Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

66 人が評価
DeGroot Keep
Categories: Maps
123.690 MB
2017年10月7日 18時13分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

DeGroot Keep

It's that one medieval map from TF2 in a medieval game.

This is just a TF2 map ported with some minor changes to get it working in PVKII

Gamemode is Deathmatch with some ammo,armor, and food around the map.

Map name/file: dm_degrootkeep_b2
9 件のコメント
Rick ._. 2023年1月16日 16時52分 
my game crashed twice XD
Grande1900 2022年11月27日 9時00分 
Needs more spectator cameras & maybe a Territory variation but overall a nice port.
SkyStarMania 2020年7月19日 14時01分 
This TF2 fits so well into pvkII especially if you are playing against bots its just amazing then
MrPotMask 2020年4月5日 20時06分 
as soon as i open this map the game crashes xd
Chainsaw 2018年7月27日 19時18分 
me to
Colonel 2017年10月21日 9時27分 
Anyone have issues being able to find this map in game to play it? It doesn't appear in map list for me
AGSMA 2017年10月19日 15時01分 
Finally, DeGroot Keep can be played properly, now.
Colonel 2017年10月15日 14時35分 
More :)
Big Black Boss 2017年10月7日 22時58分 
Wonder what took you long to make this, Pachito

*wacko emoticon goes here*