Minion Masters

Minion Masters

27 ratings
Expeditions: An efficiency guide
By JuRiOh
Expeditions are all about spending supplies to gain gold, shards, relics & cards. All paths lead to rome, but some do so a lot quicker. This guide intends to let you know how to clear expeditions while spending the least amount of TIME on them without SPENDING resources, because time is money.
With the recent Patch 49, you can consider several things in this guide OUTDATED. Most likely everything has been nerfed. Here are some pointers:

1. Campfires now generate 1 Supply every ~206 seconds, that's 3350(down from 5000) over a 24 hour period with all 8 campfires. So Campfires have been stealth-nerfed by 33%. Was that necessary? No.

2. 350(up from 300) Supplies now cost 85(Up from 50) Gold. Your first purchase gave you 6 Supply per gold, the second 3 supply per gold. Now you get 4.12 Supply per gold on your first and 2,06 Supply per Gold on your second. Again roughly 33% lower. Would not recommend buying it more than once per day now. Even once might not be worth it(needs further testing).

3. Permanent Supply you pick up in Expeditions has been lowered(used to be ~400-600) in first expedition, now it's ~300-600 in the second. A lower minimum in the more advanced expedition? I am expecting the 33% rule applies here as well if the second one is supposed to give more rather than less.

4. The New expedition is supposed to have BETTER rewards, from what I experienced so far, the relics/gold/supplies are pretty much the same with the old expedition, which means they either lied about improved rewards, OR, more likely, simply reduced the rewards from the first expedition, so the second one has more than the first, but only because the first one has been lowered. Let me guess, by 33%? (Have not tested the Eternal Woods in patch 49, pure speculation)

Most efficient expedition advice from me today: Do an expedition outside, in real life, and stop playing MM entirely until this 'patch' is reverted.
Some enjoy expeditions and some don't. If you want to run the expedition your way, that's totally fine, but if you are just in there to grab all the loot and get out of there again as quickly as possible to start a new expedition and do it all over again - without spending your gold/rubies on supplies - there is always a more EFFICIENT way.

Next section is a quick guide or a TLDR(Popular demand on my guides...), which describes the essence of what you need to do. The rest of the guide explains it in further detail.
Quick Guide(TLDR)
If you start a new Expedition, here is what you want to do:

1. Ignore all loot and don't go in directions that don't contain campfires.
2. You may pick up Supplies on the ground if they are no further than 3 moves away.
3. Spend ALL your supplies to get all 8 Campfires.
4. Spend ONLY your local Supplies to clear the expedition(Grab all of the remaining loot).
5. Save all of your Permanent Supplies(Which carry over to your next expedition, to do Point 3. again as quickly as possible.
Why? Rationale behind the efficiency
Campfires generate 1 Supply every 138 seconds. That's 626 Supply every 24 hours. There is 8 campfires on every map(that we know so far). That's 5008 Supply every 24 hours if you have all 8 campfires. The faster you get to all 8 campfires, the faster you generate supplies, the faster you clear the expedition.

Therefore, you want to avoid any other loot/objectives on the map. Backtracking doesn't cost Supply, so you can do everything else at a later point, while passively harvesting Supply from the 8 campfires. If you were to go grab every Chest and Gold that you see, you will spend a lot of time waiting for supply to get to the other campfires while you are sitting on a low count of campfires, generating a low amount of supply.

There is however an exception to the no loot/objectives rule, that is Supplies and Might Obelisks. Supply crates generate around 450-480(?) supply on pickup(Special ones can generate over 3000!), that is more than 3 moves(375 supply cost), so if they are between 1 and 3 moves away, they are worth picking up. The fastest way towards a campfire often requires you to beat an opponent with significantly higher might than yours. Depending on your and his deck, 500+ might above yours could cause problems, as such, you may want to backtrack and grab any Might Obelisks to help deal with your opponent. To be efficient, only take as many as you really need and start with those that are closest to your path(not current, but throughout the map, e.g. least amount of Supply needed to reach).

Once you have all 8 campfires, you can start to pick up EVERYTHING. A few things to note here:

1. You really don't need ALL Might Obelisks.
2. Some Minions might guard no loot and are not in your way depending on chour chosen path, feel free to ignore.
3. Some loot MAY not even be worth the supply to pick up(e.g. 375 supply for 128 gold).
4. Battle a Minion or grab a Might Obelisk and scare it away? Check next section for some more experimental efficiency.

Keep in mind, at this clearing stage, you want to save your Permanent Supply and use your Local Supply instead.

This is very important. If you end your current Expedition and start a new one, your Permanent Supply will remain, but your Local Supply will be lost. Since you start the new Expedition with 1 Campfire and want to get to 8 as quickly as possible, you want to have a good amount of Supply going into the Expedition, to right away grab 4+ campfires, otherwise going offline for 24 hours with 1 campfire will abrely get you anywhere! Hence why you want to clear the remaining map with only Local Supply. I know it's tempting to use the Permanent Supply that you get more and more of by winning games, watching Twitch and completing the daily, as well as from Supply crates on the Expedition, but you will only cripple yourself for the next expedition. Starting the next Expedition with 5000 Supply for instance will give you a MASSIVE headstart over someone who starts with 0, because you will get more campfires right away and start generating Local Supplies early on, which will save you hours if not days in the long run to complete the expedition.

Once you have completed your Expedition, you hopefully have a good amount of Permanent Supply, move onto your next Expedition and start from 1. again. Have fun.
Even more efficient?!
For the most part, my guide should have given you the most efficient way to clear expeditions by generating a lot of Local Supply early on and using Permanent and Local Supply at the right times. However, there is potentially even more efficient ways, that would require further testing. It's some food for thought.

1. Saving Permanent Supplies before hitting 8 Campfires.
It is possible, that you want to start using your Local Supplies, and save Permanent Supplies at say 6 or 7 Campfires. That way your Expedition will take longer to complete, but you will start your next Expedition with more Supply and thus get more campfires more quickly, instead of getting them slower in your current expedition. Whether it is worth it or not really depends on several factors. What Expedition map you get, how much you play, whether the current Quest Event is still going on etc.. If your Permanent Supply doesn't get you very far say only to 3 or 4 Campfires, it is likely that you should have saved Permanent Supply at 7 Campfires(possibly 6) in the previous one.

2. Spending Gold/Rubies on Supply.
I don't like spending resources on Expeditions, but there is a good chance that spending a low amount of Gold for Supplies is worth it. For instance 50/100/150 gold for 300 Supplies seem very reasonable. Whatever you consider feasable you want to spend that amount every 24 hours. Whether it's worth it or not, again, depends on a lot of factors. The lower your Permanent Supply at the beginning of an Expedition, the better it is to spend Gold on Supply, to get to more Campfires more quickly. The better expeditions are overall, the better it is to spend gold on supply.

I have not kept track of my loot from expeditions, but I can calculate the Supply I needed to finish them(If I ever feel bored enough to count the steps on my Full Completion Screenshots). You can look at yout total gain per Expedition and divide it by your total Supply spent and you can figure out how much gold/shards your supply is worth. This formula will be different based on every individuals habits and RNG.

3. Ignoring Loot.
Is it REALLY worth it to clear the entire expedition? It might not be. If for instance you pay 150 gold for 300 Permanent Supply every day, it may not be worth it to grab a small chest that only contains around 120 gold, if it is 3 moves(375 supply) away from your path. You spend 150 gold for 300 supply, but you spend 375 supply to get 118 gold. That's not very good. It's not as simple however, because the supply you end up spending is Local, not Permanent, and the gold you spend on permanent Supply will be used exlusively to grab campfires, which generate Local supply for free(more or less... time is money!). I would say grab everything and don't worry about it, but this is still something to ponder about when you are on the toilet.

4. Fight or Flight? Battling Minions vs. Scaring them away with supreme Might.
Another tricky one. Fighting the Minion obviously is faster than waiting an hour or two on the supply to grab a Might Obelisk just to avoid the battle. However, the battle gives you neither XP, Gold or Supply, it's a waste of time. That time could be spend playing Ranked instead, gaining Permanent Supply and Gold. Again a formula could be derived. How long does it take you to take out the Minion? How likely are you to win your ranked games? How much gold is all of the saved and/or spent time worth in the larger scheme of things regarding your next Expedition? Again, don't lose your hair over it, but instead of singing to Lady Gaga in the shower, give it a thought, or even a try next time around!
Layouts - Eternal Woods
On my 4th expedition, I noticed that the Maps are NOT randomly generated as my 4th expedition had the EXACT same shape as my first. As such, I realized I don't have to go search for Campfires, I should already know where they are. And now, neither should you. You are welcome.

The "Eternal" Woods
Layout 1

Layout 2

Layout 3

Layout 4A (Thanks to Felix and unknown original poster for providing this screenshot)

Layout 4B (Thanks to Tentacleon for providing this screenshot)

Layout 5

Layout 6

Keep in mind more Layouts may exist, those are the ones I have encontered so far. If I ever feel bored enough, I may add the shortest way from campfire to campfire, but you can also do that yourself.

Note: I believe rewards(potentiallly also Minions and their Might) may be somewhat randomized despite the same map layout, I have not checked for that.

Layouts - Cursed Valley
Cursed Valley
Layout 1

Layout 2

Layout 3 (Thanks to BIT Bear for providing the Screenshot)

Layout 4 (Thanks to Tentacleon for providing the Screenshot)
Example Expedition
This is the latest Expedition i have done, with some loot and supply calculations.

Keep in mind that this was my first time doing the Expedition, thus I didn't know where the campfires were and going the fastest route for campfires might cost more steps overall in the end because you will often move between loot, opposed to an efficient pick-up route. Furthermore, the fast route does not keep in mind that there might be strong minions inbetween which may require backtracking for Might Obelisks.

Clear Steps Taken: 211
Clear Total Supply: 26375
Fast Campfire Route: 98 Steps / 12.250 Supply
Expected Clear Route: ~120 Steps / 15.000 Supply
Expected Clear Time with Local Supplies: 72 Hours.

Realistically wou would want to enter with 13.000-14.000 Supply to be able to get all 8 Campfires here, then clear the entire map(pick up all the loot) in roughly 72 Hours(3 days) using ONLY Local Supplies generated by the 8 Campfires whiel you save your Permanent Supply to do the exact same thing again on your next Expedition.

Loot obtained

Gold: 6466 (32 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 7593 (16 pieces)
Relics: 17 (17 pieces)
Cards: 3 (2 Commons, 1 Rare)

Total Gain = ~8300 Gold [6466 gold + 3 cards(100 shards = ~1800gold)]
(I don't evaluate relics yet because they currently don't have any real worth until we know how much better future expansions are)

23750 Supply / 8300 Gold = 2,86 Supply spend to gain 1 Gold

Accordingly, buying 300 Supplies with 50 and 100 gold is definitely worth it. If you buy Permanent Supply to pick up loot, only 50g and 100g for 300 Supplies seem to be worth it(although you should still save that permanent supply for the next Expedition). This doesn't mean that 150g may not be worth it to buy 300 Supplies IF you use it to get campfires.

If you spend 50+100+150gold every day, for 3 days, you spend 900 gold for 2700 supply. Essentially you buy ~10% completion time for 10% of the total gain. There is no net gain, unless of course that supply is used to get campfires, which will boost your compeltion time towards the described 72 hours, which otherwise could be a lot longer.
Expedition Loot Sample
Comparing how valueable Expeditions are. Keep in Mind some Expedition are larger than others and may contain more/better(?) loot but also more completion time.

Token = 1000 Gold
1 Shard = 20 gold
Common = 25 Shards = 500 gold
Rare = 50 Shards = 1000 gold
Supreme = 125 Shards = 2500 gold
Legendary = 500 Sahrds = 10000 gold
Supply = Unknown Gold Value for now(Most likely 1 Gold = ~2.5 Supply)
Relics = Unknown Gold Value for now(Most likely very low value)
(Keep in mind that card values are based off of salvaging gain, not crafting cost, if you can get cards you need, they may be worth a lot more to you)

The "Eternal" Woods

Expedition 1 (Prior Patch 49)
Gold: 6466 (32 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 7593 (16 pieces)
Shards: 0
Relics: 17 (17 pieces)
Cards: 3 (2 Commons, 1 Rare)
Tokens: 0
Total Pieces: 68
Total Gain: 8466 Gold + 7593 Supply + 17 Relics
Supply used: 26375(See Layout 5)

Expedition 2 (Prior Patch 49)
Gold: 6679 (26 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 6269 (13 pieces)
Shards: 0
Relics: 23 (23 pieces)
Cards: 5 (3 Commons, 2 Rare)
Tokens: 2 (1 piece)
Total Pieces: 68
Total Gain: 12179 Gold + 6269 Supply + 23 Relics
Supply used: ???(See Layout 6)

Cursed Valley

Expedition 1 (Post Patch 49)
Gold: 5467 (27 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 5699 (13 pieces)
Shards: 91 (5 pieces)
Relics: 21 (17 pieces)
Cards: 6 (6 Commons)
Tokens: 0
Total Pieces: 68
Total Gain: 10287 Gold + 5699 Supply + 21 Relics
Supply used: ???(See Layout 1)

Expedition 2 (Post Patch 49)
Gold: 4826 (22 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 5964 (13 pieces)
Shards: 68 (5 pieces)
Relics: 19 (19 pieces)
Cards: 5 (5 Commons)
Tokens: 3 (2 Pieces)
Total Pieces: 66 (May have missed 2, or the relic turning into Might Obelisk bug may have caused this, usually 68 loot found)
Total Gain: 11722 Gold + 5964 Supply + 19 Relics
Supply used: ???(See Layout 2)

Expedition 3 (Post Patch 50)
Gold: 11351 (27 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 5818 (13 pieces)
Shards: 0
Relics: 26 (23 pieces)
Cards: 4 (2 Commons, 2 Rares) [2300 Gold Reward]
Tokens: 0
Total Pieces: 67
Total Gain: 13651 Gold + 5818 Supply + 26 Relics
Supply used: ???

Expedition 4 (Post Patch 50)
Gold: 15054 (35 pieces)
Permanent Supply: 6211 (13 pieces)
Shards: 0
Relics: 36 (21 pieces)
Cards: 2 (2 Commons) [700 Gold Reward]
Tokens: 0
Total Pieces: 71
Total Gain: 15754 Gold + 6211 Supply + 36 Relics
Supply used: ???
Misc Expedition Knowledge
This section is work in Progress, I might add things if I come across them, think of them or someone discovers them. It has nothing to do with this guide directly, but could be useful knowledge for Expeditions regardless. Many, escpecially new players may not be aware of some of these things.

Some information Could be wrong, some things might change, some things might be missing!

- Always 8 on the Map
- Generates 1 Local Supply every 206 seconds(every 138 seconds pre patch 49)

- Can contain Shards, Tokens
- Always contains Gold, Permanent Supply, Cards
- The "Eternal" Woods always contain more Relics than it costs to enter
- Can only be left by entering a new one
- Layout is not randomly generated
- (?) Always contains ONE Big Loot(~25 Relics, ~3000 Supply, Supreme Card, 2-3 Tokens, etc.)
- Always(?) guarded by a high(highest?) Might Minion[~2750-3000]
- Always contains 68 pieces of loot

Local Supply
- Capped at 5000 with 8 Campfires
- Takes 36 Hours to fill completely(24 hours prior patch 49)
- Is Lost upon starting a new Expedition

Might Obelisk
- Always adds 250 Might
- 16 or 17 on the Map

- Differ in their Might
- Have special Perks
- Same Minion Model can have different Perks in different Battles
- Same Minion will have the same perks when lost to and fought again
- Same Minion Model will have a similar deck but with slight variations
- Standard Wild Card rules don't apply(Can have 5x same copy of a card)
- Matches don't give any Experience or Gold
- Cost 50 Supply to battle, Reward 50 on a win(no actual gain, net 0)
- Will be scared to fight you if your Might exceeds theirs by 250+

Permanent Supply
- Can be bought with Gold and/or Rubies(Gold cost increases, Ruby cost stays the same)
- Carries over to the next Expedition
- Is gained via winning games(20), completing the specific daily(1250), from codes generated by Twitch streams(500) or from supply crates found in Expeditions(~450-480)
- Is capped at 20.000
- Large Supply Crates can be found in Expeditions(Rare) that give over 3000 Supply!

Sensitive Savage (EVENT IS OVER)
- EVENT - Can be found in current Expeditions
- Appears 2 or 3 times on the map
- 15% chance to get the card after winning the encounter(increased by 5% on every failure)
- Can only be gained once
- Once gained, can be crafted

Demolisher Volco & Devil King Puff
- EVENT - Can be found in current Expedition
- Appears 3 times on the map
- ??? initial chance to get the Supreme Skin after winning the encounter(increased by 4%[2% DKP] on every failure)
- Can only be gained once
- Can be crafted as well but only until the event is over
- Can receive the skin even if you don't own the Master
- Devil King Puff only shows up after Demolisher Volco has been earned
Kez 3 Dec, 2017 @ 8:11am 
Good guide. Sadly, expeditions are just a tedious method of getting gold.

Latest map I was on, there was 2 cards and 1 power token and I still cannot find a way to get there, and the map doesn't look like anything seen yet:
EjnarH 14 Nov, 2017 @ 2:00pm 
~Robin 13 Nov, 2017 @ 11:33pm 
Another new layout for Eternal woods
EjnarH 8 Nov, 2017 @ 9:14am 
New Cursed Valley layout:
~Robin 8 Nov, 2017 @ 6:12am 
@JuRiOh a new Eternal woods layout i had run into
RiseAgainst4tw 4 Nov, 2017 @ 2:28am 
@JuRiOh here my layout
Coobee 2 Nov, 2017 @ 7:05am 
JuRiOh  [author] 1 Nov, 2017 @ 4:55pm 
@BilbohatnenDildo I will add anything I complete, but I am not playing very much so it will take time, I will however add Layouts that other people have posted!

@BIT Bear Thanks, added the Layout.

@Tentacleon Thanks, added it as a 4B, I don't know if it fully replaced 4A or if they added multiple spawn locations.
Coobee 1 Nov, 2017 @ 2:46pm 
Hey, just wanted to let you know that Layout 4 map for woods is outdated, some campfire locations were moved. Here's a screenshot with marked camps:
BIT Bear 1 Nov, 2017 @ 6:00am 
here's one of the newer Cursed Valley maps:

green dots = might stone
red dots = campfire location
orange arrow = event skin location

I'm doing this map for the 2nd time now and everything is in the exact same place as the previous map as far as those things go. Hope it helps. :steamhappy: