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Block and Chain Signals for dummies
By Psojed
Block signals explained, with pictures.
Hello. This is a short guide explaining the basic signals in the game Mashinky.

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The signals divide your track into BLOCKS, that's why we call them block signals. Their purpose is to prevent trains from one block entering into another block with a train in it. This prevents train crashes.

Let's build a simple track.

This whole track is considered as a BLOCK. I will use colors to show BLOCKS:

If we add a signal, it will cut this block in half on that particular spot:

But since the left part and right part of the rail are connected by the other side, our rail is still connected as one BLOCK:

This means that if you add a train now, the signals will stay RED forever.

To split our rail into two BLOCKS, we need at least one more signal:

Now the game sees our rail as two BLOCKS, separated by our signals:

Now if you added one train, the train will be able to pass through the signals and circle around our rail.

By adding more signals, you can divide tracks into many BLOCKS.
Most common problems are caused by tracks crossing each other. Let's have a look.

By adding tracks to a certain BLOCK, you extend it, like this:

However, when you cross another track, the BLOCKS of these tracks will merge together:

Our blue BLOCK is gone, because the tracks intersect.

It doesn't matter that trains can never turn on this crossing. The game calculated, that in theory, there might come a situation when train A is on the crossing, and train B could enter the crossing, crashing into the train A. Therefore the game merges the blue block into the yellow block, to prevent this theoretical crash from ever happening.

But since you want this track to function, you need those blocks separated, right? So let's add another signal:

Now we have separated the crossing from the rest of the the blue block and train can run again. This simple method - separating blocks - is used even in the most complex of crossing designs to make them function.
Crossing examples
Here are some examples of the simple crossings you can use:

Basic tracks

3-way tracks

4-way tracks

In our 3-way and 4-way example, we have used multiple signals on the turns, creating very small BLOCKS of rail. These actually serve no purpose, but I added them for this example to show how different BLOCKS form on different crossings.

These crossings are useful when you only run a small amount of trains through them. Only one train at a time can pass through the middle section and other trains have to wait. This becomes more apparent, if you start using two one-way rails:

The (purple) middle section now connects 8 different tracks, and all have to wait if a train is crossing. If you're building a rail like this, or plan running many trains in the future, it will be better to separate the rails using a tunnel, or a bridge:

This should be enough for you to build whatever you need.
Advanced Crossing examples
Advanced junctions should replace your basic crossings once you start running many trains at once. Their purpose is to prevent waiting for other trains from a different direction, therefore crossings are out of the question.

3-way Junction with tunnels (v2)

- I have combined the 3-way designs and used a different building strategy to have both condensed and smaller junction.

4-way "Cloverleaf" junction

- The design we all love :)
Many players also have issues with their stations, so let's have a look at them.

Station types

There are two station types:
  • Terminus - where trains enter and exit on one side of the station only.
  • Roll in-Roll out - where trains enter on one side and exit the other side. They are often called RiRo or RoRo station.

Example of basic Terminus and RoRo stations:

Terminus Station

The most common issue players face is when adding a second station platform to a Terminus station. They interconnect two platforms of the station, and it works well for 2 trains. Then, they add more trains and this happens:

The explanation is very simple. Train wants to go to the station, the signal before the X was green, so train entered the crossing. At the X crossing, the train can only go to the 2 station platforms, there's no other way for the train. And since both stations are occupied, train chooses one rail and stays at the signal, blocking the exit for all other trains.

The solution is also very simple. You can remove one of the two signals at the station, which will fix the issue, but cause additional waiting times. Therefore, the better solution is to add an exit for the train in the station:

Another simple solution is to use one-way entrance with a chain signal (which will be explained in a later chapter), and one-way exit. This is a solution created by the game author, Jan Zeleny. It's simple and trains will never block each other:

RoRo Stations

RoRo Stations are less complex to build, since you will be using the natural exit from the station. These stations work well in combination with Train Reversing Enabled. While you can build two-way RoRo Stations, I generally prefer building a second platform, as it makes the station more effective.

Hit me up in the comments if you have any issues with RoRo Stations and signals.
Station Examples
Here's a working example of Terminus station:

This basic design works well for multiple platforms aswell:

While it might look complex, a close-up reveals it's the same simple design shown above:

Examples of simple connection of RoRo station:

Train Reversing
  • Normally a train will automatically reverse at the end of track, at the end of a station (even if the track continues!) or in a depot.
  • If a train stays at a signal blocked by another train, you will get informed with a message. The same will happen if a train is waiting at signal, which was red for a long time. If you don't start solving the issue with the signal, a train might flip around and start moving backwards.
  • If you have Train Reversing Enabled, instead of flip, it will simply start moving backwards at half maximum speed.
  • For that case, here's a simple design for Train Reversing Enabled. We want our trains go engine first to run at max speeds. There's no signal involved this time, you just need to add an Order to your train, to go to the side rail first:

Chain Signals
An update on 6th January 2018 added Chain signals, which some of you already know under the name Combo signals from other games. As the names "chain" and "combo" suggest, this signal only works together with other signals. Let's have a look.

The chain signal will always look at the next signal in line, and if the next signal is green, the chain signal will also be green. Here's an example:

If the next signal in line is red, the chain signal will also become red.

And finally, it respects trains inside a given block. So even if the next signal is green, if there's a train on the track, it will stay red, so that another train won't crash into it.


Chain signals have limited usability. You still need to use mostly block signals. It's a very bad idea to build a track with only chain signals on it, because everything would eventually block itself:

Chain signals are best used, when you want to prevent a train entereing a specific block of a track. Great example are multiple entrances to a crossing. Here's an example. This is our standard block signal station. We have trains entering from two lines:

Due to the block signals, one train will pass into the crossing, pick a station line at random and wait for the train in the station to leave. But if a different train leaves first, our train will be stuck on the crossing while we have a half-empty station:

This can be fixed with chain signals. Here's an identical design, but this time we will put chain signals before the crossing.

The chain signals "look" at the block signals, and since both stations are full, block signals are red, therefore the chain signals will also be red and no train can enter the crossing.

When a train leaves the station, block signal turns green, therefore the chain signals also turn green and let trains into the crossing:

Track examples
Here's a simple 3-way crossing. With just block signals, there might be a train blocking another train, like this:

By replacing one signal with chain signal, we will prevent this block from happening, making our crossing more efficient:

The X crossing everyone likes can also be improved with chain signals. With block signals, one train will enter the crossing, blocking exiting for other trains in the station like this:

By changing the entrance signal to Chain signal, we will prioritize the trains wanting to leave. But this is not enough, because the opposite can happen - a train wanting to leave the station will block a train entering the station, like this:

So we need to change another signal into a chain signal. Now nothing will block the crossing:

If you look at the crossing, you can see the chain signals are pointing INTO the crossing, while everything else is block signals. You can make a rule out of this - only place the chain signals at the entrance into a crossing, and it will work.
Need help?
Ask me in the comments if you have any questions. If you need a step-by-step guide, continue into this guide:
mojibake 15 Jul, 2023 @ 7:44am 
Seu tutorial é ótimo!
Acho que a parte que alguns não entendem é o Crossings, mas é só a pessoa aplicar que tudo começa.
Depois de entender como os signals funcionam comecei até a organizar um tipo de preferência para os trens. Em vez de deixar eles posicionados de forma simétrica eu deslocava para o trem que eu queria que nunca parasse.
Bom trabalho!
mojibake 13 Jul, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
eu li e acredito ter entendido, só a tradução que deixou algo a ver mas suas imagens parecem ser a chave.
Vou por em prática.
DavidObed 3 Sep, 2022 @ 7:20pm 
We need path signals.
Donnanook 19 Oct, 2019 @ 9:28am 
looked at the other video and it shows how to delete a signal to make it one way
Donnanook 19 Oct, 2019 @ 9:10am 
Having trouble with single lines with passing places near a crossing where 2 lines cross. How do I choose one way signals rather than 2 way?
Victor Tupolev 9 Jul, 2019 @ 1:38am
Аlternative 3-way Junction with tunnels
Testa di Banana 2 Jun, 2019 @ 10:32am 
Chubby Boy 6 May, 2019 @ 10:38am 
game really need the option to allow trains to reserve past, and travel though, the back of signals - bidirectional through stations are pretty hard to do without something like this.
Iron Dice 17 Mar, 2019 @ 3:53pm 
Going to take me some experimenting to set the rules, but this makes solid sense at a first pass. Super helpful for a bewildered beginner like myself. Many thanks. :)
artisticgoose 13 Mar, 2019 @ 11:17am 
Reading this and it's finally clicked. Took a while :) THANKS FOR THE GUIDE!!!