I am a ganster / I was really and strong / so i am a noob
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"#822 +(653)- [X]<c0ke> Anyone have linux emulator for super nintendo ?
#1122 +(432)- [X](pervert_) i wear a shirt that says "I'm gay - it's contageous"

(pervert_) not cuz im gay

(pervert_) it's so i don't get jacked

(pervert_) wait....that sounds bad
#2250 +(67)- [X]<iLLf8d> yeah I got it setup so when I fart I can hit the button and save my gf
#2730 +(453)- [X][xite] i hate movies with abrupt endings

[xmas_hate] ya i hate when i only download clips of porn too
#3807 +(522)- [X][bytraper] they are my family.... I love them like they were my own, I couldn't part with them for less than $20
#3932 +(1145)- [X]<Detrafilia> One time i was so tired, i had asked 'how are you?' in rpgamer, and then i looked in a diff query, went back to rpgamer, saw the 'how are you?' and i go 'oh fine, just a little sleepy. thanks. You?'
#4291 +(138)- [X]<_Deathbr_> u can update ur sblive value or gamer to a live 5.1

<_Deathbr_> i saw that at friends house and i was like whoa.. u come across some kewl ♥♥♥♥ while lookn for eprom reading writing info's

<travolta> you can also find a lot of cool pages if you search for the word "the"
#4314 +(49)- [X]<madwoota> rice rockets are for ♥♥♥♥ and shrivel ♥♥♥♥♥

<madwoota> 'hey baby, lets hump in the wrx..' 'sorry, cant even get my panties off in here'
#6211 +(470)- [X]<SaetheR:#916> why are stupid people my managers?

<phear:#916> because they make horrible employees
#6455 +(3)- [X]<^cell^> one of these days, ill get my friends and family members and stuff to jump into the back of my truck, and all 277 of us will run over a bunch of french people
#7369 +(158)- [X]<NaNaMagic> he is never too busy to answer our prayers

<qux> satan or god? you're confusing me now?

<NaNaMagic> he has extensions on his ears

<qux> like Mr Spock?

<NaNaMagic> yes  jesus has ears for all
#7828 +(389)- [X]<civicsi> flappy: they have rubber in em now


<spazzer> AKA

<spazzer> CIVICSI


<spazzer> hahaha

<civicsi> spazzer: your IP will be forwarded to the FBI

<aNuBiS-> roflmfao


<spazzer> go right ahead Mr. Preston

<KK> the people at work are ricers..

<aNuBiS-> i just comprimised your computer

<aNuBiS-> and am reading your files right now

<aNuBiS-> theyre pretty lame mostly


<LennyNero> hahaha

<JPres> civicsi sounds like a real moron

<civicsi> uhhh, no

<civicsi> I am MCSE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<Darn> haha

<pHatBUDDa> haha

<KK> civicsi.. I have access to government computers.. Jason Preston.. I can see your home address

<civicsi> I have experience

<KK> I have experience jerking off but that doesnt mean I am a jerkoff extroidinaire

<spazzer> So Jason, how have things been?

<aNuBiS-> err, ya it does KK

<KK> aNuBiS-.. hmm.. you are right

<civicsi> spaz: do I even know you?

<spazzer> Jason Preston: http://www.digdug.cx/quotes/?2767
#8323 +(164)- [X]<dt--> womb- im a big proponent of enviroment conditioning the youth

<wombrood> dt: 'environment,' for future reference

<djthrush> also, believing that something is true does not make you a


<djthrush> 'proponent' is closer in meaning to 'advocate'

<dt--> im aware of its meaning

<dt--> but thanks webster

<djthrush> i don't think you are! since you used it wrong and all

<dt--> how did i use it wrong?

<djthrush> i just explained it to you

<djthrush> are you some sort of illiterate ♥♥♥?

<djthrush> are you a homeless boozer who just wandered into an internet

  cafe? what?

<djthrush> i mean, really
#9201 +(200)- [X]<[empathy-playing]> irc didnt look feasible to cave men.. we ♥♥♥♥♥♥ showed them didnt we?
#10058 +(371)- [X]<eV`Zenoge> Isn't herpies food?

<eV`Zenoge> like chocolate

<eV`Zenoge> wait a minute

<eV`Zenoge> thats hershes
#10815 +(251)- [X]Topic is 'Your mom has sex with sharks.' *** <Drewtig> oh ♥♥♥♥, that's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up =D * Drewtig 's mom read that, and said: "Yeah, but he was more like a weasel that thought he was a shark."
#22240 +(198)- [X]<TMT> I have my gf keep me warm in the winter. ^_^

<Y|yukichigai> Sigh.... all I have are cats

<prophecy> all I have is a tiger blanket -.-

<TMT> crazy cat person! Run!

<TMT> jk

<prophecy> =p

<prophecy> truth be told, I am a furry. *hides, expecting to be lynched*

<Y|yukichigai> I'm a furry too.  It's just that most people don't find it attractive when you keep getting your velcro watchband caught on your ass
#24940 +(522)- [X]<Greggorian> is it a big book?

<Jakeb> take your hand and make a tight fist

<Jakeb> now move it up till it's a foot in front of your face

<Jakeb> now hit yourself in the face as hard as you can

<Jakeb> that's what if would feel like if i hit you in the face with that book, cause it's pretty big
#27650 +(518)- [X]<Inter> 90 percent of chicks on the internet are ♥♥♥♥ teases.

<`MT> other 10% have ♥♥♥♥♥
#34768 +(229)- [X]<Shadye> reboot: gibb0r us pic of your wife

<reboot> if I ever find one, I'll scan it

<ArtecMice> drug her and scan her face

<reboot> there's an idea, and I could get sex at the same time
#36361 +(253)- [X]<Sulayman> That was pretty slick of you, trapping Kaete, EQ, and Fry into making idiots of themselves.

<Arazan> yeah they think there so smart but smart peoples always falls for traps because they think there smarter

<Sulayman> Guess you're pretty trap-safe then, huh?

<Arazan> what?

<Arazan> ♥♥♥♥ u

*** Quits: Arazan (No route to host)
#37029 +(27)- [X]<Anapaest> raping a brain-eating zombie..

<Anapaest> yummie

<Insp-Kamiz-> ahaha

<Insp-Kamiz-> they have lots of holes in them :D

<Insp-Kamiz-> like.. gangbang from 20different angels

<Insp-Kamiz-> CRAP, bad typo... angles
#38064 +(106)- [X]<pimpybra> Did you just get off on that?

<Valgar_> On Tuna?

<Valgar_> I like it, but not that much
#49242 +(130)- [X]<whirlygig> Oh I know a lot of boys don't know how to aim.

<Deviation> i dont even bother trying anymore

<Deviation> ive converted into a sitter
#49471 +(222)- [X]*** Topic is 'http://yellow5.com/pokey/ | I WILL ASK THIS FOX FOR GUIDANCE'

*** Set by JoeMustDie on Tue Nov 12 18:34:04

*** Sopabuena changes topic to 'http://yellow5.com/pokey/ | I WILL ASK THIS FOX FOR GUIDANCE 4818'


*** Squinky changes topic to 'http://yellow5.com/pokey/ | WISDOM SHALL BE RECEIVED'

<Sopabuena> No keep that number there

*** Sopabuena changes topic to 'http://yellow5.com/pokey/ | WISDOM SHALL BE RECEIVED 4818'

<Squinky> What is the number?

<Sopabuena> part of a phone

<Sopabuena> i put it there or i will forget to call

<Squinky> Hee!

<Squinky> You may be addicted when you use channel topics as reminder notes
#50412 +(9)- [X]<LB|homework> holy ♥♥♥♥, this log in my ass is no longer just a pieceful log floating in assjuices, its somehow become a battaring ram of "holy ♥♥♥♥ i got to go"
#51627 +(177)- [X]<DracoDanMP> i spent all day reading on www.bash.org

<@MalHavoc> and that is why you fail.

<DracoDanMP> then i realized that only a true geek would even get 99% of the jokes, much less think they were funny

<@MalHavoc> I bet you laughed your ass off all ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ day :P
#52083 +(100)- [X]*** Joins: Currawon1 (~currawong@GizNet-43538.b.006.syd.iprimus.net.au)

*** Quits: Currawong (~currawong@210.50.98.GizNet-34072) (Client exited)

<KGL-900> Currawong, if you ever want to kill your ghost, the command is: /msg giznick ghost KGL-900 steamshovel
#56840 +(254)- [X]( dvas"
1 bình luận
C0NNECTER 9 Thg08, 2018 @ 11:23pm 