Heat Signature

Heat Signature

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Fastest way to liberate stations
By Psiclone
This guide shows the fastest way to liberate stations using the Foundry Brick.
Step 1: Complete a couple missions. Once you have $40 buy the Foundry Brick.

Step 2: Fly to a station in Glitch space.

Step 3a: Accept an audacious or mistake assassination mission.

Step 3b: If there are none. Go to the character change area and then select your character again to reset the mission board.

Step 4: Crash into the section of the ship containing the assassination target.

Step 5: Repeat until your character inspires less than 75% liberation.

Step 6: Select a new character and go to step 1.

Wolf 7 Jan, 2020 @ 5:17pm 
This also doesn't mention that unless you buy a new brick the damage it takes stacks for some reason even after visiting a station, so around the 3rd or 4th time the quick time event is so quick you just explode.
RoYaL_Salus3 12 Apr, 2018 @ 6:19pm 
Do you just ram with the brick or what
Tallinu 19 Oct, 2017 @ 8:49am 
Unfortunately Brick smashing triggers alarms and wastes a lot of time while you repair the damage, so on many missions it leaves you little to no time to actually complete it before the ship docks. Not to mention you'll instantly fail Silence or Ghost clauses and may fail others if the smashed room leaves a guard in space. Since liberation progress is proportional to mission pay, failing clauses slows your progress.

Bricks are useful for missions with very long or no alarm response (not to be confused with a starting time limit, which becomes a much shorter alarm timer which is not reported before the mission).

And I've found that the best tactic with them is to first dock so you can pause, survey the layout, find your target, and plan where to break in so you aren't left in a dead-end or having to still trek to the far corner after all that wasted time.
Gman 18 Oct, 2017 @ 7:47pm 
Yea this works and it's pretty effective but I think that would get boring extremely quickly. If you want to liberate the whole galaxy quick, this would be a fine way of doing it. If you want to enjoy the game and have fun, I wouldn't recommend this.
Halbract 11 Oct, 2017 @ 4:24am 
Much more fun to go onto the ship shooting and blowing everything up, like a crazy psychopath. Much more fun!
hollyhog 10 Oct, 2017 @ 6:24pm 
yeah but thats boring