29 ratings
Complete Power Rank Guide (Outdated!)
By Rustic Doggo
This is a complete guide of power rank and everything there is to know about it!
Introduction To Power Rank (What is Power Rank?)
Power Rank (or pr) is the main leveling system in trove. It is what determans all of your stats such as damage, health, and etc. It is the bulk of everything in trove and is what allows you to enter in higher level worlds such as the everdark. This is the first power rank sigil (pr1-100)

The higher your pr, the larger your sigil.
Power Rank and It's Importance
Power rank plays a MASSIVE role in trove. Surprisingly, your class level WILL also play a role in increasing your pr so LEVEL UP!

Im going to list below every single thing that has to do with PR
1:Difficulty of worlds
2:Obtaining Special Items
3:Soloing and carrying (this can be a carrier if you dedicate to it)
4:Showing Off (who doesnt want to do it?)
Power Rank Sigils And Levels
These are the PR Sigils
PR Rank 1

Pr Rank 2 (250 pr or higher)

Pr Rank 3 (550pr or higher)

Pr Rank 4 (900pr or higher)

Pr Rank 5 (1200 pr or higher)

Pr Rank 6 (2500 or higher)

Pr Rank 7 (5000 or higher)

Pr Rank 8 (7500 or higher)

Pr Rank 9 (10000 or higher)

Pr Rank 10 (15000 or higher)

Pr Rank 11 (MAX) (20000+ pr)
PR Wing Sigils

Wing Sigil 1 (mastery rank 1)

Wing Sigil 2 (mastery rank 10)

Wing Sigil 3 (mastery rank 30)

Wing Sigil 4 (mastery rank 50)

Wing Sigil 5 (mastery rank 75)

Wing Sigil 6 (mastery rank 100)

Wing Sigil 7 (mastery rank 150)

Wing Sigil 8 (mastery 200)

Wing Sigil 9 (mastery 250)

Wing Sigil 10 (mastery 300)
Methods Of Leveling Power Rank
(info found on wiki)
1:Leveling Classes (EXP) \ +15 pr points (per level)

2:Equipping Emblems and a Vial \ +50 pr points (per emblem and vial, except for the default flask)

3:Adding bonuses to stats for gear \ up to 10 per pearl depending of the rarity of the item
(Pearl of Wisdom) (NOTE: each pearl adds 22.5 PR (2 pearls adds 45 PR)

4:Equipping Ally \ +5* (common) +20* (uncommon) +75* (rare)

5:Mastery Rank \ +2 pr points (per level)

6:Dragon Ascension \ +30 pr points(per Dragon)**
(stat boost only)

(NOTE: Steller Gear gives 1k PR EACH)
(C=Common UC=Uncommon R=Rare E=Epic L=Legendary R=Relic RS=Resplindant S1-5=shadow 1-5 R=radiant S=steller)
Rarity ☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
C 1 2 3 4 5 6
UC 7 8 9 10 11 12
R 13 14 15 16 17 18
E 19 20 21 22 23 24
L 25 26 27 29 30 32
R 33 34 36 38 40 42
RS 43 45 48 50 53 55
S 69, 87, 115, 155|58, 73, 92, 121, 164|61, 77, 97, 128, 173|64, 81, 102, 135, 182,|68, 85, 107, 142, 192|71, 89, 113, 149, 201

R 210 222 235 247 260 273
S 600 639 694 ? 764 934
Methods Of leveling Power Rank (pg.2)

Shadow Level 2
Shadow Level 3
Shadow Level 4

Empowered Gems:

1 Star: 213
2 Stars: 326
3 Stars: 439

1 Star: 300
2 Stars: 500
3 Stars: 700
Leveling Fast!
Now its time i tell you how to level fast! heres a few ways to do it:

1:UPGRADE GEMS!!! (This is the bulk of PR and will give the most PR OUT OF ALL OTHER STATS)
2: Upgrade Equipment (Secoundary Way of getting PR)
3: Leveling (gives some PR BUT YOU NEED IT TO SLOT GEMS!)
4:Mastery (This will upgrade your wing sigil, but unlocking things such as mounts will increase your PR)
5:Equipt Better Gear
6:Ascend Dragons (getting legendary dragons is awsome but they will also give you some pr)
7:Unlock Costumes (this is hard to do, but it will increase your mastery)
(EXTRA) The Class Gem
Ever seen a shadow hunter do this?

Yes? Well that is because he/she has a class gem.

Here are the stats for each class

Spirit Squire
Charge no longer propels you forward. Instead, a Spirit Squire charges forward through multiple enemies, dealing damage and stunning them.
• Shoots a Projectile Charge that can pierce multiple enemies.
• deal area of effect 4x11x5 (arrow shape) damage around the target.
• Stuns enemies for 1 second.
• Capable of destroying blocks

Run and Gun no longer increases your attack speed, but all shots fired are max charged shots. • Replaces "Run and Gun" ability
• Changes shots into Charged attacks.
• Increases movement speed by 20.
• Attack Speed is lowered while using Run and Gun with this class gem.

Fae Trickster
Faerocious Facsimile
Blink decoys are no longer immobile; they close on enemies and explode on contact, dealing damage and stunning enemies.
• Replaces Blink ability.
• Makes decoys run towards enemies rather than staying immobile.
• Deals explosive AoE damage once it gets into contact with enemies.
• Decoys have limited health, multiple enemies will whittle down decoys faster
• Decoys are subject to gravity and will fall downwards until coming into contact with a block if cast in the air
• Decoys will follow the player if there are no enemies around.
[secound ability increases max dmg for normal attacks]

Burning Ward
DAMAGE: 4.5 x Magic Damage
RANGE: 3 BlocksENERGY: 60COOLDOWN: 1 SecondDURATION: 15 seconds
When a Burnt Offering detonates, it has a chance to spawn a mini Dracolyte minion that attacks enemies for a brief duration.
• Replaces "Burnt Offering" ability.
• Spawns a bomb like object that despawns if not detonated
• Can be precast to add initial burst damage to the start of enemy waves or boss adds
• AOE 7x7 (no edge) dealing damage to nearby enemies.
• 25% Chance to spawn a Avatar of Flame minion that attacks other enemies.
• Health diminishes over time and will be killed in 15 seconds of left alone or takes no damage.
• Minion does same amount of damage as Dracolyte's Avatar of Flame ability.

Neon Ninja
Heuristic Hackstar
DAMAGE: 2.5 x Physical Damage
RANGE: 10 BlocksDURATION: 3 Seconds
Empowered Gem replaces the normal shuriken with a massive buzzsaw that passes through enemies, damaging every enemy in its path and applying Stasis Blade.
• Replaces Shining Star passive ability.
• Replaces smaller shurikens with one giant shuriken that can pass through enemies.
• The giant shuriken will become bigger and stronger with more successful hits prior to using this ability.
• Can stack up to 3 times.
• Damage scales to the amount of times the ability is stacked (2.5 x PD for a stack of 1, 4.5 x PD for a stack of 2, and 9.5 x PD for a stack of 3).
• Enemies that come into contact will have the Stasis Blade effect (much like the ability of the same name).
• The shuriken are automatically thrown regardless of quantity as the first attack out of stealth.
• To avoid throwing shuriken, wait for stealth to run out or use Stasis Blade.
• Crit Dmg At 3 Stacks = (CD x 2.5) + 100

Candy Barbarian
Scoop n' Gloop
DAMAGE: 4.5 x Physical Damage
RANGE: 5 Block Radius (360°)DURATION: 2 Seconds
Sugar Crush now leaps straight up and crashes down, vacuuming enemies toward you and applying a brief snare.
• Replaces "Sugar Crash" ability
• Leaps straight up 4 Blocks instead of across.
• Can pull enemies towards the player 3-4 Blocks away from the player.
• Enemies are dragged with the player's location, knocking up the same distance and slamming down in succession.
• Drops sour candy per each enemy hit
• Deals AoE damage to any nearby enemy after contact to the ground.

Class Gem (Pg.2)
Ice Sage
Pain Freeze
Ice Crash now fires a fan of icicle projectiles, which apply a stacking snare. When an icicle hits an enemy with a full stack of snare effects, it spawns a nova of ice shards from the enemy.
• Replaces "Ice Crash" ability.
• Shoots 3 ice projectiles in front
• Hitting an enemy will give a debuff that gives a 35% chance (75% if defeated) to spawn a ring of projectiles around the enemy that damages other enemies.
• Debuff does not stack nor does it refresh when applied again if already active.
• Also applies a snare debuff where the enemy cannot move until the debuff wears off.

Shadow Hunter
Shadow Blitz
WEAPON: BowDAMAGE: 1 x Physical Damage (per arrow)
RANGE: 40 Blocks
Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows. Dealing damage to a shadow-marked enemy consumes the mark and triggers an explosion.
• Replaces existing Basic Attack.
• ShadowBlitz grants you x 5 bonus attack speed when you shoot arrows, but this bonus attack speed doesn't change the Shadow Hunter's fire rate.
• Enemies that are shadow-marked will also cause a 3x3 AOE explosion that deals damage to nearby enemies when the mark is diminished.
• Shadow Marks can now be set off by the basic attack.
• The AoE damage on normal Basic Attacks is removed.
• Note: Costumes do not change the Blue color of the arrow (Purely Cosmetic)

Pirate Captain
First Mate becomes ARR-tillery, Allowing an additional First mate turret to be deployed
• Throw a small cannon manned by your parrot friend to fire at enemies
• The cannon has three stages, the first will be when you throw it down
• When you collect enough doubloons, the turret will upgrade and do more damage
• When you collect enough doubloons after that, it will double in attack speed value
• Attack speed is not affected by the players attack speed
• Can only summon up to two at a time
• Will not trigger Plunderbuss
• Both Turrets will upgrade from the same Doubloons

Big Bomb becomes a Bawk-Bomb. It still sticks to surfaces and explodes in the same area, but also spawns several chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.
• Spawns up to 3 chickens per bomb (deals 2 x PD per chicken).
• Chickens can stay on the field for 8 seconds until they despawn.
• Catching the boomerang will shave off about six or seven seconds.
• throws a large bomb which sticks to a surface, explodes after 2.5-3 secs.
• Can stick on to walls, ceilings, and inside blocks. Will stay suspended in midair if it hits an enemy directly.
• Has a blast radius of 6x6 (no edges) and will only affect blocks above it and to its side.
• WARNING: Destroys blocks very easily.
• Extremely good for mining. If you find an ore vein, try to find the bottom center point --veins of ore are about 5x5x5 in size--, if you throw the bomb there then you should clear out the entire vein with just that one bomb.

Tomb Raiser
Beckon Banshee
Banshee's Boon no longer swaps your basic attack, instead it spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions.
• Buffs "Banshee's Boon" Ability
• Spawns a Banshee minion that heals nearby Bonetourage minions.
• Heals minions at a faster rate than the basic attack.
• Beckon Banshee still retains the Ghost mode ability from "Banshee's Boon".
• Changes basic attack from a laser to a AoE shock wave around the player.
• Damage taken is reduced by 75% while in this mode.
• While in this mode, players can heal allies more than basic attack within the area effect.
• The amount of time while in ghost mode depends on the amount of energy the user has.
• Players can recover their energy using the Zealous Emblem to make it last longer.

Lunar Lancer
Shadow Lancer
Lunacy also spawns a dark shadow version of you that attacks enemies.
• Modifies "Lunacy" Passive Ability
• Spawns a clone of your character when Lunacy mode activates.
• Clone lasts only 25 seconds if not damaged.
• Very low health.

Aegis Assault
Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies.
• Replaces Bulwark Bash ability.
• Damages enemies in a cone in front of the Revenant.
• Applies a DoT bleeding effect to enemies that come into contact.
• Bleeding effect stacks up to 3 times.
• Bleeding effect deals damage once every second.
• Damage-over-time scales based on how many times it is stacked on the enemy (0.33 x PD for a stack of 1, 0.49 x PD for a stack of 2, and 0.66 x PD for a stack of 3)
• Cooldown is reduced to the time that it takes to perform the ability (1 second).

Green Gatling
Spawning a Leafy Lasher or Blooming Pollinator has a chance to spawn a Green Gatling. It grows very quickly and unleashes a rapid stream of projectiles at enemies.
• Spawning any Leafy Lashers and/or Blooming Pollinators has a chance to spawn a small cactus turret that rapidly shoots projectiles at enemies.

Dino Tamer
1:Hunting Dart
Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three.
• Replaces existing Basic Attack.
• Allows the player to shoot 3 darts instead of 1.
• Currently Unobtainable

2:Dino Time
Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.'
• Improves the Dino Mount ability.
• increases duration by 12 Seconds.
• increases base Attack Speed by 25%.
Thank you for reading! (IGN and referal code included)
Thank you for reading and feel free to comment anything that you would like to see in the guide!

Also, feel free to use my refferal code (its down below)
The code is:

My in game name is also Deathstalker45 in case you wanted to know...

Again, Thanks for reading (and if you did refer it gives you a class coin if your under pr 20 :D)
My Other Guides
Here are my Other guides (posting in a few mins)

How to make flux (may be outdated)

Why so many peope make a "FREE CLASS COIN" guide
xSlushiez 25 Jun, 2019 @ 6:38pm 
its fouling something
DJAR 20 Jun, 2019 @ 10:13pm 
Very well
Rundo 23 Mar, 2019 @ 6:17pm 
TY you helped me alot :DispassionateDroid:
This user has no known aliases 18 Feb, 2019 @ 2:08pm 
now theres crystal items
Solus 28 May, 2018 @ 1:31pm 
Just wanted to let you know!
Rustic Doggo  [author] 28 May, 2018 @ 1:25pm 
yea, it is pretty outdated...
Solus 28 May, 2018 @ 8:51am 
Might need to update the guide. There are some changes with some of the class gems like the dracolyte's now having a guarenteed chance to spawn in a mini-dragon.
Police Brutality 11 Jan, 2018 @ 2:37pm 
10/10 IGN Approves
Mist 22 Oct, 2017 @ 11:38am 
thanks bro... im really sad that you didnt got any rating :(
kim jong dvir 11 Oct, 2017 @ 7:00am 
thank you so mach! but im traying to upgrade gems itsays +2 pr but nothing happend.