Sarah Palin's voice / Is so fun to imitate. / Really, who shoots moose?
"#1508 +(713)- [X]<MegaWorld> Anyone awake?

<hypr> shutup im trying to sleep
#1794 +(267)- [X]<Semi> What good is a car with no dildos?
#2295 +(53)- [X][11:03] *** Doc|Uni ( Quit (Support W.O.R.K - Women Off Roads Campaign (c) Doc'99)
#2324 +(275)- [X]<trccccc> damn I have eaten enough salsa to kill a small ethiopian town
#3927 +(359)- [X]<cornbeef> 8? i didnt even know what a vagina was at 8

<Scofco> I didn't learn to masturbate until I was 17... up until then I always thought 'masturbation' was a type of pasta dish they served in fancy restaurants
#7010 +(54)- [X]<`Kd> theres another good spelling leason
#7199 +(92)- [X]<lilp00t> give me somin new to make fun of u for

<death2all82> ummmm i came in today and idled and u went on for like 45mins. until i responde. then i left for a half an hour and u were still going on talking to no1

<death2all82> now the fruitcake is PMing me
#8801 +(239)- [X]<cognac> i've discovered some serious design flaws regarding the human body!

<cognac> you see, we got two or more of almost all body parts..

<cognac> like ears, eyes, arms, legs, fingers, toes ++

<cognac> however, for the things that we REALLY like to do, like eating and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, we're only equipped with one tool

<cognac> or perhaps my discovery is just the answer to why we like oral sex and why "american pie" was made?
#9418 +(357)- [X](@Sin-away): have to ask Night about Trigger^

(@Sin-away): he doesn't talk

(@Archon`): how come he doesnt say anything?

(@fragge): dunno he's never told me
#11697 +(467)- [X]<RonZombie> m/

<RonZombie> pretend thats a little fist making devil horns

<Aboshi> Then pretend it's cool


#12216 +(335)- [X]<@RT[Ragnarok]> meet me in the middle of the 2nd level of the skeleton cave

#16555 +(324)- [X]<@E-vangelist> are asian masturbation jokes shorter?
#20753 +(250)- [X]<Gothmog> hmmm... we keep on changing our nicks to reflect what we're doing... so how come when we're chatting, we don't change our nicks to whatever|IRC?

<Gothmog> Gothmog: asking the hard questions since 2002
#22471 +(156)- [X][15:30:32] ------- <miro> anyone remember the dot com explosion ads? "congratulations, you are 7662786493's visitor to this site, click this space to close this window and claim your prize

[15:30:54] ------ <Magus> "If this is flashing, you've won!"

[15:30:54] ---- <cortana> miro: if this banner is flashing you are a WINNER!

[15:30:54] ------ <Kurin> "If this is flashing, you're a winner!"
#30136 +(644)- [X]<Rann-chan> I just want to run screaming into the night.

<ThePlaya> Do so

<Rann-chan> It's not dark yet.
#33553 +(486)- [X]<JonnyBlaz> ♥♥♥♥ i was just beating off to some lesbian porn on my comp, i thought my mom was gone, but i had the volume a little too loud and didnt hear her come in, and the phoen rang, an di went to get it with my ♥♥♥♥ in my hadn and she saw me and was like "ahhh" and i was like OH ♥♥♥♥ , dude this sucks, she just like ran to her room and now i dont know what the ♥♥♥♥ to do.
#33701 +(90)- [X]<@Evil_Ed> lets see...blowjob, or ircd.

<@Evil_Ed> hm.

<@Dianora> ircd sure is tough, lets go shopping!
#34002 +(218)- [X]<Teegus> i should prolly go to sleep soon so i can be awake when my gf gets here. not to mention being at least partially conscious for the whole getting laid part

<Teegus> but... urge to html... so strong

<@Goonigoogoo> no, women love it when you fall asleep on top of them

<@Goonigoogoo> or under them, depending on her sexual positioning preference

<Teegus> its like my inner geek is fighting my hormones

<Teegus> and losing.... quickly
#34238 +(144)- [X]<SecrtAgnt> manual labor isn't my gig

<SecrtAgnt> i work with my mind...not my hands.

<SecrtAgnt> other then masturbation...but my mind is hard at work too
#35163 +(232)- [X][+escobar] just found out my grandma watches porn

[+escobar] something is serious wrong in the world
#36063 +(107)- [X]<lux> my dog walked in while i was stroking it

<lux> so i gave him a facial

<lux> =[
#36213 +(324)- [X]<punchcard_uc> guinness

<punchcard_uc> aaahh

<punchcard_uc> even the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ days at work disappear with a guinni

<punchcard_uc> along with lots of other memories im sure

<punchcard_uc> cant remember really
#43107 +(954)- [X]*** MoBart has joined #mmorpg.ger

<MoBart> @find forgotten realms

<MoBart> @locator forgotten realms

<nemesys> wtf?

<TechWar> WareZ l0cAtOR 1.2: found forgotten realms @

*** MoBart has left #mmorpg.ger

<TechWar> hehehe.
#43191 +(-6)- [X]<bobthedinosaur> umm

<The_StarWarz_Dude> heh.

<bobthedinosaur> not memory you idiot

<bobthedinosaur> the ram

<Raid[Shower]> lol

<okram> ram = memory you idiot

#47688 +(265)- [X][@Archmage_Anasyn]: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HELL MICROSOFT ARE GAY

[+Mr_Day]: Can a company be gay?

[+Mr_Day]: Will it only sleep with other monopolies?
#58548 +(86)- [X]<Kevyn> I think I'm going to buy one of those LCD screens and snap it onto my girlfriend instead of my Gamecube.

<Kevyn> So I can play Monkey Ball and ♥♥♥♥ her in the ass at the same time.
#60805 +(675)- [X]<mutey> whats the lowest priority in linux?

<smcn> mutey: ease of use
#64184 +(104)- [X]<DigiBree> my uncle once took a huge length of dental floss and i asked him what he was doin with it...and he said he was going to floss between his bum cheeks......then he went into the bathroom :/

<Rake> lol thats just ♥♥♥♥♥♥ :P
#80919 +(304)- [X]<Crystal_s> Where is everyone? I refuse to believe this many people have lives outside of IRC
#84793 +(239)- [X]<fmadero> banshee what service starts submission??

<loucura> fmadero: bdsmServ
#88943 +(997)- [X]<Jessanne> I'm horny Kate

* Katethegreat shakes her leg

<Katethegreat> how do i get her off?

<Gothor> You are.
#105546 +(126)- [X]<dts|Shadow> theres porn on irc?
#116749 +(570)- [X]<khanjackalmoreau> i knew a kid who dressed up as a goth leprechaun for halloween

<khanjackalmoreau> all black outfit, with a grayscale rainbow, and a pot full of cure albums
#117914 +(1980)- [X]<SpitZ> this sms was sent by a friend of mine

<SpitZ> Sally mr. pls,2wedding

<SpitZ> What's that supposed to mean?

<crazhee> i think it read as "Sally mist'er period. please comma to wedding"
#123660 +(964)- [X]<punchcard_w0rk> i think i will form a computer addiction recovery group.

<punchcard_w0rk> call it "users no longer enslaved to electronic technology"

<punchcard_w0rk> or UnLeet
#150543 +(677)- [X]<Picco|0z> {[io_sreep]} Can you explain what RAID is to me?

<halcy0n> isn't it two harddrives where one holds all the 1's and the other holds all the 0's?
#428625 +(-95)- [X]<eviltown103> one time my friend was having ass sex wiht his gf in the living room

<eviltown103> and when they were done....she dropped one on the carpet

<eviltown103> then his parents came home

<eviltown103> it ant biog

<eviltown103> just a little thing

<eviltown103> but

<eviltown103> they ran out leaving it there

<eviltown103> when the parents c it

<eviltown103> they take the dog to the vet and put it to sleep

#441976 +(955)- [X]<Monsoon`> They could make a TV show about IRC.  Call it "American Idle"
#454094 +(596)- [X]<LoY|Steam> ♥♥♥♥♥ sake

<LoY|Steam> i tell you what is embarassing

<LoY|Steam> when you go on a date with a lass

<LoY|Steam> who is rather plump

icey 6x6 7 Nov, 2020 @ 7:38am 