Z1 Battle Royale

Z1 Battle Royale

137 ratings
H1Z1 item guide
By Shifted_Cheater and 2 collaborators
This guide is all about letting you know which items are in the game and what their uses are.
This guide is dedicated to newer players so if you are a more experienced player you probably will know what all the items do and how to use them.
But maybe more experienced players will learn something new aswell :)
There are many weapons you can battle your opponents with and they all have different uses.
In this section we will be teaching you what they each do and how they are used.


The AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon which is most usefull at mid to long ranges.

- Low recoil high accuracy (best for long ranges).

- 4 bodyshots to kill a player. Or 1 headshot. (This is without armor or helmet).
25 damage to the helmet, 25 damage for body shots. Also, note that on a helmet hit the AR will apply a level 2 bleed.

- Bleed per shot: 1 (max. 3)

- Damage per shot: 25

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 1 extra bullet.
  • Laminated armor, protects against 2 extra bullets.

Makeshift Armor
1st hit on armor --> 0 damage and 0 bleeding symbols --> Armor breaks

Laminated Armor
1st hit on armor --> 0 damage 0 bleeding symbols
2nd hit on armor --> 2 damage 1 bleeding symbol --> Armor breaks

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).


The Ak-47 is a full automatic weapon which can spray targets down at close range.

- High recoil, high damage, best for medium ranges.

- Needs 4 bodyshots to kill a player. Or 1 headshot (This is without armor or helmet).

- Bleed per shot: 2 (max. 3)

- Damage per shot: 30

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 1 extra bullet.
  • Laminated armor, protects against 2 extra bullets.

Makeshift Armor
1st hit on armor --> 1 damage and 1 bleeding symbol -- Armor breaks

Laminated Armor
1st hit on armor --> 1 damage 1 bleeding symbol
2nd hit on armor --> 2 damage 1 bleeding symbol -- Armor breaks

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).


The shotgun is a weapon for close range and it gets near ineffective when you get further and further.

- Close range capable of one-shot kills.
- Damage per pellet: 12 pellets fired, doing 4.0 - 9.1 damage each, depending on distance.
- Bleed per pellet: 1/4 (max. 3)
- Headshot modifier: Between x1.0 and x2.7, depending on distance.
- Shotgun damage decreases over distance. It will inflict max damage at point blank and begin to
decrease beyond 8 meters. It will inflict minimum damage at ranges of 13m and above.

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 1 shotgun pump against the body
  • Laminated armor, protects against 2 shotgun pumps against the body

Makeshift Armor
1st pump on armor --> Armor breaks --> another pump to chest --> 2nd pump to the chest = kill
If you are to far away the armor might not break from the first shotgun pump.

Laminated Armor
1st pump on armor --> Armor is damaged --> 2nd pump to armor --> Armor breaks --> 3rd pump to the chest = kill

If you are to far away the armor might not break from the second shotgun pump.

If you can headshot a player from close range with the shotgun it will result in an instakill, it doesn't matter if the player has any kind of armor on.

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).

.308 Hunting Rifle

The .308 Hunting Rifle is a powerful weapon which is capable of one-shot kills.
- Bolt action.
- Long-range.
- Bleed per shot: 3 (max. 3)
- Needs 2 bodyshots (even with armor) or 1 headshot (even with helmet).
- Damage per shot: 65
- Headshot modifier: x4

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 0 Hunting Rifle hits against the body
  • Laminated armor, protects against 0 Hunting Rifle hits against the body

Makeshift Armor
1st hit on armor --> 35 damage -- Armor breaks

Laminated Armor
1st hit on armor --> 35 damage -- Armor breaks

The 308. Hunting Rifle bypasses the 50% bleed reduction that body armor provides.

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).


The M1911 is a pistol good in many situations.
- Versitale pistol.
- Semi-automatic
- Bleed per shot: 1 (max. 3)
- Needs 4 bodyshots (without armor) or 2 headshots (1 without helmet).
- Damage per shot: 27.5
- Headshot modifier: x4

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 1 extra bullet.
  • Laminated armor, protects against 2 extra bullets.

Makeshift Armor
1st hit on armor --> 1 damage -- Armor breaks

Laminated Armor
1st hit on armor --> 2 damage
2nd hit on armor --> 1 damage and 1 bleeding symbol -- Armor breaks

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).


The M9 is a run and gun pistol which has low recoil and can rapid fire targets close-by.
- Semi-automatic, fastest pistol.
- Large mag and low recoil.
- Bleed per shot: 1 (max. 3)
- Needs 6 bodyshots (without armor) or 2 headshots (1 without helmet).
- Damage per shot: 18
- Headshot modifier: x5

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 1 extra bullet.
  • Laminated armor, protects against 2 extra bullets.

Makeshift Armor
1st hit on armor --> 1 damage and 1 bleeding symbol -- Armor breaks

Laminated Armor
1st hit on armor --> 1 damage and 1 bleeding symbol
2nd hit on armor --> 1 damage and 1 bleeding symbol -- Armor breaks

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).

.44 Magnum

The magnum is a powerfull pistol that is best used to damage cars and armor.
- Powerfull pistol, packs a huge punch.
- Semi-automatic, slowest pistol.
- Bleed per shot: 2 (max. 3)
- Needs 3 bodyshots (without armor) or 2 headshots (1 without helmet).
- Damage per shot: 45
- Headshot modifier: x2.5

If your opponent has Armor:
  • Makeshift armor, protects against 1 extra bullet.
  • Laminated armor, protects against 1 extra bullet.

Makeshift Armor
1st hit on armor --> 2 damage and 2 bleeding -- Armor breaks

Laminated Armor
1st hit on armor --> 2 damage and 2 bleeding --Armor breaks

The mangum bypasses the 50% bleed reduction that body armor provides.

(Bleeding and healing will be explained later in the guide).
There are two kinds of armors in the game:
  • Makeshift armor

  • Laminated armor

Makeshift armor: Can be crafted but can't be found in the map.


Makeshift armor can save you from 1 bullet and will then break but this can be different from weapon to weapon.
(Explaining more about killing people with and without armor in a different section).

Laminated Armor

Laminated armor: Can't be crafted but can be found in air drops.


Laminated armor can save you from 2 bullets and will then break but this is different from weapon to weapon.
(Explaining more about killing people with and without armor in a different section).
How to kill a player (Bodyshots).

How to kill a player (Headshots).

Keep in mind that the shotgun might be different from how far away you are and how many pellets hit.
There are many items you can find on the map and salvage.
Salvaging items gives you ingredients which can be used in crafting.

These are all the items that can be salvaged:


Both helmets give 2 armor scrap (they don't do anything different, they both work the same)


A Backpack gives you 4 cloth

If you shred the Military Backpack it will give you 4 cloth and 4 composit fabric


If you shred your Hat, you receive 1 cloth

If you shred your Bandana, you receive 1 cloth

If you shred your Shirt / Hoodie / Parka, you receive 4 cloth

If you shred your Gloves, you receive 1 cloth

If you shred your Pants, you receive 4 cloth

If you shred your Zeds / Silent Shoes, you receive 2 cloth

If you shred your Work Boots, you receive 2 composit fabric

If you shred your Running Shoes, you receive 2 composit fabric

Crafting is a very important part of the game.
Here we will show you which crafting recipes there are and which ingredients there are and how to get them.

This is where you can craft:

To craft you can left click on the item you want to craft and it will craft that item 1x.
Right click on the item and it will craft as many as you can.

All these recipes need different ingredients.
We will show you each recipe and show you the ingredients you need and how to get them.

The first recipe is Field Bandage:

To craft a Field Bandage you need 2x cloth as seen in the recipe:

How to get cloth is explained in the section above (SHREDDING):


The next recipe is Makeshift Armor:

To craft a makeshift armor you need 2x Armor Scrap, 4x Composit Fabric and 1x Duct Tape as seen in the recipe:

Armor scrap:

Composit fabric:

Duct tape:


The next recipe is procoagulant:

To craft a procoagulant you need 1x Medkit and 10x Field Bandages:

Tactical First Aid Kit:

Field Bandage:


The next recipe is Explosive Arrows.
To craft Explosive Arrows you need 1x Grenade, 5x Wooden Arrows, 1x Duct Tape and 5x 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells:


Wooden Arrows:

Duct Tape:

12 Gauge Shotgun Shells:


The next recipe is Flaming Arrows.
To craft Flaming Arrows you need 1x Molotov Cocktail, 5x Wooden Arrows, 1x Duct Tape and 5x 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells:

Molotov Cocktail:

Wooden Arrows:

Duct Tape:

12 Gauge Shotgun Shells:


The next recipe is the Satchel.
To craft a Satchel you need 6x cloth:

Shoes / Boots from slowest to fastest: No shoes --> Zeds / Silent Shoes--> Work Boots --> Conveys

The Zeds / Silent Shoes:

The Zeds / Silent Shoes you get at Fort Destiny:
-Very silent, They are very hard to hear you can silently sweep in for a kill.
-They are not good shoes for running fast.
-The fall damage wont be affected with these shoes.

Best used as stealth.
If you are the person that wants to be stealthy these are the shoes for you.

  • Can't be crafted, Can be shredded (gives 2 cloth)
  • Can only be obtained in Fort Destiny.



The Workboots:
-You can hear these boots from miles away, not the best choice for stealth.
-Is not good for running, You can't run fast with them.
-With the Workboots you get less falldamage.

  • Can't be crafted, Can be shredded (gives 2 cloth).
  • Can only be found in the map.


Running Shoes:

The Running Shoes:
-These shoes make some noise but not a lot, Not the best option for stealth.
-These shoes are the best for running of you don't have a car you will probably be good with these shoes.
-Falldamage wont be affected by these shoes.

  • Can't be crafted, Can be shredded (gives 2 composit fabric).
  • Can only be found in the map.

There are 4 different vehicles in this game.
We will adress them now!

1)The Quad
2)The Jeep
3)The Policecar
4)The Truck

These are the items needed to start a car:
1) You need keys to start a vehicle, the only vehicle that doesn't need keys to start is a quad.
Keys are not required because you can hotwire any vehicle.
Hotwiring takes 7 seconds.

2) The vehicle needs fuel, if the vehicle doesn't have fuel it wont start.
Fuel can be found in airdrops and at gas stations.

3) The vehicle needs a sparkplug to start.
Every vehicle has a sparkplug and it can be taken out.

4) The vehicle also needs a battery to start.
Every vehicle has a battery and it can be taken out.

5) Every vehicle has its own unique turbo charger.
The turbo charger is used to boost with the vehicle.


1: The Quad:

This vehicle is very fast but doesn't have a lot of cover.
It does well in the mountains and flat ground, it does take quite some damage if it falls over or falls from a hight.
But this would still be best to use if there are no other vehicles around you.

2: The Jeep:

This vehicle can climb mountains very easily (duh it's a jeep). It also provides a lot of cover but it is not as fast as the Policecar and the Quad on the flat ground.
But it is better in the mountains than the policecar!

3:The Policecar:

This vehicle is the fastest on the flat ground and has a lot of cover. But it is awful if you need to climb mountains with it.
So you better stay away from mountains with this one!

4:The Truck:

This vehicle is slow and doesn't provide a lot of cover but it's cover is still better then the quad his cover. It is alright in the mountains (better then the policecar).
And if you're in a city with a lot of fences and breakable objects, you won't take any damage from driving through them with this car!
This vehicle is also slower then the quad and the policecar on flat ground.
Types of healing items


1 bandage gives you 10 HP in over 10 seconds, it takes 3 seconds to apply.
Scrap cloths can be obtained from shredding clothes and backpacks and can't be found on the map. (Explained in the crafting section above).



1 Tactical First Aid Kit gives you 60 HP in over 1 minute, it takes 5 seconds to apply.
It can't be crafted, it can only be found in the map.


1 Procoagulant gives you 5 HP instantly when applied and stops all forms of bleeding, 1 bleeding symbol, 2 bleeding symbols and 3 bleeding symbols.
This item can't be found in the map.


Stages of bleeding
1 bleeding symbol: You lose 1 HP every 3 seconds. Use 1 Field Bandage to get rid of it.
2 Bleeding symbols: You lose 1 HP every 2 seconds. Use 2 Field Bandages to get rid of it.
3 Bleeding symbols: You lose 1 HP every 1 second. Use 3 Field Bandages to get rid of it.

Or you instead could use 1 Procoagulant or 1 Tactical First Aid Kit to get rid of all the effects
There are many ways to carry your loot in the game.
Here we will show you which items there are to carry your loot and how much space items take in.
Items take in different amounts of item space.

That is the amount it takes in, it's different for every item so watch out for that!

Without any Backpack, Belt Pouche, ... you will have a base of 100 item space.

We will first go over the items to carry such as:
Your Shirt/Hoodie:

Your Shirt/Hoodie can hold 50 item space. (Which would give you a total of 150).
You can find Shirts/Hoodies in the map, They cannot be crafted.

Your Pants:

Your Pants can hold 50 item space. (Which would give you a total of 200).
You can find pants in the map, They cannot be crafted.

The Satchel:

The Satchel can hold 300 item spece. (Which would give you a total of 500).
You cannot find The Satchel in the map, They can be crafted

The normal Backpack:

The normal Backpack can hold 1000 item space. (Which would give you a total of 1200).
You can find normal Backpacks in the map, They cannot be crafted.

The Military Backpack:

The Military Backpack can hold 2000 item space. (Which would give you a total of 2200).
You can find Military Backpacks on the map, They cannot be crafted.

There are many types of grenades at your disposal.
In this section we will be explaining which grenades do which and how to throw them.

There are 5 types of grenades:
1) The England is my city.
1) The Grenade.
2) The Molotov Cocktail.
3) The Gas Grenade.
4) The Flashbang.
5) The Smoke Grenade.

1) The Grenade is a throwable doing high damage in a big radius.
The grenade is able to be thrown the furthest.

The Grenade:

2) The Molotov Cocktail is a throwable when thrown it spreads fire doing heavy damage.
Can't be thrown far.

The Molotov Cocktail:

3) The Gas Grenade is a throwable when thrown spreads a huge cloud of toxic gas.
Doing much damage and blurring the screen a little bit.

The Gas Grenade:

The Flashbang is a throwable flashing the other player so he can't see for a couple of seconds.

The Flashbang:

The Smoke Grenade is a throwable making a huge smoke screen where you can't see through.
Perfect for hiding.

The Smoke Grenade:

Special thanks to my friends who helped make and test things that are in the guide.

Also we want to to thank you for reading this guide, We hope you enjoyed it and hopefully you learned something new.

Please leave some nice feedback in the comments and tell us if we missed something!
And if we could improve some things.

Also if you liked the guide and want to show us some love I will leave our trade links here if you want to donate something to us.


-Donations will be showcased in the donation section.
-The people who donated will also get a shoutout in the donation section.
-Donations will help us make better guides in the future.

This section shows all the donations from the awesome people who donated!

Thanks to TOMÍK for this donation:

Thanks to Stormi for this donation:

Thanks to IgcFPS for this donation:

Wall of donators.


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