Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

42 ratings
Creating Arena Mode Characters!
By Moon Fairy Kyra
Since we can't make our own custom charaters in arena mode, luckily, Larian has provided us with a way to add in our own custom made preset characters through the lovely tool known as the Divinity Engine 2.

The goal of this guide is to have you well aware of how to create custom made arena mode characters for everyone's enjoyment!

Hopefully, by the end of this guide, you'll be able to successfully have your own Arena Mode characters published and put onto the workshop and working as well with little to no error!

I'll add onto this with more clarification as it's requested. Advanced Tutorials will be coming within the week! Be sure to comment if this guide helped you or you need further help!~
Getting Started!
For the truly inexperienced and One-Time users!

This ENTIRE section is designed for those who are unaware of how to setup the modding tools, create a project designed directly only for the Arena Mode as well as create a level to work on. Simple stuff, but if you're aware of how to do these things, then you can skip this part entirely.

First off, before we can do anything else, you need to have the Divinity Engine 2 installed and downloaded and set up! You can figure out how to do this properly on Larian's Website here![docs.larian.game]

Once you've installed it and gotten everything setup and you're in the editor, you'll be faced with a menu similar to this.

You should click where the arrow is, which indicates you'll want to make a new project. From there, you'll naturally be asked whether you want to make an adventure or addon. Select add-on, naturally. Now, this is crucial. Only load data from the Arena as well as Target the addon for the Arena Mode only.

This will ensure that none of the alterations you make will affect any of the other game modes if you do happen to override them and is a safe way of ensuring you stay within the reach of our end goal. After , as the image implies. Name the project and then create it!

Now, you should be prompted to select a level. While not required, I reccomend making a disposable basic level rather than going into the Sandbox as for it helps you to test things better and with less strain on your computer. You can name the level whatever.

After you've done this, hit the create button and your level should be loading and you're ready to get to work on adding in your characters shortly after!~
Setting up a character -- Making them Arena-Able.
Basics to setting a character up!

By the end of this section, you should have an arena character-capable of appearing in the arena character game mode. Skill and equipment additions come later, this is just getting the character ready!

Now, when you get into the editor, your screen should look something like this, different depending on what level you went to, but I'm on the Basic Level.

Alright! So, as you know, we have preset arena characters that we can actually use as a starting point for our new character we're intent on adding in. You should see the Root Templates Box which the entire boxed area here.

For starters, we'll base our new character off of the warrior! So in that little search bar down there, type in. (One)

Arena_Humans_Female and you'll see the warrior character in the right portion there. (Two) Click that and the preview for the actual Warrior Character base will appear on the right or wherever your preview screen is. (Three) Once that's selected, hit the add object button on the left-side panel (The Four) or you can just hit the number five and it'll select the button for you!

From there, click into the actual map and you should see a yellow shading over the warrior. Click once to add her onto the map and she'll be on the map! This is the character we'll use as our base to implement the new arena character.

It's easy from here. Now, we have the Warrior on the map. Now left click her once so that she's selected. Then right-clicking her should bring up a menu of options! You should hit the "Export To Root Template" button.

You'll now end up on this big, white, spooky menu. (Mine is Maximized, mind you.)

So, from here, you can fill in the information as you so please, but I'll be making an example Aeromancer for my sake.

So, I'll explain all of these options for you.

What you should be focused on changing is the following.

  • Display name: This is the name your character will have in the Arena Mode. Since it says "Warrior" here, she'll be notably named as "Warrior" and nothing more. Since I'm going to be making an Aeromancer, I'll change that to Aeromancer. Note how it'll also change the Display Name (Translated) portion as well.

  • Equipment Class: This should equal the Race+Gender combo of your character. Mine is going to be a Human and Female. So I would put this as HumanFemale

  • Tags: This is immensely important. When you hit the Tags area, you'll see three dots to the right side. Click those and this menu should come up.

    You need to have the "PLAYER" Tag, "ARENA_CHAMPION" Tag, and the "RACIAL (In our case, HUMAN)" Tags in order for them to be partially functional.

  • Arena Champion: This should be ticked on, but in-case you wish to convert characters from elsewhere into Arena-Usable Characters, this is vital to be clicked on.

  • Blood Surface Type: As I did with the Necromancer Arena Character in my modpack, this allows you to change what kind of blood the character bleeds. Be it frozen ice, source, literally necrofire. If you want them to bleed it, you can change it. Make them bleed smoke clouds for all anyone cares.

  • Cover Amount: If you want to have super big characters that block field of view, you should up this. 100 is the max and pretty much indicates them being a wall. I'd recommend leaving it to 0 for now.

  • Death Actions: Self explainatory. Explains and procs what happens when the character dies. Nothing too important. I'll get into that in more detail with an advanced tutorial. For now, DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Unless you know what you're doing.

  • Equipment: This will all be explained in the next section. But this is what determines what indications your character uses in order to actually spawn in with specific equipment. This is crucial unless you want naked characters fighting. Not that you can't use that to your advantage.

  • Ghost Template ID: Set this to _invalid_ if it's not already. If it isn't , click the three dots on the right side and just hit clear and then okay. This makes it so that the ghosts that appear as in the Story Mode when an ally dies doesn't appear.

  • Player: Leave this to FALSE, as for then the game will try to treat them as a GM/Story character rather than a character specific to the Arena Mode.

  • Skillset: Leave this as is now, I'll explain this in the section AFTER how to get equipment on your character. But this is what you set to determine what skills your character has.

  • Skills: This is what you'll add to add in innate skills, like how the origin characters have their own specific source skills. These are the kind of skills you'd add here. There's no exact reason to utilize this since skillsets will be unique to your characters anyhow.

  • SpeakerGroup : If not already, set this to GROUP_Players. This will make it so that you can actually play as the character in a general sense.

  • Stats: The last one. I'll explain this in a seperate section as well, but this determines the statistical values like vitality, constitution and such that your character has!

After that, go all the way to the bottom and it'll ask for a name for this template. Name it whatever you want, but I would perfer to just name it ArenaClassNameHere

So I would name mine ArenaAeromancer. Once you hit create, now you should be able to go to the root templates box and input the name of the template you just created which will use all the things you just defined as a default (which we can change later, the default that is.)

This template is crucial to the arena character development as for it's the basis in general for the character.

With that, you've got your character set up in the barest sense to be capable of being put in the Arena Mode! If you really want to go test it, you can hit CTRL+ALT+P which will open up the publish menu and publish the mod locally and go into your Original Sin 2 game, enable your addon and go into the arena mode.

You should now see five characters, but since we didn't change the portrait, it'll look like a second warrior. But if you see the five characters, you've done your job well!

Onto the next section!
Setting up a character! -- Equipment!
Setting up equipment on your arena character!~

By the end of this section, your character should be outfitted with the equipment of your choosing! It will not, however, teach you how to make new equipment. That'll be included in the advanced tutorials that I make.

Alright. So we have our template and now we want to get them attached with some good gear. So you should delete that warrior that you shoved into there and grab your newly made template and place them into the map instead.

Now, you'll see the top row of buttons there. And directly to the left of the "Help" ? button, you'll see the Stat Editor button.

Click this button and you'll get into the area where we can start our work! While in this menu, an always good point to start is by opening up the Shared Area of your respective desire. So for this.

We'll go into the shared tabs, open, them, and go into the equipment area and open it. (The One) From there, you need to search for the word: Arena.

This will bring up the arena equipment sets used in the very game itself. (The Two) For here, I'll actually copy (by right clicking and hitting copy, or CTRL+C) the ArenaWizard equipment as for it incorporates well into my Aeromancer character. (The Four.)

Now, we have to go down to where our Mod Name is and you should also see an Equipment button but with a + after it. (The Three.) Click this plus and hit Equipment and it'll create an Equipment file for you to put all of your equipment sets.

This is what the end result should look similar to.

As it is now, this will actually make my mod override the ArenaWizard equipment set, which is NOT what we want. So we need to change this up!

Where it says ArenaWizard , we actually want to rename this to whatever our classname is. It's not required, but it'll help you keep track of things. In my case, I'll be changing mine from ArenaWizard to ArenaAeromancer .

Now, to change the equipment. Crucial things to note.

  • Only the first TWO weapons inputted will be equipped. If you put a 2-handed weapon and then a dagger, the dagger will head into the inventory. While if you equip a dagger and then a one handed sword and then another dagger, the third item which is the dagger will be inventoried.

  • This same rule applies to armor. Only the first of each kind will be equipped onto the character. Any duplicates of the variety (I.E Two belts, two hand-gauntlet/glove armor, etcetc) will also be inventorized.

Now. The Arena Weapons are good for a starting point. Since they've all got fixed stats so you don't have to bother with altering much into that. I don't want Wands on my Aeromancer.

So I'll go back to the Shared portion of the stats editor and to find every current Arena-Able weapon with fixed stats, we open up the Weapon Portion (The One) , just as we did with the equipment and then type in Arena. (The Two)

I want a Staff. I see a Staff. Although it's notably of the Fire Element. (The Three) so I take note of that name. WPN_Staff_Arena

Now that we have our desired weapons, we go back to our own mods Equipment Tab and replace the weapons as intended. Since Staves are 2-handed, I would erase both the wands and replace the first slot with the WPN_Staff_Arena indicator.

To do this, we click on the wand boxes and we get a little arrow leading to a dropdown menu.

Now, to delete an object directly, we click the "x" in the top right corner. If we want to see the source location of this item, we click the three dots infront of the "x" . (The One). To replace an item, we just type in what we want to replace it with and double click it. (The Two.)

Now, we have our setup! The same basic mage armor as the Wizard gets but with a staff!

Now the final piece of the puzzle. Equipping all of this stuff on your character. Click the save button. In the top left. If your Divinity Engine 2 crashes, don't worry. It's not an issue, just reload everything back up.

Now we go back to the root template menu with our custom made template, and click it once. (The One.) To the left in the Sidebar, we should see all of the data options we were allowed to change when we first made the template.

Now, we go down to Equipment. As you can see, the Divinity Engine also explains what I did earlier about what does what (The Two.) It's a nice simple way to understand what each thing does.

Now, change the equipment to the new set you just made. Mine is ArenaAeromancer so I'd change it to ArenaAeromancer. Once that's done, click out of it. Tah-dah! Now add your templated character into the map again.

And like that, you've now changed your starting warrior into some weird looking girl with a staff! With that, we have the equipment changed and setup on our arena character.
Setting up a character! -- Skilling Them Up.
Adding skills to your arena character!~

By the end of this section, you should be able to properly know how to add skills to your characters and have them be usable in the midst of combat!

So. We've got an Arena-Able character. We have the equipment we so desire on them. Now, it's time to get them the skills we want on them.

So we go back to the stats editor! Now, we go to where our mod name is (The One) , and click the plus next to the Skill Data portion. (The Two.) We then select the SkillSet button. (The Three.)

This is by far the easiest part. Now, first off, we have to have a name for our skillset. I've obviously named mine ArenaAeromancer for indications sake. After this, you'll see the skill box next to it, and a dropdown menu is given to you.

This allows you to select just about ANY skill, enemy-only skills and such alike. But getting into that is more tricky and tedious to manage so we'll stick to basic skills for now. First. Before anything.

We have to determine how many skills our character is going to have and the order they'll be on in the hotbar. I want at least thirteen skills, subject to change. So what we have to do in order to prevent ourselves from making a new skill set with each skill addition is.

Right click the skillset you just made. Hit Add Sub Stat twelve times. This will make it so that we can fit up to thirteen skills within this skillset freely. Make sure to click back on the Skillset Name each time to make sure you don't make a new skillset accidentally!

After this, go into the first skill slot and you'll see the dropdown menu, asking which skill you want. Remember. The order these are inputted in determine the order they're in on the hotbar. I want a little flash to my Aeromancer. So I want Electric Discharge to be the first skill. Also known as Lightning Bolt.

For this, since some skills are tricky, I'll provide a list of some commonly used skills and their indicator within the engine for an easier time on people. But my skill is a projectile skill, so I know it'll start with Projectile_ and then I type in the letter L. I can see Lightning Bolt down there on the list so I click it.

Once I select it. That's it. Now Lightning Bolt will spawn in on anyone with the ArenaAeromancer skillset as the first item on their Hotbar. To test this, you're given a dummy in the editor.

Hit the "t" button in the editor with your cursor on the map to bring your dummy to where that cursor is. Then right click them and click Open Selected Objects for Edit. This will allow you to change the skillset on your Dummy.

Once the skillset is changed, you have to restart your editor for it to take affect. Do so, then go back to the editor, loading up your project and the basic level. Once the reloading is done, you need to hit the playtesting button which you can find here.

Click it and when you go into the game as your Dummy, you should now see that the skill is equipped!

With that, it's simple from there. Add whatever skills you want, proceed to go crazy! But here's a list of commonly named skills that you may want to use.

Aerothurge Skills
Electric Discharge = Target_LightningBolt
Shocking Touch = Target_ShockingTouch
Uncanny Evasion = Target_EvasiveManeuver
Apportation = Target_Apportation
Erratic Wisp = Target_Windwalker

Pyromancy Skills
Peace Of Mind = Target_BurnMyEyes
Fireball = Projectile_Fireball
Corpse Explode = Target_CorpseExplosion
Spontaneous Combustion = Target_SpontaneousCombustion

Necromancy Skills
Blood Sucker = Target_BloodBubble
Living On The Edge = Target_DeathsDoor
Bloaded Corpse Raising = Target_BloatedCorpse

Polymorph Skills (These are all obvious, it seems.)
Tentacle Lash = Target_TentacleLash
Chicken Touch = Target_ChickenTouch
So on, so on>

The rest should be self-explainatory as most of them seem to follow directly from their namesake. If you need assistance finding a skill, however, don't hesitate to ask!~

But yeah! Now you know how to add skills to your character!
Setting up a character! -- Stats and Talents!
Adding Stats and Talents to your Arena Character!~

By the end of this section, you'll be able to know how to add stats and talents to your character as well as modify these values as you see fit and the speciifcs behind modifying them!

Okay! Back into it once again. This time, we're gonna be showcasing how to modify the stats of your Arena Character! For starters. Go back to the Stats Editor as always.

This time, we'll be going to open up the shared tab as we did in the previous examples and this time, we're going to the stats tab! From there, we go to open up the Character FIle! (The One)

Now we type in the search bar, as per usual, Arena (The Two.) This will bring up the statistical values for the preset Arena Classes. In my case, as for I'm making an Aeromancer here. I'll want to copy the ArenaWizard's stats (The Three) and then go down to where it says Stats where our mod name is. Hit the plus icon (The Four) and create a Character File and then open it. From there, paste the Arena Template you've copied into there.

As always , rename it to whatever you so please. I'll rename mine, once again, to ArenaAeromancer naturally. Keep the Act Part as 6. There's no need to alter it. This is when it gets hard.

As you can see, we can easily edit all of these stats. A very Important thing to note. You should treat these numbers as single point values. Ignore the decimals for now, that's for the more advanced tutorials.

The base of all stats with the Arena Mode Preset is 10. Meaning , as seen here. 0.5 Strength amounts to 10 stregnth but a bit of extra carry weight. 4 intelligence indicates 14 total Intelligence. So on, so on. I'll keep my stats the same for now. Now, for the more trivial stats.

Allow me to explain what these do here.

  • Armor: This is the total percentage of PHYSICAL Armor the character gets. If they have 100 Armor, they'll get 100% or if it's empty. If it's 25, then whatever the Physical Armor is they have from gear and such gets spliced down to 25%. So if I get a total of 100 Physical Armor, but my character's Armor Stat is 25, then I'll only spawn in with 25% Physical Armor, despite the fact that my gear makes up more.

  • Armor Boost: This is percentage boosted into it. Meaning now that I have 25 Physical Armor, if I set this to 100, then I'll get an additional 25 Physical Armor.

  • Magic Armor/Armor Boost: Same as above only with magical armor.

  • Reflexes: Additional bonuses to Evade. (Might be wrong.)

  • Vitality: The Percentage Of Scaled Vitality. Works just like armor. If you have 100 Vitality after all bonuses but this stat is set to 25 then your HP gets spliced down 25 Vitality. It's that simple.

  • Magic Points: This is just another way of saying Source Points. Changing this stat is like changing the Source Slot limit. If you set it to 1, then a character can only have 1 SP Max. , 2 is 2SP Max. 3 is 3SP Max. Setting it above 3 may cause issues unless you have a mod to circumvent htis.

  • Chance To Hit Boost: Accuracy bonuses. Not much more to say.

  • AP Maximum: The max amount of AP (Capped to 8 without mods. Lone Wolf characters are the only ones accessible to get 8 AP from this. Else, set this to 6.)

  • AP Start: How much they start with. Not really relevant. Just don't set it above 6.

  • AP Recovery: How much AP is recovered per turn. Don't set above 6.

  • Movement: Not sure of the precise stats but I believe that this is a bonus to the movement procured from Scoundrel and such. In meters. So 0.5 would be +0.5 Meters capable of being moved.

  • Movement Speed Boost: Exactly what it states in a percentage.

  • Gain/Sight/Hearing : AI Stuff. Don't touch it.

  • Initative: Exactly as it states. Just look at how the preset characters are when basing initative. Warrior has 8, Ranger has 6, Wizard has 4, Rogue has 2. If you have your character with 7 initative, for example, they'll move before the Ranger, Wizard and Rogue, but the Warrior will go before you.

  • FOV/Weight: Modifiers for Field Of View and Weight stuff. I'll go into further detail with these and how they can be used properly in my advanced tutorials.

  • StepsType: Indicates what kind of spoopy steps your character has.

  • Damage Boost: A boost to ALL damage in a percentage. 10 would mean you pretty much have permanent Flesh Sacrifice Damage Boosting without the Con-Loss.

  • Resistances: Resistances in percentages.

Alright! Now we're to the most important part. The actual stats!

These are a bit tricky. Here's a note. First off. Do NOT add decimals to your actual stats, such as SingleHanded. These are not attributes but rather your combat and civil skills. They're not made to be inputted as such.

All of these are pretty self-explainatory but a note. Always add one number above what you want if it's a combat ability like Scoundrel or Huntsman. Civil/Non Class-Based skills such as Leadership and Loremaster is just fine and can be inputted as normal.

And for whatever names aren't self-explainatory.

WarriorLore = Warfare.
RangerLore = Huntsman
RogueLore = Scoundrel.

So you can say you want level 2 in Scoundrel and Leadership. You'll set Scoundrel to 3 and Leadership to 2.

Now, me personally? Since I'm making my Aeromancer. I'll add 8 to AirSpecialist which is Aerothurge. That's the bare minimum for me since that's Level 7 Aerothurge which also means I can get the damage bonuses. Wizard has Level 5 Aerothurge which would make it probably more versatile than the pure Aeromancer, so it's for a bit of an edge.

Telekensis will be 5 as always. Loremaster will also be 5. Finally, the final part of editing!

Accuracy and Dodge are the base values for their respective stats.

I have no idea what Reflection does, as for I've never tested it.

Max Summons is how many summons a character can have at once. The max is 4, so don't set this number above 4 unless you have a mod to circumvent this cap.

Extra Properties and Flags will be explained in the advanced tutorials.

Finally, As for everything else is irrelevant. Talents. If you want a character to have a talent, you put the name of the Talent into that box. To seperate them, use the ; symbol. An example being.

ViolentMagic;ResistDead would give me both the Savage Magic skill for allowing magic to critical as well as Comeback Kid.

Once you're done editing your character stats, save them and now we go back to the menu!~

You need to again click on your custom made template within the root templates menu in order to edit them. (The One.)

From there, go to the stats button and click the dropdown arrow. (The Two.) And then change it to the stat-set you just saved and made! (The Three.)

With that, save your project, and just like that, now your character is set up with a bundle of stats catered to your liking!
Setting Up Your Character!~ -- The Cosmetics
Character Appearances and Presentation!~

By the end of this section, you should be able to know how to reliably change your character's portrait, appearance, as well as to meld campaign skins and visuals onto your character!

So you added in your character, and everything is fine and dandy. We've gotten THIS far! However, while our character is playable with whatever skills and such we put on there.

Maybe we don't like how they look. Maybe we just want a different portrait? Or even to use some of the Campaign Characters like the Magisters or the Black Ring characters! Well, that's rather hard to explain. So here we go!

First, think of what it is you want. We'll go with a basic Magister for now. I want my Aeromancer to look like the fancy Magisters with the fancy hoods. Whatever the hell those ones are. So I'll use the Root Templates search bar to search for "Magister"

Then you click over them all until you see one you like! I liked the Female Plague one , so I'll use this for now.

When you have it, you select them and place them on the map like any other object. In case you forgot how to, press the 5 Button then click the root templates manager and the name of the entity you want to place on the map.

Magister Inquistioner. I like it. So , until I figure out a faster method of this, this method is pretty fast.

So what you do is just use them as a base for your Arena Character. So you right click them when they're on the map, Export to Root Template.

HOWEVER! Since you've already made everything you needed to, you can just set these things up with the stats and such you made. But a few things you need to realize.

Most of these characters don't actually have equipment. This means you'll have to make sure they don't have ANYTHING equipped at all. Weapons are still possible. Just don't have them equipped with armor, really. This is the case for my Magister Inquisitoner template.

Notice the differences here.

The Number One set is the one with my Aeromancer Equipment on. You can see different parts and more clipping as for the equipment is UNDER the visuals.

Now, since I'm using the Inquisitioner as a template as well, I'll also gain its portrait with little to no additional effort required. Be sure to replace your magical armor and physical armor if you do remove the armor in the stats editor! Or else they won't spawn in with any!

I would recommend making a new equipment set entirely so you can switch back and forth between the two incase you change your mind or screw something up.

So now, we have our new portrait and our new look.

No more clipping or equipment overlay! So what now? There's not much more to do, since you can do this for anyone you so please. Alexandar, or whoever. Just have to use them as a base for the template!

Base Color Changes + Piece Replacement!

The final thing in the cosmetic corridor. Changing the color of the outfits as well as mix-matching pieces. Now, this is when it gets interesting.

Click back on your Root Template for your character. In the Side-Bar. You should see something that says "Visual Set Indices." You need to click that and hit the three dots.

You then end up with this menu.

You can change whatever is bound within the current Visual Set ID to your character. For example.

My hitting the boxed arrows as I've labeled, I've managed to remove the mask from my Aeromancer as well as give her more of a black-ish outfit and mixed up her outfit with the Magister Priest Garb for some added flavor and intimidation.

This is really something you have to play with to see if you'd like or not. But it adds more ability to detail and change what you're given to play with!~

Once you hit save, your new Root Template should spawn in with the changes of your selection!

And like that, you've now given your character a new look, a new feel, and a new portrait for arena mode! Now when you get in the game, you can see yoru changes! Be sure to publish the mod locally again to get the changes.

Now, we go in. And we can see our portrait has changed.

Notice how the AI also can pick my Aeromancer. And when we go into the game. Here you have it.

I intentionally put the mask back on and since this altered version of my Aeromancer had their armor removed, this is why they have no magic armor.

But that's that!
Setting up a character!~ -- Publishment and Realization
Publishing your character(s) to the world!~

By the end of this section, you should be able to know what is reccomended to be on the look out for when creating arena characters as well as how to publish your mod properly without breaking anything!~

So, now you've got your character just as you want them. You're finally ready to show the world your lovely character. So, that's simple. Within the editor, just hit CTRL+ALT+P which will bring up the publishing menu.

Be sure to publish to LOCAL first and then to the Workshop. You need both so that way, your mod can be in sync with the workshop version. Now, when it's done publishing to the Steam Workshop , you should get a link brings up your newly published mod!

If you're on GoG, then all you have to do is go to your Documents/Larian Studios/Mods/Local Mods folder and look for the Locally Published Mod you have and package it into a .rar file or something similar and just upload it on the Nexus (or somewhere similar!~)

Remember. If you publish a mod LOCALLY, and you're on Steam, then you cannot play with your workshop players if you've updated the mod and published locally since then as for the Local Mod will be more up to date than the Workshop edition. To fix this, just delete the Local Mod located in your Documents/Larian Studios/Mods/Local Mods folder.

Notable Things to be aware of!

Now, there's some things that may worry you. Maybe. Balance. Character utility. Tactical Limitations. That's all fine and dandy! These are okay. Sometimes you focus on synergy. Like.

How well might Class X go with Class Y. And probably attune them to be reliant on one another or even just another being in general. Maybe you want a Suicide Bomber class for all I know! So, personally, I would build my characters and classes around intentions in general. The community can come up with some nice ideas and notes about your classes.

Sometimes, it takes the mind of two in order to see something. Even if it's a suicide bomber class, maybe it can have high single damaged if buffed by others which may seem SUPER BROKEN. Maybe you'll want to fix that, maybe you'll appluad them for actually doing a good job in finding out how to use your unique classes and such.

That's on you. If you're dissatisfied with the result, just change it. If it makes you happy, keep it as is, silly.

With that, you now have your characters out there for people to play with. Since everyone is on preset terms, everyone is capable of everything others do, so at this point, maybe it'll become a battle of wits. It's all fair game. Make your characters also with that in mind.
Bonus Information -- Talent Name List
Talent Name List!~

This is a list of all the talents that you can put in the "Talent Category" for your characters! Be sure to seperate them by putting the ; symbol between each one. So ViolentMagic;ResistDead would give you the Critical Magic Talent and Comeback Kid!~

AttackOfOpportunity --> Exactly what it indicates.
ResistDead --> Comeback Kid
Carry --> Strong Back
SurpriseAttack --> Guerilla
ResurrectToFullHealth --> Morning Person
Raistlin --> Glass Cannon
MrKnowItAll --> Know-It-All
WhatARush --> As it indicates.
FaroutDude --> Far Out Man
Leech --> As it indicates.
ElementalAffinity --> As it indicates.
FiveStarRestaurant --> Five-Star Diner
Bully --> Torturer
ElementalRanger --> As it indicates.
LoneWolf --> As it indicates.
Demon --> As it indicates.
IceKing --> As it indicates.
WalkItOff --> Exactly as it indicates.
Stench --> Exactly as it indicates.
WarriorLoreNaturalHealth --> Picture Of Health
WarriorLoreGrenadeRange --> Slingshot
RangerLoreArrowRecover --> Arrow Recovery
NoAttackOfOpportunity --> Duck-Duck Goose
DualWieldingDodging --> Parry Master
Executioner --> As it indicates.
QuickStep --> The Pawn

These are only a few quick examples, but a more detailed list can now be found here!~ [docs.larian.game]
Bonus Information -- Helpful Links!~
Heya, guys. To make up for all my slack and such due to real life existing, I'm going to put a link of helpful links that'll assist you guys with some of the more abstract stuff not directly related to making Arena Mode Characters but still capable of assisting in the process. I'll update this frequently while I get back into making stuff.

Since I'm going to make a super detailed skill-creation guide for starters soon as well as update this one more. I really need to stop getting busy and lazy. ;-;

Skill Creation Assistance
Without further notice, the first link, as was per requested a mere hour before typing this. A (mostly accurate) skill list in reference to editor names! This list will be able to tell you what the things such as "Sucker Punch" and "All In" are within the editor themselves if you seemingly don't know.[docs.google.com]

The second link , while I'm almost positively sure that it may have been linked previously within this guide, would be the skill properties guide.[docs.larian.game] This will help you gather assistance on basic things such as making your skills only target Undead or enemies facing you akin to Medusa Gaze, all that cool stuff. As well as what you can replace the variables such as Undead and all that jazz.

Community Links

While not really required and a bit weird, you can always head to the Official Larian Forums[larian.com] in order to search for info that way.

Another option is to go to the Discord Server[discord.gg] where a majority of the more known modders (Such as Baardvark, that one Heleane person that I can't spell the name of properly off memory for the life of me, LaughingLeader (That person who created the Civil Auras Mod) and Smarm (That person who made the Armor Saving Based Throws mod) all reside. I'm there too, but that's not relevant. ;)

But you can go into either of these two places, and see if you can skim about to find your answers to your questions regarding making Arena Characters or any other modding concerns as well. Even better, you can also just ask someone directly and possibly get an answer instantly (At least for the Discord Server.)
🍌xxSexyVeganxxTTV🍌 18 Jun, 2022 @ 6:28pm 
Hello! Thank you for the useful guide!
I've been looking into the Arena mode and end up wondering: does anyone play it at all?
If anyone wants to play it, please let me know!
vk 5 Jan, 2021 @ 10:30am 
Incredible guide!! Helped me to create very very customized characters, and start to explore the engine, thanks!! Idk if anyone still following this post, but, luckily google broughts me here. Well, im using Divinity Engine 2 defEd, idk the version, and i bought the game in gog. Everything in the guide works very fine to me, just some things i did different, my only problem is that my chars wont work in others pcs, in mine, everything works fine. The game recognize that the mods exists, but in local multiplayer the chars dont appears and in online the game crashes when someone (even me) tries to connect. Sorry if its a bit confuse, english its not my primary leangueage haha. Do u have other guides? Well, thanks again!!
. 2 Jul, 2018 @ 11:01am 
Does anyone know how to make the portrait match a model you have edited the cosmetic options on? For me, the portrait remains as the default format of whichever person I edit the cosmetics of.
Darkiller25 20 Jun, 2018 @ 5:08pm 
Congrats on that very useful guide! I jsut got the game and was wondering if it was possible... it's a bummer it's not already in the game, but I'm glad they gave us the tools to do so and that you came along and put that information here. :D
Rucker.6 23 Feb, 2018 @ 7:58am 
Moon Fairy Kyra  [author] 22 Feb, 2018 @ 10:21pm 
@Rucker.6 Sure thing, I actually just added a new section to the guide right now to provide more useful informations sources (as well as what you directly requested for the editor skill names.)

So you can check that out and see if it helps!~
Rucker.6 22 Feb, 2018 @ 8:12pm 
Any chance you could add a link to a list that has every single skill and what it is in the editor. There's a handful of skills that I can't seem to figure out.
Mod_ing Mani_c 18 Feb, 2018 @ 10:43pm 
thank you legend :D
Moon Fairy Kyra  [author] 18 Feb, 2018 @ 10:40pm 
@Mod_ingMani_c Heya!~ Sorry, I've been dead as of late. I updated the list there. It seems you have to use DualWieldingDodging rather than DualWieldingBlock.

I've also added a link to a full talent list for your convienence! :vanilla:
Mod_ing Mani_c 18 Feb, 2018 @ 6:00pm 
Do you happen to know how to get the Parry Master talent to work? When I put in DualWieldingBlock it still doesnt work