US election / Obama clearly better / Romney? Cranky twit
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"#372 +(864)- [X]<Eph> ahhhhhh tits , that`s thing I didn`t see for long now ...ahhhhhh

<honx> eph: how can you be on the internet and not see tits for a long time?
#1332 +(450)- [X]<D1> today, I started the supermodel diet.

<maff> that must be a step up from the all sperm diet you were on
#1387 +(813)- [X]<Squizzle> BIONIC PENIS BEAMS.

<JDigital> Or 'sperm', as they're more commonly known.
#3040 +(229)- [X]quits SuB-RiC ( (I am short" is Womanese for, "I am fat)
#4397 +(274)- [X]<Sassy> if the GC ends up sucking, i will start calling it the LameCube and reap the benefits of my witticisms
#4455 +(359)- [X]<Nephil> I was given detention because I said "evaginate" during a debate

<Nephil> :/
#8056 +(139)- [X]<evilbob> then you must not be gay!

<evilbob> because if you were, you'd be all over my ass like butter over hot rolls.

<McGrue> Is your ass *that* hot?

<evilbob> no, but it has its own atmosphere.
#8578 +(192)- [X]<cheesecake> differential equations sedate me.

<kg> strange... i usually get turned on by differential equations..
#8757 +(548)- [X]<Kurt> Good day prospective employer, I am both smarter than a hatful of periwinkles and prettier than two bags of smashed ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.  Fail to employ me at your own risk.
#10994 +(587)- [X]<Hiryuu> When you pull the pin from Mr. Grenade, he is no longer your friend.
#11067 +(32)- [X]<CrazyLich> GET IN MAH PANTS

<_Mantis_> ok

<_Mantis_> but get out of my parking spot

<_Mantis_> I dont care if its "your corner"
#15839 +(337)- [X]<Actaeon> Stupid three-dimensional universe.

<Violetnite> Better than a two dimensional universe.

<Actaeon> Well, depends on the dimensions.

<Actaeon> And really, it is a good/bad thing.

<Violetnite> What is the good and bad.

<Violetnite> Just curious.

<Actaeon> The three-dimensionality makes it so that I am seperated from people I meet on here by actualy traversable space. On the other hand, three dimensions are necessary for tits. So, guess I just have to deal.
#17345 +(97)- [X]<Mal> dom: hey, when are you gonna put the MMM pics up? or did you not recieve any yet? :]

<kinzillah> Mal: why do you want pictures of men in boxers?

<Mal> kinzillah: because I was one of them :]
#20739 +(258)- [X]** ragum sets mode: +b *!*@Baseball.conversation

<mrclean> guerrero is the best hitter in baseball

<ragum> excuse me

<ragum> didn't I just ban baseball talk?

<ragum> I could've sworn I did

*** HighChief sets mode: +b *!*@fat.ass.chicks

<HighChief> Didn't I just ban all american females?

<HighChief> I could have sworn i did

<Atlantic`> ROFL
#21809 +(217)- [X]<Abit667> I am gonna try to get goldfish

<Abit667> without getting busted

<Bryan> k

<Abit667> back

<Abit667> only satan would put the huge goldfish box behind a bag of chips
#26736 +(321)- [X]<Jsangspar> PEEKAY! >:O I DEMAND USE OF hi

<Jsangspar> :\

<PK-Fortis> what?

<Jsangspar> violent mood-swings mid-sentence

<Jsangspar> I think I have PMS.
#29317 +(507)- [X]<Logik-> ymir wants to hire a personal assassin to kill me

<Logik-> <---- has land mines in his yard

<tra__> what happens when the grass cutter comes to clip the lawn?

<Logik-> tra__, they're not allowed to mow certain spots :P

<tra__> so the hitman just treads through the mowed spots, since its easier to walk there anyway?
#33636 +(19)- [X]<Doys`> cats r mean

<Doys`> they can take ur leg off

<^badboy^> lol

<Doys`> i got attacked by one the other day

<Face> u must know some big cats (or u have small legs)
#37248 +(99)- [X]<deathwarrior> time out baron

*** SignOff Baron: #doomino (Ping timeout for Baron[])
#37362 +(151)- [X]<Luna`> lol okay never mind I did head

<Jamie_M> Luna heads all the time.

<Luna`> DAMMIT

<Luna`> HEAR
#37964 +(42)- [X]<@SD_Liddo-chan> the liddo knew a friend who broke his arm while we were playing chess

<@SD_Liddo-chan> -_-
#42359 +(117)- [X]<Weirdo_God_of_Insanity> I like my terror-inducing weapons of mass destruction to have practical combat uses as well.
#47108 +(686)- [X]Jahidi:   like 10 minutes ago i was walking down the hall and it sounded like

          that ugly freak of nature with the unibrow that lives next door was

          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ some other dude...freaked me out

bbyhewie: really?

Jahidi:   yeah...but it must have been something else...couldn't have been that

bbyhewie: how do you know, maybe he just happened to meet the most pathetic

          inbred dumbass ♥♥♥♥-starved crackhead loser of all time and they're

          gonna live happily ever after.

Jahidi:   Nah, you wern't idle
#47941 +(581)- [X]<pagan> have you ever sneezed while taking a ♥♥♥♥?

<pagan> explosive reaction, to say the least

<goatgirl> you even been inside a woman when she sneezes?

<goatgirl> major vagina clench

<Juxta> yay for vagina clentch

<goatgirl> i usually sneeze 5 times in a row

<goatgirl> just think, 5 vaginal clenches is quick succession

<pagan> im gonna throw ground peper in my wifes face tonight when im ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ her :D

<goatgirl> hahahah
#49300 +(158)- [X]<NikJam> gonna take a shower

<NikJam> cause i smell, i feel dirty, and worse of all

<NikJam> I have school tommorow

<NikJam> and I can't look bad in front of the girl at the counter

<Lime> you like her, dont you

<NikJam> well

<NikJam> there's noone else to like, i go to community college

<NikJam> i take what i can get
#52034 +(14)- [X]<toddzilla> wtf, why does paypal take so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ long to clear things now

<toddzilla> paid for on the 2nd, expected clear date on the 6th.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<#1 Webbie> Because EBay bought them out
#60134 +(7)- [X]<@Vexer`> we went out last night to mcdonalds then to a movie with some muslims :P.. i was lookin' for you to see if oyu wanted to come

<@elf> haha

<@elf> like i would want to go to a movie with muslims

<@elf> you guys played rock-scissors-paper to see who got to drive the explosive-loaded car into the theatre, didnt you
#76838 +(187)- [X]<dorkmo> Hey what do you do when a cop asks you too walk on the line?

<Technofrek> uh,.... ask which one?
#80824 +(75)- [X]<gaurav> ahh i feel sexeh

<airliner> irc is the only place you can feel sexy gaurav
#81878 +(14)- [X]<Pyros> a little girl sees her mum standing in the shower, she points at her boobies and asks "what's that mum" to which her mum replied "these are breasts", then the girl asks "when will i get those", to which her mum replied "when you're older. Later she sees her dad in the shower, she points to his penis and asks "what's that daddy?" to which he replies "it's a penis". She asks "when will i get one of those", the reply is "when your mother leaves for work".
#81921 +(1077)- [X]<Mak> Aimee, well that's your opinion, and I have my opinion about you. I don't bring my opinion up, so I'd love it if in return you'd do the same, if only for common courtesy :)

<Aimee> I'd love to hear your opinion about me hon.

<Aimee> Perhaps you could write a book?

<Aimee> and name it "Things Aimee doesn't care about, by Makat"

<Mak> Chapter 1: Other people
#82050 +(201)- [X]<Shaun> Dammit help me with my maths homework!  Can x²+x be simplified any further?

<Mike> Nope

<Shaun> Yeah well your mammas fat ugly and looks like a man!

<Mike> That can be simplified however

<Mike> Just say your mamma is a double for Pavaorati
#82645 +(241)- [X]<veruca_girl> wtf?

<veruca_girl> you people make less sense than a david lynch film
#91968 +(649)- [X]<cae> i wonder what sales calls will be like with video phones

<DarthBong> at least the"
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🏝️Jon(athan)🌅 2022년 2월 26일 오전 1시 40분 