bye bad manager / glad to see you on the plane / fly away quickly
"#523 +(580)- [X]jaylane0910: oh gross

e l i t e  m r p: ?

jaylane0910: my cmoputer science teacher corrupted the word g-string for me

e l i t e  m r p: heh

jaylane0910: she said she was writing her own string lib

jaylane0910: her name is Gioviana or something

jaylane0910: and she caled it GString

jaylane0910: and shes ugly

jaylane0910: and damn
#2051 +(265)- [X]<Julia_M> Arthur C. Clarke:

<Julia_M> "There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum."

<Julia_M> you

<Jeff_R> ya

<Julia_M> there can be no nations that can conquer space! aww yea it's great

<Jeff_R> I don't believe the whole vacuum thing...I mean...that would be one big ass Dirt Devil dirt bag to hold all that stuff in space
#2485 +(62)- [X]<Luco13> If we lose Napster...I will lose my mp3's??"
#3068 +(42)- [X]<Jizzy> geekissues<---how sad?
#6781 +(494)- [X]<^o-o^> somebody told me once never to use the words "I", "myself" or "me" in a resume

<^o-o^> anybody here follow this rule ?

<DeLorean> No.

<DeLorean> It sounds wishy-washy.

<cafuego> I myself have never applied that rule to me.
#6987 +(175)- [X]<@vampyr> clearly Trent Reznor is a debian user
#7524 +(330)- [X]<yunicus> sometimes i can't deal with you people in text format
#7525 +(241)- [X]<sothis> theres nothing quite like the feeling of a 60 year old woman shoving her cold, gloved, ky-jellied-up fingers up your vagina trying to touch your cervix
#7778 +(241)- [X]<eastwood> get wasted ..come back and get some

<Booger> mmm, some
#8668 +(8)- [X]<cryterion> hooker ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is an art.

<cryterion> you have to be able to do it with one arm up

<cryterion> and shave her pubes

<cryterion> while doing your business through shaving cream.
#8717 +(132)- [X]<tobester> woah FIRE

<tobester> bbiab
#11101 +(384)- [X](+AeroBob): Ooh! New saying. "A Werthers Original is like anal sex..."

(@Pixie|3554Y): They're both given by grandad? :O

(+AeroBob): And, of course, both are best served hard.
#11615 +(407)- [X]::: Join: (Lehmann-work) (

<Hydrac7> Cause I love gay ♥♥♥♥.

<Lehmann-work> That's about what I expect the first line to be when I enter #gr
#13745 +(190)- [X]<Bone Man> anyone know how to setup a streming thingie for a webcam

<RonWeasley> get webcam32 and go crazy

<InsomniFox> bone- have you got a bible handy?

<Mort-Hog> Yes. The Bible tells you how to set up your webcam.
#14475 +(161)- [X][Nothingface] ♥♥♥♥, I can't type

[@PMV] its easy

[@PMV] step 1: bang head on keyboard

[@PMV] step 2: repeat
#14591 +(117)- [X]<@odoyle> guess how much the whole divorce costed me?

<+xenu> 100,000$

<@odoyle> not a penny

<@odoyle> the nice lawyer lady next door did it for free

<@[KdAwG]> odoyle: boom boom?

<@odoyle> nah

<@[KdAwG]> pft

<@[KdAwG]> you know you hit that ;)
#15716 +(119)- [X]* dpk looks through older messages from

<dpk> From: TinkerARSMail <>

<dpk> Subject: Help Desk Ticket Open Notice

<dpk> Ticket Number TER000000000033, has been "Opened" for problem: OPERATOR

<dpk> ERROR..USER IS MORON...///ABC by the Help Desk.

<dpk> yeah, i checked the headers.. definitely from
#15792 +(111)- [X]<Dante> Removing the HD isn't a good idea. No guarantee I can put it back in...And no she has no idea where my pr0n is (Stashed at my grandmother's next door)
#16196 +(428)- [X]<Alipha> ..can you fax me some paper for my printer?
#31271 +(455)- [X]<jstepka-w> she has ♥♥♥♥♥ written all over her face

<_Bunny> jstepka-w: Put down the marker...
#36225 +(1691)- [X]<Ariela> I want a man that is like a purse: looks good on your arm, carries your things, and hopefully matches your shoes.

<Nap> I want a woman who's like a good pair of shoes: looks good, provides support, and doesn't recite stupid analogies.
#37059 +(41)- [X]<loke> damn it youre right

<uXs> off course i am

<loke> no you're belgian
#40508 +(1957)- [X]* rabid_si is going AFK.

* rabid_si is now known as rabid_si[AFK]

<DopeHat> Rabid is going to anally fist Kao.

<rabid_si[AFK]> Rabid_Si isn't here right now DopeHat.

* because_he_is_busy_wanking has joined #infinity

<because_he_is_busy_wanking> Rabid

<rabid_si[AFK]> Rabid_Si isn't here right now because_he_is_busy_wanking.
#41289 +(94)- [X]* Ethiopian is now away: away eating

* Ethiopian is now known as Ethiopian_eating
#45837 +(578)- [X]<ruumis> FBI says upcoming terror attack will be "Spectacular!"...Donald Rumsfeld is calling it a "Must See", and Tom Ridge says, "If you heed just one Terror Warning this year...heed this one !"
#48965 +(193)- [X]rageatm005: procrastination patrol™ would beat me with flaming torches and throw me into a volcano right now

Dr SpaZZo: Except theyre too lazy
#50142 +(346)- [X]<ian> my mom is bigger than your mom

<ian> wait

<ian> no

<ian> other way around
#56782 +(487)- [X]<Hat> I'm the king of giving girls oral sex.  Ask my girlfriends.

<Jeokitty> You're so good at all that, Mark, how good is she?

<Hat> She ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks ♥♥♥♥.

<Hat> Err

<Hat> I meant that in a bad way.  Like, she sucks ♥♥♥♥...  poorly.
#58730 +(248)- [X]RetardedCrow:

Chloe Margarita: You find the oddest sites. How do you do that?

RetardedCrow: I looked up ♥♥♥♥.

RetardedCrow: Fights, er, ♥♥♥♥ FIGHTS
#62365 +(334)- [X]<Rabbitoh> hehe 2 years ago I went to Fox Studios in Sydney where they held the annual 'sexpo' and there was a chick demonstrating a way in which to make a caste of ones genitals using a fast drying seaweed based liquid to the groin. she was on stage standing like a bow legged cowboy, slapping the stuff on her axe mark beneath her skirt. mmm classy. she then said it'd be great for guys to carry the replica ♥♥♥♥♥ in their pockets to play with.. yeahh.. ok lol

<punkrockgirl> you know what else is classy? using the phrase "axe mark"
#74966 +(654)- [X]<screamingholt> At that stage  was n6r0a33y -5ng5ng 6f 00y d5a3 6n s60e 06f6s 'scr-[t 0eds and weed

<screamingholt> Damn...Fn key

<redcloud> ROFL.. i thought that was an attempt at 1337 speak :P

<redcloud> i was trying to interpret it :)
#97977 +(807)- [X]<manero> so our friend, she's in the part of med school where  you do all the genital exams and ♥♥♥♥

<manero> and prostrate exams, etc

<manero> and a couple weeks ago, they had to do it on a real person for the first time. and so she was very nervous

<manero> so she's doing the exam, she does the front and everything is ok

<manero> and she does the back door and she gets through it all

<manero> but at the very end, as she finishes

<manero> she didn't know how to tell the dude she was done, so she slapped him on the ass

<manero> i had tears running down my face for 10 minutes after she told the story

<blach> alright ♥♥♥♥♥, im done with your bunghole *smack

<manero> the funny part was the dude was like 60, too
#106454 +(149)- [X]<DarkMatter> THE FIRST COMMANDMENT



<DarkMatter> STAY OUT OF MY F****** BEER.
#118047 +(189)- [X]<Mephistol> irn and I have a proposal for you

<Invizigo> really?

<Mephistol> yes

<Invizigo> tell me

<Mephistol> its along the lines of 'wnt 2 cibur'
#118055 +(382)- [X]<s_> my brother put signs up where the bathrooms are

<s_> because i pissed in the hallway last night
#147512 +(326)- [X]<Wario> can't sleep.  clowns will eat me

<Kyle> Instead of sleeping..

<Kyle> Scan your boobies. :D

<Trunks> Yeah.

<Trunks> That works.
