escaping fiercely / cruelly, unseen wide feathers / beckon, listless geese
"#197 +(821)- [X]*** topic in #ramen is 'When your cablemodems combine, I am, Captain Pirate! :'
#1038 +(832)- [X]<[Duo]> man, you guys are so not 7334
#1044 +(483)- [X]<digdug> i think i've come up with a solution to my problem

<digdug> i'll just put each [previously misconfigured NT] box into its own domain

<digdug> mwuahahahah

<h2odragon> digdug: you are in Hell; all you can do is push the rock up a different wall for a while

<h2odragon> it's still going to roll back down
#1169 +(498)- [X](konartist) How do you know when you're REALLY ugly?

(konartist) Dogs hump your leg with their eyes closed.
#2168 +(97)- [X]<Miko> hey i don't remember them dropping food on NYC when they crashed into the WTC
#3302 +(190)- [X]<nitrifik_> I ROFL:ed :|

<nitrifik_> I need to get off IRC.
#3646 +(358)- [X]<WhitePony> I want to upgrade my t3 connection to a cable modem, where do i download the patch?
#3976 +(221)- [X]<therioman> at this rate i'll end up working for some company, being married and having 4 kids

<therioman> which i will ensure doesn't happen

<therioman> i shall barricade myself with 45U racks
#6679 +(235)- [X]<coulson> Check this quote :) "<n|ghtOUT> my gf can smoke cigarettes with her ♥♥♥♥♥"

<BiOHaZd> She must taste like an ashtray
#7494 +(148)- [X]<Chrizto> I had too much of this hot sauce last night called "scorned woman"
#7886 +(100)- [X]<Grimace> I went to a goon party after drinking a bottle o vodka.

<Grimace> I think I had goon and powerade ... ultra blue puke.

<FiremanSam> fluro pukes own

<FiremanSam> i did a bright green one after a cocktails

<Veggie> i did a red spew once.. but that as cocktail related and not blood so I'm happy

<zer0> I once had a mate drink piss from a gatorade bottle (By accident) and spew it back up.....thats like piss and spew in one!!!

<Grimace> wtf............
#8255 +(319)- [X]<shagman> k, keep words like ♥♥♥♥ and ♥♥♥♥ out of here

* Runnigan ♥♥♥♥♥ shagman with his ♥♥♥♥

<Leb> though i have a sneaking suspicion that it involves an immense iron penis
#11885 +(184)- [X]@@ SignOff Jericon: (Installing Hotline 1.8 Be back later)

<xmatt> that requires signing off IRC?

<HHunter> Heh.. if it does, I'm not installing it.
#13541 +(356)- [X]<MartinBr> LOOK AT MY IDLE!!!

<MartinBr> Uh.... d'oh!
#14019 +(259)- [X]<ion-> at least she has correctly proportioned genetalia

<ion-> within two standard deviations from the mean
#20235 +(463)- [X]<jimmie> while i was gone

<jimmie> my tivo recored lots of movies with cher in them

<jimmie> i'm not sure what to think
#21877 +(1308)- [X]<demografik> ♥♥♥♥! i attempted to make cinnamon toast but i failed. lets just say i have an overabundance of chicken seasoning toast.
#22605 +(192)- [X]<mig|sluice> trillian, like a capitalist social-democracy, will suit me until I see something better to take its place.
#32547 +(374)- [X]<OS|flu> aww poor canadian soldiers

<iZac> canadian soldiers? is it oxymoron night?

<enntee> you're here, so it's just moron night.
#33736 +(103)- [X]<@PookHappy> Clinique invisible skin remover

<@PookHappy> for when you really want to show off your cranium!
#34679 +(227)- [X]<eViL_fOoTwEaR> Now. Do you know what nickserv is?

<slsc83jvc03> nickserv is somthing that is mean to people for no reason
#41713 +(152)- [X]<Mr_Rabies> Spyware is Jewish

<'Wraith> I take offense to that

<Mr_Rabies> well spyware doesnt eat beef

<SKnight> technically, spyware doesnt believe in Jesus either :
#42711 +(242)- [X]<Lynyc> that's so last month

<Nine> last month? they made it on the 23rd

#45817 +(25)- [X]* maduin hates it when photoshop has an orgasm
#47176 +(484)- [X]<djdan> You are a really weird d00d.

<djdan> hm.

<djdan> d00d upside-down is p00p.
#47283 +(206)- [X][coderage] assemblers think c is a ♥♥♥♥♥ language because you use more then half the keyboard
#47610 +(265)- [X]<Shinji>  Like a couple playing catch with an aborted fetus, atleast I caught my mistake.
#53061 +(204)- [X]<Rory> I once saw on an import Gundam toy "Dont break steamy translucent fabric or new one will come"

<Rory> wait that was a pack of Japanese condoms
#55365 +(410)- [X]<daenonok> not unless you wanna get rodney king'd

<daenonok> nerd style

<R4g3^o^M4g3> I've seen it before.

<R4g3^o^M4g3> Plastic keyboard wrist-rests and optical ain't pretty.

<R4g3^o^M4g3> According to the police report "Six geeks who wish to remain unnamed mauled a defenseless jock in a birrage of girly punches and kicks, while repeating a (believed to be satanic) chant; '0wn3d d00d!"
#56522 +(253)- [X]<HoaX|ZzZz> lol my mom is wrapping xmas presents listening to hard trance

<HoaX|ZzZz> i was like "mom wtf are you doing"

<checkered> hahaha too funny

<HoaX|ZzZz> she's like "it helps me zone out so i dont actually realize im wrapping presents, its like a drug"

<Scire> "hey mom, it's actually better ON drugs... want some?"
#59500 +(187)- [X](MS^Zealot): i do not have your fetish with dead people marmite

(bovril): its not a fetish, i just like to ♥♥♥♥ them
#62882 +(933)- [X]<+Ivy[OmNi]> so.. you come here often? Lemme buy you a drink

<@Warlock[OmNi]> im a minor

<+Ivy[OmNi]> it's all good, I am a pedophile... I have candy
#76935 +(950)- [X]<DavidRei> Life is like an analogy.
#77198 +(308)- [X]<Cody> where'd you two meet again?

<Derian> a mud.

<Cody> ahh

<Derian> Yah. I'm just glad he wasn't an axe murderer.

<Cody> heh, yeah

<Derian> but he swears he's never murdered a single axe so.....

<Cody> well that's good to know

<Derian> If you're an axe.
#81320 +(368)- [X]MultiColoredWiz: My grammar's usually pretty good, but I still don't get laid or lain.

MultiColoredWiz: err..

Gizmog1: Heheh.
#118967 +(453)- [X](@Ti-chan) Bukkake is when a Mommy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy all decide that Mommy needs some special facial moisturiser
#120260 +(863)- [X]<baka-san> a byte to eat? *groan*

<baka-san> I ate at a suhsi place once that called their pieces bits,

   you could order a 4-bit nibble, and 8-bit byte, a 16-bit halfword, or a

   32-bit word.

<baka-san> Some of their large combo platters were named after structs.

<baka-san> The TCP header that we ordered was very tasty.

<billf> "you know you're in silicon valley when...."
#162023 +(236)- [X]<McFarlan> Those bastards did somthing terrible today

<McFarlan> They put a big picture of Goatse in the lunchroom trash can at breakfast this morning

<McFarlan> People would come to dump thier trays...and stop and look down in the trash

<McFarlan> It was really funny, but wrong at the same time :/

<Flex-Work> i would have thrown up

<Flex-Work> :P

<McFarlan> I thought a couple were

<McFarlan> Then the principal walks over

<McFarlan> Grabs the trashcan, and walks out of the cafeteria

<Moonsaber> Do you think they linked it to you? :-)

<McFarlan> I'm hoping not
#218850 +(204)- [X]<fiz> I'm touching my hard drive right now

<fiz> adjusting the pins

<Khazwerk> mmm

<fiz> spinning up my disk

<fiz> s

<Khazwerk> what jumper position is it set at?  tell me *slowly*


<fiz> READR

<fiz> READ

<fiz> READ

<fiz> WRITE

<fiz> whew

<FengWork> that was quick.

<fiz> yeah, my seek time rocks

<fiz> spins down
#227780 +(333)- [X]<Saltank> I swear, John Kerry looks just like a 70 year old Max Payne.
#269099 +(1405)- [X]<p2p> I was reading some thing this morning about a new condom with a built-in vibra"