Killing Floor

Killing Floor

533 ratings
Killing Floor Keybinds
By Sgt. Wrexasaur
This is a guide to help you learn how to create and use keybinds for the game Killing Floor. This guide explains 3 different ways you can create keybinds. It also includes a list for the Speech command and some recommended keybinds that I use myself. If there is anything on this guide that you do not understand, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will try my best to help explain it in a more coherent way!
User.ini - Most advanced way to assign keybinds to the game.
Editing your user.ini file is the most advanced way to assign keybinds to the game. Before you do this, it is recommended that you to backup your User.ini file located in your Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\system directory.

Text Guide:
  • Step 1: Browse to your Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\system directory.
  • Step 2: Open User.ini using any text/word editing software. I recommend using Notepad++.
  • Step 3: Scroll down or use the find text feature to locate the [Engine.Input] section of the ini file. This section contains all of your key bindings for the game.
  • Step 4: Edit the keybinds to your liking. I will list some recommended keybinds and some explanations for them in another section of this guide.
  • Step 5: Save the file, launch the game, and test out your new custom keybindings! If they do not work, you can simply revert your changes by replacing the modified User.ini with the one you had backed up previously.

Image Guide:

Step 1: Browse to your Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\system directory.

Step 2: Open User.ini.

Step 3: Find [Engine.Input].

Step 4: Edit your keybindings.

Step 5: Save the file.

Video Guide:

Console method - Modify keybinds while in game.
Using this method, you can modify keybinds on the fly while in the game itself. Again it is recommended to backup your User.ini located in the Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\system before you use this method.

Text Guide:
  • Step 1: Launch the game.
  • Step 2: Open the console window by pushing the ` or ~ (grave accent or tilde) key. (This is the default key to open the console, it might be different for you.)
  • Step 3: While in the console type: "set input KEY_HERE COMMANDS_HERE" (Without the quotes. KEY_HERE is which key you want to bind, example: B, COMMANDS_HERE are the commands you want to bind to the key, example: TossCash. In order to bind multiple commands to a key you must separate the keys using the | seperator. Complete example: set input B TossCash 250 | Speech AUTO 4.)

Image Guide:

Step 1: Launch the Game

Step 2: Open the Console

Step 3: Input your keybindings and press Enter

Video Guide:

Settings method - Easiest and most obvious editing method.
This is the easiest and most obvious method of modifying your Killing Floor keybinds. However, not all options will be available in this section until you use one of the other methods. As before, it is recommended to backup your User.ini located in your Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\system directory before using this method.

Text Guide:
  • Step 1: Launch the game.
  • Step 2: Select the Settings option on the main menu. Go to the controls tab.
  • Step 3: Modify your key bindings to your liking.

Image Guide:

Step 1: Launch the game.

Step 2: Select the Settings option on the main menu. Go to the controls tab.

Step 3: Modify your key bindings to your liking.

Video Guide:

Keybind commands explained.
Below is a list of some of the most useful keybinds for the game. This list does not include every single command. A more complete list of commands can be found here: KF Wiki Console Commands[]

  • Say - A command used to send a text string into chat, when I push 6, I will automatically send 'Scrake!' into the chatbox. (Example: 6=Say Scrake!)
  • TeamSay - Same as above. (Except in 'team-chat', but it's basically the same thing, as everyone is on the same team.) (Example: 6=TeamSay Scrake!)
  • | - A command separator, allowing you to issue multiple commands via one bind. (Example: 6=Say Scrake! | Speech AUTO 14)
  • OnRelease - A command that will execute the following command after you release the key. (Example: 6=Say Goodbye cruel world! | OnRelease Suicide)
  • Speech - A command used to send voice responses to other players, I will include a full parameter list in another section. (Example: 6=Speech AUTO 14)
  • ShowVoteMenu - A command used to display the map voting menus. (Example: 6=ShowVoteMenu)
  • ShowKickMenu - A command used to display the kick voting menus. (Example: 6=ShowKickMenu)
  • adminlogin - A command used to login as server administrator. (Example: 6=adminlogin ilikecookies123)
  • Stat - A command used to toggle the display of statistics on your screen. (Example: 6=Stat FPS | OnRelease Stat FPS)
  • %H - Player health (Only displays properly in team-chat. Example: 6=TeamSay Health: %H)
  • %S - Player armor (Only displays properly in team-chat. Example: 6=TeamSay Armor: %S)
  • %W - Player weapon (Only displays properly in team-chat. Example 6=TeamSay Weapon: %W)
  • TossCash - Drop money. (Example: 6=TossCash 69)
  • ThrowWeapon - Drop your current weapon. (Example 6=ThrowWeapon | TeamSay I dropped a %W, someone grab it!)
  • GetWeapon - Equip a specified weapon. (Example: H=GetWeapon KFMod.Syringe A full list of weapon names can be found here: KF Wiki Weapon Names[])
  • BasePath 1 - Displays one "pulse" of the trader path whenever you enter this command. (Example: 6=BasePath 1)
  • TogglePathToTrader - Toggles the continous display of the trader path. (Similar to when a wave has ended. Example: 6=TogglePathToTrader)
  • ShowHud - Toggles the HUD (heads-up-display), useful if you want to take clean screenshots. (Example: 6=ShowHud)
  • ToggleScreenShotMode - Same as above, but also hides your weapon. (Example: 6=ToggleScreenShotMode)
  • Suicide - Commits suicide. (Example: 6=Say Goodbye cruel world! | Suicide)
  • QuickHeal - Use this command to rebind the self-heal key. (Example: 6=QuickHeal)
  • Exec - Run (execute) a configuration file (.ini). Useful if you want to load multiple keybinds at once. (Example: Create keybinds1.ini and keybinds2.ini in the killingfloor/system folder. In these files enter your keybinds, such as Set Input H GetWeapon KFMod.Syringe, then you can load this file by using the command Exec keybinds1.ini or Exec keybinds2.ini)
Speech Command List
Below is a list of all of the available parameters you can use for the Speech command.

  • Speech SUPPORT (Example: 6=Speech SUPPORT 1):
    • 0 - Medic
    • 1 - Help
    • 2 - Ask for money
    • 3 - Ask for weapon

  • Speech ACK (Acknowledgements, Example: 6=Speech ACK 2):
    • 0 - Yes
    • 1 - No
    • 2 - Thanks
    • 3 - Sorry

  • Speech ALERT (Example: 6=Speech ALERT 3):
    • 0 - Look out
    • 1 - Run
    • 2 - Wait for me
    • 3 - Weld the doors
    • 4 - Let's hole up here
    • 5 - Follow me

  • Speech DIRECTION (Example: 6=Speech DIRECTION 4):
    • 0 - Get to the trader
    • 1 - Go upstairs
    • 2 - Go downstairs
    • 3 - Get outside
    • 4 - Get inside

  • Speech INSULT (Example: 6=Speech INSULT 0):
    • 0 - Insult specimens
    • 1 - Insult players

  • Speech TRADER (Example: 6=Speech TRADER 10);
    • 0 - Check where the shop is
    • 1 - Get close
    • 2 - Shop open
    • 3 - Shop open (patriarch wave)
    • 4 - 30 seconds until shop closes
    • 5 - Nothing
    • 6 - Shop closed
    • 7 - Compliment
    • 8 - Not enough money
    • 9 - Can't carry
    • 10 - Hurry up 1
    • 11 - Hurry up 2

  • Speech AUTO (Example: 6=Speech AUTO 5):
    • 0 - Welding
    • 1 - Unwelding
    • 2 - Reload
    • 3 - Out of ammo
    • 4 - Dosh / Money
    • 5 - Stand still, I'm trying to heal you
    • 6 - Low on health
    • 7 - Bloat acid
    • 8 - Patriarch cloak
    • 9 - Patriarch minigun
    • 10 - Patriarch rocket launcher
    • 11 - Grabbed by clot
    • 12 - Fleshpound spotted
    • 13 - Gorefast spotted
    • 14 - Scrake spotted
    • 15 - Siren spotted
    • 16 - Siren scream
    • 17 - Stalker spotted
    • 18 - Crawler spotted
    • 19 - Melee killed a stalker
    • 20 - Using flamethrower
    • 21 - Equip Hunting shotgun
    • 22 - Equip Handcannons
    • 23 - Equip L.A.W.
    • 24 - Equip Fireaxe
Recommended Keybinds
Here is the list of keybinds that I currently use as seen in User.ini.

  • 6=Say Scrake! | Speech AUTO 14
  • 7=Say Fleshpound! | Speech AUTO 12
  • 8=Say Patriarch! | Speech AUTO 10
  • 9=Say Loadsamoney! | Speech AUTO 4
  • Down=Speech ACK 3
  • GreySlash=ShowVoteMenu
  • GreyStar=ToggleScreenShotMode
  • GreyMinus=TogglePathToTrader | OnRelease TogglePathToTrader
  • GreyPlus=Stat FPS | OnRelease Stat FPS
  • Left=Speech ACK 0
  • Right=Speech ACK 1
  • Up=Speech ACK 2
  • NumPad6=Speech ALERT 3
  • NumPad5=Speech ALERT 1
  • NumPad4=Speech ALERT 0
  • NumPad3=Speech SUPPORT 2
  • NumPad2=Speech SUPPORT 1
  • NumPad1=Speech SUPPORT 0
  • NumPad7=Say Stand still, I'm trying to heal you! | Speech AUTO 5
  • NumPad8=Speech DIRECTION 0
  • NumPad9=TeamSay Status: %H - %S - %W
  • B=TossCash 100
  • L=TossCash 1
  • H=GetWeapon KFMod.Syringe
  • Backslash=TeamSay I dropped a %W, someone grab it! | ThrowWeapon

Here is the list of keybinds that I currently use as you would enter them into the console.

  • Set Input 6 Say Scrake! | Speech AUTO 14
  • Set Input 7 Say Fleshpound! | Speech AUTO 12
  • Set Input 8 Say Patriarch! | Speech AUTO 10
  • Set Input 9 Say Loadsamoney! | Speech AUTO 4
  • Set Input Down Speech ACK 3
  • Set Input GreySlash ShowVoteMenu
  • Set Input GreyStar ToggleScreenShotMode
  • Set Input GreyMinus TogglePathToTrader | OnRelease TogglePathToTrader
  • Set Input GreyPlus Stat FPS | OnRelease Stat FPS
  • Set Input Left Speech ACK 0
  • Set Input Right Speech ACK 1
  • Set Input Up Speech ACK 2
  • Set Input NumPad6 Speech ALERT 3
  • Set Input NumPad5 Speech ALERT 1
  • Set Input NumPad4 Speech ALERT 0
  • Set Input NumPad3 Speech SUPPORT 2
  • Set Input NumPad2 Speech SUPPORT 1
  • Set Input NumPad1 Speech SUPPORT 0
  • Set Input NumPad7 Say Stand still, I'm trying to heal you! | Speech AUTO 5
  • Set Input NumPad8 Speech DIRECTION 0
  • Set Input NumPad9 TeamSay Status: %H - %S - %W
  • Set Input B TossCash 100
  • Set Input L TossCash 1
  • Set Input H GetWeapon KFMod.Syringe
  • Set Input BackSlash TeamSay I dropped a %W, someone grab it! | ThrowWeapon
pewpew 22 Nov, 2023 @ 4:51pm 
get outside and get inside are the wrong way round, inside is first :)

Big thank you for this guide, super helpful! :MrFoster::Fistofdosh:
Kermit the Phrog 22 Jan, 2023 @ 11:10pm 
I like to use "Backslash=TeamSay I dropped a %W, someone grab it! | ThrowWeapon | Speech AUTO 23" for my drop weapon. :weed:
^NegaTiV^ 5 Jul, 2022 @ 4:25am 
заходите на сервер Killing Floor IP:
все настроено для баланса перков и командной игры
хостинг сервера оплачен до 2032 года
go to Killing Floor server IP:
everything is set to balance perks and team play
server hosting paid until 2032
Woozie 20 May, 2022 @ 3:27am 
hi i'm from the future, it's called mouse3
Sgt. Wrexasaur  [author] 24 Mar, 2019 @ 8:18am 
@LeAiri: The middle mouse button is called "MiddleMouse"
Starlight 25 Jan, 2019 @ 8:26am 
What do you call the Middle Mouse Button? =l
Virus-T 18 Dec, 2018 @ 10:14am 
Set Input Mousewheelup TossCash 1.
Set Input Mousewheeldown TossCash 1
(for drop 1 dosh with scroll)
Sgt. Wrexasaur  [author] 11 Sep, 2018 @ 7:01am 
@benny Thanks!
benny 22 Aug, 2018 @ 5:12pm 
massively helpful, gem of a guide, favorited and rated-up :hey: :horzine:
Snipes 13 Jun, 2018 @ 6:03pm 
@sgt.wrexasaur ah