scary frightening / Lightning thunder fun fun fun / dark clouds darkening
"#311 +(674)- [X]<Raider^> Hey there, i got this new version of mirc, i should be in invisible mode, if anyone can see my sentance please reply.
#1331 +(528)- [X]<felix> that raid card is gonna saturate that machine

<felix> that's like giving a chihuahua a fire hydrant enema.
#1963 +(2552)- [X]::: .enter@6.53p> _YOU (harpeet@


::: .signoff@6.53p> _YOU (harpeet@; ...

::: .signoff@6.53p> BlueBold (; Leaving

::: .signoff@6.53p> ic3d (; Leaving

::: .signoff@6.53p> CoolJeff4 (; Leaving
#2906 +(255)- [X]<EFX> take a banana .. cut off the top .. squeeze the banana out gently keeping the peel intact.. get a empty toilet paper roll .. put the peel inside of it .. warm it up in the microwave .. and then stick your ♥♥♥♥ in it
#3027 +(506)- [X]<@MF_Nazi> I bet Rob wants to date a girl named Rob so he can scream his own name during sex
#4901 +(318)- [X]<intuit> hmm maybe sumtime next week i will go outside
#7327 +(382)- [X]<ILLSKILLZ00> what would having a computer in my pool acomplish?

<sKratch zEro> potential death to people swimming in it
#12271 +(181)- [X]<Colrblind> Dev: it could be worse.. you could have a mullet and actually think its cool
#12944 +(238)- [X]<assmongrel> my ♥♥♥♥ is covered in zits

<xar0> ew...

<assmongrel> no it's a good thing

<assmongrel> i'm ribbed for her pleasure
#14265 +(535)- [X]BeHeMoTh101 : i'm waiting for the right girl..... the kind that will have sex with me
#16293 +(701)- [X]<Calrathan> omg, the despair is making me use gotos!

<Calrathan> goto cliff

<Calrathan> :cliff

<Calrathan> jmp 0xFFFFFFFF
#17347 +(285)- [X]<kinzillah> I'm going to build a random number generator that works, it will be a small mechanical device that shakes dice and then reads what number came up, then we will have real random number in computers, none of this seeding with the timer ♥♥♥♥.
#30550 +(174)- [X]<Rilan> anyone here a hacker or anything of the sort>>

<Kirika> Does using UNIX as a home OS qualify me?

* Rilan needs someone who knows how to get things.. that are hard to get.

<Kirika> Care to announce what?

<Rilan> Hmm thinks like full length tv shows.. like.. space ghost coast to coast, ren and stimp, things like that.. movies.. i tried mIRC but no luck.
#31573 +(91)- [X]<Neural> I learned who I was while sitting in county lockup for soliciting underage girl runaways into taking nude photos for their hollywood actress portfolio.

<Neural> you'd be surprise how many show up at the L.A. bus terminal everyday.

<Neural> at first I was there for the 2600 meets....then it was for the teeny runaways.
#37437 +(234)- [X]<XZergonaleashIX> shut, up, now i'm hungy]ry

<XZergonaleashIX> thats right, hungy]ry
#37952 +(239)- [X]* @Jaykul[GonCrazy] is jamming along to Winamp not started
#38321 +(295)- [X]<Chimerasame> my cs-ethics prof is a bigger dork than i am

<Chimerasame> he just learned the internet term 'flame' today apparently

<Chimerasame> and he kept using it wrong

<Chimerasame> "i'm such a flamer today~"

<Chimerasame> "what! why's that so funny!"
#39848 +(412)- [X]<GauHelldragon> there was so much freakin' vodka at AX

<GauHelldragon> they had a bunch of pitchers at a table

<GauHelldragon> freakin' FILLED with vodka

<GauHelldragon> it was crazy

<Odo> are you sure that wasn't water

<GauHelldragon> oh yea it might have been water
#40376 +(392)- [X]<souletr> god i hate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<souletr> er

<souletr> *hate stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<souletr> i'd ♥♥♥♥ stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#42034 +(615)- [X]<Ih8tjon> throwing a match into like, a BUCKET of gasoline won't do anything.

<Ih8tjon> cause, you know, the liquid will actually put it out before it can burn stuff.

<marek> m'am, i've just informed the good people at the Darwin Awards. They promised me they'd keep an eye on you.
#43949 +(504)- [X]<_absent> I wish j00 could modify chicks like you can do to pc's all plug and play and ♥♥♥♥

<_absent> if she talks to much

<_absent> pull out her sound card

<APE_> heh

<UzzaGangsta> nah man

<UzzaGangsta> have a control panel

<UzzaGangsta> mute the complaint and talkative channels

<_absent> j00 could upgrade her tits

<APE_> install linux on her and customize away

<ShadowofBob> and change her appearence =)

<UzzaGangsta> overclock her sex drive O_O

<_absent> she could playback mp3's too

<UzzaGangsta> ja

<APE_> and rip dvds on the fly

<ShadowofBob> you'd probably add ports and drives to her :P

<UzzaGangsta> heh shes already got the port im interested in O_O

<_absent> women really should conform to standard pc architecture

<_absent> it'd own

<ibor132> yeah it would
#44584 +(869)- [X]<+Fastolfe> or do a googel[1] search for "perl windows"

<+Fastolfe> [1] oops, typo, meant google

<+wog> Ooo. I should get in the habit of footnoting my typos like that.

<+Azhrarn> hah
#45138 +(208)- [X]<Cringer> By an 8-1 vote Monday, the members of the U.S. Supreme Court collectively resolved to lose their virginity by Dec. 31, 2002.

<danhon> Who gave the dissenting opinion?

<Cringer> I bet Scalia.
#47356 +(1446)- [X]<BradJ*hnson> OMG, I lost my mouse!

<Dilly4> Your cursor, or your entire mouse?

<BradJ*hnson> Um, both.  Isn't the cursor attached to the bottom of the mouse?

<Dilly4> What?  Do you run your mouse around on the screen?

<BradJ*hnson> No, on the mouse pad...oh, I see.  The cursor is the arrow, right?

<Dilly4> New to computers, eh?

<BradJ*hnson> You wouldn't believe it, but I'm actually really good with computers

Dilly4 doesn't believe it.

<BradJ*hnson> How did you do that?  I got my mouse back!

<Dilly4> it typed "/me doesn't believe it"

<BradJ*hnson> "/me wants to make money with computers"

Dilly4 suggests that the best way for you to make money is to sell yours.

<BradJ*hnson> ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

GanGreen thinks he'll submit this lameness to Bash.

Dilly4 nods in agreement.

<BradJ*hnson> "/me wonders if this is working right on your end.  What is Bash?"

<Dilly4> GanG, make sure you blank out his name so his family (and future customers) don't see what a lamer he is.

<GanGreen> NP.  How about if I make it "BradJ*hnson"?

Dilly4 laughs his head off.

<BradJ*hnson> "/me goes "Just so long as no one recognizes it...I DO sounds kinda stupid.  I'm smrat tho"

Dilly4 can't control his fits of laughter

<BradJ*hnson> smart.  you all suck hard.
#48933 +(0)- [X]<Frieveta> waitaminute.... you can go multiplayer in magic?
#51991 +(78)- [X]<Area-51> wanna know a good one?

<AOLuser> a good one what?

<Area-51> i mistyped the "yes | rm ..." command and deleted my entire home directory, including the eggdrop :P
#56757 +(242)- [X]-!- [lsd] has quit [Remote closed the connection]

-!- [lsd] has joined #lgl

<[lsd]> hehe

<[lsd]> i love it when you change the time on your box

<[lsd]> and xchat thinks "♥♥♥♥, i haven't seen a ping for 20 mins"
#75902 +(142)- [X]<Zug_REAL_ULTIMATE_MM> Just about anything flicks his switch. However, it's not wired up to anything.
#76898 +(701)- [X]< ihatestan > well obviously there is nothing to do so i'm going to see if sperm is flamable
#80910 +(140)- [X](slippy): i find religous ladies pretty easy, once i convince them i'm god
#82111 +(310)- [X]<NES> what?

<NES> the pope can't have sex with ANYTHING?
#109345 +(255)- [X]<Phylitsa> Woo hoo! One girl and 7 unidle guys!

<Phylitsa> Lets play "Spin the Attention ♥♥♥♥♥"

<Novasol> So"