Оценок: 497
Traits gained for defeating Legendary Lords + Mortal Empires
От Azrael
A list of Traits you can get for defeating legendary Lords.
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So everything you need will be below. The Data there is not pretty yet, I may or may not make it more pleasing to the eyes we will see.

28.10.17 Added the Information about the Lords in the Warhammer 1 Guide so everything is here for Mortal Empires

XX.01.18 Added Information about Tomb Kings

06.02.18 Added Information about Lord pack "The Queen and the Crown"

XX.11.18 Added Information about The Vampire Coast

18.04.19 Added Information about "The Prophet & the Warlock" and "Tiktaq'to"

11.09.19 Added Information about "The Hunter & The Beast" and "Gor-Rok"

24.12.19 Added Information about "The Shadow & The Blade"

15.05.20 Added Information about "The Warden & The Pounch" and "Imrik"

03.12.20 Added Information about "The Twisted & The Twilight" and "Drycha"

19.03.21 Added Information about "Rakarth"

07.07.21 Added Information about "The Silence & The Fury" and "Thorek"

Legend of Total War made a Video about which are the best defeat Traits in TWW2

Last Change Made
- Last saved 10 July @21:00
Trait Limit
There is a Trait Limit, according to the hints it's max. 30 Traits at any given Time.
Trait limit hint
So in this guide you find the information for the unmodded version (obviously) in case you want to mod the traits they can be found here:

  1. data
  2. db
  3. trait_level_effects_tables
  4. data__

they are from the line 191 up to 240
Beastmen Lords
Flavour text
Faced with an opponen of the right calibre, even the Shadowgave can be bested.
Morghur the Shadowgave
  • Missile resistance: 15%
His single eye will not avail the Lord of Beasts a victory, nor all the fury in his twisted heart.
Khazrak the One-Eye
  • Chance of intercepting an army using the Underway, beast-paths or Worldroots: +20% (Lord's army)
  • Ambush defence chance: +20%(Lord's army)
The despoiler becomes the despoiled.
Malagor the Dark-Omen
  • Melee attack: +10 when fighting against Beastmen Warherds
  • Leadership: +10 when fighting against Beastmen Warherds
Brass Bull, Glass Jaw
As it turns out, you don't always need an immovable object to stop an unstoppable force.
  • Charge bonus: +15%
  • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +20
Bretonnian Lords
Flavour text
Witchfinder General
At this rate, the Lady of the Lake is going to have to find another representative...
The Fey Enchantress
  • Casualty replenishment rate: +10%
Hammer and Anvil
Outstanding personal courage and martial skill are not always enough. Today, the hammer became the anvil.
Alberic de Bordeleaux
  • +15 melee attack during naval battles
End of an Errant
Bretonnia's blessed cleanser has herself been defeated by the ravening Undead hordes which dare infest the badlands!
Repanse de Leonesse
  • +5 growth local province
  • Double Exp for army against bretonnia forces
  • +5 research rate faction wide
Thistime, the King might well be dead. Oh well, long live the King!
Louen Leoncour
  • Charge bonus: +10
  • Recuitment cost: -20% for cavalry nuits (Lords's Army)

If you fight Louen Leoncoeur while belonging to either of the other Bretonnian faction you get the following
Dark Elven Lords
Flavour text
Imortal Unbeloved
The Dark King will fall, by blade, by arrow, or by sorcerous power and the darkest magic.
  • Income from raiding +10% (Lord's army)
  • Passive ability: "Frenzy"
Her Dark Magic, Daemonic pacts, and evil ways have counted for naught in the face of superior arms
  • -10% Hero Action cost (all heroes)
  • +10% hero self-defense in the local province
The Day After
The trouble with nights of debauchery always comes the day after - not so much 'hung over' as 'hanged'!
  • Armor-piercing damage: +20
  • Melee attack: +5
Black Heart Down
You'd better make sure you kill him or this will not be the end of the matter - not even close
Lokhir Fellheart
  • Immune to Storm and Reef attrition (Lord's army)
Malus in Underworld
Do not shed a tear, for this darkest, most murderous of Druchii may now be with the Cytherai, deep within the Mirai, where he sureley belongs!
Malus Darkblade
  • Armour-piercing damage +30
  • Armour -5
Beastmaster of None
The Beastlord is dead, long live the Beastlord!
  • Leadership: -5 for enemy monstrous units (local enemy armies)
  • Bonus vs Large: +8
Dwarfn Lords
Flavour text
What to use to pad my mattress? I know - finest Dwarfbeard!
Thorgim Grudgebearer
  • Construction cost -10% for all buildings (local province)
  • Research rate +10% (factionwide)
Slayer King Slayer
Although the Slyer King has been toppled, no doubt he'll be back, bearing the Axe of Dargo and a serious grudge!
Ungrim Ironfist
  • Melee attack: + 5
  • Magic resistance: 5%
  • Missile resistance: 5%
The True King lies defeated but will return, spitting oaths and even grumpier than before!
Belegar Ironhammer
  • Melee attack: +10 during subterranean intercept battles
  • Leadership +4 during subterranean intercept battles
This time the tables have been turned on the last Dawi redoubt, but he'll be back to avenge himself - be certain of that!
Grombrindal the White Dwarf
  • Cause Terror vs. Dwarfs
Old Grumpslayer
Always had something to complain about, that one.
Thorek Ironbow
  • Magic item drop chance +15% (accompanying Lord)
  • Enemy Wind of Magic starting amount: -10 (Lord's army)
  • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +3 (Lord's army)
Empire Lords
Flavour text
Even great men are flawed; failure is part of mankind's tragic condition.
Karl Franz
  • Lord causes Terror against humans(Empire?!)
All the piety in the Old World means nothing when faced with superior military muscle.
Volkmar the Grim
  • Melee attack: + 3 for melee infantry units (Lords's army)
  • Melee defence: + 3 for melee infantry units (Lords's army)
Behind the golden mask lies the face of ignominious defeat.
Balthasar Gelt
  • Armour: +6 for all units (Lord's army)
Hunted Down
This time, the hunter became the hunted, losing out to an opponent altogether more dogged, dangerous and downright lethal than himself.
Markus Wulfhart
  • Missile resistance: 10%
  • Missile damage: +5% (Lord's army)
Boris Todbringer
  • doesn't give a trait
Gotrek (and Felix)
Flavour text
It's going to take more that that to finish them off! But perhaps you made an entry in their chronicles?
Gotrek Gurnisson
  • Unbreakable
Greenskin Lords
Flavour text
Heavy is the head that wears the Crown of Sorcery, and probably dead as well!
Azhag the Slaughterer
  • Magic resistance 30%
This hide is perhaps not as durable as it originally thought...
Grimgor Ironhide
  • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +20
  • Armour: +10
Great Green Killer
When you take a swing at Da Prophet, you smite Gork (and Mork) as well!
Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet
  • Physical resistance: 10%
Sometimes, even the sneakiest among us come unstuck.
Defeated Skarsnik
  • +20% Ambush and Ambush Defence
The bigger they are...
Defeated Grom the Paunch
  • Diplomatic relations: +10 with High Elves
  • Attribute: Causes Terror when fighting against Greenskins
High Elven Lords
Flavour text
Ulthuan Undefended
Now the Asur's greatest warrior has been laid low, what of the island kingdom he is sworn to protect?
  • Melee attack +2 (Lord's Army)
  • Unit Experience +1 for all unit recruits (Lord's Army)
The High Elves will have to find a new title for their beloved queen, as she certainly isn't around for-'ever'.
  • Public order: +4 (local province)
  • Winds of Magic power reserve: +5 (Lord's army)
  • Growth: +10 (local province)
Shadow's Fall
The reign of Anar is at an end; the Shadow King has stepped into the light for the final time.
Alith Anar
  • Hero Action Cost -15% (local region)
  • Hero Action Success Chance +10% (local region)
Ruin Unrestrained
With Teclis defeated, who will drive back the forces of Chaos from the world?
  • Winds of Magic power reserve: +10 (Lord's Army)
Here, er, were Dragons.
  • Bonus vs. Large +8
  • Fire resistance: 25%
With the dour defender, Ulthuan lies exposed.
Eltharion the Grim
  • Missile resistance: 10%
  • Attribute: Charge Defence vs Large
Lizardmen Lords
Flavour text
Today, the battle is over for Xhotl's last defender, but the war rages on - have no doubt.
  • Public order: +2
  • Melee defence: +10
It would seem that the Lizard King can't always do everything; winning, for instance.
  • Leadership Aura Size +25%
Out of the Skies
The skies are brighter - and safer - today now the bewinged purveyor of death from above has been taken down
  • Campaign movement range: +10%
  • Campaign line of sigh: +10%
Prophet of Doom
Ha! For all his power, the Prophet couldn't forsee his own demise...
  • Casualties captured post-battle: +15% (Lord's army)
  • -25% damage taken from all attrition (Lord's Army)
Wanderer No More
All journeys must eventually come to an end. This one has been cut short before reaching its destination, however.
  • Bonus vs Large +10
  • Melee Defense +10
Movable Mountain
Not all mountains are immovable - locate its weakness, its faultline, and turn the crack into a yawning chasm.
  • Leadership +4 (Lord's Army)
  • Attribute: Expert Charge Defense
One That Hunts the Unseen
The secrets of the worlds's fate are now cast into oblivion along with the ancients hunter's soul
  • Attribute: Vanguard Deployment
Norscan Lords
Flavour text
Blood Feuder
So you've roundly marmalised the Enternal Challenger? He'll be back for a rematch, and soon - of that you can be certain.
Wulfrik the Wanderer
  • Charge bonus +10%
  • Bonus vs. Infantry: +5
An oddity among his kind, Throgg is nothing if not enacious, he wont't stay down for long.
  • Bonus vs large +15
  • Weapon strength +3%
Skaven Lords
Flavour text
"See how he runs - all the way to the sewer from which he first skulked!"
Queek Headtaker
  • bonus vs infantry +10
"His dreadful staff, and the disease it spreads, cannot save Sklork from the righteous scourge."
Lord Skrolk
  • immunity to swamp attrition
  • -5 to public order in a local enemy province
Craven By Name…
Turning and running away, under the auspices of coming back with reinforcements, is just running away - and with the mark of a coward to boot.
Tretch Craventail
  • Speed: +12%
  • Leadership: +4 during subterranean intercept battles (Lord's Army)
A 'Fitting' End?
Ikit Claw may have been defeated utterly, but he'll surely be back again soon, with a new, better, nastier, probably-motorised plan. Watch out!
Ikit Claw
  • Winds of Magic Power Reserve: +10 (Lord's Army)
  • Research rate: +10% (Factionwide)
Deathmaster by Nature
"It would appear that the Eshin's infamous Chief Assassin has been decisively defeated, the victim of his own malice."
  • Hero action success chance: +4%
  • Attribute:Stalk
Deep Cleaner
The blemish of the Unclean one stains, the world no more, his foul presence having been wiped from existence.
Throt the Unclean
  • Hitpoints: +10%
Tomb Kings
Flavour text
Arkhan the Blackened
The Liche King may have dark sorcery and the power of the Great Necromancer, but that's not always enough when facing massed-ranks and hefty blades.
Arkhan the Black
  • Diplomatic relations: +20 with Tomb Kings
  • Weapon strength: +25% when fighting against Vampiric Undead
Settra the Perishable
As it turns out, the Imperishable is just as perishable as the rest of us…
  • Charge Bonus +15
  • Enemy Public Order -3 (local province)
Khalida Never-living
The Warrior Queen was defeated once before in life - fatally. Although she was saved by the blessings of the Asp Goddess then, they cannot save her now.
High Queen Khalidat
  • Diplomatic Relation +30 with Vampire Counts
  • +2 Recruit Rank for ranged units
Not-So-Grand Hierophant
They say he can hold back death's cold embrace. I see little evidence of that this day!
Grand Hierophant Khatep
  • Winds of Magic Reserve +15
  • Lord's Army immune to desert and sandstorm attrition

Easter Egg

Flavour text
True Chariot Master
defeat Settra as Surtha Ek
  • +100% weapon strength for Chaos chariot units in Lord's army
Surtha Wrecked
defeat Surtha Ek as Settra
  • +10 Skeleton Chariot capacity
  • +10 armor for chariot units in Lord's army
Vampiric Undead Lords
Flavour text
He who quenches his thirst on the blood of the living will find cold steel his just reward.
Mannfred von Carstein
  • Attrition: -50% casualties sufferd due to Vampiric Corruption attrition (all forces)
Kemmler's quest for the darkest of knowledge will never be over, but has suffered something of a setback.
Heinrich Kemmler
  • Magic resistance: 10% for all units (Lord's army)
Ghorst or Ghost?
Apparently death is merely an obstacle to be overcome; must be inconvenient, however.
Helman Ghorst
  • Enable poisen attacks
Undeath Descendant
Down but probably not out, as you cannot really kill what doesn't truly live.
Vlad von Carstein
  • Wound recovery time:-4
Cruelty Restrained
Stone-cold beauty is no guarantee of victory.
Isabella von Carstein
  • Passive ability:"Regeneration"
The Red Duke
  • doesn't give a trait

- Helman Ghorst Poisen overrides Frostbite in the UI not sure if Frostbite still applies didn't test that yet
Vampire Coast Lords
Flavour text
One Down, X to Go
"Although a deadly foe has been defeated, one has to wonder if all his personalities have been slain..."
Luthor Harkon
  • +15% Magic Resistance
  • +10 Leadership when fighting at sea
Dreadfleet Drowned
Back down to the Galleon's Graveyard with you, Noctilus, it's all you're good for!"
Count Noctilus
  • +5 Leadership when fighting Vampire Coast (Lord's Army)
  • +5 Leadership when fighting at sea (Lord's Army)
Siren Extinguished
"Right, earplugs out, lads - she's gone down to Stromfels' Chest, where she belongs, the harpy"
Cylostra Direfin
  • Miscast Base Chance -5%
  • Winds of Magic starting amount +15 (Lord's army)
  • Enemy Winds of Magic starting amount -10 (Lord's army)
Consigned to the Drink
"Once again, the Norscans can raid and rob and plunder in peace. For now, at least."
Aranessa Saltspite
  • Income from Sacking Settlements +15%
  • Passive Ability "Regeneration" when fighting at the sea
Woodelven Lords
Flavour text
Everyone has a weakness, however well hidden; even immortals must face defeat sometomes.
  • Leadership: +4 during forest battles Melee
  • Attack: +5 during forest battles
Tree Surgeon
Even the mightiest tree in the forest can be felled - you just need abig enough axe!
  • Gain flaming attack vs. Woodelves
Twilight Extinguished
Few things are everlasting. Just as dawn signifies the end of night and dusk the end of day, Ariel's twin maidens are slain!
The Sisters of Twilight
  • Casualty replenishment: +20% for Lords (Lord's Army)
  • Missile strength: +10%
Destroyer of Dryads
The forest's most embittered could not overcome you - the Briarmaven of Woe is felled, her hate-filled spirit erased from the world.
  • Immune to Athel Loren and Awakened Forest Attrition (Lords Army)
  • -5 Public Order (Local Enemy Province)
Warriors of Chaos Lords
Flavour text
The Everchosen may rise and rise again, but he will forever be consigned to oblivion!
Archaon the Everchosen
  • Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Pride Assassin
Pride comes before a fall. Always.
Sigvald the Magnificent
  • Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +5%
  • Income from all buildings +10% (local province)
Roiling skies, raging winds and lightning didn't help the Herald of the Tempest, laid low this day by honest steel.
Kholek Suneater
  • Bonus vs large +10
Sarthorael the Everwatcher
  • doesn't give a trait
Fancy Tactics
I was told, I didn't test this myself, that you could attack a Lord of your own Faction with a Legendary Lord and lose on purpose. If you later confederate that Faction you lost to, the Lord you lost to would have the Trait for defeating your LL. Like this you can get the Trait your Lord would provide and profit of it. Probably pretty hard to pull of though.


While playing co-op, you can get the trait bonus for defeating your co-op partners Legendary Lord when reinforcing.

Комментариев: 181
Azrael  [создатель] 13 фев. 2022 г. в 4:51 
@Bod don' worry man, after you told me, I searched for it in reddit and someone posted about it 7 months ago. Not sure if it was even possible before it.
Bod 13 фев. 2022 г. в 1:55 
Got some screenshots when we played last night and they are publicly available on my profile. Will link them here also thou!

Shot 1: Main menue to show the co-op game:

Shot 2: Mage with trait selected, zoomed in on co-op Alith:

Shot 3: Mage with Alith defeat trait:

I'm sorry I didn't take a shot of it on my activity feed... I didn't think to at the time. We are under 20 turns to victory so I can see how it shows up in the "end game" review.

RE: TWH:3... Sorry, I wasn't meaning add the info FOR 3... just I feel bad for saying about this so late, given we knew for a while now. This isn't the first time we have seen it, it has become a meme that my lords keep beating up hers! :D

I can be sure to give faster info RE: 3 thou xD
Azrael  [создатель] 12 фев. 2022 г. в 3:46 
I have already uninstalled Warhammer 2, I'll only add new content to this guide if I'm presented proof for a change of traits.
Azrael  [создатель] 12 фев. 2022 г. в 3:44 
@Bod, yeah if you have evidence for that I can add it, but for warhammer 3 it would have to be confirmed separately.
Bod 12 фев. 2022 г. в 3:05 
So I have played for ages, and probably should have said this sooner what with 3 coming out xD

But while playing co-op, I have been getting the bonus for defeating my co-op partners LL when reinforcing.

I will grab a screenshot tonight as evidence, current co-op game has a High Mage who apparently defeated Alith Anar :D
jonstarfay 5 янв. 2022 г. в 16:35 
the reason is if nakai faction is killed in the beginning of the game there is a chance that a new faction [spirit of the jungle] will replace him and i tried but it wont respawn him at all.
Sauske 4 янв. 2022 г. в 12:32 
So I just had Nakai´s faction spawn close to me around turn 140, marched Arkhan over to his army, and it was not led by Nakai. So I attacked, killed the kroxigor lord leading the army, let the army survive, waited a turn... and the lord got replaced with a slann! What is this garbage? :D
Azrael  [создатель] 6 дек. 2021 г. в 7:19 
best defeat traits according to LegendofTotalWar
Azrael  [создатель] 2 дек. 2021 г. в 10:35 
@A1 Steaksauce Yes!
A1 Steaksauce 1 дек. 2021 г. в 15:30 
Will you be doing a guide like this for TW 3?