Field of Sunflowers / Smiles at the Sky and at Me / In the Quest for Love
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"#1062 +(507)- [X]uiu BitchX: Join to #discotheque was synched in 2.229 secs!!

<digdug> why so few people? :/

<bocz> i wuz hungry
#1243 +(541)- [X]<jinkusu> nd-: you're not lagged

<jinkusu> i'm just typing with one hand

<nd-> ok, 'nuff said

<nd-> enjoy

<[dom]> is the other one hugging mr. wonderful?

<jinkusu> yup
#1302 +(904)- [X]<|Chris>'s one

<|Chris> what's the worst crime you've ever commited?

<Guilty> I once taped a Golden Girls episode with only implyed oral permission and not expressed written permission
#2104 +(667)- [X]<Tim_K> last time I jumped into a convertible.. I nearly got but-♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the gear shifter..
#2132 +(1201)- [X]<DigiGnome> doesn't play properly. The White Stripes one.

<Thom> Ach. Dang.

<DigiGnome> Unless it's MEANT to sound like a cat trying to ♥♥♥♥ wasps through a sewn up ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

<puchiko> It is.

<DigiGnome> Ah. A Slipknot cover, then.
#2701 +(599)- [X]<necrofile> i wonder what happens if u put your playlist in your playlist

<DigDug> OMG DON'T!!!!

#2753 +(365)- [X]<vman_> wow

<vman_> 2 iranians in here

<vman_> amazing


<vman_> HAHA!
#3711 +(459)- [X]<ckjesus2k> Jews are so...Jewish

<pyristorm> HEY, no insults on this channel!
#3852 +(1163)- [X]<Hendrix> Its fun to go out in the cold weather and watch smokers pass out becuse they dont know when they're done exhaling
#4253 +(273)- [X]<FarginBoard> I tried to get AIDS once, but even those people wouldn't do it with me
#4924 +(1024)- [X]<reuben> you're like people with bumper stickers.

<reuben> telling the same lines over and over and over again.

<reuben> anything witty is only witty once

<reuben> hey

<reuben> that would be a good bumper sticker
#6039 +(42)- [X]<The_Freak> Jon's job sounds too much like a gay porn plot. I mean, come on, can you picture it? Jon pulling up in his bangin Taurus with the Jay-Z all the way up, rolling up to the Rutgers gay frat house and lysping "Hey boys, I brought the sausage!"...then when he was done, he'd say with crusted lips "Thanks for the tips!"
#6053 +(249)- [X]<pupok> i need ritalin to make the perl bearable.
#6310 +(294)- [X]* deVoca wonders how many American here know on what date the Civil War started and ended.

<Bell_of_Ygg> deV, I can't remember when-I can only remember how, why and what.

<The_Freakazoid> That means bell can remember it in the ass, for love, with a phone. But not who did it or when it happened.
#8666 +(183)- [X]<bbl-away> sheeesh sickjay, ease up on the #eos spam

<CactusJac> don't talk to him that way

<CactusJac> he's my boyfriend

<bbl-away> well, take him and get a room

<CactusJac> we're exhibitionists
#10162 +(382)- [X]<Gygaxis> hitler: NO FAIR!!! ENGLANDS WALLHACKING!!!!1
#11004 +(413)- [X]<blue-elf> IRC Weather: Partly laggy with an 80% chance of netsplits.Expect some afternoon smurf attacks coupled with windbags from the east.
#15422 +(189)- [X]<loud_as_it_getz> yea well

<@KittenAssassin> .........

<loud_as_it_getz> does n e 1 actually chat on mirc??

<@KittenAssassin> no

<Simwolf> nope

<@KittenAssassin> we chat on IRC

<Simwolf> no one at all

<@KittenAssassin> you must be in the wrong place

<Simwolf> absolutely not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ soul

<loud_as_it_getz> wich is?

<@KittenAssassin> just type /s IRC

<@KittenAssassin> and you will be re directed to IRC

   *** Quits: loud_as_it_getz (mary@ (Need more parameters)
#15457 +(1456)- [X]<na-dragon> Who would win in a fight?  A Z-Fighter from dragon ball z, or a jedi master?

<jonblake> Well, thats a good question, there are alot of things that need to be factored in

<jonblake> Z fighters can fly, shoot big balls of energy, go really fast, and releport etc

<na-dragon> Yes but a jedi master can see all of that happen before he does it, and he has a light saber..

<jonblake> I guess this is one of those things in life we will never really know

<Vyse> ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Has either one of you ever even SEEN what a ♥♥♥♥♥ looks like?
#16906 +(243)- [X]<@Afterglow> .  I also have a familiarity with local area networks, including DHCP, DNS, penis, and Microsoft networking file shares.
#17871 +(156)- [X]<Anton> Facial stabbing. Oozing blood. Shotgun vaginally inserted. Brains splatter over the wall. GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!

<Anton> is a good death metal track
#22519 +(368)- [X]<CrackZ> I'm gonna be getting a new boss soon too

<CrackZ> its a power hungry female

<CrackZ> ya know the type

<CrackZ> her 'can do' profile is going to clash with my 'can't be arsed' profile
#24981 +(131)- [X]<Benco> I'M ALL AnGSTY NOW!


<zamros> WHY


<Siarin> Benco: Joy to the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ world!


<Siarin> Stupid people. =(

#36672 +(978)- [X]<Ramza> well how come it's down for me?

<Ramza> and don't say because of windows

<Cyan683> Does it give an error, or does it say "Unknown Host"?

<Ramza> yes

<Cyan683> .....


* Cyan683 sets mode: +i

* Ramza was kicked by Cyan683 (Wham!    --  Kibou to Hikari no script)

* Cyan683 sets mode: -i

* Ramza ( has joined #starmen

<Ramza> no?
#36857 +(46)- [X]<Ryudo> java, the slower of the bunch

<Ryudo> aol, the ones tossed down the stairs when they were 3

<Ryudo> and java aol'ers...the bane of society
#40392 +(190)- [X][+Badtz] good sex = the best ♥♥♥♥ out there

[@orion] what's the bandwidth requirements?
#43330 +(224)- [X]*** bflyblue ( has joined #gothik

<bflyblue> identify d

*** bflyblue has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by Jezebel)))

<Jezebel> *blink*

<Jezebel> omigod

<Jezebel> hahahahha

*** Jezebel is now known as Wither

<Wither> no one say a thing :)
#45544 +(210)- [X]<dn> if i cloned myself, changed the y chromosome to an x chromosome, and then had sex with her, would it be masturbation, or incest?

<Dareon> I think itd be illegal in 13 states, is what it would be.

<Fentom> -{dn}- I think it would mean you seriously need a girlfriend

<dn> i get the feeling i just earned a new wb
#47669 +(455)- [X]<patchmonkey> After_8 - On the other hand, in 1995, a schoolteacher wrote to the Washington Post and stated, "I was told children are not to be expected to spell the following words correctly: back, big, call, came, can day, did, dog, down, get good, have, he, home, if, in ,is, it, like, little, man, morning, mother, my, night, off, out, over, people, play, ran, said, saw, she, some, soon, their, them, there, time, two, too, up, us, very, water, we

<unstable_at-work> dog? a fscking kindergarden student can spell dof

<Fraggy> hahahahaha @ unstable

* unstable_at-work runs and hides now
#48699 +(164)- [X]<lbandit> oh god

<lbandit> i'm in the "seattle gay news online"
#49623 +(25)- [X]<exemplary> !BrewMstr (meatloaf)-paradise_by_the_dashboard_light.mp3

<exemplary> well then

<exemplary> i'm gay

<exemplary> don't tell
#78794 +(1122)- [X]<xavas> so i was on the beach wearing my speedo's the other day

<xavas> and some chick walks by and goes "u got a roll of pennies in there?!?!?"

<xavas> so i says "yeah, want me to knock some cents into you?>
#80851 +(39)- [X]<dma> I once wrote a program to determine how long it would take to listen to all my cheesy mids.

<dma> forgot the result

<Silencer> ha

<Silencer> thats nothin

<Silencer> one time my"
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⎛⎝Eminem⎠⎞ 2019년 10월 30일 오후 11시 16분 
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