some new sound shivers / vibration beauty beats / the time across the wind
Μη αγαπημένο
"#1235 +(384)- [X]<MadHatter> omg how do I turn mirc timers off

~~~ (signoff) MadHatter ;Excess Flood
#1325 +(827)- [X]<immi> a penny for your thoughts

<dr\gonzo> a nickle for anal with your mom
#3315 +(1016)- [X]<FallLine> heh wtf

<FallLine> some people are stupid

<FallLine> i asked this guy to send me a log file from my software...

<FallLine> either cut and paste the last 100 or so lines into the email or attach the entire log

<FallLine> so he prints the entire thing out

<FallLine> scans it in

<FallLine> and then attaches the images INSIDE a word document

<FallLine> and only the first 100 lines

<FallLine> hehe
#3710 +(128)- [X]<Epesh> I wish I was in control of all hiring

<Epesh> for everywhere

<Epesh> McD's would have no labour shortage
#3728 +(269)- [X]<Slant> I lost $50 to sexual laws in Washington.

<Corranfox> if I have to pay $50 to ♥♥♥♥ my girlfriend so be it
#5527 +(262)- [X]<slide-> hah, of course their site has popup ads

<eevar> get opera.. - never seen a popup i don't want

<slide-> iv never seen a popup i do want
#6357 +(206)- [X]<UrMomsUnt>   U cant ban me .. I'm telnet irc

<paisley> Alrighty.
#6567 +(-172)- [X](ubergash): i swear to jebus if one more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ uses the word jew or kyke or the, I'll shank you all
#6615 +(400)- [X]<@amfeorgmloow> jon do chicks dig the C

<@Jon> amfeorgmloow: they scream preprocessor directives when I take em from behind
#7283 +(366)- [X]( TheFlyingP) i've got a pronoucement : school is bad for your health

( noip-work ) thats an ANnouncement, f00l :)

( Fuzzy     ) you need to pay more attention at school
#7709 +(544)- [X]<Logomancr> although I don't know how reliable plasma screens are

<Logomancr> I wonder if I punched a whole in it when running if "plasma" would leak out, in a very star trek moment

<Logomancr> ;P

<Logomancr> "hello fire department, I have a plasma leak in my reactor coils"

<lev|> "on screen"

<Logomancr> "no no, I'm talking about my TV"

<renholde_> maybe if we modify the deflector dish

<Logomancr> that would be so l33t
#8928 +(242)- [X]<grey`> how much do cheek clenches help ass shape?

<grey`> i need to firm up my ass

<grey`> like i'm always clenching to tunes in winamp, i'd like to think its effective
#13439 +(134)- [X](alan_the_gerbil) damn, ebay don't have a penis section
#13724 +(0)- [X]<djmax> temptress, But then I started seeing that the left was more interested in handing out fish to the poor, than teaching them how to catch fish themselves.

<Temptress> djmax: You are moron #1
#14741 +(292)- [X]<[KoF]Pyramus> you wound me, sir

<EdgeCrusher> sorry

<EdgeCrusher> ill hit harder
#16594 +(220)- [X]Ps3000: what are you doing tomorrow at 3:45?

SocialistNinja: waking up
#16601 +(432)- [X]<Weirdo> Sooty just brought a mouse into my room

<Weirdo> brb

*** Weirdo is now known as Weirdo|F00d
#17941 +(215)- [X]<GameFang11> He says, and he pulls out sword from the wall

<GameFang11> he loses 3 HP

<GameFang11> The Thief attacks Christ

<Chris-Hotwire-Ashtear> hehehe

<GameFang11> DAMN! *Chris

<Drakkor> man

<Drakkor> you are going to hell
#17961 +(124)- [X]<BiMP> i got a complete computer part list to buy

<BiMP> oh what fun

<Einsteini> what will be even better is recieving all the parts, just like xmas :D

<BiMP> yeah

<BiMP> and they better not be in peices

<BiMP> *glares at santa*
#20290 +(1448)- [X]<partyman> hallo

<partyman> hei

<sara> ?

<partyman> hallo

<sara> what?

<partyman> kæm e du?

<sara> i don't want to talk, i am not norwegian, i have a boyfriend, i don't want to cyber, i'm not someone you know, i have had this nick for 5 years so i didn't steal it, i have a boyfriend, we are happy, i don't want to netsex

<partyman> okei

<partyman> do you want netsex?
#21140 +(-86)- [X]<ChrisF-> how all my little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doing?

<ChrisF-> we celebrating black histry munf in dis mofo?
#33929 +(201)- [X]<phantom> damn.

<phantom> All these people and no discussion going on?

<drwiii> oh, we're talking, it's just encoded with rot-infinity.

<drwiii> once the encoder hits infinity all the traffic will come spilling through.

<phantom> uh.., either you're bullshitting me, or I've just lost all interest. Maybe both.
#37729 +(1045)- [X]<@NeoPhoenixTE> I see mispelling and faggotry go hand in hnad

<@NeoPhoenixTE> er

<@NeoPhoenixTE> hand

<@NeoPhoenixTE> HAND

<@NeoPhoenixTE> .. ♥♥♥♥
#56808 +(146)- [X]<SJr|Tecra> Someone say something to take my mind off the pain.

<wizer> just pleasure your self you will feel better

* wizer brb

<arrow|> probably going to take his own advice
#57916 +(294)- [X]<do0rkn0b> i wanna learn c++ but i am fat

<Tomato> if anything fat helps you learn c++

<Loco-san> cause you cant move from your chair
#59763 +(21)- [X]<Nark> flash2 is the easiest ♥♥♥♥ to learn next to wanking off to Pamela Anderson
#60113 +(785)- [X]<Bleepy> hmm this isn't good... not good atall

<Bleepy> i have an auto responder to my emails, and so does my friend i emailed, and umm it kept boucning, and now i have 17041 emails (16000 of which cannot be displayed)

<Daishi> that waas you!?!
#72506 +(12)- [X]<thenanny> What do you say when you wake up in the middle of the night and see your TV floating across the room?

<thenanny> Drop it ♥♥♥♥♥♥!
#76697 +(-22)- [X]<Etruscan> i guess i have downloaded that much

<Etruscan> maybe more

<Etruscan> in 16 days

<Etruscan> when i downloaded anime :/

<Etruscan> 200mb a night

* Etruscan sighs

<Etruscan> mmm

<Etruscan> i luv kiddy pr0n

<Etruscan> i mean

<Etruscan> anime pr0n

* Etruscan winks
#79890 +(209)- [X]Matreya: I only had one of these coke glasses... *sniff*

Matreya: I have two other ones, but they're not as cool

    gelfie has two coke glasses, though technically they're my brothers

spoob: your brothers are coke glasses?
#88661 +(1167)- [X]<jamz> hmm

<jamz> I have a bottle of waterless hand cleaner

<jamz> for car work and grease and stuff.

<jamz> It's almost empty.

<jamz> So, in order to stretch it out, I added some water to it.

<jamz> In retrospect, not the smartest thing to do.

<dan0_> this had better end with an explosion of some kind

<jamz> and there was a huge explosion that could be seen from space.
#98079 +(1229)- [X]<@Splodge`> I think there might be some incest in my family because my dad's ♥♥♥♥ tastes exactly like my sister's snatch.
#114600 +(-27)- [X] Mix-Master-Movies:  MY GROUP NAME IS

 Mix-Master-Movies:  REAL MOVIES ON KAZAA

 amanda:  the link

 Mix-Master-Movies:  ITS ON MSN


 amanda:  no

 Mix-Master-Movies:  WHY

 amanda:  i dont usa kazaaa

 amanda:  and u wont give me the link.

Mix-Master-Movies:  WHAT LINK

 Mix-Master-Movies:  I DONT HAVE A WEBSITE

 Mix-Master-Movies:  ITS IN THE MSN GROUPS
#126807 +(742)- [X]Mondo: bukkake is a Japanese dish

Mondo: and not that kind of dish

Mondo: A dish of Japanese food. A soupy broth of Udon noodles with some kind of broth (miso?)*, usually served in a bowl.

Mondo: wonder what'd happen.. if you ordered bukkake in a ♥♥♥ resturant..

Mondo: "Mmm.. I could really go for some bukkake"

Mondo: would they bring you a dish of food, or bring 20 guys out to jerk all over you

Kadmium: I tricked a friend into trying to order "neko don" (lit: cat with rice) at a Japanese restaurant

Kadmium: He got a *FILTHY* look

Mondo: LOL

Kadmium: You know, that "You build railroad!" sort of look

Mondo: roflmao
#147020 +(117)- [X]<Pico> I might have to reinstall Win...I mean, GAYdows

<Killfrenzy> *snrk*
