O Teacher, hear me / Let me go to the bathroom / For I have to pee.
즐겨찾기 해제
"#28 +(1332)- [X]<Deth[EHC]> Chromium: stop masturbating imma be home any minute :P

*** Deth[EHC] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<reptile-> Actually, that's a secret code for Chromium to get ready for the ass reaming of his life.
#148 +(446)- [X]<DigDug> did you /ctcp digdug op yourpass?

<blazep88> wtf does "yourpass" do?
#1188 +(541)- [X]<Guilty> You see

<Guilty> Fat ugly girls shouldnt be allowed to use ":)"

<Guilty> Their sign should be "=)000"
#2047 +(690)- [X]<Slander> so what happens to all these trout after they're used for slapping? are they in a pile somewhere?
#2222 +(787)- [X]<Turing_> this is going to sound very gay, but we were watching the discovery channel today at work where there were these sort of african olympics in a tribe when a male reaches mating age

<Turing_> anyways...the guy had to be nude and do this relay on a balance beem to appease some god

<kunio> HAW

<Turing_> it was strange because even flacid he had a penis the size of the empire state building

<orestes--> gah

<dab[afk]> ugh

<Turing_> it was mesmorizing, my secretary kept in rythym to its bobbing

<Turing_> lol

<Turing_> I felt terribly inadequate

<Turing_> I hate the discovery channel
#3110 +(550)- [X]<putnam> this chinese kid said something so damn funny today on the phone

<putnam> let me give you the exact quote that he said, i will make sure not to make any typos. just picture hearing a chinese thug say this

<putnam> i said "man i'm gonna kick your ass" and he responds with:

<putnam> oh ♥♥♥♥ nah...i'm gonna get some brick, and throw it across your window. i'm gonna throw it across your window and burn your bushes.
#4415 +(632)- [X]<MuSKraT> I'm supposed to go to meet a cute girl at a bar with our class, but I keep farting. I CAN'T GO UNTIL I FINISH FARTING.
#4752 +(249)- [X]<rhost> no_ana.... i miss you

<rhost> with every bullet
#5746 +(142)- [X]<Udeth> my mother came in and demanded that I'd move ♥♥♥♥ off my floor, so she could wash my room tomorrow, because it smells rotten in here.

<Udeth> i can't smell ♥♥♥♥.

<ToRMeNTeD> well if theres ♥♥♥♥ on the floor no wonder it smells rotten
#7517 +(222)- [X]<rawkus> ♥♥♥♥♥♥ women.

<rawkus> i call for booty and get a lecture on racism

<rawkus> wtf?
#9936 +(224)- [X]* Beerbaron oils up the chainsaw and sharpens his axe

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[18:36] *** Slachter has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)

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#12080 +(644)- [X]<@charlie_x> i have a command line program on my pc called dont.com

<@charlie_x> if you type dont format c:\

<@charlie_x> it says

<@charlie_x> "ok i wont"
#12216 +(335)- [X]<@RT[Ragnarok]> meet me in the middle of the 2nd level of the skeleton cave

#14022 +(-31)- [X]<Hempy> i said the funniest thing today

<Hempy> iwas quite impressed by my own wit

<Hempy> my mum was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to me about how i smoke to much weed and how i have no motication and i go

<Hempy> "♥♥♥♥... i have motivation... do you think its easy getting up to go to the tinny house in the morning?~"

<Hempy> thats what i said

<Hempy> and it was funny

<rhythm> guess u had 2 be there

<rhythm> or not.
#15181 +(265)- [X]<red> just because something makes you briefly nauseous doesn't mean it's wrong

<mute> red, that's what i tell my woman
#15482 +(117)- [X]<ZioB> I hate clipping my nails, its hard to pick my nos
#15562 +(290)- [X]<Tobal> looks like the UK is working to make pot a non-arestable offence

<ssrit> I'd move there.

<ssrit> Where is that?
#17717 +(1028)- [X]<MrFalcon> ♥♥♥♥... we have all this leftover shrimp, but no shrimp sauce

<tokage> maybe you should kill yourself
#20541 +(1199)- [X]<JBurna> lol you got free AOL knowin AOL sucks ass

<Demi> Its

<Demi> Free.

<@Prowler> So is gum on the bottom of chairs.
#22535 +(749)- [X]<CrdStang> Oh dear

<CrdStang> Oh ♥♥♥♥ dear no

<CrdStang> My stupid ass dad just drove the ride-on lawn mower here from his place 3/4 of a mile away
#23459 +(92)- [X]<sg> um did you guys look at my collage :( :(

<Slappie> I couldn't

<Slappie> the filter here at the office said it was "Tasteless"

<sg> it's huddie ledbetter

<sg> that's not tasteless.

<-- sg has quit (QUIT: )

<Slappie> I was being serious

<evad> haha
#31573 +(91)- [X]<Neural> I learned who I was while sitting in county lockup for soliciting underage girl runaways into taking nude photos for their hollywood actress portfolio.

<Neural> you'd be surprise how many show up at the L.A. bus terminal everyday.

<Neural> at first I was there for the 2600 meets....then it was for the teeny runaways.
#35942 +(1285)- [X]<Arwen`> maybe she hates clubs because she's ugly.

<jasong> maybe she hates clubs because she's a seal
#38489 +(735)- [X]<arnoboltinager> is goatse down for anyone else?
#40511 +(189)- [X]<rigel> maybe a few centuries from now, year 2k would be remembered solely for the goatse.cx homepage.

<rigel> "the dark rectum dilation century"

<avoozl> rofl

<avoozl> it'll probably be the only thing that survives the nuclear winter
#41545 +(234)- [X]* Orroni slaps DarkPrince_working around a bit with a large trout

* Trefenwyd slaps Orroni around a bit with a large trout

<Liason> trout is soooooooooo 1995

<Orroni> i agree, it's too retro

<Orroni> maybe a leather trout with tassles

* Trefenwyd slaps Orroni around a bit with a large lubrified fanged dildo

<Orroni> now that's disturbing...
#46840 +(402)- [X]<The-Fighter> i'm not a penis-driven tennager, unlike some people in this room

<The-Fighter> *cough*

#47329 +(656)- [X](http://www.yodelbank.com is the worlds first cyberbank u can access using IRC bot commands)

*** Now talking in #yodel

<r0bb0r> right this is

<r0bb0r> a stick up

<yodel> hi r0bb0r

<r0bb0r> gimme all ur money

<r0bb0r> and no one gets hurt

* r0bb0r waves gun at all

<r0bb0r> come on then i am not joking

<yodel> here take it!

<yodel> DRAN_100.00_20031119_ShcjkX/CTzeExE0icgZColDatsQ_F+CldGJPOQO4VKMxSnPdH6SaER w

<r0bb0r> thank u

<r0bb0r> is this your first robbery?

<yodel> yes

<r0bb0r> excellent i can claim the first IRC robbery in history

* r0bb0r runs off
#47647 +(817)- [X]<k3tty> nfi

<APULYG> Whats nfi?

<TBC> no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea.

<APULYG> Well shut up then if you dont know

* TBC beats the crap out of APU for being s00pid.
#62344 +(337)- [X]<+reality|> i love jesus but i couldn't eat a whole one
#93196 +(742)- [X]<Q> i need a remote control, and when you press a button on it, it makes your female friends stop being weird

<Lestat> I have one of those.

<Lestat> It's called a gun.
#105447 +(255)- [X]<DagdaMor> ah well back to my systems of second order differential equations...

<DagdaMor> *ding ding*

<DagdaMor> the fun train is now leaving...all aboard!
#105832 +(964)- [X]<Ubik> speaking of Jenga, it's the 1-year anniversery of 9/11 tom"
댓글 2
Himiko Toga ・∀・ 2019년 11월 24일 오전 5시 06분 
nateraade 2019년 3월 22일 오후 2시 49분 
What kind of waste of space shit is this...? Are you on hard drugs? All of your posts are complete nonsense.