The bare winter trees / Pointing all directions, but / Confused, frightened...lost
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"#1341 +(303)- [X]<SPD-DMN> i wanna get a 6.5L turbo-diesel and like.. put it into a honda accord

<SPD-DMN> or is that.. put a honda accord into a 6.5L turbo-diesel?
#3332 +(31)- [X]<spazzer> i've found out that the longer the muffler body is, the quieter the exhaust is

<spicrx7> duh spazz

<spicrx7> that's like saying...

<spicrx7> i've found out that the fatter the girl is, the more she sweats"

<TheDrip> the bigger my ♥♥♥♥ is, the more ♥♥♥♥ will scream when I stick it up the ass

<TheDrip> up his ass rather
#5731 +(57)- [X]<dan-zzzz> got some drab races to go to

<Lord-Data> heh. that when it rains?
#5872 +(675)- [X]<Kuiburetsu> I feel betrayed

<Kuiburetsu> denied

<Kuiburetsu> and... and...

<Kuiburetsu> erm...

<Kuiburetsu> about to be kicked for flooding

*** Kuiburetsu was kicked by Quiby (flood)
#6685 +(211)- [X]<alex> I have this great method of watching someone through the crook of my arm that I developed when I was in grade school so I could look at pretty girls with my head down on my desk
#7128 +(143)- [X]<Madman> Rodents Of Unusual Size....I don't think they exist

<CrashCat> rodents?

<CrashCat> size?

<Sbot> size is irrelevent. It's a question of methodology.

<Madman> haha

<CrashCat> ...
#7318 +(56)- [X]<dae> "my dixie wrecked" say it slowly now
#7776 +(160)- [X]<u238|duhasst> right now if you put me in a round room and told me to piss in a corner.. my blader would explode
#9130 +(665)- [X]<FairLighT> you know something's wrong when you have dreams about eating pudding and you wake up with a spoon in your ass
#13477 +(325)- [X]<MrMonkey> Erdrick: I speak your language a lot better than I speak yours, ok?
#13927 +(46)- [X]<Meke|Sleep> Lates, thanks.  I'll tell the people of the world that IRCops aren't big bad ogres who like to hurt innocent pieces of cheese with their claws.
#15466 +(151)- [X]<ZenAmako> Because time really flies, and before you know it, 6, 7 months have passed...

<rogueWIRC> zen: paternity suit?
#15659 +(44)- [X]<toonz> mae-west1#sh access-lists 1

<toonz> mae-west1#oh ♥♥♥♥

<toonz>           ^

<toonz> % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
#20290 +(1448)- [X]<partyman> hallo

<partyman> hei

<sara> ?

<partyman> hallo

<sara> what?

<partyman> kæm e du?

<sara> i don't want to talk, i am not norwegian, i have a boyfriend, i don't want to cyber, i'm not someone you know, i have had this nick for 5 years so i didn't steal it, i have a boyfriend, we are happy, i don't want to netsex

<partyman> okei

<partyman> do you want netsex?
#36516 +(225)- [X]< dev> it's getting so is better to read than irc
#39789 +(100)- [X]<faR_away-> my dad dont know how to use a cordless phone

<faR_away-> i hand him the fone saying its for you

<faR_away-> so it presses 'talk' because he thought it was off

<faR_away-> and im like.. why would I give u a phone saying its for you and it being off
#41407 +(92)- [X]<rocksicle> You know you use computers too much when your doing something in real life, make a mistake, and try to press ctrl-z.
#43794 +(11)- [X]<MazeMachino> id ownz us all and we know it

<MazeMachino> well maybe not jud

<MazeMachino> he doesn't know it

<MazeMachino> but he'll find out

<MazeMachino> when Doom3 arrives in the shops

<jud_> yay, pasty fat white zombies for everyone!

<MazeMachino> yeah, w00t

<MazeMachino> pasty fat white zombies? Americans?

<jud_> why spend bazillions on a computer capable of running doom3 when i could just look in the mirror?

<MazeMachino> Doom3, the game where you get to shoot American ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the gut
#49794 +(209)- [X][@Incitatus]:

[@DynamoDan]: mm desert strike

[@DynamoDan]: have you got sudden strike 1?

[+EvilMalk]: germans must be getting really bored with ww2 games now

[@Flamin_Squirrel]: heh

[@DynamoDan]: lol

[+EvilMalk]: oh look hans, we get to be another american killing berliners

[+EvilMalk]: ja das ist gut
#50384 +(192)- [X]<SicChild> I got action with this hot chick I've been going after

<SicChild> so :P

<NeAck> so?

<SicChild> so......I'm happy.

<Teknolyfe> how long did she take to blow up?

<SicChild> lol

<NeAck> hahaha
#50522 +(127)- [X]<Keza> Dear Diary, I think thoes cnuts in #x have been reading yuo again
#51616 +(56)- [X]<CharCoal69> and I made 2 dollars selling cigarettes to children in third world countries. I told them it was food.
#55888 +(361)- [X]<Velario> where the ♥♥♥♥♥ john gone?

<My`Albanian`Ass> outside to piss in a bucket

<Velario> long piss

<My`Albanian`Ass> big bucket
#58080 +(245)- [X]<jalist> im giving lin what i always give her

<jalist> my knob with a ribbon round it

<jalist> maybe one day she'll actually want it

<kuhndog> kind of a small gift dont ya think jalist?
#65112 +(225)- [X]<Turd_Ferguson> static he is also a digital gangster

<static> digital gangster?

<static> wtf does that mean?

<static> he haf a digital crew of thugs?

<static> a ♥♥♥♥ load of 1's and 0's?
#74684 +(217)- [X]<SlasherX> #php is all communist based

* @Didgerama drives a tank down the middle of #php

<Ballig> Didgerama: You're a commie, you can't afford a tank

<Ballig> You can ride a bicycle with a dart gun, though
#76334 +(299)- [X]<2215> wouldn't it be gay if someone broke into your house and uninstalled cs
#76402 +(370)- [X]<Darric> Dammit. Nothings working.

<Darric> Maybe my connection died.

<Darric> Or maybe.... the LAN server died.

<Darric> Or... THE WORLD'S OVER.

<Head> that sycks

<Head> sucks even

<Darric> Oh. You're still here.

<Darric> False alarm, everyone.
#76898 +(701)- [X]< ihatestan > well obviously there is nothing to do so i'm going to see if sperm is flamable
#81382 +(1261)- [X]Rimbaud: oh my god

Rimbaud: do you have half a minute?

tlaryko: yes. what?

Rimbaud: I just opened a package for the office

Rimbaud: addressed to ________(1)

Rimbaud: I thought it was toner

Rimbaud: :/


tlaryko: ?!?!?!?!?!?! :-))

Rimbaud: He's not here, thank god

Rimbaud: We're all pissing ourselves laughing

Rimbaud: I taped it back up

tlaryko: poor puggy!

Rimbaud: Seriously grim front cover too

Rimbaud: I'm disturbed

tlaryko: can i tell my sister? this is too funny

Rimbaud: sure

tlaryko: oh I had a mighty good chuckle.

Rimbaud: _______(2) was barely surprised

Rimbaud: Although she's still laughing hysterically

Rimbaud: Apparently my reaction was funny

tlaryko: what was your reaction?

Rimbaud: Before I had finished opening it, I made some comment about it probably being gay porn for _________(1)

Rimbaud: Then it was

Rimbaud: And I sort of screamed in fright

tlaryko: hehehehehehehehe
#84401 +(283)- [X]<CaMR0N> why does everyone call me cumron?

<drunkers> probably and honest mistake

<CaMR0N> but everyone?

<drunkers> did you tell them you were gay?

<CaMR0N> yes cause im honest with everyone

<drunkers> maybe its not an honest mistake then
#98389 +(234)- [X]<ex-machina> lol there's a guy in hellraiser 3 who kills people by chucking CDs at them. Presumably they're Win XP install discs...
#100158 +(-22)- [X]<alexandhisteninchlink> you're not witty

<alexandhisteninchlink> and you have no life.

<alexandhisteninchlink> Hack me.

<Cowface> Uh. I did not hack anybody or anything.

<alexandhisteninchlink> I'll sue you for all that you're worth.

<alexandhisteninchlink> Being that you're worth nothing,

<alexandhisteninchlink> I'll sue you for all that you'll ever be worth.

<alexandhisteninchlink> DO NOT challenge me.

<alexandhisteninchlink> I'm not as ea"
2 Yorum
UncleDeathJKB 7 Ağu 2022 @ 13:30 
C0NNECTER 12 Ağu 2018 @ 21:31 