be mine valentine / today tomorrow always / get me in return
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
"#1040 +(77)- [X]<Lou_Ferrigno> I gain $100.000, per month, and i have a z3 im my garage. And im bigger than you, you are subnutrition , hacker stupid
#4752 +(249)- [X]<rhost> no_ana.... i miss you

<rhost> with every bullet
#5548 +(272)- [X]<CoMBo> man i got 12 hrs of sleep about to come in a couple minutes

<vermifuge> you sleep 12 hours everyday ?

<CoMBo> yeah give or take an hour

<vermifuge> i hope thats ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ canadian hours

<CoMBo> main reason why i didn't do good in my grade 13

<CoMBo> i think thats why i look so young, and skinny

<CoMBo> cuz i get so much rest

<|]resta> or it could be the HIV
#6455 +(3)- [X]<^cell^> one of these days, ill get my friends and family members and stuff to jump into the back of my truck, and all 277 of us will run over a bunch of french people
#6791 +(380)- [X]<Kelly> i know a guy who was so facinated w/ tits he take two condoms, fills them w/ water, ties them together, slings them over his shoulders and wears them in a bra

<crazym> Kelly: you need to get out less.

<Kelly> heh!
#8961 +(261)- [X][T-Doo|art] when you think about evil, what pops up?

[Rosewood] Daikatana
#9277 +(68)- [X]<EVOLinc> hes like ok this comodor 64 is state of the art
#13200 +(658)- [X]<erisynne> he has a ctcp version fetish

<erisynne> he did it to me 7 times

<GreenMtn> did you lose your versionity?
#14631 +(358)- [X]<ne|l> hmm, think i was supposed to get married today

<pilt> i know, she just told me from under the desk.
#15712 +(94)- [X]<PetrDoubt> "Blackout for 00Q1 begins on 04/07, so there should be plenty of

  time for the options to be credited to your account before then."

<PetrDoubt> Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 16:29:31 -0700

<PetrDoubt> Thanks, Verio!
#17093 +(754)- [X]<phr0id> anyone have e-txr2.001?, im on 56k

<juntog> that's like asking "anyone want to have sex? I have aids!"
#17638 +(129)- [X]<sabo> i hate it when there's no toilet paper in the house.

<sabo> cause then i have to wipe my ass with maxi pads.
#24290 +(1138)- [X]<Brando`> NEXT THING YA KNOW SHE WAS LIKE ♥♥♥♥ OFF AND LEFT



#25986 +(176)- [X]<DrNick668> an asian buddy started to hang out with what he calls 'a gang of hardcore azns'

<DrNick668> he says that if someone wanted to bash him they'd get killed and they'd hafta go thru a few lines of defense

<DrNick668> i'm thinkin what he means is he's in an azn clan for CS

<DrNick668> and if i shot at him i'd get fragged

<DrNick668> and the lines of defense are a firewall, virus scan and flood protection on his irc porn server
#26337 +(561)- [X]<durt> i don't believe if anything i can't see

<Spooky> Do you believe you were you born, durt?

<durt> yes of course

<Spooky> And yet you've never seen a woman's vagina...

*** Signoff: durt (Quit: Leaving)
#29247 +(349)- [X]<dingo> did you hear the polish government bought 5000 septic tanks?

<twolovvers> what in the hell for?

<twolovvers> well, as soon as they figure out how to drive them, they're going to invade germany.

<twolovvers> huh?

<twolovvers> I'm very naive, and I pay no attention to world news

<twolovvers> so if your bullshitting me I havn't a clue

<dingo> septic them...going to invade...

<dingo> umm...

<dingo> you dye your hair blonde lately?

<twolovvers> no it's dark brown with a hint of red

<twolovvers> septic tanks aren't meant to be driven

<dingo> ...

<twolovvers> so your making a polish joke to mock them?

<dingo> i think they're mocking themselves at this point.
#34053 +(657)- [X]<mchem> what does less do?

<Rizen> it's like more

<Rizen> but better

<aegis> conversations about unix are funny
#34346 +(150)- [X]* moeser looks you up and down   

* moeser whistles   

<moeser> nice transfer rates... yow!
#35367 +(1192)- [X]*** StukaWORK has signed off IRC (Ping timeout)

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babaobuey: well, ok

babaobuey: that was like watching lemmings run off a cliff or something
#37208 +(492)- [X]<Mr_E> kazaa lite's a little better... I get a good 30 seconds of downloading before it crashes

<Mr_E> regular kazaa crashes on start up

<Mr_E> I need like, kazaa-uber-lite

<Mr_E> if there was such thing

<Mr_E> maybe I'd get a whole file done then

<w|zzy> it is your celery

<Mr_E> excuse me?

<logicalentity> hehe

<logicalentity> NOW THATS TECH SUPPORT
#39782 +(143)- [X]<Shosuro> and you'd think if some people are going to give money as a present

<Shosuro> (now, I'm not trying to sound ungrateful)

<Shosuro> but they could at least keep it inline with inflation

<Shosuro> instead of giving the same ammount for the last 10 years

<Shosuro> I mean, I know I could of bought a house with it back in "the day", but this wouldn't get me a bar of chocolate
#44686 +(167)- [X]<Abbazab> okay, next time ur with a chick and ur bumpin and grindin, give a nice rub right where the leg meets the croch and tell me that sweat doesnt smell like the back of ur nuts

<datagram`> why the ♥♥♥♥ would you want to smell the back of your nuts while you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#45079 +(772)- [X]<pubatch> i saw the funniest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing last night

<pubatch> i was driving home and this guy walks out in the crosswalk when im barreling towards it

<pubatch> it turns out to be a blind guy with his big gay white stick, and a yellow jacket with SECURITY written on the back

<pubatch> i donno what the ♥♥♥♥ he was guarding but im pretty sure its stolen by now
#45188 +(552)- [X]<Smir> you've read that file about electronic stimulation of the penis?

<ManMower> uh no

<Smir> I'm sure you did

<ManMower> if I read a file about electronic stimulation of the penis, I

           would likely remember it

<ManMower> and possibly be in the hospital
#47490 +(154)- [X]<Dek> i have jackass downloaded

<Killrbyte> Dek: I downloaded JackAss.  It was actually Fight Club.  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ morons.

<Dek> i was tryin"