Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

209 ratings
DLC Idea: Natures Hunger
By KingMundane
Includes an idea for a new DLC: Killer, Survivor, and map.
Killer- Introduction
Rickie was a city boy, born and raised in the big city. He loved all the noises; the sound of the subway, the horns of the taxi's on the street, all of it. In fact, he couldn't sleep without it. Rickie was just like any college student, he wanted to get out of the house, away from his family. So when his friends asked if he wanted to go backpacking across Canada with them he gladly said yes.

Rickie thought that the trip would be all fun and games. He had never been camping and had no survival skills. He told his friends this and they laughed saying that they would take care of him. They started their trip, backpacks full with their tents and supplies. They made Rickie carry the most because they would be carrying him throughout the trip.

They were a week into the 3 week trip when it happened, deep within the Freezing Canadian Forrests, a hundred miles away from any civilization. Rickie was sleeping in his tent one night when he heard a noise outside. He decided to investigate. He thought maybe it was his friends playing another joke on him so he bravely ventured out into the woods towards the sound. After a few minutes of searching underneath the light of the moon he decided that it was time to head back to bed. At that moment he heard a scream. He turned and ran only to run into something that had not been there before.

Rickie looked up from the ground and saw something that could only be described as a starved moose walking on two legs. It let out a blood curling cry and attacking Rickie, bitting below his right ribs. Hitting the creature in the head with a stone next to him he managed to escape, sprinting back to the campsite to warn his friends.

He rushed into campt to see them all laughing and pointing at him. He stammared to explain what had happend, to show them his wound... But it was gone. Confused he went to back to his tent, terrified of what he had seen. Again he awoke to a noise outside his tent, but he resolved not to go and look. There he sat, shaking in his tent until morning.

When dawn finally came, he peaked his head out of his tent to see that the campsite had been ravaged. All of their food was gone, their fishing poles and bait too. The others blamed a bear, but Rickie knew it was something much more sinister.

There was nothing left for them to do but continue on their trip. What little food they found they rationed out, giving Rickie less and less each time. Or so it seemed because he was always so hungry. He found himself staring at his friends, drooling.

Another week went by and hungrier yet he became.

Then, 2 days since he had last eaten He saw the beast in the woods, stalking him and his friends. By then he had put himself in disbelief about that night, and believed this to be the hunger playing tricks on his mind. His friends set up camp for the night and settled down.

When the morning came, his friends awoke to a terrifying sight. Rickie had tied antlers to his head and had the skin of a deer draped around himself. He was hovering over their friend Matt. He looked up at them, red eyed and bloody face. He had sewn Matts face to his own. His friends screamed and ran, but it was too late. He'd soon attach their faces to his as well.
Killer- Gameplay
Abliity: Mimic

The creature moves like a shadow, amazing how it changes so effortlessly. It seems to have disapeared from my view. I must move to stay within ran-

So cold, so hungry. Must keep moving. Must feed. Hungry. So Hungry

-Author Unknown

The hunger that drives the Wendigo is what gives it it's power. Can Mimic the looks, and sounds of an injured survivor that is not in game (i.e if there is a Claudette, Bill, Meg, and Jake in game, then the Wendigo can Mimic an injured Feng, Ace, David, or Laurie)

-Grants the ability to mimic an injured out of game charactor (mimicing takes 7 seconds base)
-Grants the ablitiy to make injured noised at will when in mimic form
-In Mimic Form the killers speed is 105% of survivors
-Terror Radius is set to 0 when in mimic form
-Terror Radius is largest of all killers when in Wendigo form
-Cannont perform actions when in mimic form
-When returning to Wendigo form let out a collosial roar that can be hear across the map(base takes 3 seconds to return to wendigo form)
-Wendigo's walking speed is 110% of that of the survivors
-Lunge attack is largest of all killers and is a pounce attack, but a missed lunge attack results in a staggered effect of 1 second, while staggared the killer is stuck looking down. (similar to the nurses after blink effect).


The killers Mori would be the Wendigo ravaging the survivor with his antlers, throwing them to the side slightly at the end.
Killer: Outfit
-a large rack of elk or deer antlers attached to his head, bits of skin hanging off of them

He watched as his friend was impaled by the beasts horns, he let out a whimper, the beast looked at him

-he wears a bloody deerskin cloak, not quite covering his showing ribs

so hungry, always hungry, need meat

-The Wendigo's Claws, a pounce attack for a lunge. Largest lunge of all killers, but after a missed attack you are stuck looking down for 1 second.

With a uneasy swiftness for a beast of his size, the Wendigo pounced
Killer: Perks
Your hunger drives you, the more the merrier
-get notified when 3 survivors are working on a generator
-Uncommon: when generator is 85% finished, Rare: 80%, Very Rare: 75%

So Cold
the cold makes the hunger ever so bad
-When around fires in the map gain 25% increased movement speed
-Common: range is 5 meters , Uncommon: Range is 10 meters, Rare: Range is 15 meters

Crushing Anger
why won't they let me eat
-when pallet stunned there is a small chance the pallet will break instead of stunning you
-Rare: 5% chance, Very Rare: 10% Chance, Very Rare: 15% Chance
Killer Addons

Bloody Hand:
a cold hand that dangles from your antlers
-when roaring survivors are visible for .5 second, transformations time back to Wendigo is increased by 1 second.

Bloody Foot:
--a foot that dangles from your antlers
-decreased transformation time back to Wendigo by .5 seconds


Cold Bloody Hand:
a cold hand that dangles from your antlers
-when roaring survivors are visible for 1 second, transformations time back to Wendigo is increased by 2 seconds.

Cold Bloody Foot:
-a cold foot that dangles from your antlers
-decreased transformation time back to Wendigo by 1 second

Very Rare:

Bloody Icey Hand:
-an icey hand that dangles from your antlers
-when roaring survivors are visible for 3 seconds, transformations time back to Wendigo is increased by 2 seconds.

Bloody Icey Foot:
-an icey food that dangles from your antlers
-decreased transformation time back to Wendigo by 2 seconds

Ultra Rare

Frozen Bloody Head:
-a frozen head that dangles in a bloody bad at the Wendigo's waist
-Decreasing Mimic time by 5 seconds
Survivor- Introduction
Zachariah Jamison was the definition of an outdoorsman. He lived in a cabin he built himself, off the grid in the Canadian Wilderness. Surviving off of hunting and gathering. He knew his way around to woods better than anyone else. Then one day all of the game started dying. When he investigated he found their bodies ravaged, but uneaten. He gathered up his rifle and went on to hunt whatever was doing this to the game. The only thing that was ever found was his Rifle, bent int two.
Survivor Perks
Escape route
-You can see Pallets when within a certain range
-Common: 10 meters, Rare:15 meters, Very Rare: 17 meters and can tell if they are up or down

Mr. Fixer
-Gain the ability to stand up downed pallets
-Uncommon: takes 20 Seconds, Rare: takes 15 seconds. Very Rare: Takes 10 seconds

The Tracker
-Years of hunting have shown you what tracks look like, gain the ability to create a false set of tracks once per match
-Common: create a 5 meter trail of fake tracks, your real tracks still show, Rare: Create a 7 meter trail of fake tracks, your real tracks still show, Very Rare: Create a 7 meter trail, your real tracks do not show for 7 meters
Map Idea: Maple Mountain
Map based off of Maple Mountain in Ontario Canada.

The Cabin
Herein lies the old forgotton cabin. Some say that you can still hear the screams of those that died there, piercing through the night.

An old cabin sits in the middle of the maps. Small puddles are scattered throughout the map, sprinting through them creates a noise that the killer can see.

There are lots of hills on this map

Ancient Ties
Back before this wilderness was inhabited, there was one beast that ruled the land

Very similar map to the cabin, but instead of a cabin there is a cave in the middle of the map. Instead of having a killer shack, there would be a large pine tree with an opening to go into. Anothe spawn point for the basements. It would be a cave under the pine tree. The basement would not have the same look as other maps as it would not be man made.
This is not finished yet. I am totally open to new ideas and suggestions. That includes ideas towards perks, stories, map, and characters.I definitely need some help with offerings and addons. Any suggestions that I impliment will get credit towards the idea. Thanks all!

Thanks to DivisibleGhost and NerdR8ge for helping me work out some stuff with it!
Thanks to Strechus Kaktus for the idea of a jump attack
Thanks to The Hollow Man for the suggestion of changing weapon to claws rather than an antler
Thanks to Fropps for helping me workout the Killers Perk "Hunger"
Thanks to Chizzy.C for helping me workout the killer's speed.
Thanks to everyone who reminded me about the Mori!
Thanks to Donner012 for giving me an idea for the Frozen Head!
Thanks to B. Mash The Warrior for helping me work out "Crushing Anger"
Blackwell 1 Jun, 2022 @ 8:01pm 
Very cool, but why not just call it "The Wendigo"
herbgrace 14 Dec, 2019 @ 1:29am 
new DLC leaked...?
R!ch 24 Jul, 2018 @ 2:51am 
so fucking good
Biggie Thicc 24 Jun, 2018 @ 5:30pm 
very cool idea, i like it a lot
Axsuroth 26 Apr, 2018 @ 4:03pm 
cuz you can go press esc and you can see the surviver names
Axsuroth 26 Apr, 2018 @ 4:03pm 
mimic is bad you sould rework it it should be that it mimics a person that is in game but is far away like 56 meters and they should be out lined outside of that range inside you are less trusted and have a bit of blood on your face
Axsuroth 26 Apr, 2018 @ 4:00pm 
i got an idea for mr. fixer lev:1 takes 2 ppl to stand up 20 sec
lev:2 takes 2 ppl to stand up 10 sec
lev:3you can put it up by your self 15 sec
Dyl 21 Mar, 2018 @ 7:48pm 
idk seems like a worse wraith
TYDor 9 Feb, 2018 @ 10:42am 
the only perk that sounds op is the "Mr.Fixer" one
The Sneaky Sniffer 28 Nov, 2017 @ 5:33pm 
it sounds good to me