are called turntables too?
#1152 +(515)- [X]<th0m> i hate clicking on ad banners

<th0m> because i hear a little like clink of a coin going into an

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'s bank account
#1223 +(90)- [X]<Alice> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more

<Alice> I can't seem to find that address in DNS
#3610 +(269)- [X]<sAmEeLl> canada`s fbi is called RCMP

<sAmEeLl> sounds like a dos attack
#6191 +(191)- [X]<felix:#916> i borked ditto

<felix:#916> it might just need a power cycle.

<p1nky:#916> I thought you had a masterswitch?

<felix:#916> yeah.  ditto's not on the masterswitch, because it's a rock-solid machine.

<slap:#916> irony
#7619 +(370)- [X]<mander_> if east timor can be a nation..

<mander_> is there really any reason my bathroom can't be?
#10145 +(27)- [X]<luczzid> kinda funny that the corporate facist ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at disney are using commy

software like linux.  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#10983 +(209)- [X]<outlaws> that's so gay

<joyrekz> speaking of gay

<joyrekz> i watched the gay pride parade on tv just to see some lesbians, is that wrong of me?

<outlaws> nope
#11281 +(357)- [X]<Ouroboros> I think the downfall of the Roman Empire was caused by something similar to IRC.

<Ouroboros> The Roman equivilent of a lawless, perverted group of weirdos, if you will.
#15445 +(168)- [X]<BillDcat^> bah, i find most 'religion' to be big business, if i wanna support that, i go to Mcdonalds, where i can at least eat

<[y]> early morning theology

<[y]> film at 11

<BillDcat^> lol

<BillDcat^> ya

<generator> so you worship ronald mcdonald and all his value meals?

<[y]> i know i do

<BillDcat^> pretty much, that way i can have my scripture & eat it 2

<BillDcat^> it's easy to believe in , if you can afford it
#17373 +(322)- [X]<LoRdZephyR> i cant swim

<roboman20> i thought only people with down syndrome couldnt swim

<LoRdZephyR> WELL YOUR WRONG ♥♥♥♥♥

* roboman20 hands zeph a chromosome
#22955 +(1794)- [X]<Elly_May>  i'm so sick of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ my father

<♥♥♥♥♥♥♥>  you mean i'm so sick of MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ father

<Elly_May> whatever makes you happy you conservative piece of ♥♥♥♥
#23427 +(787)- [X](Amanda`) I think random orgasms would get old after a while
#24790 +(190)- [X]<mike> haha

<mike> you should add something to the "add quote" page

<mike> something like "remember, your quote may or may not be approved because THE QUOTE DATABASE IS MODERATED BY HUMANS."

<RainWind> lol

<mike> i was serious

<Guilty> You should see how many people email me asking why I didnt approve their awful quotes

<Guilty> Like "HEY I submitted a 14 page long chat log and I dont see it added yet!"

<Guilty> Or "Whats the deal I submitted myself mentioning that I wanted to be in the QDB, and its not on there!"
#33685 +(12)- [X]<Fashnek> I'm bi

* Fashnek chokes on his rubber dinner

<Fashnek> that sounds so wrong

<twitchi> LMAO!!!
#34198 +(661)- [X]<nihil> I doubt my getting fired from the Dairy Queen is a bellwether of recession, but it sure is a bellwether of I stuck my wang in the butterscotch.
#36628 +(8)- [X]<[C-22]Octal> one word duck tape!

<[C-22]Octal> well 2
#39966 +(204)- [X]<@Ghostface> *aroused*

<@Ghostface> ./.

<@Ghostface> .|.
#41470 +(155)- [X]<orion> Darwin 6.0.2 x86-compatible

<orion> someone explain please

<timmo> wtf is Darwin 6.0.2?

<Duker900> natural selection in your operating system!

<timmo> ya man i dont know about having something called darwin run my computer

<timmo> youd be writing an email to your ♥♥♥♥♥

<timmo> and it would be like

<timmo> YOU WEAK EMO ♥♥♥♥♥

<timmo> and delete your ♥♥♥♥
#41668 +(72)- [X]<Veers> I guess they don't teach bathroom manners in Africa

<Donitz> Veers, newsflash, they don't have bathrooms in Africa.
#42728 +(130)- [X]<datacide> 26 uear old author looking for sleek ♥♥♥♥♥ to spend my money on and give sexual pleasure


<pont`> I be sleek .. but not ♥♥♥♥♥

<datacide> haha

<datacide> hmm....who to choose?

<datacide> tina or the sleek not ♥♥♥♥♥

<D3KK0N> im poor ;[

<datacide> pros and cons

<temple-> ima ♥♥♥♥♥! spend on me

<datacide> wow

<datacide> anyone else? like a real female? please.........

<McMoo> i'll suck your ♥♥♥♥ for a thousand dollars

<temple-> oh real

* datacide looks desperate

<temple-> now you want to get technical

<datacide> anyone?

<pont`> datacide: I can get you a doll

<datacide> hmmmm

<miteymous> i can get you a hooker

<datacide> is it life like?

<D3KK0N> i i can hook you up with ladies who do stuff they dont even have names for

<datacide> haha

<datacide> dekkon wins
#46041 +(125)- [X]<My`Albanian`Ass> he said, "all i know is i have a cable modem next to me with lights"

<Ari`s^Stuff> oh it has lights? bonus
#51089 +(336)- [X]<dakonis> i think you should have to pass a test to be able to use a keyboard with a capslock key
#75110 +(95)- [X]<mindstorms> haha, i finally conquered my fire wall, i think

<mindstorms> take that siemens!

<Darklord-Of-MMF> lol

<mindstorms> you silly germans whose company sounds like a delicious protein drink, atleast in certain "movies"
#75137 +(143)- [X]<blueroo> Seattle FD has a real time 911 dispatch log online

<blueroo> that's pretty cool

<ircsloth> I bet where I live the log would be like 2

<ircsloth> ours would be like "2:12am Cow on road again"

<ircsloth> "2:30am Drunk guy passed out in middle of road"
#76387 +(21)- [X]<Kuroko> lasagna --> waffles ---> pie ---> cake ---> death by chocolate ---> chocolate coffins ---> embalmed in chocolate ---> maggots and chocolate ---> sexy chocolate-covered corpses
#81427 +(627)- [X]<nikoJ> Terron, what would you do without the internet?

<Terron> I don't understand the question
#88352 +(688)- [X]<enderin> anybody knows what to do with freeCell other then watch the king's head move?

<kailus> enderin: move the cards around and hope for victory?

<enderin> what cards?

<shoonra> try starting a new game

<enderin> 1 sec

<kailus> Press F2

<DarkGildon> lol

<enderin> wow! full of cards!

* DarkGildon knows how play o.o

<uhuf> This didn't just happen...

<uhuf> Let me guess, he has no idea what the numbers in minesweeper are used for either, right?

<enderin> okey, too complicated..

<enderin> so, what do you do with the numbers at minesweeper?

<lphnt> XD

<ifireball> XD indeed

<lphnt> wow, and we didn't even get to hearts

<DarkGildon> Press F1

<enderin> where?

<lphnt> on the keyboard!!!
#96241 +(120)- [X][u^A] jimmiejaz: have you use macos?

[jimmiejaz] no.

[u^A] it looks cool on tv

[u^A] oh

[syberghost] You can install MacOS on a TV?

[syberghost] I knew it went on new-age toilets, but not TVs.
#113511 +(817)- [X]<WoG> wanna play me in UT J?

<J_Dawg007> Sure, I just got it again. Gimme a few minutes to practice though, I need to learn to nut suck again.

<WoG> lmao

<J_Dawg007> Err... not*

<J_Dawg007> Great, I'm never gonna live THAT o"
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⎛⎝Eminem⎠⎞ 16/dez./2017 às 1:58 
Meow xD