Tomb Raider II

Tomb Raider II

183 ratings
By Ikx_1
Guide for Tomb Raider II launch

This guide is for getting the game maxed.
There's some small tricks what I have found so far, and I just wanted to show you them.

Feel free to help me to get this guide bigger! Thanks!
How to open setup?
So, the game just started or you put wrong settings?
No worries, to get the setup window open again, follow these steps:
1. Open Steam Library
2. Right-click Tomb Raider II
3. Click "Properties"
4. Click "Set Launch Options"
5. Enter "-setup" to the textbar
6. Run the game

There's the settings im using on the game (registery file has these settings):
(Ensisijainen näytönohjain = Primary GraphicsCard)
(Ensisijainen ääniohjain = Primary audio controller)

To play again, just simply remove the "-setup" parameter.
Incident musics
Incident musics are room placed musics, for example when something happens.
I noticed that when you run the game, there's no incident musics at all.
To turn these on, just open the game, select the blackish headset (or whatever it is) on the main menu, and put 9 to both selections.
Now you should have the incident musics.
There's an example:
Healthbar missing
There's 2 solutions, but I don't remember the second one, I'll add it when I found it.

Solution A:
1. Go to the game, for example, to Lara's Home.
2. Press F3 to zoom out the game.
Press F4 to zoom in the game.

Solution B:
TR2 icon not showing up in Steam
It's not a bug, It's not put in Steam.
Hopefully they're going to fix it.

You can how ever make an shortcut to the desktop, and put the icon there:
  • Open Steam Library
  • Right-Click Tomb Raider
  • Select Create a shortcut
  • Go to your desktop
  • Right-Click the new icon you just created to the desktop.
  • Select Properties
  • Click Select Icon
  • Pick up the .ICON file that you want to put to the shortcut
  • Click OK
  • Click OK
Choppy Graphics
You can change the smoothness of textures by pressing F8.
If that doesn't improve enough, try to change the settings from Setup.
There's a guide for opening the setup on this Troubleshooting guide.

However, it's also a good idea to look for an graphics card update:
Save files
The save files of TR2 game are located on the Steam folder:
  • Open Explorer
  • Navigate to Steam folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\)
  • Then go to this folder: Steam\SteamApps\Tomb Raider (II)\
  • Savefiles are located to this folder, they're called savegame.# (# = number)
Savegame order goes like in the game, first savegame is on top on the list on the game.
Butler in Lara's Home
Getting sick of the stupid wino? There's a solution!

  • Head up to Lara's Home
  • Go inside
  • Find kitchen
  • Open the door for freezer, and wait for the wino getting in
  • When the butler is inside, run outside of the freezer and lock it up.
  • Have free time.
Controls screw'd up
I had this issue when I tried to change the keys from the original, there's couple of possible fixes/solutions:

Notice: The "S" key is for Screenshots, do not use that as a control.
The screenshots are saved to the Tomb Raider II folder on SteamApps.

A. Are you sure you have selected Tomb Raider to be active on Windows?
Try this before trying the other options!
Go to Windows by pressing WindowsKey and open already opened TR2 from taskbar.
Controls might not work if the TR2 game is not active on Windows.

B. Reset TR2 settings
Before begining, close the game!
  • Press WindowsKey + R
  • Type RegEdit and press OK
  • Go to registeryfolder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Core Design\
  • Remove Tomb Raider II folder
  • Run the game
C. Copying my registerySettings for TR2
Click this link and run it: http://ikxgameplayer webs com/Files/TR2.reg (Yes, it's safe!)
Replace spaces with dots.
Cinematics don't show up
The first cinematic will be shown up after the copyright text, It's the Eidos and Core Design production video...

If the sound can be heared from this video, there's probably something wrong with the screen you're watching it on. The video is shown on 640 x 480 resolution window, and some screens (maybe TVs) canno't show that resolution anymore. There's a possibility that your graphics card also blanks the screen, because of the resolution.

If the sound canno't be heard at all, its a possibility that the window is minimized to taskbar, or the videos are skipped. The skipping happens when any button is pressed during a cinematic, or the window minimizes.

For me, there has never been an issue to view these cinematics.
Widescreen Fix (By Peditor132)
Notice: This fix is not intented by me, I canno't guarantee that it won't harm your game or won't work as wanted.

Widescreen fix:
"Do you guys play in windowed mode and force the widescreen “adjustment” thus?
The max resolution is very limited this way...

For people wanting a bit more info about the widescreen fix and its creator:

Sorry for exploding on your guide…
But playing TR2 at 1920x1080 without any hitches gets me very excited."

Thanks to Peditor132
Firecat 29 Jun, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
Anyone else having problems seeing the full config menu? It cuts off from the bottom right corner with no option to stretch or expand the window. Been fighting with it all evening :/
Jubejubes 6 May, 2023 @ 11:42am 
my screenshot button is set to f12..
how do i disable this screenshot set to s thing???? keeps crashing game..why is screenshot wasd much?
Jubejubes 6 May, 2023 @ 11:34am 
it crashes when trying to i know why.
dicelady 7 Jul, 2022 @ 4:28pm 
The game doesnt respond to my PS3 controller even though it says it should do in the setup menu, that its recognised in my computer control panel and ive just played thru TR1 perfectly with it.
Wolfie D 3 Nov, 2021 @ 9:30am 
windows 10 2021, no FULL SCREEN! what can i do!? I have amd! please help @
K-Real84 30 Oct, 2021 @ 8:52pm 
omg thank you! i just spent 2 hours trying to fix my controls after they got screwed up with the gamepad in-game user controls menu. The reset tr2 settings command you suggested worked! thanks
ggothay 6 Aug, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
how do you get ps5 controller to work on tomb raider 2 it works on tomb raider 1 and abe's oddesey any suggestions
Dgo 17 Jun, 2021 @ 10:38pm 
Hi, do you know what's the problem with TR2 Golden Mask after finishing Kingdom level I only 9/9 secrets instead of 12/12 and can't unlock Nightmare in Vegas? Any help please
Dgo 16 May, 2021 @ 6:10am 
Oh I heard it but it's not the same from your video afaik or maybe I don't notice the difference? Music and sounds are on 10 btw:
Ikx_1  [author] 16 May, 2021 @ 4:19am 
Great Wall has a incident music at least where you first see crows attacking you.